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Really fuckin tired of her condemning women for not supporting other women when she went after Bianca like a jaguar and encouraged her minions to follow her example. Also sick of her bullshit claims that she’s “raising awareness” for various issues when it’s pretty clear that Alice looks out for Alice and only Alice (and barely). Fuck outta here. 🚀
Feminism does not require a woman to support another woman's destructive, abusive, shitty actions. That ain't sisterhood.
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She doesn't look super nervous to me. I mean, I'm sure she's a little nervous posing in front of a bank of cameras. She is poised. She just looks like someone who isn't mugging and posing for the camera like all of these actresses do now. It's too much. I like her simple smile, no tilting of the head, no pursing of the lips. Ioan is the star, not her, and she's there to support him on the red carpet, and let him shine.
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also interesting that when told she will lose the kids she didnt say she wont bc theor dad dont wat them. Is there any narrative she can stick to?

as for this: you texted it yourself lmao
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I absolutely hate that she's pushing the narrative that she is doing this for all women who didn't make a fuss aka go bloody nuts, no Alice you are not championing women's cause you are actually damaging it, the women I most admire are those whose marriages have broken down but for the sake of their children they have a good reasonable relationship with their fathers, those women are amazing. It's fine to hate the person but for your kids be reasonable.
She's told so many lies she doesn't know what is truth and what isn't and what she's said. It's a total cluster fuck of her own making there's no need to blame anyone else she's done this all to herself.
It winds Alice up no end that women speak out against her.

I have teenage kids and she has nothing in common with me or any other single mums I know. Nothing. Anyone who I ever met who thought this kind of thing or acted this way we would all give a wide berth. Single mums do tend to stick together through shared experiences but this is absolute toxic insanity and the idea she’s trying to ‘help’ women is what made me come to this forum in the first place. It’s all a false narrative she has never given a shit about other women, one poor lady posted to AE on IG last year about losing her child and Alice commented back to her that she too was in pain from all her ‘losses’

She’s also tried to turn other peoples pain of cancer and losses back to her own pain many times
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On her Go Fund Me she says her husband was (quote) “wonderful” for 20 years (so up until he left) and now she is heavily suggesting she will use her own children (like the weapons she sees them as) to testify against their own father for “what he has done to them.” Take her to the cleaners Ioan, she is a disgrace.
She contradicts herself so much about her wonderful 20 year marriage. One hour it was perfect, then the next hour he was never there or had the kids for more than a week, then it's a reply of how HE was abusive to HER (and she has witnesses! Witnesses I tell you!)
And I could go on and on but I'll stop there 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Mad Betty

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Alice has been awfully quiet. Sleeping through the hangover or consequences came calling?
I won't be surprised if there are more court actions are in play. That GoFundMe breaks the TRO so I imagine it might take legal documentation to take it down. Maybe reality just hit her. She's evaded it thus far.
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Just checking in, just started 105 😳 Christ on a bike, I had thought after the 14th my life would be my own again, but by heck she cranked it up to super dooper swizzle eyed loon level. Ioan and Bianca in Monte Carlo was definitely a treat after some of her shenanigans. My newborn baby granddaughter is an absolute delight, I get to babysit her this weekend so my Son and dil get to enjoy Armed Forces day this coming Saturday. And in the upcoming film about us I would like Gal Gadot to play me, but if she feels too intimidated to play me, I'll settle for Dawn French instead 😝
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Evening all from sunny London 👋
Just caught up on the thread, I had a horrible panic attack in the early hours and am still suffering as a result. I see that not much has changed, I.e mAlice is still a dick and asking for handouts 🤬. I&B are still in the South of France, enjoying life! I bet she's itching to post something (maybe she's been literally restrained), I was thinking I bet she spends the hours she isn't on insta, trawling the Internet for anything on them.....When is this woman ever going to sort her life out ffs 🙄.
Anyway, hope my fellow Tattlers are well xx
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Maybe because they haven’t gotten as far as custody is the reason one hasn’t already been assigned to them. This hearing that Alice is using to scam money from hardworking people is only for the TRO, Alice is lying and telling the GoFundMe group the money is for a lawyer for the divorce. Is she going to try and do another GoFundMe for the divorce and custody hearings, I wouldn’t doubt it. She has no shame, self respect or dignity. The only reason I side eye Ioan is because he lived with her for almost 20 years knowing what a pathetic waste of humanity she is. 😏
I was 15 years with my emotional abuser. And that was without kids. It's hard to leave when you start to believe them that you are nothing. 😥
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Mad Betty

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I think it's very possible that Alice has absolutely no clue how banking and finance works because she's been mollycoddled her entire life. Anything she has paid for has been from an account that Ioan funded, or a credit card that he pays. But she's the one physically making the payment so in her head it's her money and he's contributing nothing.
I suspect Alice hasn't had to pay her own bills with her own money her entire life.
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I had to step away y/day as this evil bitch is doing my head in on so many levels. Her GFM has triggered me a lot.

