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I found it interesting in the court transcript that Alice was so keen for Ella to have minor’s counsel and/or a guardian ad litem. It really shows that she has no idea of the diffeenice between the two and that she thinks they’ll take Ella’s wishes at face value, mistaking them for her best interests.

Alice, smartest in the room again. Wonder if she’s figured it out yet. 😂
The mere fact that Alice thinks her best interests are the same as children’s is a huge red flag. Ioan is not abusive in anyway shape or form to those kids. He’s a guy who left an abusive marriage and has his ex weaponising the kids against him. Custody should be at minimum 50/50, although I see her losing all custody. She is clearly abusing them, drinking all day, making them file law suits she doesn’t understand ergo they don’t understand. Imagine taking any legal advice from Lupine or Sian for example. FFS! She should be locked up for that alone.
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Lest we forget - Alice was so very close to her poor step-sister, that when she got married, she didn't want her Father appearing at her wedding because he would not attend without his wife. No mention whatsoever of her beloved step-sister attending or being a bridesmaid.

Do we have any knowledge of Alice appearing at her Father's wedding or her seeing her Father other than at the step-sister's funeral when she was pregnant and she got mad because the Step-mother supposedly gave her dirty looks because she was trying to sit on Daddy's lap sitting on the arm of her Father's chair?

I mean she must have met her at some point...

The things she posted after the poor child died remain unforgivable in my eyes.
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This is all sequential in the full summary, I promise. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Here's what got cut off between parts 2 and 3, so I'm calling it part 2.5. Doing this on my phone, so sorry!

~Noon Recess~

The case was recalled at 1:45 p.m. and the parties restated their appearances to the court. The judge discussed the A.F. v. Jeffrey F. case briefly with Anne Kiley and then took a short recess to look at an issue.

The case was recalled after the recess.

The Judge stated that, although he has no authority to appoint minor’s counsel in a domestic violence proceeding, he does have the authority to appoint minor’s counsel in the family law proceeding. Therefore, he stated that he was inclined to grant Ella’s request for a continuance, appoint minor’s counsel in the custody and visitation proceeding, and have the civil harassment and domestic violence cases heard at a later date.

Anne Kiley asks to be heard, and the Judge agreed. She stated that Ioan and Bianca have the right to a continuance, but that legally, Ella does not unless there is a showing of good cause. She brought the action. She didn’t hire a lawyer. She showed up in court. Ioan and Bianca had to prepare, incur all of the expenses and all of the medical and emotional cost. And just to say, ‘you know what? I think I want more time to get a lawyer,’ was not good cause and doesn’t meet the definition of what is needed for the court to continue the matter.

The Judge states that Anne Kiley’s point is a good one, but the flipside is that he is concerned about whether this action is really coming from a 13-year-old child and whether she is being influenced. But he would “rather get it right than do it quick.” The Judge states that Ella is alone in the courtroom to go up against the other side because, “Mother was clearly upset. Mother has now either left the room or left the building.”

Anne Kiley responds that she shares the court’s concern about what is influencing Ella and that she would stipulate in the family law case to the appointment of minor’s counsel, and that there is money in an account to pay the minor’s counsel. Anne also states that there is a difference between the DVRO Ella is seeking against Ioan and the CHRO that Ella is seeking against Bianca, so that while it makes sense to try the cases together, they would not object to hearing the action on the CHRO that day and continue the DVRO to another day.

The Judge agreed and stated that there was an argument that the two matters are separable because the impact on the custody proceeding would be very different if Ella prevailed on the CHRO request rather than the DVRO request against her father. The Judge then explained this to Ella in non-legalese and asked Ella if she would be okay with delaying the request for the DVRO against Ioan and only hear the request for the CHRO against Bianca that day. Ella stated that she was okay with that. The Judge also told Ella he was going to appoint a lawyer for her in the custody proceeding.

Therefore, the Judge began the hearing on the Civil Harassment Restraining Order against Bianca. Ioan was excused from the courtroom and the Judge stated that there were two other witnesses who had also been excused, and could be called back to testify if necessary.

