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I want to point out that Alice lied in her documents she submitted to the court regarding the sale of the house (and for some reason she thought she could oppose the DVRO here).

It wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility for her to have coached Ella to do the same now.
There are more lies in this statement than grains of sand in the world!
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The PDF is too large to upload. Basically she is asking for a restraining order for herself and Elsie. I'll try to cut and paste the declaration.
I, ELLA EVANS, am the Petitioner in this action and have personal knowledge of the following
facts. If called to testify, I could and would declare:
l. The Respondent, BIANCA WALLACE, is my father's girlfriend. The Respondent lives
with my father Ioan Gruffudd.
I currently reside with my mother Alice Evans and my sister Elsie Evans Griffith (DOB:
09/ 13/2013, 9 years old).
1. On Friday, May 26, 2023, I was at the West Hollywood Police Station which is where my
parents make custody exchanges. My father picked me up, and he eventually drove me and
my sister to his apartment for our overnight. I saw that my dad's girlfriend, the Respondent,
was at the apartment. I had known of Respondent, but I had never met her before. I was so
mad at my dad because this was an overnight visit, and I had told him in the past that I
didn't want to meet his girlfriend who was now his live-in girlfriend. Rather than listen to
my wishes, my dad had the court order the overnight while his girlfriend was living with
him. I was so upset that I threw milk on his bed, I poured mustard on the floor, and I threw
raw oatmeal on him. The Respondent and my dad were calling me "manipulative,"
"abusive," and "narcissistic." I decided I couldn't be in that apartment anymore. As I was
trying to leave through the front door, and before I could even reach the front door, the
Respondent was trying block me from leaving, raising her arms to block me. I was able to
make my way around her, and I opened the door. I was able to walk halfway out the door,
but while I was still in the door frame, the Respondent slammed the door on me, causing the
door to hit me on the head as well as my arm. My arm got bruised, and I had a small bump
on my head. See Exhibit "A," photos of my injuries.
I tried to run down the stairs since we were on the second floor. My dad caught up with me
and he was trying to stop me from leaving, and trying to grab me, and I kept dodging him. I
kept screaming, "Don't touch me! Don't touch mel" I was able to get away, and I ran
outside with my sister. We ran for a while and eventually my dad caught up to us. My dad
caught up to us, and I yelled at him, "Your girlfriend slammed a door on mel" to which he
responded, "No she didn't, no she didn't, stop lying." I called my nanny Gloria Flores and
she was able to coordinate my sister's friend's dad Dennis Hauk to come pick us up. My dad
and Dennis agreed that Dennis would drive me and my sister to my mother's house, and my
father would follow behind.
3. 'Ihe next day, my mother saw the bruise on my arm and she called the police. The Beverly
Hills police arrived and we reported the incident from the day before to the police. The
Beverly Hills referred us to the West Hollywood police station since the incident occurred in
West Hollywood. See Exhibit "B," police brochure re incident.
4. Gloria Flores my nanny, and Dennis Hauk who is Elsie's friend's dad have agreed to testify
at the hearing for this case.
5. I am afiaid of the Respondent for my personal safety, and respectfully ask the Court to issue
a Restraining Order for five years.
I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is
true and correct.
Executed this day OS l'al !'2,023 (date), atW MOW ica (city), California.
Drama queen 2
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It’s not like we can go with the background. That could have been taken at any time given how manky Alice is. How long ago did she move in? There’s boxes and trash everywhere.
You can get a whole lot of bruises just moving stuff. I have in the past. We all know what happened.
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Old Soak

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Isn’t it only just past noon in LA? The socks weren’t doing it anymore and she’s raging.
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FA: Because they haven't gone to court yet! Don't forget - when the 3 years are up, I know that Alice has at least 3 publishers ready to offer her a decent sum to tell the real truth.

No you haven't LOL

Funny, Amber Heard supposedly has a book coming out too 😜
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It’s hilarious to me that they pretend Bianca is reading any of their shite. We read their shite as a bonding experience (bonding over how fucking glad we are not to be her) or to entertain us when we’re commuting, but Bianca isn’t reading a word of it, come on now. Neither is she secretly making accounts called AlicesBaldyHeed or TheCuntsgotahugeGunt. She’s got a LIFE 🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pure class 👏
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Tabitha D

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I really feel for the girls. I know exactly how Ella is going to feel once she hits adulthood and the guilt hits her.

I would have done what she's done. I have done what she's done. It's so demoralising and confusing living with a parent like Alice. You will do just about anything to placate them, or to prove your allegiance, so they'll give you a moment of bloody peace.

I hope Ioan can still hold onto the hope that she will come out of this, and realise he left Alice, but never her.

I suspect there's a whole other Ella underneath the facade right now, that just wants it to be okay to love her Dad.

It really does get constructed as betrayal by these histrionic mothers. It feels like you're having an affair. As soon as you feel a moment's happiness with the parent you're meant to "hate", the crushing feeling of turning against the other one seeps in and you can't even enjoy it - because you're thinking about the interrogation you're going to be smashed with when you get home.

The tears, the "I do everything for you, how could you choose them?!" , the silent treatment, that then becomes "well why don't you ask Dad, since you love him so much?!" Starts, and you feel like you're living in a home where you are now an interloper, and all you want to do is anything you need to do to get back in - because being on the outside doesn't feel safe, and you just want her to be nice to you again so you can eat dinner and watch TV and not have the raving aimed at you.

I know what she's doing is wrong, but sometimes it feels like it's safer than the alternative.

Ioan may have to keep his distance for a little while, but don't give up.

She's going to need you.

Mother's like Alice tend to discard their children the moment they start to assert their own identities.

Trust me. Ella feels like she's always on the cusp of being replaceable ( thanks to her mother pounding it into her)

Don't prove her right.
Unfortunately Ella may never feel hit by guilt - if she grows up to become Alice, which is not inevitable (she still has time), but sadly is a distinct possibility.
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I do believe we have receipts for Alice claiming that Ioan had spent a million dollars on high class escorts.
She tweeted about Ioan having to leave cocaine behind in Australia
If that's not slinging mud I don't know what is 😂
I’ve heard from a friend of mine who lives in Oz and is an addict struggling with recovery that coke is incredibly expensive out there. It needs to be brought in over long distances and a gram of high purity sniff can cost $1000AUSD. Just how much was IG supposed to have bought, let alone consumed? If you imagine… (God, doing the maths on how much illegal drugs cost here) 2-3g/night (a LOT - my narc ex couldn’t get through more than 3g/night, although he certainly tried and his arseholism increased exponentially with every line) @ $1000 a time, 4-5 days a week (if he were addicted, that is) he’d be spending ca. $40,000 a month on cocaine alone. Where did all the money come for this - let alone the hookers - Malice? Given he was paying for her fat arse to laze around while the nanny cleaned up and listened to Mees Evans’ endless drunken tales of woe while the poor Golden Child was off at her $50,000/yr school and Malice spent a fortune on online tat, plus the mortgage, insurance, taxes, house maintenance, food, utilities, cars, phones/internet, agents/PR and so on - where the utter hell did he get all that money from? I fail to see how he could afford to pay for Alice, let alone the girls - and a 40k cocaine habit would have been just too… expensive.
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What is Alice’s end goal now? He’s never going to speak to her ever again, he’s not coming back. LA Jolla is gone and so are her chances of 100% custody. He’s got a job acting so even that’s not working for her now. I wonder how many times she’s emailed [email protected]???
Get herself arrested while he's filming so he has to rush back and look after the kids or refuses to come back because he's filming?
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What account started posting about this? It was only a few hours after the event, right?
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