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I'm taking a break for a while Alice is so infuriating. She's wasting her life being bitter and destroying her girls mental health. You might hate your ex and his new girlfriend that can be normal but you pull your big girl panties up and get on with putting your kids first. I just can't watch this clusterfuck anymore she's never going to let it go..
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A lot has happened Alice over the last few years. Her career such as it was has tanked. She has lost her figure. She has lost her looks. Her husband has left her. She has alcohol and substance abuse issues. She has few if any friends.
On the other hand she has two beautiful children, lives in a 2 million dollar home, all bills are paid, a nanny/housekeeper, a car and an allowance.
Alice has a choice, she can seek help, cut a deal with Ioan, he seems like a decent guy, try and re-establish a career as per some of the suggestions on this thread or continue on the path she has chosen and end up living on the streets or worse.
My best friend went into a similar spiral, all his own fault, but he continually blamed his partner. He continued until he hit rock bottom and ended up living on the streets with a string of petty theft convictions. I did my best to help him. Maybe I could have done more or done things differently I don't know.
He felt rejected because when times were good and he was flying high he had loads of friends, when the money went they deserted him.
When he was right he was a good husband, father and provider but his partner and children carry their scars on the inside.
He kept threatening to kill himself, until he eventually did.
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So Ioan is not allowed to ever be happy again because Alice will always be unhappy? LOL

PS: why is it hurting her if she is over him
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What it tells me is that he values his children’s opinions and places more importance on being able to have a decent relationship with them.

I completely understand why he would do that. I don’t think it’s that uncommon for people to lie in court documents.
Wait, we’re saying Ioan lied now? Perjury is really serious and not generally just a slap on the wrist. It’s also one of the offenses that can be brought up against you - again and again - in any court case where you testify to show that you’re a liar and that your character is flawed. It’s a crime of moral turpitude. It follows you.

Maybe I understood incorrectly, but I thought @ReturningthePearls has stated more than once that she had information we’re not privy to that she vetted and believed, and that there was no affair. I can’t speak for her, but she’s not just going off a timeline. If you don’t believe her, that’s one thing and that’s up to you. To suggest Ioan committed casual perjury is another thing entirely.
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I have btw no idea to what she is responding, she is deleting so many comments (or blocking people) after responding to them (very mature)

This is outrageous, she’s insinuating he was abusive to her and the girls 😡😡😡
exactly what she threatened to do
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I can never understand the "it's my child and I can say what I want." No, that is a totally independent human being that you get to love and have the duty to care for and respect as an independent human being. It's crap like that cause some kids to break with their parents later in life. You don't get to use that child for your benefit or as a prop for your life.
We don’t own our children.
My daughter has trauma from her father and is in therapy, and her therapist asked me what I want for her. I said that I want her to live for herself, on her own terms, and know that THAT is all she has to do. She isn’t here ‘for’ me, or anyone else. Just herself. I try not to say ‘MY daughter’ even, except in passing where people don’t know her name.
I would never discuss anything about her (ANYTHING) with people who can identity her.
It’s possible to hold children so tightly that we crush them. I know that resonates with some people here.
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Caroline Of Brunswick

Chatty Member
They both look gorgeous but a little strained, I think. But no bloody wonder with Alice being a twunt. Ioan looks like he’s ready to shield Bianca from any untoward questions. I hope B is really taking care of herself as she looks like she’s lost weight to me.
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She had over a year to say whatever she wanted to say before the restraining order was granted. All she had were cowardly little hints he watched kiddie porn and that “witnesses” would attest she didn’t abuse him but it was “the other way around,” which she floated to see how people would respond and then dropped because the “we were so happy and then he ghosted me!” narrative got more traction.
She's also had three opportunities to tell the court her side - when she rushed to file her response to his TRO request (saying without proof it was all lies); the original court date, and then June 14. She can also tell her side on August 2 for the hearing (it's not a trial, Alice or her supporters). It is a hearing to determine if the temporary domestic violence restraining order should be made permanent. But that means she is still under the restrictions of that order. It's fairly simple for her to comply. She can talk about anything in the world other than Ioan, Bianca and his mother. And if she talks about them it has to be at worst neutral. She can't seem to comprehend that and neither do her deluded followers.
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Her comments here truly show her narcissism and her state of mind.
With regard to anyone leaving a marriage: "Those who let it happen". Wtaf? You can't stop someone who wants to leave, unless of course, you're an abusive bully who just refuses to believe that their relationship is over.
"When injustice is done to me, I fight it". I guess it depends on your definition of "injustice". If sitting on your arse for years, living off the fruits of your husband's labour, while someone else looks after your kids, is "injustice", then I'm a bloody squirrel.
Still, we're all gonna find out when we "read the book". So we aren't going to hear about it at the courthouse then? Oh Alice, you bloody tease! 🙄