The Judge excused himself briefly to get his water bottle and the court clerk swore in both Ella and Bianca. “Do you and each of you solemnly state that the testimony you’re about the give in the cause now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

Bianca: “Yes.”
Ella: “Yes.”

The clerk informed Ella that she should speak louder so the Judge and court reporter could hear her.

The Judge returned to the courtroom. The Judge stated that he was going to walk Ella through some procedures and explain some things to her because she is 13 years old. The Judge told Ella that, in a civil harassment restraining order proceeding, she has the burden of proof, meaning that it is Ella’s obligation to show the Judge that what Bianca did qualifies as civil harassment. The Judge then explained to Ella what civil harassment is and what he was looking for. He stated that civil harassment was unlawful violence, such as assault or battery or stalking, that isn’t lawful self-defense; or, threats of violence. These are knowing courses of conduct that would place a normal person in fear for their immediate safety. Another example of civil harassment is a course of conduct—a pattern of behavior that evidences a continuity of purpose that could cause a reasonable person to have substantial emotional distress. He said, “civil harassment isn’t when someone isn’t nice to you. Civil harassment isn’t when somebody maybe insults you. Civil harassment is violence, threats of violence, or conduct that’s really designed to get inside your head and upset you and disturb your mental peace.” Ella acknowledged that she understood.
The Judge also explained what “having the burden of proof” meant; that it is Ella’s job to establish that Bianca engaged in civil harassment toward her. Bianca doesn’t have to prove she didn’t do anything—Ella has to prove that Bianca did. Ella acknowledged that she understood. The Judge then explained that Ella had to prove her case by the legal standard of “clear and convincing evidence.” To explain this, the Judge indicated his water bottle. He said that if he drank half the bottle, it would be 50/50, and that is not clear and convincing evidence. Clear and convincing evidence would be if the water bottle were 75% full—a very high probability that the civil harassment occurred. Ella acknowledged that she understood. The Judge then told Ella that he could not help her, that he had to be fair and impartial. Ella responded “yes.”

Gregory Jessner, Bianca’s attorney, stated that he would be willing to stipulate that all of the declarations would be the only evidence in the case, so that would both shorten the proceeding and keep him from cross-examining Ella. (In other words, what was filed in court would be the only evidence that the Judge would consider.) The Judge explained this to Ella and asked if she was okay with that, or if Ella wanted to tell him other things—not entirely different and new things, because that would be unfair and catching the other side by surprise—but details that might be missing from her filing.

Ella: “Not that I know of, but like, will I still be allowed to, like, show evidence and my, like, witnesses or something?”

The Judge asked Ella what her witnesses would tell him, to give him an example, because the very best people to help him understand what happened on that day were the people that were there. Ella said she was on the phone with a friend on that day and the Judge said he knew that, and that there was a neighbor that heard things in the stairwell, and there was a doctor that was there as well. The Judge said that the friend that was on the phone with Ella would not be able to tell him a lot more than Ella herself could tell him. Ella acknowledged this. Bianca’s attorney stated that the friend on the phone was not one of the witnesses that Ella mentioned earlier. The Judge asked who that witness was. Ella stated that it was Gloria, her nanny. The Judge said, “And what would Gloria tell me? Gloria was the one that you called, who then called your friend’s dad, who came and picked you up, and your Dad followed that dad and took you back to your Mom’s?”

Ella: “Yeah.”

Judge: “Right?”

Ella: “I’m sorry. She’s not really much of a witness, then.”

The Judge stated that he didn’t need to call the nanny as a witness because the nanny could only repeat what Ella had told her, and this doesn’t tell the Judge that what Bianca did was, or was not, civil harassment. The Judge then asked who else Ella was thinking of calling as a witness. Ella said, “No one else, really.”

