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How refreshing to read a Daily Mail article about them without the saggy vagina eyes being mentioned or it saying Anne is Alice's lawyer. Progress!
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Tone: Night all. If anyone knows anything about "Welp" of Twattle fame. Please DM me.

Why "Tone"? Why would you want this info?

Alice can't go after BW anymore - remember her fishing expeditions and the PI she had allegedly investigating serial homewrecker B? She has to go after someone so now Tone is going after Welp because Alice's patterns never change. Tedious bitch.
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Hi Alice. Saying this again because you and your supporters seem to feel kidneys are immune from alcohol damage. National Kidney Foundation says otherwise; certain medications (many, in fact), can also further damage compromised kidneys.... so enjoy your pickled kidneys while you can. Though if I was you, with your family history, I'd be more worried about my heart health:

Even without binge drinking, regularly drinking too much too often can also damage the kidneys. The damage occurs more slowly. Regular heavy drinking has been found to double the risk chronic kidney disease, which does not go away over time.

Re BIB: she's been charged with two misdemeanor counts. So I'd say it's being taken seriously.
I just add again my uncle had kidney failure caused by his alcoholism. I can state this as my whole family is aware this was the cause for him requiring dialysis for so many years.

Also, why do you think that people on this site would ever want to sleep with you? You're disgusting and vile and that's just on the inside, nevermind the monstrosity that is the outside with that horrendous shade of lipstick and your ghastly hair. I would rather shag Jeremy Clarkson than you ffs and his misogyny grosses me out! No one on this site would ever give you a lumbar love, just No, No, No! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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brie l

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My heart goes out to you @brie l ❤❤. It must’ve been terrible for you not being able to contact your family for so long. I’m so pleased to hear they’re ok 🙏. It’s really hard to comprehend the devastation. I thought the worst was over when it passed Northland, Auckland & the Coromandel, but there was one hell of a sting in the tail! 😥

Thankfully there was minor damage where I live. My mum is here from the UK & she can’t believe she’s been here through a cyclone & earthquake!! I’m really surprised the lack of attention from media around the world. I guess everyone was focused on the Turkey/Syrian earthquake & this tragedy has slipped under the radar. Some people have lost everything 😭💔.

Anyway, thanks for all the Turdle thoughts 🥰 xx

Back on topic… Alice has created her own disaster & there’s nothing natural about it! 😉

Thank you my lovely fellow Turd 🥰. All is well in my home right now 🙏 xx
I was meant to be in Hawkes Bay for the Art Deco weekend. I keep looking at the news reports and can't get my head around it.
@welp , looks like you have a price on your head - again. You must be quaking in your boots.


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Firstly, Alice has damned herself through her own words and actions. Tattle is merely a Greek chorus, recording and commenting on what she does.
Secondly, I don’t believe Anne Kiley or her law firm care one jot what Alice thinks of their reputation. Ms. Kiley will eat Alice for breakfast.
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And she's oblivious to that child gazing up at her. 🤮 I needed a cig and G&T after my wedding. But I didn't even let more than a few guests even see me. Marrying her must have broke the Gruffuud's collective hearts.
BIB - never a truer word has been spoken in the Tattlesphere
I hope all the Gruffs are solid. Thinking of IG crying on the phone to his parents. And her writing about it. Cunt
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seeing a public account without a account is not evading a block, it's exploiting the fact that it's a public account 🤦‍♀️
View attachment 1967293
"only people I can personally threaten shall be allowed to have an opinion" 💯 - same reason why she wants to be alone with Ioan in a room
View attachment 1967352
Dammit, that's the Houston dealership I bought my last car from! They even promised me a Tattle discount!!!

