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Chatty Member
Christ on a bike.

Reading her statement was like slowly descending the steps of a swimming pool filled with (bull)shit.

“Now, as our children continue attempting to emotionally cope with not only the breakdown of our family unit, but their father’s lack of presence in their lives,”

Fuck off, Alice. Just FUCK OFF. Fuck all the way off and then fuck off some more. Their father’s “lack of presence” has been CAUSED BY HER, and she’s playing the martyr card like she hasn’t spent the past TWO ENTIRE YEARS slowly and insidiously poisoning their relationships with him. She is beyond redemption.

Thank you for sharing the filing, @sweetnessfollows. The only good thing I can find in any of this excruciating charade playing out so publicly is that at least all of the facts are out there in black and white, and one day when those girls are grown, they’ll be able to seek out the truth on their own terms, and realise what a repugnant, selfish person their mother has shown herself to be.

Sincerely (for Alice),
A “devoted fan” of nobody and nothing except the fucking truth.
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brie l

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There was a mention of "all of the [DM] articles include copies of every single page of every single pleading filed in this matter to date, and which appear to incite loan's devoted fans."

Fans = turds, DM commenters and tweeters who don't like her. There's no other reason not to like her, other than you're a demented IG fan who thinks he will s-hag you if you say nice things about him/slate Alice, remember...

I am just sorry she didn't mention Ioan is paying us for all the support. That might explain where all his money has gone. 🤭 Maybe Marie vetoed that one lol.
Oh right, I didn't take into account all the lackeys on IG payroll bleeding him dry.

I am not fan of IG The Actor. I'm not rushing off to watch anything he is in. I keep getting surprised when I read he is in a movie I've seen and never realised he was the actor. I'm a Turd because of Alice. She created this thread, not Ioan. I'm rooting for Ioan The Person.
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(queen @welp’s screenshot)

Almost a month alone with her babies? Thought she’d been heroically alone and raising them single-handedly since Ioan left? Pick a lane Big Al, I’m getting whiplash.
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I truly can’t understand how anyone can be so utterly thick to think that Big Al has been left high and dry with nothing when Yo has paid all of her overheads (and still is), which until 9 months ago also included groceries, all purchases and a nanny.

WTF has she had to pay for with her “life savings”? She never leaves the house!! 9 months worth of food shopping, haircuts (?!) and clothes should not be coming up to £100k!!

It’s like she thinks because he doesn’t give her two monthly envelopes with ‘child support’ written on one and ‘spousal support’ written on the other, that he doesn’t provide anything.
Does she not think that keeping a $2million roof over their head and all the expenses (whilst getting himself in deep debt to do so) is child and spousal support?! Hypothetical question - we all know the answer!!
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Those dumbfucks saying send Ioan the bill for Alice’s internet? Put yourselves in the fucking bin. Asshats. It’s her debt. Simple.

She can use Pizza Express’ public WiFi.
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So yes, this whole "we will be homeless" narrative is pretty silly. There will be a notice to when to vacate the house and if there is no overlap with a new flat the kids will be able to stay with their father (great opportunity to increase custody time), based on various pictures and videos Bianca shared he appears to have a room for them, and Alice will be able to stay for a while with friends.
Doesn't matter how silly it is, poor lil Alice will claim to be homeless. She was already saying 'do you want me to be homeless' to Ma Gruff in 2021. This is from the previous court documents which explain why she is fighting the sale of the home now.

And me? That would posh me right out of town into Woodland Hills or something. Just to get a rental I can affnrd
No fucking way. The house is a deal-breaker.
If you insist on selling it, then there is no point in me or the kids being here at all. We will return to England and start again.
Kids both bawling their eyes out about losing their house.
There is no way I can afford to live in Los Angeles on what the heinous prenup gives me.
But I will fight you till my last breath. I will never, ever stop fighting. l wi|| use every trick in the book. And I will win.
I don't work here. If I'm in a crappy apartment why would I stay here? It's the most expensive city in the US.
You think | am going to go away quietly and live in a small flat and agree to stay quiet? It's never going to happen.