The Judge asked Ella if there was anything else that she wanted him to know. Ella stated that she had video evidence. The Judge asked what the video evidence was. Ella stated that while she was on the phone with her friend, the friend filmed the interaction. The call was on Discord. The Judge asked whether the friend filmed with Ella’s consent. Ella responded that she did give her consent, but that she forgot later that she was filming, and apologized to the judge. The Judge asked Ella if she had shown Bianca’s attorneys the video, since fairness requires everyone to know what evidence is presented to the Judge. Ella stated that she had not, but that the video was quite long and she could show clips of it. The Judge asked Bianca’s attorney for his thoughts and Gregory Jessner replied that the video was not disclosed until that day and that neither Bianca nor Ioan consented to be filmed. Ella then stated that she was okay with not showing the video.
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So the mother of the century abandoned her daughter alone in the courtroom because things weren’t going the way she wanted.
Alice is the ultimate coward. All mouth and no trousers. She ran away like a little girl and left Ella to deal with it. Cunt.
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I don't blame Ella. She is a kid trying to survive a situation she doesn't understand, with a mother constantly dripping poison in her ear, isolating her from everyone. Her actions in court shows how that evil woman has manipulated her. She has been parentified and made to believe that she has to protect her mother.
There is hope for her because the moment Alice is out of the courtroom she conceded that there was no assault. She grasped at the lifeline the judge offered her. I hope Ioan gets full custody and both the girls can recover from that evil woman. Ella will be in school in the next few weeks, therapy is hopefully going well. Both girls deserve to enjoy what's left of their childhood. Alice can go drown in a bottle of the cheapest vodka.
I noticed that too. Ella listened to the judge and in many occasions seemed to agree with him. Saying ‘I don’t know myself’ when the cunt was out of the room is also huge proof that she was made to file.
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Okay, I'm still summarizing this thing but here is part 1. At the end there will be a link to the entire summary for the Wiki, so if you'd rather wait for that, it's on its way.


Court Transcript Summary

In re The Matter of: Ella B. Evans v. Ioan Gruffudd (Case No. 23SMRO00218) and Ella B. Evans v. Bianca Wallace (Case No. 23STRO03504)

June 23, 2023 – Los Angeles County Superior Court

Hon. Josh Freeman Stinn, Superior Court Judge


Ella B. Evans (“Ella”), Petitioner, representing herself

Ioan Gruffudd (“Ioan”), Respondent, represented by Anne Kiley (also present)

Bianca Wallace (“Bianca”), Respondent, represented by Gregory Jessner and Kyle McGuire (also present)

Also Present:

Alice Evans (“Alice”), representing herself

The hearing begins. The Judge greets Ella and introduces himself to her. The Judge asks Alice if she is Ella’s mother and she responds that she is. Anne Kiley introduces herself as Ioan’s attorney and states that Alice is a party in the dissolution case, not the Domestic Violence Restraining Order (“DVRO”) or Civil Harassment Restraining Order (“CHRO”) request. Anne Kiley states that Alice is not only a party but a potential witness. The Judge notes that Alice may be there as “a support person” for Ella. Gregory Jessner introduces himself and Kyle McGuire as Bianca’s attorneys, and states that the CHRO proceeding is related to the DVRO proceeding against Ioan by Ella. The judge acknowledges this and states that he is going to use the court time before lunch to get everyone “calibrated” and that the main issues probably won’t come up until after lunchtime.

The Judge states that there is an upcoming contested evidentiary hearing on custody on July 13 and July 20, that there is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against Alice, and that there is Family Code 3044 “lurking in the background.”

(Note: Family Code 3044 is a California law that states that if a party seeking custody of a child has perpetrated domestic violence against the other party seeking custody of the child or against the child or the child’s siblings within the previous 5 years, there is a rebuttable presumption that an award of sole or joint physical or legal custody of a child to a person who has perpetrated domestic violence is detrimental to the best interest of the child.)

