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Chatty Member
Hope you are packing Alice luv. The Judge will order the house to be sold and there is no way in hell you are getting full custody either.

PS. Maybe you need to have a small bag with essentials packed too in case you end up in jail. 💋
😂. Do they let you take an overnight bag to jail? Genuinely curious. 😂
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Thank you, kind uploaders!

Ioan states in his filing that he has no work lined ahead. What does that mean for A Ray of Sunshine? Is the project scraped? On hold?
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I hate to point out the obvious but you wouldn't know he was on it until the reveal, by which point it would all be over 😉🎭
I'd recognise Yo's voice right away 😁 The panel is crap at guessing though, although I hear that sometimes they cut the correct guesses out.

Come on Yo, Masked Singer is calling you :D
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Well-known member
image copied from above...

View attachment 1892053
that statement by AE keeps bothering me - implies that she did not take little Emma to the vet:

Alice: "I would, but last time I called the vet they charged me $480 to tell me that nothing was wrong and sold me some fish oil and a bunch of weird shampoos!"

We see you, Alice!
Good catch!
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Chatty Member
Alice is liking some of this awful persons posts. Interesting.

View attachment 1892975

Cost a couple grand 9 years ago. I don’t think that is a good tv Tone.
My smart TV cost less that £500 and it is Samsung, size 50" and 4k (whatever that is) I think he got conned 🤣🤣

Yes, I expect he is going to enjoy berating, pulling apart and generally slagging off his nieces father. You know, the one parent who could financially support them into adulthood if he could just get on with his career. But, hey Tone don’t let that stop you getting your few likes from randoms on Twitter and some 🫢🫢 from your sister. 🙄

View attachment 1893331
Btw, Tone is sounding a lot like Alice here!
I agree completely that it sounds like AE.
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Ally Pally

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After having a brief look at the latest court papers I can see this dragging on for some time yet. I think Ioan made a huge mistake paying those arrears.
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It doesn't work that way in the US. You cannot order a parent not to socialize/introduce new people to their kids unless both parties have previously agreed to it. Ioan hasn't and doubt he ever would. Or unless the friend/new partner represents a danger to the healthy/welfare/development of the children. Again, not the case here.

It's another example of how she shot herself in the foot by dismissing collaborative divorce. They could have come to an agreement on everything relating to the divorce and a judge would have rubber stamped it. Now, the judge decides. She can request hat Bianca (or any other girlfriends) be kept away but it's not going to be granted. She can't show any proof that Bianca is a danger to those kids in any way. It wouldn't be granted.

The kids would have to be formal witnesses or it would be hearsay. It's unlikely a judge would agree to it.

The divorce process is not meant to soothe hurt feelings (or even take them into account). She could be the most amazing human on the planet but it doesn't enter into the proceeding. She can rant all she likes on social media but trying that in court will only hurt her. The judge does not care how hurt he is, if one of the spouses is an absolute monster (unless their actions are criminal or interfering with court orders). It's about protecting community assets, deciding a fair split and fair custody. That's it.
I would be very surprised if a judge tried to enforce any such agreement by parents. Unless a single or divorced parent has demonstrated they are negligent they get to make decisions in their own right about how they parent. I cannot see why that wouldn’t be a fundamental human right in countries where such things exist. The law would trump the agreement.
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In this Alice down time (and I was home sick yesterday), I went and re-read the Alice authored DM opinion piece.

Two questions

1)Who hated Alice enough to tell her two ugly rugs (that don't even go together) styled on top of each other are shabby LA chic?

2) is that an actual old school landline phone sitting on the floor?

View attachment 1893879
It looks like a laptop (with a charger lead) attached.
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I’ve know a small dog who used to lift on leg and then gradually, as he started peeing, another and would end up in a "hand stand" and then collapse sideways 😂😂😂 he must have seen a circus acrobat one day, or may be two really cool dogs he wanted to copy but they lifted different legs 😂
My pug used to do that!
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No - it's his only asset and he has a lot of debts to pay. She has taken more than enough already.

AE: I developed SIBO at the same time and it comes and goes.

Another fucking ailment - diagnosed by Dr Google. Here is a symptom of SIBO - Unintentional weight loss!! LOL
All I see is SuBo when she writes this!
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Ally Pally

VIP Member
I actually think this latest filing is a positive step, I'm assuming that no more mortgage payments will be required once the property is listed.
I don't think that any movement on this is going to sway the outcome on the DAs hearing about the DVRO violations?
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I live off the beaten track away from public transport, and didn't have anyone to drive me so I got gas and air which would be out of my system quicker. Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! The tea and hot buttered toast with raspberry jam afterwards was heavenly. The doctor just booked me the colonoscopy after a blood test showed that I was 61 and anaemic, and then just told me to turn up at the hospital 😁. Just as well really.

NHS sends you faecal sample tests once you turn 50 - very promptly indeed, which is a lovely birthday present.
My Dad, cousin and friend’s partner all died with and because of colon cancer. I always do the faecal tests and make sure Mr Looo does them as welltoo
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Is it possible to pay to get a full court transcript of absolutely everything that is said in court, or is it only what you’ve described above as being available to the public?
Yes, you could contact the court to pay for a transcript. You would have to specifically request it though. It can be pretty pricey though, depending how much is transcribed.

It’s not illegal to make all sorts of agreements. Two people can agree anything provided it is legal. It can be enforced as long as it doesn’t come into conflict with the law.

In this instance the agreement is not to introduce a new partner for x period. Fine if that’s what they want to do. But what if one decides they don’t. What is the recourse? Go to court and try to get a judge to enforce it ?

The question is does the judge have powers to do this. In many countries people will have human rights. One of which is the right to a family and private life free from interference. This is enshrined in law in many European countries. A judge doesn’t have the power to make a ruling that overturns that right based on a contract. Law always trumps contract when they come into conflict.

In a safeguarding matter the law is in conflict with the law and a judgement can be made.
I’m unsure what your point is? And not sure what you mean by “does the judge have powers to do this.” I’m not aware of any laws in California that would forbid someone from making a parenting plan or how two people agreeing to do something legal would be construed as interference in your private life. I believe human rights cover what the state can and cannot do - don’t see how that applies in a divorce.

They could have agreed to very specific parenting guidelines. They didn’t.
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a minute order is on the docket probably to confirm that the trial setting that was scheduled for today was moved to next week

for all hearings you are free to stay away if you are not the petitioner. All hearings have been requested by Ioan so he has to attend (either in-person or video link), Alice could stay completely away if she wanted, but she has called herself as a witness so she will probably at least attend via video link.

I cant really imagine her attending in-person. my impression is that she is scared to face Ioan around others (or she is scared of seeing Bianca, assuming she is even there). I also imagine that her lawyer would recommend her (if she is smart) to stay away as her potentially losing her cool would be a much bigger issue in court than via a video link. Most celebs actually dont attend their own court hearings in-person anyway (other than the trial, if it gets this far)
Yes, that’s what the minute order confirmed.
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