There is a point to this. I am reliant on UC (benefits) as my small private pension doesn't come close to covering my rent (sheltered housing flat)& I'm not eligible for state pension for a few more years which will be minimal anyway so I'll then need to apply for different benefits to cover the rent because of certain long term circumstances in my life (not going into it) let's just say the well known phrase "no good deed goes unpunished" is sadly true. It cost me everything, incl' my sanity as I had a MH breakdown, was suicidal & in a black hole for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the £££ as I would still be *homeless otherwise. (*separate event years later) But like many others I'm reliant on a cold Gov't machine that doesn't see us as human beings. We are at their mercy & this was demonstrated to me last year mid Dec when they made a cock up, couldn't be bothered to either ring me & double check or ask me on my UC journal or God forbid check their damn records, they just cut my £ off with no warning. I had just £5 to my name. I was stressed out of my mind, their only response was to give me the number of the nearest food bank while they looked into it which took until the start of the NY when they re-paid me. A dear friend (bless her) had to lend me £££ just so I could survive December.

I have cut back on so much, my only 'luxury' (vice) are cigs of which I make my own as it's 3 x cheaper, I don't get food shopping every week, can't afford it, every food shop is spent checking receipts & adding up what items I can or can't afford & like everyone else in the UK there's huge increases in the cost of food, electricity, gas & petrol. I'm all electric & stopped driving years ago but my electric bill has tripled & every month I am juggling & struggling as there is always some extra unexpected expense & I'm sick of living like this. I worked hard to clear the remaining personal bits from a storage unit (needed when I was made homeless) so this month I would have an extra £78 which to me is a LOT of £. That's been swallowed up by my electricity charges with some more added on top. I've switched all my bills to DD, done so much to try & help myself but I'm still struggling & juggling every fucking month.

And no I don't want to stop smoking. I've smoked for over 40 years, its my only 'luxury' & due to Diabetes t2 I have an enormous amount of weight to lose & that is difficult & stressful enough. The weight piled on after a lot of health issues. I can't work due to other health issues, incl' fatigue.
I live a fair distance from any shops so if I need an an ATM, the PO, etc I have to pay out for a cab. I get home delivery for food but often can't afford the £30 minimum so I go without & make do. I rarely go out. I'm not a materialistic person but like most people there are things I would like to get but I can't afford to. I would like to be able to afford to use a collect & deliver laundry service but that's out the question. We're not allowed washing machines & have to use the small laundry & we get one or two time slots per week (if other residents don't nick them - don't get me started on that!) & a machine for anyone to use which of course is very popular!
I'm on the first floor so to do my laundry it means either a walk to the lift carrying it all or 6 trips down & up a flight of stairs. Down - put in washing hour cycle. Back up to flat. Down-remove & transfer to drier. Back up. Down to collect then back up & more often than not I am too tired & in too much pain with my back to do it so it builds up. I can't walk far (or stand) without bad back pain due to the return of kidney stones & I'm currently waiting for my 3rd Op in 3 years. I only had the last lot removed end of Sept. I'm not looking for sympathy, there's loads more people a lot worse off than me & many have kids to feed & I have single friends like me who are also struggling. I had to borrow more £ from a friend last month & God knows when I can pay her back & while she says it's not a problem it makes me feel so goddamn worthless & ashamed. I never thought in a million years this is how the last chapter of my life would be. I had waited so long just to finally get a life of my own.
But the point of this merail comes back to Alice.

