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Chatty Member
Re the go fund me and legal aid, Alice doesn’t really think or believe she’s poor, she’s playing a role and enjoying it. She’s always been with men who have money so by extension she’s had money and now she’s trying the poor cloak on and strutting in it, all the while knowing she’ll discard it as soon as she’s done with the act.

At 54, her belief she will be taken care of is totally ingrained in her, I have no doubt she thinks she will be paid mega bucks for her story, interviews etc or someone else will come along to rescue her.

I know it’s Alice but she still amazes me, the gall of someone who has a nanny when they don’t work and who orders food seemingly daily then pleading poverty…it blows my 💩 mind.
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House of Tea

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This work thing is another twisted narrative. I believe she can’t work. Because she destroyed her own career by being difficult. She just admitted to pissing off the producers of VD. That is a career killer. So no she can’t act but not because she gave it up. She lost it. So why did she not retrain? Use her skills in another industry? I think bcos she was too far gone by this point. Unable to be taught or follow direction. She was stubborn, big headed from doing some shows and wanted to act the Queen on Twitter and drink piss all night long.
She thinks she is too big a person to live an ordinary life. She would never get what she sees is a normal job. Imagine having to manage her. The whole HR department would be focussed solely on her - managing her long periods of absence, the bullying claims, her inappropriate behaviour. It would be endless.
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Chatty Member
she did delete some tweets btw, like Bianca breaking 3 marriages etc
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yet Ioan's girlfriend speaks more Welsh than her
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i thought it was fibro

in reality her career was dead

how strange that she was working when the kids were babies, normally other way around
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I think Ioan wants to move on yknow. also it's "his" lawyer
Don't take that foot off her neck, Anne. Get Ioan his freedom from that crazy loon.
Had she done the collaborative divorce I bet she would have come out smelling like a rose because Ioan would have made sure his kids and by default her were comfortable and taken care of.
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She’s researching how to be a lawyer by watching tv shows or asking on Instagram isn’t she? Omg she’s Alky McBeal(ing)
Listen missy - I'm fucking Meredith Gray after being with Dad in the hospital all week.
I walk out of there ripping my mask off like I just finished a 10 hour organ transplant. 😂😂
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Just William

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The thing she is most upset about is Ioan trying to reunify with his kids

let. that. sink
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yes, that has totally killed career before (though others didnt had nutty ex-wives lying about them)
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Well, since Alice introduced me to Ioan via her hate campaign I have made a point of checking out his work & he was/is def' the talent in that marriage. So far - Harrow, Forever, Liar, King Arthur, Another Life, Warriors, etc :sneaky:
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Mad Betty

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Alice said “I’m going to destroy you, and people will believe me”
She has over 400 supportive comments on the last post.
The good news is that she is doing an amazing job of proving Ioan was telling the truth. I continue to bow to her mighty self-ownness.

The bad news is that until the PRO hearing where she will undoubtedly be obliterated by the judge and walk out DVRO'd for LIFE ( incrementally), this is the new norm.

Edited: word hiccup
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She was open about checking his phone. Bet she had all his passwords too. Then she said she forgot to check his Insta messages and that's how she didn't find out about BW when he was "cheating" as they obviously used this to communicate. Bunny boiler.

Here Alice - here's a subject for your screenplay Fatal Attraction 2 with you in the Glenn Close part. You would ace it as no acting required!!
she also said that she was recording all his conversations.

her definition of a happy marriage makes me honestly scared for the "happier than ever" kids currently - people like her have the tendency to exagerate happiness proportionally to how bad it actually is.
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A Little Grey

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She’s on here all the time isn’t she? I bet she has one device with this continuously open, so she can check up on what we’re saying.
She must have it open continuously, she’s very quick to respond to the posts here. For example last thread post 790 was M33L4 saying something about Alice having herpes. Post 815(ish) is a screenshot of Alice twitter saying people think she has herpes. 25 posts here is no time at all, but she never visits here and never lies.
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Her financial problems would be solved if a. She got a job and b. Moved on with the divorce
Her financial problems are as fictional as the book she is going to write. Or her 102 ailments.

If you really are up against it you get a job even if it's Home Depot. Her FMs are sucking up her sob stories. That's the whole point of it. Clickbait.

First IG was the abuser ❌
Then she is an invalid ❌
Now she is skint. ❌

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i find it btw interesting how she creates narratives

she for example claims that Ioan accused her of abuse for 4 years (well, it's true, check her SM over the years).

How do we know that he ever said that? The TRO is about the last two years?

He may have said this in private but not in public. And here is the thing about Alice's pathetic attempt to become Johnny Depp: If Ioan had claimed in public to have been abused by her for 4 years without anything other than circumstantial evidence then she would have perhaps a point, but this is not what happened.