The Judge states that he has read through the DVRO request Ella filed against Ioan and the CHRO request that Ella filed against Bianca, and the responses and supportive declarations. He also read Ioan’s response to the DVRO request that morning. The Judge states that his concern is, though Ella has a prerogative and a right to try to bring a domestic violence and civil harassment restraining order case, but that she is 13 years old, and because there is a custody hearing coming up, he wants to make sure that Ella has someone neutral advocating for her. His inclination was to appoint minor’s counsel for Ella and continue the CHRO and DVRO hearings since they all arise out of the same alleged facts that occurred on May 23, 2023. However, he understands that everyone wants to go forward that day.

Alice interrupts the Judge and says “No, not me. I would love for her to have her, your Honor.”

Judge: “Huh?”

Alice: “I would love – she wants a minor’s counsel.”

Judge: “So with – with so much respect, because today you don’t have standing. Okay? You’re not a guardian ad litem—”

Alice: “Yeah. Okay.”

Judge: “And you’re not a party in either of the actions before me.”

Alice: “Oh.”

Judge: “So I really—I can’t hear from you—”

Alice: “Sure.”

Judge: “—in that capacity. Okay?”

Alice: “Sure.”

The Judge addresses the audience and asks if Ella, Ioan, and Bianca want to go forward. Bianca’s attorney agrees. Ioan’s attorney brings up the Family Code as well as a case decided in April of 2023 (A.F. v. Jeffrey F.) which held that the court cannot appoint minor’s counsel in an action seeking relief under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act. The judge states that he hasn’t read that case, but will read it closely over lunch, and that the cases here are so intertwined that it’s difficult to separate them with regard to appointing a minor’s counsel. The judge acknowledges that the court cannot appoint a minor’s counsel in a CHRO proceeding but wants to make sure someone is advocating for Ella.

Anne Kiley states that Ella had every opportunity to have someone represent her; that Ella and her mother prepared the papers with someone’s help; and that Ella brought the request for the restraining order and appeared to seek the restraining order. She could have hired an attorney and she hasn’t.

Alice interrupts the court.

Alice: “Her wants to—sorry. Can you please—”

Judge: “Yes, ma’am?”

Ella: “I’m confused. Like, I don’t know what’s going on.”

The Judge explains to Ella that in a family law case, the court has the authority to appoint minor’s counsel, whereas in a domestic violence proceeding, the court doesn’t have the authority to appoint minor’s counsel. So, the Judge explained that he was trying to see if there was an argument to distinguish Ella’s case from others and appoint minor’s counsel for her. He said, “My instinct is that we go forward after lunch and we don’t have minor’s counsel. And I assume you’re fine with that, because I haven’t heard you ask for an attorney, I haven’t heard you—you certainly didn’t prepare any of your documents and—you know, you’re representing yourself; correct?”

Ella: “I don’t really know. I thought—like I hoped to get one.”

Judge: “Well, I don’t have the authority to appoint one. If you wanted to go out on your own and hire one, I think you have the prerogative to do that.

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “But you didn’t do that. And so, I suppose if you wanted to do that, you could.”

Ella: “Okay.”

Judge: “That’s up to you.”

Ella: “Could I—”

Gregory Jessner states that he would oppose a continuance of the matter. The Judge inquires further of Ella.

Judge: “Ella, do you feel like you want to go forward today if you didn’t have a lawyer? Do you know what you want to do?”

Ella: “No. I don’t want to push it if I don’t have—”

Judge: “Okay. You understand that the court doesn’t have the authority to—I don’t believe, have—to appoint one for you. And so, that would mean that if I were to entertain a continuance, you would have to go out and get your own lawyer. Do you understand that?

Ella nods affirmatively.

Poor Ella, totally stitched up by her cunt of a “mother”
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Now that the bifurcation has occurred and therapy has been ordered, Ioan has hired a different attorney and is retaining Anne Kiley for the limited purposes of custody and visitation issues.