A lazy entitled greedy lying malicious mother fucking Narc bitch setting up a GFM as a way to shame Ioan, to piss on his MC appearance, to make him look like the worst father going & it's working & it makes me want to SCREAM. She's spent years living a life of privilege, sitting on her arse in a $2 million house with a pool, nanny, food services, cosmetic procedures (like her revolting lip fillers) constant take outs, Ella in a top school, a car & God knows how many bottles of booze a week, designer clothes, jewellery & ALL of it paid for by Ioan & all she can do is fake poverty as a way of getting back at him. HOW FUCKING DARE SHE? What kind of world even allows an abuser with a fucking TRO to get away with shit like this?

She has two beautiful girls who she wouldn't even have but for Ioan. Yet she's causing them & Ioan so much trauma just because of her pathetic ego, the Narcissistic injury of losing control of her victim who she abused for YEARS & is still being allowed to abuse. She's a fucking disgrace.
The depths of my loathing, contempt & disgust for this vile bitch runs very fucking deep. I wouldn't cross the road to piss on her if she was on fire.

I can relate to @tropeonarope when she said about even feeling anger to those offering her a kind word because I am the same.
She doesn't deserve people feeling sorry for her or feeling sympathy or offering well meaning advice.
This is Alice FFS & we've all seen what she thinks of well meaning advice!
But she's still getting it, still getting support, still getting people taking her word as gospel & spewing bile at Ioan because of her LIES.
She deserves NOTHING. Or at least nothing that is good. And I say that as a compassionate empathetic person by nature but I have none for Alice.

This is someone whose recent reply to a poor woman with terminal cancer was to immediately turn it back to herself & how women who have been blind sided are more likely to develop cancer & how ill she feels & she must see a Doctor.
THIS is who people are feeling sorry for.
THIS is who people want to help & feel sympathy for.
THIS is who people feel sad for.
What part of what they see don't they understand? She has shown who she is over & over & over again. I just don't get it.
This is not a woman who wants advice. She sees nothing wrong with her behaviour.
This is not a woman who will wake up one morning, have an epiphany about what an absolute vile cunt she is, feel genuine remorse & want to make amends. She knows exactly what she is doing but she doesn't care! Alice only cares about Alice.
This is not a woman who will embrace serious psychiatric help, open herself up to genuine painful soul searching & self reflection & then put in the daily work let alone years of work needed just to try & manage her NPD. Anyone who thinks she would is fucking dreaming.
She could manage a display of effort if she thought it would get her something she wanted but it wouldn't be genuine. The only genuine things about her are her rage, hate, maliciousness, her lying & thirst for revenge.
Her alcoholism is a separate matter & doesn't change her basic nature which is bad to the bone.
She's a hollow shell of a human being. She doesn't even know what love really feels like because she's incapable of it.
People are just possessions to her to be used then discarded if they don't continue to support her which for Alice means blow smoke up her arse, tell her how wonderful she is & what an amazing mother she is, etc.

If her GFM is allowed to remain & if she is allowed to have the $$$ from it then I truly despair. I am sick of seeing her get away with her continued abuse of Ioan & her PA of the girls which is also abuse. I am sick of her never facing any real consequences for her behaviour.
She is truly a waste of oxygen as she brings nothing good or positive to this world. I've said it before, she's a human wrecking ball who leaves pain in her wake & she knows it but she doesn't care. She thrives on it. Those people still feeling sorry for her are enablers, abuse apologists.
Shame on them & most of all shame on Alice but that's something else she doesn't feel. I hope one day she rots in the hell of her own making.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou.
So sad to hear how tough life is @Just William ❤

I doubt anyone would here would suspect how life is for you. You are always kind and thoughtful in your posts to other Tattlers.

Please know that people here are here for you ❤

Do what is best for you right now and if that means taking a break from the Alice-Shit-Show, come back feeling refreshed. We will be happy if you feel you can come back to us again ❤
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Let's say you're right and there was an affair before the separation. Is that what Alice is after - a confession? What would that change in terms of the divorce proceedings? Nothing, she's in a no-fault state with a pre-nup in place. It would give her one more thing to complain about, so there's that.
I honestly think she just simply wants to one day have the last laugh over him. This is just power. She’s tried belittling him, embarrassing, humiliating and breaking him and it hasn’t worked. He is still smiling. She’s very set on financial ruin as she’s trying to work out what is going to hurt him and this is one of her guesses.

She’s completely bewildered at trying all the things she thought would work on him and hitting walls. She’s furious he’s using lawyers to hide behind instead of facing her (rightly so Ioan). She’s furious that he is patiently waiting to see the children when things calm down. She’s furious he won’t make a statement.