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I love picture 2, the way they're holding hands just looks SO SO loving to me, really caring too.

I agree with you re baby, that's what I thought when I first saw the pictures, but didn't want to say it. Is there a buba on board??
Judging by the bikini pic she put on Instagram, if there is a baby on board she must be very early days! I honestly doubt it. They have a movie in the pipeline and he is still not divorced.

Why would she put her hand there if she wasn’t?
Could be that her MS is flaring due to anxiety and that's a comfortable way to stand?
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Ah man, just woke up to ten pages which I've caught up on and will now have to a) be in work on time and b) actually do some work, I was hoping for a 50 page extravaganza! #disappointed come on mAlice don't let me down.

As for the comments regarding seeing him, this is why she won't let him see the kids she wants to see him, she says see his face and hear his voice once in a while ... er sorry love that ship has sailed, in fact you my dear doused it in petrol set it alight and adrift .. why the bloody hell would he want to be abused in a face to face situation....

As for B being the other woman, if there is true love in a relationship then no head would be turned you can't break something that doesn't already have cracks. mAlice manipulative behaviour in demanding he comes back in the pandemic and general in his face filming and berating will have been the cracks, regardless of B the wheel was already in motion and his mind made up.

He won't be seeing the kids because unless he picks them up she won't let him, he might aswell get on with life and trying to find work.
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Woof. Sending her followers to harass some random commenter. Thinking people are jealous of her. This is paranoid delusion.

View attachment 1359039
Amanda is spot on. Alice had far more opportunities handed to her than most, had a longer adolescence than most and threw it all at the wall. She has two lovely daughters. Get a job and your temporary issues are over. It’s very simple.
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Let's say you're right and there was an affair before the separation. Is that what Alice is after - a confession? What would that change in terms of the divorce proceedings? Nothing, she's in a no-fault state with a pre-nup in place. It would give her one more thing to complain about, so there's that.
She thinks it would finish his career if she proved he cheated on his wife. Well it didn't harm Brad Pitt much. People have been having affairs for years. It doesn't end a career.
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I don't think she knows what to do with her hands; an evening bag always helps just to hold if you're like that.

Another difference is that she's not trying to dominate the pair of them. She's happy to be there to support the star, not to try to usurp his position like mAlice. They fit together so well and Yo looks much happier than even at the beginning with the swivel-eyed loon.
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I worked at Paramount for many years. Loved it, loved the lot, loved the people I worked with and yeah, loved that it was close to home. (There is great value in not having to commute on the freeway.) The odds that Alice could get a sitcom there or anywhere are slim, especially if she has no representation and no relationships with showrunners who'd be in a position to hire her.
The delusion there is so strong - she really seems to think she gave up a career rather than no one actually wanting her. And that she can just pick this up when she doesn't, like you say, even have an agent or anything.
This whole narrative of Ioan would be stepping back when Harrow was done to let her take up the mantel gives me the boak cause even I know the film industry is incredibly ageist towards older women and that's exactly what she'd be. There was no career to "pick up".

Wow they live smack dab in the middle of all the famous landmarks!
Even I know (never been to LA) that it would be crazy expensive to live there!
Yep, WeHo. Some of her past (and one recent) insta pics have given up her exact address.
So, Alice, it's not just those Tattlers who live in your area that know where you reside. Nor is that a threat by the way. Just pointing out your own stupidity.
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Wow Daily Mail. Ioan Gruffudd puts on a smitten display? I'll bet you Alice's first communion money that it took them 4 hours to find a replacement adjective for busty. Also, where's the world sizzling, DM? You're not doing your best!

ETA: I think I've read classical Russian novels shorter than this article. Who reads any of this? I always jump straight to comments.
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