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I finally got around to put together the pdf of all the suspected (I am unsure about some of the earlier ones) Alice socks (as of 20 minutes ago). It's "only" 170 pages, because I this time mostly took scrolling screenshots (where I felt a context was helpful I added screenshots with the context), you will need to zoom in for those quite a bit (I personally recommend to download it rather than use the online reader) but they are perfectly readable once you have done that. The document is also OCR-ed (as far as it was possible) to search through it

The socks are grouped by chronological order of first appearance, due to the nature of scrolling screenshots the tweets are not entirely in the right order, but this isnt a problem in my opinion

Since it's been a year I also plan to update the pdf with Alice's SM posts one of these days. At some point in the future I may update the above file too, but probably not before they actually stop.
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Very sad day at the Snyders household, our beautiful cat died. My son is absolutely devastated, they were the best of friends.
The fact that I have you Tattlers to keep me busy and to put a smile on my face means the world to me and I am very grateful.
Sorry I didn't know how to put it behind a spoiler, Alice is still a butt hole.
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Mocking MS again in that second comment.

I'm an MSer and a similar age to BW.

So many of us don't talk about this illness. We're scared of others' ignorance and callous comments like mAlice's "she'll be in a wheelchair soon. Look at Selma".

BW is helping people like me by being public about the curve balls this disease throws at us, all while keeping it positive (and looking 🔥 at the same time!).

The way that sad sack mocks BW for her honesty and advocacy is just so pathetic.
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Mad Betty

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Bloody hell, she and Texas are going hard with their socks.

Two grown ass woman in their 50's/60's bullying people, making shit up, and acting like absolute tits.

"Like omigod, Bianca and her chin!"

"Like omigod, she's so skinny!"

Both built like Buicks and they dare to go after the pretty thin woman with a clearly defined jawline. Something I'm quite sure they resent. Because you know... gravity.

Fuck off to planet tit-a-lot, you absolute clowns.

Grow the hell up.

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Arctic Ocean

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About this book ... aside from everything else, how is it going to come to fruition in the first place? Ghostwriter? An experienced ghostwriter will charge from $40.000 upwards for a book project, so unless Alice hires someone without credentials, she won’t be able to afford this.
If she plans on writing the book herself, she will be in for a surprise. Writing a book – let alone a good one – is not only difficult, but it requires discipline and structure. A lot of it. It might be a bit of a stretch to expect this from someone who doesn’t even manage to remember what she tweeted two hours ago.

For the sake of argument, let’s imagine for a moment that she actually does find a publisher. The thought of the conversations between her and whoever is assigned to edit her œuvre makes me want to start a GoFundMe for the poor bastard's therapy sessions. 🙈

E: Alice, I think we might want to remove this passage claiming that Bianca has been planning to kill your kids since before she met Ioan. Not only is it actionable, but it makes you sound a bit ... well, irrational.

Silence. Alice straightens her spine and, in slow motion, rises to her feet and takes a deep, shaky breath.

A: What did you just say to me?

E: I meant no offence, I ...

A: Let me tell you something, Mister I-became-an-editor-because-I-failed-as-a-writer. This book is about ME! About MY TRUTH! I was gagged, you hear me, GAGGED for three years, and now the world will finally hear MY TRUTH, because it’s THE truth! Are you listening, fucko?

The editor swallows. Sweat starts trickling down his spine.

E: Y-yes.

A: So WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION ME? Do you know who I am? I’m a woman who had a stellar acting career when I chose – CHOSE! – to give it all up for my cheating pussy of a husband and my kids, who love me more than life itself! I’m bedbound 80% of the time, and I still raised 2 kids, looked after the house, cared for my terminally ill brother and my terminally ill nanny, homeschooled my children and managed my husband’s career! Where would he be without me, that fucking loser? And YOU LITTLE SHIT have the nerve to question me?

E: I just thought ...

Alice breaks into angry tears and wipes her face with her scarf, smudging her vermilion lipstick in the process. Mimicking the editor’s tone, she slams her fist on the table.

A: You just thought, you just thought! Well, think again, you ... you typist! You’re supposed to–

She stops dead mid-sentence. Her eyes narrow as she stares down at the editor, whose lips are now visibly trembling. The room temperature seems to drop by several degrees when Alice places her hands on the table and lowers her voice to a hollow whisper.

A: She sent you, didn’t she?

The editor looks up in confusion.

E: Who? What are you talking about?

A sudden shriek pierces the fraught silence. The editor stares on in horror as Alice begins to scream in a high-pitched voice that reminds him of fingernails on a chalkboard.

A: She sent you! BIANCA SENT YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! You’re here to take my beautiful BABEEEEZ from me, to bring them to her! And Ioan is in on it, isn’t he? HE WANTS THEM DEAD TOO! And then THEY’LL COME FOR ME! That’s the plan! BABEEEEZ! MY BABEEEEZ! Come and stand up for Mummy! HELP ME!

E: Alice, please calm down! You’re making no sense! I’ll call 911, and we’ll get you all the help you need, okay?

Alice knocks the phone from his hand and clutches her scarf as she storms to the door, her golden ankle boots gleaming in the pale overhead lights like rays of sunshine.


The echo of her howls grows ever fainter until nothing remains but the reverberation of a tortured sob the editor thinks sounds a bit like the word “Lupine”. With shaking hands, he gathers his notes and makes his way to his boss’s office.

Which is when he remembers that he has promised his daughter to watch 102 Dalmatians with her tonight.