Well at least she was honest here about her refusal to cooperate, with no bollocks about 'discovery' of IG's finances.

AE: I've done nothing but turn into a loser since I've been with you

Nah, you were already a loser Alice. Now the whole world sees it.
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Here we go again. 🤦🏻‍♀️

She targeted all of the girls' grandparents and then wonders why they stay away. She leaves a path of destruction in her wake and wonders why she's alone.

Everyone else is at fault. It couldn't possibly be her.

There is no hope for her if she's still pulling these antics. None whatsoever.
And she posts that she pretended they sent gifts but she knows her eldest is on Twitter?
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The challenges I have experienced in coping with the breakdown of our marital
relationship have been far surpassed by the parental challenges I have faced in addressing the
emotional needs of our Children through this process.

Here it is in a sentence what Alice is. HER emotions have been far more challenging than the emotion needs of her two MINOR children who are trapped filming their parents fighting with each and making videos so at least someone can witness their sad upsetting childhoods.
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Chatty Member
It's more like
I had a farm in Africa and the bogan is the dingo who will eat my babies

I do admire that Alice's lawyer submitted the whole plane ticket in electronic form to the court. Because page count = truth

1 like = 1 prayer for her
New document title: 227 ways to piss off a judge
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This should have happened 2 years ago to be fair

Also why can he only txt on 5g 🤣 Kids Obvs have internet on their phones so FaceTime from those ya dimwit

Also cracks me up “cancelled at 1.15 am” Lol ffs tiny tone he didn’t ring up and cancel it at 1.15am 🤣. He’s never changed contracts or moved has he. That’s just when they do it. Power is always midnight in my experience.
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Arctic Ocean

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This is the work week from hell, so I haven't yet managed to read through the Baroness of Munchhausen's 227 pages, but from what I've just seen on here, one thing is perfectly clear: Yo needs to stop being a gentleman, stat. He's been too kind for too long, and all his goodwill leads to nothing. She will never change, she will never cooperate, she will never stop until she has bled him dry (and even then). Yes, she is the "mother" to his children, but in the long run, those girls will be far better off without her.

Off with the kid gloves, Yo. This woman has made it her life's mission to take you down - don't let her.
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Hello, all (waves). I have a confession to make: I’ve been cheating on the Malice thread with the Ashley James thread… (hangs head in guilt - but she is an absolute treat). How is everyone? I’m back to working for now (sometimes being self-employed is hell) and while researching for my latest paper, have been looking after Kitten (who has just had his balls off: he was NOT happy when he realised they were gone. But it’s stopped him spraying in my bathroom).

