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Mad Betty

VIP Member
You think you can leave me and expect me to actually financially support myself?

I will drain all your blood and then end you! And I'll end you're pretty little girlfriend, too!

My summary of the 227 pages.

You're welcome. 😎
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Maybe, under the circumstances, the next thread title should be No one is responsible for Alice's bills but Alice.
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Chatty Member
For any Turds who haven’t yet had chance to read all 227 pages, here is a quick cliff notes version for you:

HE left ME, so I will spend the rest of my days punishing him for it.

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“Friends and supporters of Alice: I have some heart-shattering news to share with you.

Our Alice has been casted into a dilemma far unlike any meager inconvenience you or I have ever experienced. Ioan, taking advantage of his boundless control over this single mother’s livelihood, has maliciously cancelled the Wi-Fi package upon which Alice depends in order to sustain what few tokens of sanctuary she has in her home.

Her TV—which religiously replayed scenes from The Christmas Card—has now been zapped. There is no stable connection for Alice to surf channels of movies exponentially better than hers. When she switches on the TV, it only offers her a sad, grey static-buzz—the distinct symptoms of a device no longer serving humankind.

Her phone—many a time used to call imaginary friends, and also to text a single sentient being who once followed her out of a Trader Joe’s with a stadium-pack of rosé—is now fruitless in its efforts to conjure back those beloved humans. Alice has told me (me, PERSONALLY, through her teenage daughter’s iPhone) that no calls ever get through, no matter how ferociously she dials peoples’ numbers, no matter how hard she falls to her knees and prays for one, just a SINGLE opportunity to hear a loving voice on the other end of the line. This has put a cruel end to our late-night phone sex sessions—uh, I mean, our casual conversations in which she tells me what color undies she’s wearing while I knead my wolf-meat and pant into the speaker.

And her wifi—oh, her BELOVED wifi! Our Alice has now been subtracted from the opportunity to share facets of her life with us, her loving and faithful followers (although I am THE MOST loving and faithful among you all). No more headshots of bulgy-eyed Emma looking bizarrely mortified into the camera lens. No more photos in which Alice’s lady-bongos are pressed against the wooden floor like two flattening balls of bread dough. No more tweets in which she details to us the ways in which her cruel demon-nemeses have destroyed her glittery, glue-gun-streaked life. No more heartfelt conversations with her bro, Tone, during which she tweets, then logs off of that account, then tweets a reply from the other’s account. How will Alice talk to herself NOW, I ask you? HOW WILL ALICE TALK TO HERSELF?

I write this with a tear in my wolf-y eyes. Our Alice has been metaphorically beaten into the ground again and again like a stake in fresh soil; her ex-husband holds the reins of her existence, and he will not release them. We must fight for Alice’s wifi bundle; we must fight the fight of all bored, lonely, and celebrity-thirsty souls who desire a positive outcome for this wronged mother and her two children. I ask you to donate to a Go Fund Me set up in Alice’s name, where I will have her withdraw the funding to pay to restore her internet, phone, and TV. I will be in touch with you all again soon—I have sent to Alice a carrier pigeon bearing a little drawstring purse of seventy-five cents and a bag of potato chips to comfort her during this difficult time.


Sincerely yours,
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Here we go again. 🤦🏻‍♀️

She targeted all of the girls' grandparents and then wonders why they stay away. She leaves a path of destruction in her wake and wonders why she's alone.

Everyone else is at fault. It couldn't possibly be her.

There is no hope for her if she's still pulling these antics. None whatsoever.

I see the judge coming down on her hard.
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Regarding the Abuser and some folks wishes for her to find some kind of redemption by dropping the abuse, hate and horrible behaviour. To quit the drinking and whatever else she does so that she can become a healthy and reasonable human. To settle the divorce, custody issues and agree to sell the house.

I applaud your kindness and hope for her, I really do.

Long ago I wished all of this for her as well, but as time has gone on and what we see her do online (the tip of the iceberg I’m sure she far worse irl) is the real Alice Abuser Jane Cunt Evans.

She was like this years ago, way before they were married. Her behaviour was hinted at in one interview at least. The way she went for Snowy and April who ran Ioan’s fan site, and then getting Ioan to shut it down was horrible. The Abuser was unpleasant to his fans, obviously really nasty to his parents, friends and family. We have seen and said enough about the dynamics of her own family to know she wasn’t a bundle of kindness and sunshine.

The Abuser was blessed with outward good looks, charm and charisma. Inside her though is a black heart, a woman who loves and cares only for herself. Remember the transcript where she called her daughter on her birthday a tedious bitch, and that if they didn’t stand with her they could fuck off?

As the years have passed the inner Abuser Evans, the real woman, has emerged more and more. So who we see and hear on the outside now is a true reflection of the monster on the inside. This is who she really is and I don’t believe she will ever , or ever genuinely want to change. She believes wholeheartedly that she is in the right, always. “I have never abused anyone who didn’t deserve it “

I would love to believe as some of you do that she will change, I really would, but I just can’t anymore. There are bad people in this world, and she is one of them. Her outer looks mirror her inner reality.

