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Oh wow here we go..who called it?View attachment 2210144
Me. I work with therapists as an intern. We work with a celebrity clientele, and most of them are like Victoria. What makes it hard for us, is that these people can't see that THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

Introspection within one's self is the way to go. Self-awareness and self-realization is what drives the treatment forward.
If she goes into therapy blaming everyone else for her terrible actions, her therapist will give her the reality check she desperately needs.
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I'd say Harrison is hard work. A lot of her problems generate from him, I get mental health is a big issue and I know people suffer with it. He just seems to be someone who needs constant minding and uplifting and that alone would drain you. It is like having a child not a husband most of the time. They have wealth and youth but seem constantly down.
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I wont take her too seriously.

Who tf posts a fake teary selfie along with a bunch of self-pity word salad like that for all, and then end with “i dont need ur sympathy”…

Real people with real problems usually wont do this.
This is just the 2023 version of posting dramatic song lyrics an the „please don’t ask me what this is about“ from early MySpace/Facebook/tumblr
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Lol it’s just a body 🙈 No different to that and posting in swimwear

I honestly am no Vic fan whatsoever but women have so many rules they’re expected to follow about which parts of their body they can and can’t show in different situations
I don’t agree and think it’s super weird that all the influencers are showing themselves half naked to “get dressed” on camera. There’s no need for it and it’s clear this is a trend of the last months/year to attract more views. It’s not only women btw there are also weird trends on insta/tiktok for male influencers to show more body parts to attract views and likes
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Chatty Member
Can someone please kindly share a rundown on the loft business scandal?

I’ve admittedly not watched or paid attention to her loft but if she’s privatizing videos and editing verbiage… suddenly I’m interested

Thanks is advance 🙏🤗
In a nutshell, they were planning on turning it into a rental property. The plan was to rent it to anyone who was looking for high-end studio space for video shoots. She even splurged on some pricey design details she thought would appeal to prospective clients.

The only problem? The building developer and their contract with the purchaser forbid such rental activity. The unit has to be owner occupied. They either didn’t read the contract, or she felt they could work around it, because she’s, well, a famous and fabulous influencer. Apparently . . . not famous enough!
Forgot to add that she was also planning on having her assistant’s office in the loft. Apparently, the developer got wind of all her true intentions for the loft.
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I'm not defending Victoria, since she's a willing participant in this shitshow of a marriage and she definitely has her own problems (and also I don't like her LOL)...

But If it's true and he really is pressuring her to have kids....he is such a dumb, entitled, disrespectful man-child.

So he KNEW she didn't want kids...and didn't take her seriously and he thinks he can change her mind? Then he flat out doesn't respect her as a woman, let alone as his wife. And of course, in his pea brain, he thinks it'll be easy because he doesn't have to carry the child.

Also...their income depends on Victoria being able to squeeze into designer clothing. Where does he think the money for his new car is going to come from if she gets pregnant and she can no longer do fashion vids? Sure, Family vlogging can be lucrative, but Victoria would never make that shift in a million years.

He needs to sit the f*ck down and either accept she doesn't want kids or leave. He doesn't get to mope around and villainize her while continuing to take her money.
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alex looks like a more chav-ier version of david beckham 😂

jokes aside, they are really ill-suited for one another. Both of them prioritize their own personal goals.

Relationships and marriage are created by 2 people who love and respect each other, and are willing to look for solutions for their problems.

Both of them are hitting the wall when it comes to their marriage: Victoria’s career is on the decline, and Alex doesn’t help out a lot aside from editing her photos.

They should seek couples’ therapy but both of them are too proud to admit their marriage is on the rocks.
new to this thread so maybe I’m rehashing things that have already been said, but I didn’t ever see their marriage going the distance.

I followed Victoria back in her purple hair era, when she wore ASOS and had a cute yellow bedroom. Back then Alex was bald without a steady job. By her own admission, she’s super needy with men. Her parents broke up, her dad started a new family IIRC and she’s spoken in the past about how that impacted her… in other words, serious issues with rejection. She’s also spoken about how she didn’t like being single and has had a boyfriend almost continuously since her teens. She’s been with Alex from about age 20 unless I’m mistaken.

In her earlier era, it felt to me like she’d started dating this rather mediocre man who didn’t match her in looks, ambition, achievements or education - because he was a safe bet. She’d known him a long time and she was so obviously out of his league, she’d never have to worry about the rejection presumably.

because he doesn’t seem to have much of a backbone and coasts along on her coattails, his identity and career have become enmeshed with her. Which is probably how she likes it - he can’t leave her if he’s dependent on her to an extent. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if she dangled the possibility of kids, or manipulated him - because I genuinely think she cannot bear to be alone or single.

for his part, I think Alex is probably aware of the above. And I think he probably resents her for it. I think their dynamic is a toxic blend of manipulating and controlling the other - she’s doing it out of fear of being left, he’s doing it out of resentment. She has maneovered him into being a byproduct of In The Frow and exploits his lack of career/ambition to make him dependent on her. He controls her food, where they live etc. because he knows she’s deathly afraid of being rejected or left.

it’s a toxic mess, so I’m glad there aren’t children involved. They’ve spent 10+ years creating this toxic mess and they are both too stuck in it, and lacking in emotional intelligence, to address it or end the marriage themselves. I can’t see them ever breaking up or divorcing unless one of them gets an “out” and cheats, frankly. It’s the only scenario in which two people as maladaptive as these two feel they can leave relationships.
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For the lowdown on the car nonsense for those who can't be arsed to watch or don't want to give her the views...

View attachment 2206937
View attachment 2206938
I don't want to be a pessimistic byotch, but it seems to me things aren't looking good.