As you may have guessed, I’m certainly not part of the ‘think about the poor mens’ brigade’ - I’ve gone through far too much domestic, psychological , physical and emotional abuse and distress at the hands of men to be an unequivocal supporter of men’s rights. But I do agree with other posters that domestic violence against males is of very low importance to the general public, and that often, men who are being abused by women are re-victimised by the very system that is supposed to protect us *all*. In terms of domestic violence statistics, 27-33% of those abused are male (whether the abuse is physical, emotional, coercive, psychological) and the vast majority happens within heterosexual relationships. The number of men abused in America expressed as a percentage is higher than that of the UK and NI. Male reportage of domestic violence is low, based upon: stereotypes of masculinity; fear; love; shame and embarrassment; financial constraints; not wanting to lose the partner; not wanting to lose the children, or take them away from the partner. With good cause (based upon percentages alone) the lion’s share of domestic violence refuges are designed explicitly for women - but men seeking help often have the phone slammed down and, what is worse, watch the perpetrator being treated as the victim while their own visible plight is ignored.
Ioan Gruffudd has had to experience all the abuse, shame, perceived loss of masculinity, distress of watching his children being relentlessly alienated from him, has had to leave the family home, been subjected to financial, emotional and verbal abuse, has been stalked and harassed across social media and has had his ex-wife imply that he has an unnatural interest in children - as well as Malice’s claim that he pays others to stalk and abuse *her*. He has experienced physical violence in front of the children; an endless litany of verbal harassment and manipulative tirades via email and OFW; has been hacked by his own daughter on SM; has had money stolen by that same daughter; has been isolated from family; has been isolated from friends and relatives; has had to deal with Malice’s alcoholism and addiction for years; has been denied privacy by Malice for years in that she posted endless pictures and details of his private life without consent. He has been severely abused, bullied and traumatised.
No wonder he thanked BW for ‘making him smile again’.
I worry, though, that because the courts are so weighted toward the mother, he will not receive the support and indeed closure that he deserves. I do not know if they will take into account the fact that the endless suffering Malice has inflicted on him will continue and endure ad infinitum. She’s not going to stop. (We can all be as good- and large-hearted as possible and wish that she improves, that she has the capacity to change - but she won’t. Ever. Narcissists attack those who ‘betrayed’ them until their last breath.
On the only occasion that I ever really fought back against my ex-narc - he was trying to throttle me, I jammed my house keys into his ear, someone saw through the window and called the police - he was outraged, absolutely outraged, that I had told the WPC that he hit/beat me regularly. I really think he believed that it was our ‘fun’ little secret, something that was private and just for us.
Even if Malice is fined for breaking the RO, she’ll manage to make IG pay for it financially and emotionally. And, if he does ever propose to BW (he may never get married again, given the hell that Malice put/s him through), the tirade would, I believe, escalate into more physical violence against them both.
We need more women to support male victims of domestic violence and fewer men claiming that said DV is the consequence of feminism (I just had a good look at numerous men’s sites and found a universal consensus that feminism had caused their current malaise). I wish that he were able to talk openly about his experiences and make knowledge of male DV widespread (although I cannot imagine him doing so, due to respect for his children, fear of Malice’s response and internalised misandry).
If Bobbitt had cut off his wife’s breasts or vulva, he would have been the most hated and reviled man in the world and sentenced to life in prison. But when Malice beats IG around the head and neck, her supporters urge him to kindle a ‘friendship’, for the ‘sake of the children’.
There has to be consistency in the way people respond to female and male DV. There has to be consistency, for God’s sake.

Regarding the Abuser and some folks wishes for her to find some kind of redemption by dropping the abuse, hate and horrible behaviour. To quit the drinking and whatever else she does so that she can become a healthy and reasonable human. To settle the divorce, custody issues and agree to sell the house.

I applaud your kindness and hope for her, I really do.

Long ago I wished all of this for her as well, but as time has gone on and what we see her do online (the tip of the iceberg I’m sure she far worse irl) is the real Alice Abuser Jane Cunt Evans.

She was like this years ago, way before they were married. Her behaviour was hinted at in one interview at least. The way she went for Snowy and April who ran Ioan’s fan site, and then getting Ioan to shut it down was horrible. The Abuser was unpleasant to his fans, obviously really nasty to his parents, friends and family. We have seen and said enough about the dynamics of her own family to know she wasn’t a bundle of kindness and sunshine.

The Abuser was blessed with outward good looks, charm and charisma. Inside her though is a black heart, a woman who loves and cares only for herself. Remember the transcript where she called her daughter on her birthday a tedious bitch, and that if they didn’t stand with her they could fuck off?

As the years have passed the inner Abuser Evans, the real woman, has emerged more and more. So who we see and hear on the outside now is a true reflection of the monster on the inside. This is who she really is and I don’t believe she will ever , or ever genuinely want to change. She believes wholeheartedly that she is in the right, always. “I have never abused anyone who didn’t deserve it “

I would love to believe as some of you do that she will change, I really would, but I just can’t anymore. There are bad people in this world, and she is one of them. Her outer looks mirror her inner reality.

