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Awww Alice, if only someone had suggested a collaborative divorce at the beginning. Easier, cheaper, better deal all round, kids would be settled...oh wait 🙄🙄
No kidding. This should have been done by now. That house would have sold in a heartbeat. She'd know exactly what her monthly income would be. She had nothing but time to find a new home for her and the kids, and settle them in before the next school year. None of that happened because she spent an entire year pissed off, paralyzed and procrastinating. Giddyup, Alice, time is not on your side anymore.
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It makes me think they haven't seen the documents, and they are believing her just because she is a woman.
Most of the comments I have seen on Instagram are from women who are divorced. Many were left with literally nothing, but Alice still thinks they never suffered nearly as bad as she is suffering. The woman is a complete idiot without an ounce of empathy.🙄
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It’s like people who over share how happy they are on social media. Couples with both names as their Facebook page. Full of utter shite. That is not a happy household. And she threw her own daughter under the bus about the schooling. Only film she’ll be in is Despicable me.
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curious km

Chatty Member
Oh fuck no. She dares to pull a cancer card and I'm throwing hands. Hold my earrings.

PS for new people I have successfully had breast cancer surgery and treatment the past two years and I will take her down. Someone confides they have terminal cancer and suddenly it will be Ioan's fault if she hypothetically gets it?

No. Just no.

Tattle 💩 s unite - we will hold those earrings (& drop our own if you need to tag us in)
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Paying Gloria and "all the expenses of the week"
What an odd expression....what are "all the expenses of the week" ? Not...I pay for absolutely everything....the expenses of the week
Does that include the bills, the mortgage, insurance ? Thought not.
Or is it just the alcohol and fast food delivery?
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my nephew (6) just got scared off Alice's latest IG pic, I'm not joking, the poor boy got so upset 😭
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it’s comments like this that just make lose all hope for some humans. Imagine the inflated sense of self this will give mAlice when she reads that 🤢🤮 “you are the epitome of what it means to be special” 🤢 JFC

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It's pretty obvious that Alice is never going to be happy with what's on the table.
Could Ioan sell the house with Alice occupying it? With her as a sitting tenant?
Sorry in advance, but i’m in a silly mood.

Imagine the scenario turds:

you’ve bought you dream house in sunny Cali 😊
You’ve had a dip in your lovely shade of green swimming pool
You’ve wondered why the bathroom door fell off after you opened it and seems to be covered in strange dents 🤔
You swear you caught sight of a rat trying to get into your car, but no matter.
You climb into bed to be woken by a strange buzzing noise, the bedroom door flies open and there hovering over you in her levitating boots is our Alice, her mouth opens wide and and you just hear the words Bogan ho and what sounds like Margerie…before you run for you life! 😱

(Sorry, i’m not fully awake yet and just had that little scenario play out in my head as I read Ally Pally’s post 😂)
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curious km

Chatty Member
A book AND a screenplay? Oh my.
But wait? I’m confused didn’t the warthog say he wants reunification therapy for the girls ? Which is it you dumb twat hiding behind filters (which I’m pretty sure is the visual equivalent of “lying”)? She is INSANE! He just didn’t want a family with you raging and stumbling about drunk on SM highs and cheap wine. I can’t imagine how much longer she can keep most people fooled with this. She is a spinning broken record of alleged wrongs. And it is becoming readily apparent she has no actual love or interest for her kids. Totally agree with posters who said that if Ioan had a million dollar movie deal and offered it all to her for 100% custody , she would say yes. Although she also seems strangely fixated on the fact he left her and not other way around. Like she says, she “never” loses. In her head at least.
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She’s writing a book and screenplay? Bitch can’t do a two minute Cameo. 🤣🤣🤣
Her feckin eyes on that IG post lmao she looks like she’s has cataracts ! let’s see how long till she says she’s blind through cataracts posting vids of her walking round tapping a cane … Emma in a luminous vest guiding her 😂
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House of Tea

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she has broken the TRO so many times it is now meaningless. And the more she deluges her followers with an unrelenting stream of insults and woe is me tweets, the more people will switch off and see her as the lunatic she is. Keep going Alice. You just look like a prick.
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I know that's what frustrates me so much, surely the courts can make her give reasonable access to the girls in a neutral environment, hell even Gloria could be there! I am just so frustrated for them that it is taking so long (and she is using every stalling tactic in the book).

Imagine the life they lead, cooped up in the house with a absolute twat for a mother who spends all her time on social media arguing with strangers when she could be fucking working and trying to move on with her life.

Really bugs me that she gets away with it.
She’s the reason they are using all their money on the divorce, she is stalling as much as possible. It’s her own fault if she walks away with little to no money, and she’s blaming him for saying they have to sell “her” house because of the legal bills. She needs to understand, she and Ioan are from being in Johnny and Amber or Brad and Angelina’s league, they, except for Amber, are mega stars who can afford to drag out their divorces or other legal actions for years. Ioan and Alice needed a quick, cheap divorce.
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This week hasn’t went as well as she thinks. She’s lost her main fm’s at least publicly. She’s down to last chance saloon with no legal representation. That’s not a good thing. Her social media output is showing exactly what he’s had to put up with, her evidence of a note sent before the split means absolutely nothing. Even if he has an affair and I’m not belittling the consequences of one, it doesn’t justify her abuse towards Ioan, Bianca and the extended family. She also goes after any commenter online disagreeing with her.
She’s showing her ass and making everyone else realise how awful she is. Those “fans” of whom there’s about three are clout chasing arseholes. They will never admit she’s a crackpot. They can see how she behaves, some people are just like that.
No compassion and when they got dumped they just took it. Alice’s white privilege is shining through and they’re all supporting it and it’s all public for everyone to see them goading her on.
The bin I’m throwing them in gets smaller each time and eventually it’ll be sad and lonely Alice left. She forgets the girls can see all of this, they will work it out eventually.
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Cameo, Cameo, wherfore art thou Cameo?? Deny the father and refuse they name. And I’ll no longer be a Gruffudd. 😢
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Why does she type that whole sentence in caps. Then Apologise for it in lower case? My brain is struggling with that one.
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She doesn’t have a clue how the world works, does she?
I think she does, she just feigns ignorance because she thinks it’s beneath her to do what the vast majority of people do every day (work, do chores, look after children or other people perhaps). The naive damsel in distress act was a joke 20 years ago but she was pretty which hooked her Ioan, now it’s just tragic.

I understand it’s hard to let get of the past, especially when your looks gave you a good, fun and easy time of things. It’s hard when that goes and real life kicks in, but she has two daughters and an education. If she just had the courage to let go of the past and move forward she could have done well for herself. Does she really want to hawk her divorce woes on Loose Women when she could use her languages to earn a living, for instance?!

Now she is becoming the mad woman in the attic everyone will slowly edge away from when the next circus hits town. She is a fool if she doesn’t see that coming and she doesn’t change tack.
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