Alice tries hard to deny abuse until August 2020, but his filing is about after August 2020 with all the proofs attached to which her only excuse is "he made me do it by leaving". But she distracted her audience additionally from this by acting like Ioan publicly accused her of 4 years of abuse and the mail is the grand proof for this to be untrue (it's not, imo it even supports it)

What she doesnt realize though is that she makes herself look extra bad. Now instead of her "heartbreak" abuse narrative the press may run with the 4 years of abuse narrative, which takes her main excuse away. And for the casual reader this will stick.
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Just William

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Loving notes? My mimsy would be glued shut if my other half sent me notes like that.
She infantilized him with her puke inducing nickname of baby angel & the poor sod probably didn't dare to disagree. I bet he was cringing inside.
And she does the same with the girls calling them both "babies" which along with her weird obsession with baby's heads makes you wonder?!
Yet she also sexualises so much, even the girls & I can't forget her vile "get a room" comment. It's like she never outgrew being 16/17.

His appeasing email from the airport was actually sad. Another turd nailed it - coercive control. 😞

I recall two photos on IG. He was feeding one of the girls as a baby & she's posting the convo of how she calls him & in the first photo he looks at her worried, she even posts how he thought he had done something wrong, then when he realises he hasn't in the next pic he's all smiles. 😞
I don't doubt there were times he cold shouldered her or ignored her but I have a feeling that was nearer the end, within the last 4 years.
That Guardian interview he did he said as much that they had been struggling for 4 years & she remarked how he was worried about an article coming out. No doubt what her reaction would be to him saying that. What makes me sad is how many people saw her IG posts & # digs & found her & them funny. How is it funny when someone admits to posting stuff their partner doesn't want posted & then adds insult to injury by adding #digs?
It's a clear violation of their privacy & boundaries which in turn is a form of abuse as he told her he didn't like or want it but she did it anyway.
And people still think she loved him? I just don't get it. When he did an interview in Oz the woman there thought Alice was hilarious doing this & he had to sit there & suck it up & even joke along & remark how he would put make up on just in case she took pics. 😞
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I reckon Alice should def relocate to the UK and take the girls with her. She should def get those British passports for her daughters and take them to the airport. She should def wear her best horse rug and levitating boots and she should def shout DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM at airport staff. Yes the sooner she gets to relocating the better.

I recall two photos on IG. He was feeding one of the girls as a baby & she's posting the convo of how she calls him & in the first photo he looks at her worried, she even posts how he thought he had done something wrong, then when he realises he hasn't in the next pic he's all smiles. 😞
I don't doubt there were times he cold shouldered her or ignored her but I have a feeling that was nearer the end, within the last 4 years.
That Guardian interview he did he said as much that they had been struggling for 4 years & she remarked how he was worried about an article coming out. No doubt what her reaction would be to him saying that. What makes me sad is how many people saw her IG posts & # digs & found her & them funny. How is it funny when someone admits to posting stuff their partner doesn't want posted & then adds insult to injury by adding #digs?
It's a clear violation of their privacy & boundaries which in turn is a form of abuse as he told her he didn't like or want it but she did it anyway.
And people still think she loved him? I just don't get it. When he did an interview in Oz the woman there thought Alice was hilarious doing this & he had to sit there & suck it up & even joke along & remark how he would put make up on just in case she took pics. 😞
This one.

ioan baby 2.jpg
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I don't have a computer and I use my phone to get on here and look. I'd never been on a forum or looked at Daily Mail, etc. I saw something on my news feed about them that brought me here. I, as some, initially felt bad for her. That was short lived. I stay because my heart needs to know Ioan and girls will be OK. It's weird to feel so strong about strangers, but after seeing/reading all her self absorbed abuse/lies, I want to see a happy ending for Ioan, Bianca, and those beautiful girls. I'm praying August court date will speed this up.
I knew of her from her previous Twitter debacles. But when the picture of Ioan and Bianca went up on Instagram and I saw the truly HORRIBLE things she was saying about this two people I did not know - I started reading up on it and Alice sent me here. 😂

Unfortunately, I recognized the emotional abuse and narcissism immediately.
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What are the legal implications for Alice refusing to move forward with the divorce and house sale?
Can Ioan's lawyers order it to go ahead without Alice's cooperation given the tro/pro? Would a judge just rubber stamp it if Alice doesn't bother to turn up at the next hearing?
Re the divorce, if she is being uncooperative, he can file for a default hearing and the judge would decide on all outstanding issues. Which is the way it seems to be heading as she is definitely not cooperating.
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House of Tea

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This week hasn’t went as well as she thinks. She’s lost her main fm’s at least publicly. She’s down to last chance saloon with no legal representation. That’s not a good thing. Her social media output is showing exactly what he’s had to put up with, her evidence of a note sent before the split means absolutely nothing. Even if he has an affair and I’m not belittling the consequences of one, it doesn’t justify her abuse towards Ioan, Bianca and the extended family. She also goes after any commenter online disagreeing with her.
She’s showing her ass and making everyone else realise how awful she is. Those “fans” of whom there’s about three are clout chasing arseholes. They will never admit she’s a crackpot. They can see how she behaves, some people are just like that.
No compassion and when they got dumped they just took it. Alice’s white privilege is shining through and they’re all supporting it and it’s all public for everyone to see them goading her on.
The bin I’m throwing them in gets smaller each time and eventually it’ll be sad and lonely Alice left. She forgets the girls can see all of this, they will work it out eventually.
Her eldest daughter is reading everything. There will come a point, after she realises her dad wasn’t a bad father, that she will realise her mother, whilst fun at times, is a complete crackpot and an embarrassment.
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