She says she wants the truth but she doesn’t really want that. She wants the chance to feel like she’s superior to him
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Have we seen this one? I don’t remember seeing it

View attachment 1359197
Ioan didnt work 1.5 years after Harrow and she with failure auditioned shortly before it.

In August 2020 (when Harrow was ending) she tweeted that Ioan has many offers and they are already practicing scripts.

In the past year she accused him of not working intentionally

Go figure. She was never going to work. Not because Ioan didnt want her but because no one wanted her. Besides plenty actor couples work at the same time
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This post is so problematic. Because she is making it clear she will not allow Ioan's girls live with him, and I assume that means even 50 perfect of the time. And she's clearly weaponized the girls, Gloria, and Gloria's family against him. This is what parental alienation looks like.

Alice has a lot of hard truths coming her way. She doesn't get to make these decisions. I believe Ioan and even Bianca will most definitely have a relationship with the girls and I see Ioan getting partial or even full custody. Because Alice doesn't appear to be setting herself up to be able to care for those girls, does she? All this time and she hasn't found any meaningful work. She even said many months ago that her then lawyer told her she needed to get a job and suggested Home Depot. No, Alice Doesn't believe she should have to work. Both parents are financially responsible for them. What's her contribution?

Edited for spelling View attachment 1359794
I am soooo far behind and desperately on catch, so many posts that I want to make a response to but can only react to because I am so far behind...

Anyhoo, I just had to respond to this post, in particular the bit where mAlice again whinges on and on about how she gave up working so IG could undertake employment abroad.

What utter bull poop!

She could have found/made employment locally for herself whilst hubby was working abroad. If she had been employable or had any real desire to work. She's had a nanny and housekeeping staff for years before Gloria took on the role of nanny/housekeeper/carer.

I was a military wife, and lived away from extended family support, but I managed to find and maintain employment whilst hubby was away on active service. I also managed to look after the children, the house, the pets, the utility bills and any minor household emergencies that arose whilst he was away.

And that's what many wives/partners of serving personnel or partners who have employment that takes them away from home for long periods of time do.
They get on with it!

I don't know of any that lay in their grotty pits like some moulding wannabe Cleopatra, expecting her house staff, children, dog and husband to wait on her and amuse her whilst she terrorised them with her feigned illnesses and her sodding mobile phone.

She was, and remains, an absolute Twunt!
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Iam new to this thread after seeing Alice meltdown on Instagram... I don't know too much about the whole situation.. Except I don't get the bianca love here?? I mean yeah Alice is looking like a total narc but bianca is still the other woman.. And something in me can never ever love the other woman!

Has ioan tried to see his kids in the last Yr? Has he even been in the same city? Some fathers do just give up on the kids after divorce.. Its actually quite common.. Especially if there is another woman involved. I tni k it's definitely possible hedoesnt really want any custody at all.
I mean what does Alice actually want out of this? Surely ioan not seeing the kids is best case for her? Why does she want to shame him into seeing them? I feel like she would explode if he did actually see them!

Also is it possible that bianca might have a baby herself? Would Alice spontaneously combust if that happened?
That comment did piss me off but I’m gonna assume you’ve read all the threads and wiki … cause AE is a cnut ✌🏼🕊
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The poster may or may not be “well informed” but no one here can say with any certainty that Ioan did not start a relationship with Bianca prior to leaving Alice. And it shouldn’t be stated as “fact”.

Just because he gives a date in the court documents, does not make it true. He is obviously acting in his own best interests (who wouldn’t?) in the absence of any evidence proving otherwise. If he did admit to cheating, then it would be very problematic for his hopes of his children having a good relationship with Bianca. Why wouldn’t he lie?

Nice people lie too.
Alice is the one making it very problematic for him to have a relationship with his kids.
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Fuck my metaphors today but I’ve always likened this to running into a brick wall—Alice being the brick wall. You can suit up in the best helmet and padding, you can run as fast and hard as you can…but you’ll still crash into it and damage no part of it. She was always the problem, and no matter what he did or how prepared he was, she was always going to stop him or find ways to punish him.
At the risk of outing myself as a true nerd, he’s in a Kobayashi Maru scenario. It’s un-winnable. The only way to win is to change the conditions of the test itself and he’s (imo) trying to do that by seeking legal intervention.
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