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VIP Member
I hope the girls have their hair washed and nice clothes for the pap shots tomorrow. It’s always sad to see them looking shabby and neglected. How much effort does it take? There’s no excuse at all really.
I hope the girls aren't photographed at all.
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VIP Member
Listen up, cocksocks:
first you told us there was an assault by Bianca on Ella.
Then you said the she threw Ella down the stairs.
Then you said you had video evidence.
Then you said Bianca would be deported.
And finally you said that Ioan & Bianca would have an RO against them.
Now we're learning that your Twitter account was a fucking sock for Alice Evans.
That she thought she could represent her own daughter in a frivolous lawsuit leaving her without legal representation and a reprimand from the judge.
You fucking dipshits, you got duped by a c-list actors ex-wife.
Take a victory lap, you incompetent morons, you really outclowned yourselves this time.
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
Alice, since your grasp on reality appears somewhat iffy, here are a couple of realities for you:

• You are divorced. You are no longer married to Ioan Gruffudd, and from now to eternity have no right to any part of his life, his time and his seven inches. Allow me to quote a line from Les Misérables (the musical, not the book – yes, cheesy, I know, but fitting all the same): “Without me, his world will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness that I have never known.”

• No casting director in their right mind will hire you in the foreseeable future, at least not for a quality production. I don’t know much about the entertainment world, but like in every other industry, people talk. Everyone who’s anyone in casting has heard about your shrieking-banshee antics and will give you a berth the width of the Pacific Ocean – more so as there are hundreds of actresses with greater skills and fewer tantrums who will do an exponentially better job.

• At some point, even your extremely-thin-stretched $26 will run out. You have no employment, no prospects, and you won’t be able to pull the GoFundMe stunt again. Not that it was such a gold mine the first time around, was it?

• This “just-you-wait” tell-all book you keep touting will tank. Badly. Three years from now, when your DVRO expires – and it’s more than likely to be extended, given the state of affairs – no one will give a flying f*ck about you and your fabricated sensational reveals any more. Not that anyone does now, but at least a handful of us Tattlers might be inclined to read it out of sheer curiosity. In three or more years, the only ones left to buy your magnum opus will be Moany Tony and The Wolf of Chastity from New Zealand.

• Your children will learn to resent you bitterly. Not today, not tomorrow, but in a few years’ time. Maybe even sooner. With every word you say against their father, with every spiteful post, with every day you keep them from enjoying their childhood, with every time you use them as an emotional crutch or as catalysts for your frustrations and failures, they will love and respect you a little less until nothing is left.

• You will find dating to be much different and way harder than it used to be. You will no longer get by on the pretty face you once had, and what might have been considered quirky charm at one time has turned into what you are now. Bagging a partner of means will be no small feat. Tell us, Alice, what do you bring to the table that might be enticing enough for a man to overlook ... well ... you? Unless you give the meanest BJ this side of Deep Throat, of course. 😁

Oh, and one more thing – those sycophants on Twitter/IG (the few ones that don’t happen to be you/Tone/Ella) are not your friends. They won’t drop by at 3 am to give you a hug when you’re down, they won’t help you pick out furniture, they won’t sit by your hospital bed when you wake up after surgery. They are just weirdos who get off on communicating with a has-been whose name happens to be listed on IMDB.
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"But, your honor, I did not commit domestic violence. The DVRO was for texting Ioan. There was no violence! It's all Bianca's doing!"

Alice, please please please please, I'm *begging* you. Please make this argument to Judge Shinn on Thursday. I really want to see how he reacts.
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VIP Member
One of the socks is talking about Yo spending $20k on the restraining order.

So that's 24 hrs a day x 365 days a year x 3 years = 26,280 hours

Let's round & calculate 20k/26k. So Yo is having peace of mind for about 77 cents per hour US or £0.66 or €0.77 .

Say it with me... Worth it!
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VIP Member
Didnt notice it until now but she gave away her timezone (LA...what a shock) with those screenshots


no one is worse at sock puppeting than Alice
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VIP Member
Imagine putting your kids through this bollocks and the first thing you do is log on to your Twitter sock account to try and trick us into believing otherwise. Reprehensible Cunt.
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VIP Member
If she has video footage that clearly proves Ella was attacked, then a civil restraining order isn't her only option. The police would of course investigate it as a criminal matter. Yet this hasn't happened. Ioan, who is simultaneously broke and a gazillionaire depending on the tweet, must also be paying off the entire police force as well as judges, lawyers and psychiatrists.
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VIP Member
I know Yo & Bee probably have a calm and happy life, but I like to imagine how it would be if they were doing all those socks.

Like Ioan has 15 different burner phones with cracked screens ... a few on the couch and side table, one by the sink, two by the vanity and toilet.

And Bee has some standing desk with six monitors in a semi circle with Twitter, tattle, a high end coats & purses website. I think Tone is saying that the dog is posting too so bubba gets a tablet.
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VIP Member
I'm making it official. After observing Al's behaviour for two years, I've come to the conclusion that besides her multitude of psychopathological behaviours, she is the most pathetic person that has ever existed. I'll put a date on that and sign it.
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VIP Member

Actually, Ioan’s lawyer posted a notice that the Court ordered that the date for the RO hearing is to be set on the 13th. Ella had apparently asked for it to be continued to the 13th, so that’s the one delay she is permitted.
I hope it goes ahead. the earlier they are done with this shit the better
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Old Soak

VIP Member
Somehow the Tamikimoo account (whatever it’s called) who has no contact with Alice but was given inside information in the past, will know the outcome of today before we do. She’ll also be outraged in a way that’s extreme for someone who isn’t her doesn’t know her
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
She's losing. And she will continue to lose. This is the reality of what's happening.

It's all about to hit and hit hard. It takes time, but once the legal process starts to work?

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VIP Member

She’s not getting full custody, the house is gone, she won’t get spousal support because of the DVRO, she will get 50% child support, she may get some medical bills paid(?) no car insurance, half of zero savings is zero, and she will get zero of his future earnings. Fuck you, Alice. You played yourself. Watch how inconsolable Tone is tonight now the grift is over.
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