As you all were, sorry for going off on one. Love you all❤ I’m so glad I found you all, and the courage to post after a long lurk. You have all helped me more than you can now this dark, sad, and difficult year. I am forever grateful to @What’s your point for starting all this
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So it's January 2023 and it's almost 2 years since Ioan fled the family home with the clothes on his back.
Alice is still squatting in a property that is the only asset they (mainly IG, has) while he hemorrhages money he doesn't have.
Neither has a job but with Alice, it's deliberate and permanent.
They both have big legal bills to be paid off.
Alice has a 3 year Restraining Order and her name is mud except with the clueless or the insane.
She is accused of hoarding money and will likely have a forensic accountant go through her finances.
Her GoFundMe grift was a flop with only $5k raised. Her half assed Cameos also failed.
Her PA also seems to have been a failure on the youngest and probably only temporarily successful on the eldest.
She is now 'gagged' on her beloved SM, with the occasional squeak from Tiny Tone, aka, her, for light relief.

My question for Alice is - was it worth it??
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I bought it and going through it.

Basically, she writes fiction except for the part where he paid the arrears part of the mortgage.

Using her stunning logic, he paid the arrears so he can still pay them.

Sign those autographs! Only you! Not me and my 3k from Cameo.

Marie also submitted the document with a typo of how much the house was valued by the good old standard RedFin.

Never change Marie! You've PHAROUGHLY nailed this one!
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Ah poor Tony needing help with mobile phone communications and contracts. If only he knew someone who used to work in a mobile phone store or even own one so he knew how these things worked 🤔

So it was a family package? But only for her as the girls phones are obviously on another contract? Or was it for her and Ioan and now he’s removed her from his package in more ways than one 😂
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What's your point

VIP Member
It will be 2 years in a couple of months since I started the very first Alice thread, never ever did I imagine that this would still be dragging on.

Actually embarrassed about my first post calling Ioan smug and that Alice was probably well shut, I didn't know any better at that point but Alice certainly has changed my point of view.

Surely 2023 will see the end of this 💩 show? How much longer can the legal stuff carry on?

I hope the girls have had a decent Christmas and that it wasn't all doom and gloom for them.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
GeT a JoB aLiCe…
This is exactly what the judge will tell her. She's made no attempt to earn any meaningful income. A few cameos and begging the public to support her via her GoFundMe isn't going to play well in court. She has no diagnosed disabilities. She is capable of working. The girls are in school during the day. There is an ironclad prenup.

IMO, she wants war. The memoir, and that's what it reads like, that she submitted guised as court documents about her imagined perfect marriage and perfect wifehood aren't going to work in her favor. There's a restraining order in place because of her abuse. You can't feign sainthood with your documented demon work.

This will not end well for Alice if she sticks to this path.

My opinion.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Alice needs to stop begging the public for money to pay her bills and get work. Because that's clearly what the bro account is doing, IMO. Hoping people will send money to pay the arrears. Since Covid, you are given extra notice before things like phone, electric, etc., are cancelled. Alice would legally have been given notice by Ioan's lawyers that all bills were going to be put in her name or cancelled. It sounds like she has just refused to pay any bills herself. Ioan is not responsible for her basic living expenses at this point. She was told ages ago that she had to start financially contributing.

How is she going to help provide for the girls if she can't pay for the most basic things? This will work against her in court. This makes her look so irresponsible.

What a mess.
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Oh wow, @unobtrusive lurker liked one of my comments!

If y'all have not noticed, I have not been on here much lately. 🏡
I've been getting a house ready for sale. Not my own home. This 1 is the last of my investment properties. New kitchen, new paint, new floor coverings. Roof needed work. Fence needed work.
I didn't do the work but I have been supervising, so arranging quotes, scheduling works, making progress payments, etc. 🕘🕑🕔
And now I have a contract on it, so ⌛.
I have decided not to go back to work, so my financial adviser and I are in the process of converting my super and the soon-to-be-sale proceeds into a retirement income stream and retirement investment portfolio.
And now retirement and the occasional holiday awaits. 🏖
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📢 This is an urgent tannoy message for Alice

I’m thinking Yo rang up the phone people at 1.15am and said “I want this number IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED’ must of happened that way don’t you think 🤔🤣🤣
So Alice was busy lurking online at 1.15am and suddenly noticed there was no wifi. LOL That's what happens when you don't pay your bills luv. Now Tiny Tone wants 'advice'?? The advice is PAY THE FUCKING BILL. I think this is another attempted grift. Alice wants someone else to pay for it.

It must be such a dilemma - she has money stashed away but doesn't want to use it as she's pretending she doesn't have it. And now she can't even lurk!! The horror!!

Almost like the Soho House jollies shouldn't have happened if paying basic bills wasn't happening. Grow up Alice!
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Honestly, this is just more abuse, IMO. It was done to destabilize him and pressure him into giving in to her demands. The mere fact that she's insisting she have direct access to him despite the DVRO says it all.
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We've had a whip-round at Turd HQ and never fear...we'll have Alice back on the grid, and in touch with her favourite bro soon!

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