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[QUOTE="brie l, post: 16773175, member: 29327

“I Alice spent so much effort on becoming a mother, she should take joy from her children, spend quality time with them and guide them on the way to becoming amazing adults. Yet she literally wastes her life away. Ive said before that I believe it was the process of IVF and her being centre of attention that fuelled Alice's quest for motherhood. I would be shitting myself over my financial situation if I was her, yet she doesn't do anything to fix it”.

Alice wanted children for the social kudos. And the IVF “journey“ would have appealed. ME, ME, ME ME.

I don’t think she ever really wanted to be a mother. Too much effort involved. And the children took Ioan’s attention away from HER. It’s so obvious from posts such as “get a room” that she is jealous as hell when Ioan focuses on his daughter not her.

She acts like a demanding toddler most of the time, desperate to be the centre of attention.

I believe she wanted children to “hook” him forever! Knowing what a decent & honourable person Ioan is, she believed he’d never leave her for the sake of the children. I think he stayed for as long as he did because of them. That’s why it’s so sad how she’s alienated them now 😢. 🐮
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Not to diminish losing a parent or fertility issues,
Her fertility issues were overcome thanks to IG spending $100k on IVF. Losing a parent in your 30s is a very common experience. It happened to me but poor orphan Alice makes a meal of it.

In fact, her situation now isn't even 'adverse' - she just decided to make it so for the likes on Insta and because she's a fucking drama queen. She could have co-parented and had a collaborative divorce with a nice payoff. But how would she get in the DM or on Lorraine if she did that??

ETA Bianca has faced real adversity with the abusive husband and the MS diagnosis. mAlice just causes adversity. Get ta fuck with the self-pitying drivel.
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View attachment 2453053

Yeah well I bet Bianca won't be doing embarrassing things like this on the red carpet with Ioan:

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All I can say is that Ioan looks a million times better now that he is with Bianca. How he managed all those years with this overbearing talentless, loud mouthed Abuser I just can’t imagine, poor man.
The slur was aimed at Alun I'm assuming, the jealousy must be suffocating to come out with something so insidious.
I’ll say it again, sick bitch😡
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So let me get this straight.

Ioan was granted a DVRO. Alice repeatedly violated the DVRO, and as per its terms, the police were finally notified for a breach.


View attachment 2457623

However, it's fine for Alice to threaten to call the police when she doesn't get her own way, is it?

What a narcissistic hypocrite Alice is.

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Re the last screenshot, this one creases me up 🤣. It’s so textbook. She never actually followed through on her threat, she never called the police for an escort, she just ranted at him ad nauseum pissed as a fart, thinking escalating would con him into responding and getting drawn into her stupid web of bollocks as it probably did in the past. Nah fam, he’s gone. He ran. She’s got hardcore limerance going on in those texts. “Let me invent constant dramas he has to come fix to give me access to my baby angel/victim”. Ioan is nailing grey rock - the pathetic desperation of narc injury.
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You know, I get it, not being crazy about Bianca as far as Alice goes. She knows she treated him badly, but he took it. I think for his kids. She got lonley while away, drinking, talking to people on line and got addicted to both. I dont believe he cheated married, but had checked out. Nobody owns anybody and she made mistake of thinking he would take her abuse and stay. For her kids she should accept it. Alot of fathers dont care. Their father loves them or he would have given up and moved elsewhere. I was a child who lived through visitation once a dang year for 2 weeks. Hell to pay when you came back if you had a good time. So, I could never say, and I didnt. Step mom even made me a blue jean skirt like hers. I never told mom, but skirt disappeared. I've said before, till this day, I can't say her name without mom screaming. Her rival has been dead for many years. Died young of cancer. My mom is a narc. You can't change some people. So sad for kids she can't let them love anyone but her. Clipping their wings they need in life to fly and have a beautiful life.
I think a lot about how many, many kids aren’t lucky enough to have two parents that love them. Some have parents that don’t care, abandon them, are incapable of looking after them, or have lost a parent/both parents young. To have two parents that love and are invested in you is such a beautiful privilege not everyone has (not talking shit about solo parents at all with this, there are loads of parents doing a cracking job without a coparent and of course kids borne to solo by choice parents who have wonderful lives).

and Alice is choosing to deny her children their father, out of sheer bitterness, spite and malice. If I can’t have him, nobody can. Cos she has always loved herself more than she loves her children. Your love for your kid should be stronger than your hatred of their other parent. Even worse, the one parent they’re left with is insufficient. Alice is gleefully attempting to destroy their futures and emotional well-being and mental health.
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I haven't been on for quite a few threads. Quite frankly I'm bored of Alice. Same old bullshit, different day/sock. I can't wait until Ioan has full custody.
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1. Alice claims to be on the breadline though. So if she is truthful she cannot afford Gloria
2. No one, except of the very rich, has a nanny if they dont work, bar occasionally for a night out or something. "child care" is a expense interchanged with work. Granted, it IS very common in LA because so many are rich that you have nannies that essentially take over the parenting, but again 1. applies and tbh even while married to Ioan it was a pretty silly expense for most of the part

there are 3 grandparents and one step grandma - if only you wouldnt have estranged all of them

Starts following Hugh Jackman on insta 🤣
fun fact: Bianca started following him a few days ago

clearly she manifested another Hollywood break up /s
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Well done for managing to keep quiet for 40+ threads, that’s some wierd strength you have there! Welcome to Malice in Wonderland 😊😊
haha thank you! Tbh I didn’t really have any original ideas of my own, you all have had it covered (I mean, how many different ways can you say Alice is psychotic?! It wasn’t really necessary for me to chime in 😂). But her new shit, “we’ve all been going through terrible things which I cannot speak of…YET” just tipped me over the edge combined with watching Bianca’s totally sweet and benign instagram posts. HOW is no one in her life stopping her from posting that newest instagram video where she’s basically just slurring and laughing maniacally, her desire is clearly to come off as authentic and true to herself and yet it has the exact opposite effect. She’s blatantly freaking the fuck out at whatever’s to come…
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Abusers gonna abuse. Tattle is IG's 'fault' apparently..