And he starts screaming.
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Well Tattlers, I have some personal news. No I am not having another mimsy, yet. I got my phone back!
It fell out of my bag in the taxi on Friday night. The driver had found it looking for someone else’s phone and took it home to charge. He’d tried calling a few times not realising I couldn’t answer the phone he had in his hand 😂
Glaswegian people are good!!
He remembered me and my story of how I’m marrying my child hood sweetheart, and all my Mimsy’s. He said one of them had to drag me out of his taxi into the club 😜 I traced it using findmyiphone straight to his home. All the neighbours were out watching me being reunited with the brand new iPhone max pro.
Sorry for the absolute derail but I thought you’d like to know I’m back in business. Now for that wedding I never mention…
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I don't like to judge other people's parenting. I've known parents in the past that loved their kids to death, doing loads of activities and their kids had shabby clothes and runny noses. Always looked scruffy. Fair enough, their parents weren't into looks.

Alice is all about preening herself but she has never took a pride in them girls. Theyve always been pictured with lank dirty hair and actually wearing her old T-shirts. That Snowdogs premier where Ella is wearing an Asda summer dress and dirty black knee boots, both girls have unwashed hair. Ella looks tired out, bless her.

When i see Elsie, I just want to cut 10cm off her poor broken hair. Her scalp is actually very thin at the front, I dont think she's getting all her vitamins.

I have a child with chronic health issues. We stuff him with steaks and fruit and vitamins. And even though he's a boy I still do self care evenings with him - face packs and foot treatments etc. He may always have health challenges so i teach him to take time out for self care. He thinks im a bit bananas but he knows im coming from a good place lol.

I just cant understand it - i love helping my son look and feel good, smell nice and get on in the world. I love taking him for haircuts and new clothes. Those girls do not look cared for and frankly, they never have. Thats why Ive voiced doubts about Ioan in the past (but ive stopped that now). Kids need a mum to do the self care things mostly - Alice seems not to have done any of that ☹

Sorry for the essay, I'm having a sad time with my one right now. I wish he was doing better and despite all my care and doctors and stuff, he's struggling.
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She's acting like the moment he split up with her, he started ranting about her on Twitter and talking to the press. Except wait, that was her..

He literally hasn't said a thing to the media. If his idea of a smearing campaign is to make court filings then he's really not on top of his game. Court filings he only had to make because she wouldn't stop abusing him publicly and privately and all his friends and family and colleagues. If she'd just kept her head down, not only would the divorce be long over, she'd have much more money and the majority of people would view her favourably, feel sorry for her etc because none of the court filings would have been necessary and I think Ioan would have just been happy to leave it at that.

This entire performance to entertain the maybe 4 people who actually believe she's a victim, she needs to take a long hard look at herself and quit trying to get revenge for slights that only exist in her head.

Oh and he simultaneously hates the kids and neither of them want them but they also want custody of them and to be their new mommy? Give me a fucking break. I'm getting whiplash from how wildly the story jolts back and forth.
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Here is a screenshot of the court docket. "Lack of prosecution" is legalese for not moving forward with a court action. My opinion is that the minor's counsel dropped the TRO request since it was not in the best interest of the child (and, in my opinion, the TRO request by Ella was the result of PA so the minor's counsel would not let it happen).
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
The Gill that Al is talking about sucking his nob is his mother. Cause Al is gross and disgusting.
Any woman that overtly sexualizes her husband's relationship with his mother is the one to watch. No healthy person makes comments like that. And I recall the "get a room" comment when he was holding his daughter.

And she calls so many innocent people perverts. Something isn't right there.

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1) Women goes to the media multiple times and complains about her estranged husband, lying that he has abandoned their children, hasn't paid anything towards their upkeep, and has been having an affair.
2) Woman abuses her estranged husband, his new partner and his mother by email, text, social media, voice message and over Our Family Wizard over the course of several months.
3) Estranged husband applies for restraining order against woman and submits evidence of her abuse. A judge grants him the restraining order.
4) Woman screeches that the now-ex husband is "absolute scum" for providing the evidence of her abuse in his application for the restraining order.
5) Woman also contravenes restraining order by making socks on Twitter and making defamatory comments about her ex-husband and his partner.

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 21.58.00.png

Alice you fucking dimwit, maybe if you hadn't abused Ioan, Bianca and his mother, he wouldn't have had to get a DVRO against you, and all your PRIVATE text messages to him and the videos your daughter recorded of you being an abusive drunk would have remained so.

You have caused this situation. This is all on you.
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Since it's getting late in the thread, I'd like to suggest @Marj24's fantastic thread title from the last thread, which didn't win but should get another chance:

Coggie, I PA'd the kids
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Alice honey, Brandi Glanville has already written that book - TWICE. It was full of really juicy details - actual, multiple affairs, threesomes and a woman who actively and publicly went after her husband and engaged negatively with Brandi. And it was really honest and funny and what clearly came over was how she loved her kids more than she hated her husband (and she hated him) and how she worked to ensure her kids had a relationship with both her husband and his new partner.
All Alice has is - "My husband was a gorgeous husband and father and then he got angry with me tweeting and fighting people on SM and in RL. He left me after 6 months of trying to work it out. He got a new girlfriend. I am sure it was an affair but can't prove it. I want my children to hate him because he left us. He will never ever see the children with his new partner and I want them to hate her too, even though they don't know her."
Oh yeah, Alice, people are going to be queuing around the block for miles to buy your book. You go girl!!!! Just continue being the useless sack of self fulfilling shit that you are. Winning!!!!
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Wishing Alice the best of luck? For what? The substantive issues are being continued to a later date and the RO hearing involves her daughter, not her. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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