But just so I understand this correctly, it's okay for The-One-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to lurk on Tattle and post screenshots from here, but it's not okay for anyone to lurk on Twitter and post screenshots? "Rules for thee but not for me"? Okay, got it. :unsure:
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BIB - never a truer word has been spoken in the Tattlesphere
I hope all the Gruffs are solid. Thinking of IG crying on the phone to his parents. And her writing about it. Cunt
I think she initially threatened to take his siblings' houses in the divorce settlement didn't she? Because he'd obviously given his siblings some money. Unlike her, I imagine. I hope IG has been savvy enough to make sure that money is ringfenced. But I have a feeling he has savings for the kids at least - I remember the financials saying he had nothing 'easily accessible' so maybe a pension or trusts or things like that?

Anyway, this is my favourite wedding picture.

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I can’t believe how butt hurt he gets when someone mildly insults him or the WeHoFlasher. They can give it but they can’t take it and the total lack of self awareness of this astounds me.
Waaaaah! They noticed I had a dirty instapol.....waaaaaah!
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AE: I think the ‘very poorly educated’ believe that somehow the police are summoned via tweet.

Wasn’t it Alice and Tone who were tagging Sheriffs departments in their tweets a few weeks ago?

Alice, no one on either legal team cares about the messy chaos of social media UNLESS you are breaking the terms of your restraining order. Take a tip from Ioan and only use SM to post the very occasional, considered and positive picture with your gorgeous and supportive partner. Oh wait…

I also think Alice and Tone show Alice’s hand by constantly mentioning gathering screen shots. She’s about a hundred steps behind what’s going on. The time for screen shots is long gone. Ioan isn’t posting (directly or indirectly) anything relevant to the custody hearing, which is surely what she should focussing on, so this is a pointless and embarrassing exercise. Maybe she thinks since Ioan isn’t taking the bait she can try to get Anne to bite and perhaps cause a further delay? For the love of god Alice, pack a box and get some fresh air.
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Ironically the WeHoFlasher is now making disgusting remarks about another woman’s vagina. New levels of revulsion for her have been reached.
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Just to clarify, when I say “fascinate”, I mean when you can’t stop looking at something.

I feel like the same way when I see slugs in the garden. They are repulsive but I can’t help staring at them, precisely because of their sheer ugliness and wondering what the point of them is😀
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It’s because she’s homophobic and insinuating that we’re all lesbians who want to fuck her is the worst insult she can think of. She’s very much stuck in the 90s with her attitudes to pretty much everything, but her racism, sexism and homophobia stand out the most.
Well, she thinks I'm a man, so 🤣

I think it's more how a Narc tries to justify criticism. "Everyone loves me, and those who don't: Well, they are just jealous and want to sleep with me." Alice also just sexualizes everything. Everything is a perv, pedalo, you name it. It's heavy deflection of a person that is inept to deal with criticism.

Obviously it's also intimidation tactic (that this other troll that appeared yesterday uses excessively too, except of course that they lack Alice's pretty decent parlance to pull it off without sounding like a child). You always hope that if you say something "witty" (lol) about someone you don't like they will be embarrassed and stop talking. It's pretty pathetic, really.
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Even with her tweets now unprotected she’s getting very little interaction. Good.
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She is really spoiling for a fight with a tattler.

She might as well be an asbo hooligan sitting in a park with her gang (swigging from a can) and yelling “come on if you think you are hard enough”.
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I wonder what the WeHo Flasher (My favourite name now for Al. Well done which ever clever Turd came up with that, makes me howl every time I see it on here 🤣🤣) would do if there was ever a power cut for like a month or two?

FM‘s: God those Trolls are soooo invested in you, they need to get a life. I only follow you for your humour and politics (
lol) I’m not interested in your divorce as it’’s nothing to do with me.

Also FM’s: I keep looking on Tattle and they are obsessed with you. I’ve screen shot EVERYTHING those trolls write and will send you a copy ‘Tone’. Those Trolls are obviously paid by you know who or his girlfriend. Ioan is bad, Alice is good as she said so….Blah, blah, blah 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤦🏻‍♀️

I can’t cope with the pathetic immaturity of it all.
50 + year olds this is! Unbelievable, mind boggling, utter childish BS.
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