Substitution of Attorney:

Notice of Limited Scope Representation:
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The Judge states that Ella is alone in the courtroom to go up against the other side because, “Mother was clearly upset. Mother has now either left the room or left the building.”
I know people have mentioned this in posts I haven't gotten to yet, but wtf? Alice bailed on Ella and left her alone to twist in the wind, kind judge notwithstanding? Reprehensible.
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I wonder if there was some sort of confrontation between mAlice and Ella during the lunch break and that mAlice stormed off leaving Ella in court alone? It is clear that Ella had not read I&B's statements before the hearing - so may have only found out in the courtroom that mAlice had asked for the sleepover and that it wasn't "Court ordered" as Ella wrote in her statement and that her mum had lied to her.

mAlice's behaviour in the Courtroom must be raising many red flags to the Judge because of her total lack of control- I wonder if mAlice will be ordered to undergo a psych evaluation? Or alcohol and drug testing?
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Alice: “Oh my God.”

Judge: “I know. Good luck, everybody.”

Alice: “Thank you.”

Judge: “Stay safe, stay calm.”

Alice: “Okay.”

Judge: “Be good.”

Alice: “Thank you. Bye-bye.”

Judge: Thank you.

~Court proceedings concluded at 3:28 p.m.~


Thank you ladies for doing this. God she’s a vile bitch. Imagine having her for a mother, poor Ella. Reading this it’s so clear that she’s still just a child who has no control over what’s happening to her.
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A really eye opening, sad and disturbing read.

This should’ve been an easy forum for Alice to show her best side. No pressure on her directly, she was there as support only and could’ve shined if anything in a moment of maternal glory. Protecting her sweet ‘baby’, there for her, the loving advocate. She really didn’t have to do much at all to get away with that.

The fact she was so unable to behave appropriately in such a setting should have set alarm bells ringing for all present as to what her behaviour is like in general. God knows what she was like when they returned home later that day. Poor Ella, what a dreadful experience.

I truly don’t think those girls are safe in her care anymore, which is bold to say but I imagine I’m not alone in that thinking. I only hope that, as the screw turns on her, she will swiftly show her behaviour more openly to professionals and so bring this awful situation to a close.
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I read the bit that got left out (2.5) and I’m just sad for her. It looks like B and I were still trying to show kindness in. It having E cross-examined. They could have torn her story to shreds but chose not to and that’s admirable. They didn’t need to tear her apart to get to the heart of the matter.

Also, I don’t think the judge went easy on A. His job isn’t to take sides or to be too harsh. Especially when he has to keep working with them. He should be fair and unbiased and that’s what he was. He shut down the interruptions without being rude because what would that have accomplished? I also suspect he didn’t want to be unkind to anyone in front of E. I honestly think he did a good job.
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Gloria will be perjuring herself about the missing money. AE got her excuses in early. She will say she gave Gloria it all in cash so no audit trail.

View attachment 2351407
Elsie and Ella should NEVER have been part of a discussion about Gloria being fired or losing her or paying her. Those are conversations for adults, and it enfuriates me that Alice would expose them to that. If Gloria is the only "relative" Elsie has, who's fault is that? 😡
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The FM’s tried emailing his boss. He’s self employed so he got all the emails.
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The story so far..
Ioan Gruffudd the notorious coke snorting
playboy from the valleys recently left his wife and took up with a younger woman. His kids are throwing massive tantrums but his door will probably remain open to them. Meantime his ex wife lost her marbles and is currently having a nervous breakdown at the idea of doing an honest days work. The end.
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The judge telling Alice to basically sit the fuck down and shut up. And yet she persists on shaming Ioan on Twitter like this was never going to be made public.
Has the dog-cunt started up about this yet?
I love Alice thinking she could out-argue the judge (especially in a case she’s not a party to)!

That Contenious Cardigan she wore to court really made her believe she was invincible.
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How wonderful when IG and Bee have a child, that he gets to help name.They proudly embrace his heritage, and spends summers in Wales
with family, and love, look up to and respect their Daddy. Can't wait for the new little Gruffudd to be on the red carpets...
clean, well dressed, manners, respectful.
At this point, I don't have a lot of hope for Big E, maybe Elsie. Sad that it is like this. My Daddy was my BF and I am so so glad I had him in my corner. These girls are going to regret the hell out of this some day.
If, not when. It's important to never assume that everybody wants or can have children.
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