View attachment 2450356
Don’t think it was Ioan that has caused 213 threads on the subject of his leaving the Abuser. It is mostly ball down to the Abuser herself. Well done Abuser 👏👏👏👏 good job. You do know that these threads are your legacy for posterit. No one will ever remember you as an actress, even as terrible as you were. You’ll only be remembered for your behaviour in trying to destroy your ex husband and your children. You will be remembered for the absolutely horrible and nasty person that you really are. Your lies, exposed here from all the court documents will follow you to your grave. It’s hardly a legacy to be proud of is it.
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Bianca was in Düsseldorf once? What an honour!
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what a big bag of nothing
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so why are you not asking for a court order?

ahem, so when Alice's minions shout "ALICE HAS MOVED ON" it means they are Alice? Gotcha
View attachment 2457825
She is just so pathetic. Tick tock Abuser, the shopping trolley full of decapitated dolls heads and other tat your belongings and life on the streets among the homeless of LA is waiting for you. You have brought this all on yourself you stupid cunt, you had the love of a kind and loving man, good looking as well, a devoted and hands on Daddy to your daughters. A man who paid for a nanny and housekeeper that enabled you to sit on your arse all day.

You threw your life away because you abused and belittled your husband so badly he could no longer bear being near you. Didn’t he say he’d rather be dead than live with you? Well he left you, divorced you, not his daughters.

Your ex husband has a new life, one with a beautiful, loving, and supportive partner. He is living and loving, while you are slowly killing yourself with your toxic behaviour. You brought this all upon yourself stupid, no one else is to blame but you.
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This is my totally unknown ex-cat:

View attachment 2454338

He always preferred the farm so, when their last cat died, he moved in to them next door 😂. I get sent photos like this from time to time, usually of him sleeping on their sofa or bed! Sadly, his sister who stayed with me hasn't come home for over a week now, just when I was going to take her to the vet for a bad ear and off-colour so I'm not hopeful 😭.
She still can't close doors.

She's starting her Cameos again. Doubt that will pay the rent, given how unprofessional she was before and how few people know who she is apart from being "Mr Fantastic's alcoholic ex-wife" who starts shit (not siht) with everyone.
I swear guys she is trolling us. All that red that we have commented on before. and you can see she’s wearing that God damn black top on again underneath the cardigan. Does she seriously have nothing else to wear? It must stink. Anyway…. The overpainted lips. That vile kiss at the end that I physically retch at. All the open cabinet doors that we have mentioned before. She thinks she’s being smart because she’s the smartest person in the room 🤣. Mkay Alice. You do you babes 😘

I am on a shedload of painkillers at the moment which knock me out completely. I am exhausted but can’t sleep cos I think I slept too much today because of the meds. You know what I mean, right Alice? Might explain why you seem to sleep for a period and then wake up in the middle of the night to spew more toxic shite on Twitter before passing out again after another 3 sharp ones, eh?

Almost 3am here. Going to try and sleep now! Night lovely Turds. Not you Alice. You’re a cunt.

I’m blaming the meds for this rant btw. I’m not normally this shouty 😂
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I don’t know how she faces each day, knowing it’s going to be just like the one before and the one after will be just the same.

What a waste of a life.
I believe she thrives off conflict and drama, and doesn't know any other way.

Source: was raised in a household like this, and thought this was normal until my mid-20s.
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The Cameos are mostly about her anyway.

Her holding back the tears in the Cameo suggests that she really does see herself as a victim in all this. 3 years later.

I mean, who knew that being an abusive wife might have consequences?? Nobody told Alice!! (Well Baby Angel did over and over and she mocked him for it).

I think those girls are subjected to her endlessly bemoaning the 'cruelty' that I and B have done to her. Every happy pic that B posts causes another outbreak of tears chez Evans, and maybe some shaking and puking too. No wonder they are in 'hell' having to navigate all that fucking drama.
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Also her:

So she tweets about the interview clearly wanting to start a conversation about it but she changes her mind as soon as someone else disagrees with her. If you don't want to keep talking about it, why even tweet about it in the first place? Make it make sense.😂
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I sometimes read the court docs to remind myself how much a of a cunt Alice is and this stood out. I’m assuming Judge Josh would have read the DVRO declaration.



Alice’s family:


Ioan’s family (sound on again):

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It still amazes me that her malignant narcissism is so open for the world to see, if you dig deep enough to look. The compulsive lying, and making up fake narratives is classic behaviour. The vile sock doesn’t even care to cover that they are direct messaging Alices brother, and together they are in a major online hate campaign. Alice Evans is entirely driven by her ego and will defend it at any cost.
I can't see her ever in another long term relationship, the vileness seeps through. Whatever pulling power she had 20-30 years ago is gone. She's going to be on her own now for good and that must be scary. 55 years old, no money, no support, a DVRO and a pile of broken relationships. I've never seen as much self-sabotage as Alice and I don't see there's any coming back from it, short of a personality transplant and a lot of apologising.
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