As you all were, sorry for going off on one. Love you all❤ I’m so glad I found you all, and the courage to post after a long lurk. You have all helped me more than you can now this dark, sad, and difficult year. I am forever grateful to @What’s your point for starting all this
Bless you with all my heart, @lulooo. You’re one of the most empathetic people I ‘know’; and you’re absolutely right. I am so glad these threads got you through the year (as they did me - thank you all!!). Always here if you need, for anything at all. The world is lucky to have you. Xxx
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So she's not giving up alcohol until her "3 years of hell is over". She's referring to the DVRO? What a great coping mechanism huh. Drinking her problems away, while all the time it's exacerbating them. The RO will be extended without a doubt so she'll be hitting the bottle for a long time to come. Pathetic.

Then in the next breath, "I'm no longer a terrified desperate woman." Pathetic.

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i keep wonder why she thinks her life will be no hell anymore once the DVRO is expiring (leaving aside it will be likely extended)

the abuser tag will stay with her forever regardless. If she starts up again the online abuse the DVRO will immediately be re-requested.

If it's about "telling my truth" she would do it over courts, but this isnt paying you!

Or does she think once the DVRO expires she can contact her property called Baby Angel again? Who will explain to her that this counts as harrassing if it's against his will?

It's so sad for the kids that their so called "mother" decided already that the next few years will be hell, instead of, you know, stepping up and making a nice life
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Two things I have noticed in the replies
1. It took 49 replies for one of her followers to take her bait and shame Ioan (which is the only one so far), she wont like that.
2. The amount of fans (they are mostly former Ioan fans that dumped him in favour of having a special relationship to a celeb) asking her to text them her new number (implying they had her old number) is scary as fuck, if she is wise she uses that opportunity to finally set boundaries with these freaks, but obviously she wont.

In the meantime, the real priorities in life....

If you read her latest tweet on it's own, without the context of her "bro's" earlier tweet saying she's staying off Twitter in case she says something wrong and it's used against her, you'd think she's been off-line this whole time because her phone and internet have been cut off.

PS no I wasn't worried Al. Your bro kept us well updated 👌 Maybe get your stories straight too 😉
which is ironic given that Tone's explanation was the more "mature" one
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📢 This is an urgent tannoy message for Alice
This should have happened 2 years ago to be fair

Also why can he only txt on 5g 🤣 Kids Obvs have internet on their phones so FaceTime from those ya dimwit

Also cracks me up “cancelled at 1.15 am” Lol ffs tiny tone he didn’t ring up and cancel it at 1.15am 🤣. He’s never changed contracts or moved has he. That’s just when they do it. Power is always midnight in my experience.
I’m thinking Yo rang up the phone people at 1.15am and said “I want this number IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED’ must of happened that way don’t you think 🤔🤣🤣
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Mad Betty

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Brianna Deutsch is also friends with Piers Morgan and his wife (and Alice's good friend) Celia. I'm sure she's lovely, but she is not the right person to handle the sale of Ioan's house, IMO. The mere fact Alice is insisting it be her should be enough to nip that idea in the bud. And Alice's name will never be placed on the deed. Can you imagine the judge agreeing to do that with the DVRO in place? Ridiculous.

Ioan needs to choose a realtor that best represents HIS interests and isn't under Alice's thumb. It's time for him to take control back of his biggest asset. Alice will receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the house. How much that is depends of whether they settle or the prenup is upheld. I have no doubt it will be
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There also something a bit pathetic about her reappearing on social media after filing this. ‘Please Marie, can I have my device back now I’ve done my homework?’
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On Page 71 - a statement of property. assets and debts there is nothing listed under jewellry, art, coin collections etc - doesn't mAlice have an extensive jewellry collection including that Bulgari serpent bracelet?
Never mind the Bvlgari Serpenti watch.

Are you telling me that Alice hasn't listed her extensive collection of custom-made, totally one-of-a-kind, quirky bedazzled designer bags and shoes (by the illustrious label commonly known as "Alice Evans Designs/AE Designs") in this section?
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