It seems to me, that the Manchester apartment and this new car is what Alex will go for when the split happens.

Vic will get the Deanshanger house, Porsche and the Evoque. Alex will get the Manchester apartment and this new car.

Also, isn't she lil' Miss Sustainable? Getting 2 gas-guzzling cars isn't really sustainable, is it?

Well, she directly confirms our theories of having a Range Rover. Victoria is the gift that keeps on giving.
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VIP Member
She has three modes:

Super Boz Bitch - wears blazer = v successful, never been prouder, much excited, squeals with happiness.
Vix from Wigan - not like other influencers, way Kool, haz tattoos and Pelotons to Fall Out Boy - much edge, did she mention she's nothern?
Burnt Out - selling viscose sweaters and blazers are causing marriage problems, the five star hotels aren't five starring - she's working harder than anyone ever, and her drivers are responsible for all her problems.

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Sorry for another long post 🙏 But I think Vic has stringent b#dy issues & he likes her small & tiny (remember the food shaming) ..and she LOVES being small & tiny, & knows he does too. And she desperately wants him to like her small body so she works hard on her peloton of cringe-singing-cycling & endless spinning. BUT he deeply resents her for not using said body for small babies. However, she knows if she has babies her body will no longer be small & that would send her into a BIG tail-spin …then she will resent HIM for having to sacrifice her small bodiness!

Then if baby comes, he might criticise her P/Partum body & pressure her to not eat cheese & get desired small body back quickly. This might make her want to gouge his eyes out, but she’ll hit the gymn hard for ‘return of the small body’ & her man’s small-minded approval ….By which stage he’ll be too besotted with the baby that ruined her smallness …& the cycle of size, self-obsession & resentment continues.

And this concludes my theory of Smollness.

(Hope I didn’t upset or trigger anyone. I sense some pathological co-dependencies - deep, deep bitterness, serious control issues, & unhealthy hyperfixations between them)
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Chatty Member
Husband said in his q&a that this year they may finally get to go on their honeymoon 😂😂 is he joking!?
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I’m not saying everyone should have kids but I honestly feel like they’re trying to fill a void of something. I mean I’m sure this lifestyle is fun having little to no responsibility (other than Boe who she’s never with anyway) but what about in 10 years time? What about when the fast pace life stops? What about when people settle down? Things will change. Yeah okay maybe they will be happy, but I can’t believe how selfish she’s being, especially considering HarriSON did want a child. I dunno…. I’m not saying life’s crap without having a kid but I have a feeling in a good few years time she’s going to feel very lonely.
I don't think it's selfish to not want a kid (now or forever), I think it's being honest about what you don't want from life. What would be selfish is misleading the other person about what you want. She's now been clear that's not what she wants from her future and if Alex really did want a kid and couldn't live without that possibility then he would need to be clear about that desire on his part and leave for the possibility of that life elsewhere. Presumably the fact that he hasn't means that he has decided that he's ok with them not having kids. Their siblings have kids so maybe they're happy with being an Auntie and Uncle (the best way to experience kids in my view).

The fact that they bought a dog in lockdown with little regard to life after lockdown tells me everything about whether or not they should have a child.

I think she might feel very lonely but I think if she does that will be down to something lacking in her, rather than the lack of a child and isn't something a child would fulfil.
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VIP Member
I don’t think she’s burnt out or over worked at all. It’s just her pretending so she can look like she deserves her freebie PR trip to the Maldives and garner ‘sympathy’ at a time when a lot of people are struggling and find these free luxurious trips distasteful.
I do think she is a miserable self obsessed cow though. I reckon she’s a nightmare to work for and to live with, hence her marriage is strained.
Even on this trip where she’s allegedly ‘burnt out’ she’s constantly posting ads and content so it shows it’s all bollocks. She can’t resist any opportunity to act smug, show off where she is and all the free shit she gets paid.
She’s crap at fashion weeks because she can’t employ professional assistants to improve her output because she thinks she knows best. She doesn’t really know her audience as one minute she’s boss bitch in a suit, driving a Range Rover and the next she’s little Vicky from Wigan who used to have purple hair 🙄 Just all over the place.
I think she’s chronically unhappy because she’s thinks she’s better than other influencers and is always after what she doesn’t have. I think her online presence is complete fake to keep up with other influencers and I bet her and son/husband have an up and down relationship with lots of fights. I find her so unlikeable and unbearable.
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VIP Member
These pictures are so bad. She really doesn’t understand how all the big influencers do NOT post editorial content like this. Ppl want to see casual pictures of you in the street with a coffee and a cool outfit Vic, why do you look like you walked out of a 90s catalogue?
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Chatty Member
This post is so stupid:

Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-03 a la(s) 09.04.51.png

First of all, media does much worst things than a "worst dressed lists". As far I remember, in the early 90s channels like E! always did a "worst dressed list" on all the important events. They even had shows dedicated to it.

20 years ago everyone watched Joan Rivers making fun of the worst dressed women celebrities.

10 years ago when Kim Kardashian appeared on on that awful floral-print gown to her first Met Gala it was a big joke (plus the fact everyone were furious she attended). Of course social media wasn't that a big thing back then, but there were the newspapers and people commenting.

"stop comparing women to other women"... Oh shut up Vic! You are the only one who care what other women in your industry are doing. You get mortified for every invitation Tamara, Caro, Leonie get and you don't. You are the one who cry and post how sad you are and we all know is cause other influencers are having a blast with brands you used to work with.

And also the box options "Agree with me" or "Agree with me"? Cause that's how I handle my social media. "No space for not agree with me"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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