Instamums #3 Egos inflating as differing opinions are disregarded as hating

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Notsosmugnow, poor thing, hasn’t felt able to fully express herself since being called out on equating being at a festival with being homeless last year. But it’s ok, she’s going to stop censoring herself from now on and say what she wants, how exciting.
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Notsosmugnow, poor thing, hasn’t felt able to fully express herself since being called out on equating being at a festival with being homeless last year. But it’s ok, she’s going to stop censoring herself from now on and say what she wants, how exciting.
NSSN is half of Hussle and Fox who are the PR for Camp Bestival - all about middle class white privileged with a token POC or LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 person. They are part of the reason reason Instagram is so unrelatable. Also you have to self censor in real life so what is wrong with doing it online?
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NSSN is half of Hussle and Fox who are the PR for Camp Bestival - all about middle class white privileged with a token POC or LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 person. They are part of the reason reason Instagram is so unrelatable. Also you have to self censor in real life so what is wrong with doing it online?
I get so fed up of reading “Middle-class white privileged” . Like it’s something to be ashamed of. Due to circumstances of birth, and then the career pass me and my husband have chosen I fit that bracket I don’t see why I should be ashamed to be in it!
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I get so fed up of reading “Middle-class white privileged” . Like it’s something to be ashamed of. Due to circumstances of birth, and then the career pass me and my husband have chosen I fit that bracket I don’t see why I should be ashamed to be in it!
Lucky for you but a large percentage of the population are not in the bracket (although you wouldn’t know from looking at a lot of campaigns on Instagram).

I believe that diversity is key and there is nothing wrong with our privilege as long as we acknowledge it and use it for good
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Lucky for you but a large percentage of the population are not in the bracket (although you wouldn’t know from looking at a lot of campaigns on Instagram).

I believe that diversity is key and there is nothing wrong with our privilege as long as we acknowledge it and use it for good
I’m not lucky to be where I am we worked hard to get there. That’s not to say people who aren’t there don’t work hard. Sometimes it’s about the brakes you catch on the way. What I do object to is the way themiddle class white Label is used almost as an insult!
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I’m not lucky to be where I am we worked hard to get there. That’s not to say people who aren’t there don’t work hard. Sometimes it’s about the brakes you catch on the way. What I do object to is the way themiddle class white Label is used almost as an insult!

I see these white privilege middle class folk aa people who have not worked hard to be there they have landed themselves there. Handouts from parents to get on the property ladder, rich husbands who are never seen on the gram, whiff of private school about them, basically someone who has been pandered to most of their lives and now lives in the south east of England, votes Tory and drinks Pimms, I really wouldn't want to lump myself in that category. Middle class white privilege isn't something you can work hard for you just are.
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I see these white privilege middle class folk aa people who have not worked hard to be there they have landed themselves there. Handouts from parents to get on the property ladder, rich husbands who are never seen on the gram, whiff of private school about them, basically someone who has been pandered to most of their lives and now lives in the south east of England, votes Tory and drinks Pimms, I really wouldn't want to lump myself in that category. Middle class white privilege isn't something you can work hard for you just are.
Sorry, this is slightly thread derailing but the statement you just made is massively offensive ! I’d hate to see your massive generalisation statement on the other classes of people.


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If you are offended by the term and phrasing of privilege then that's your own work to do, I'm white, well educated - and yes, privileged. Doesn't mean I don't struggle or haven't worked hard or never have a hard day, but my life is not made harder by the colour of my skin or my income etc. There is nothing wrong with being white & middle class, there is if you look down on others, never look outside your own bubble or fail to acknowledge/recognise the privilege that comes with money and status.
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Sorry, this is slightly thread derailing but the statement you just made is massively offensive ! I’d hate to see your massive generalisation statement on the other classes of people.

Oh the person who is desperate to be in the middle class white privileged category is offended.....for someone like me looking in to this insta mummy bubble these women are in it stinks of one size fits all there is no diversity, we come on here to trash these accounts we are sick of them!

Try getting angry and offended by things that actually matter these middle class instamums don't need you sticking up for them.
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Oh the person who is desperate to be in the middle class white privileged category is offended.....for someone like me looking in to this insta mummy bubble these women are in it stinks of one size fits all there is no diversity, we come on here to trash these accounts we are sick of them!

Try getting angry and offended by things that actually matter these middle class instamums don't need you sticking up for them.
See this is why you’ve totally missed my point. I do get offended by the Insta money accounts but not because they are middle-class. Being middle-class Is not the reason that they do the things they do. Also what’s the desperate comment aimed at me? I’m not desperate to be in that category I just Automatically am because of the circumstances of my life!
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The fact is, fitting into the middle class bracket is easier because you are white. That's the point. Yes you worked hard, but no matter how hard minorities work, the "brakes" (sp) are easier if you're white.

Therefore those who are white and middle class should be doing work to dismantle the system they're benefiting from because it's inherently racist.
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The fact is, fitting into the middle class bracket is easier because you are white. That's the point. Yes you worked hard, but no matter how hard minorities work, the "brakes" (sp) are easier if you're white.

Therefore those who are white and middle class should be doing work to dismantle the system they're benefiting from because it's inherently racist.
yes yes yes! I totally agree with you but no matter what I do Im still going to be WMC
The fact is, fitting into the middle class bracket is easier because you are white. That's the point. Yes you worked hard, but no matter how hard minorities work, the "brakes" (sp) are easier if you're white.

Therefore those who are white and middle class should be doing work to dismantle the system they're benefiting from because it's inherently racist.
🙌 if only I could articulate my thoughts as well as you
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I’m not lucky to be where I am we worked hard to get there. That’s not to say people who aren’t there don’t work hard. Sometimes it’s about the brakes you catch on the way. What I do object to is the way themiddle class white Label is used almost as an insult!
“We worked hard to get there” that’s the whole point - thinking it’s all your own hard work when actually the fact you grew up with access to good education, probably parents who encouraged you to work hard and facilitated extra curricular activities, weren’t potentially discriminated against at interviews due to the colour of your skin, gives you a privilege that is more than those who also work hard but don’t have the same background. I’m white middle class too and worked really hard at school and uni and have a successful career which I’ve worked hard to forge but I recognise that it’s not *just* down to my hard work.
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Did I actually just witness Candice Baraithwaite saying she is tired of paying for clothes and hit me up with contact for free clothes???? Is she totally missing the point. People pay Candice.It's what normal people do!
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I am most definitely white and middle class and untroubled by it. Like so many people I am simply an accident of birth! Real class is knowing how to behave, having a moral compass and most certainly not flogging people crap, exploiting your children or flaunting your wealth and the house that exploiting your children paid for. Nor is it about infantilising the everyday like working and raising children. Rightly or wrongly, the term white middle class has come to describe these salespeople, the ones who use their privilege for greed. Really not classy. My parents were very clear that with privilege comes responsibility - something you don't see much of with these "influencers", a word which will surely come to be seen as a byword for greed, greed, greed. (Now, can someone help me off my soap box - I have a bad ankle!)
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Did I actually just witness Candice Baraithwaite saying she is tired of paying for clothes and hit me up with contact for free clothes???? Is she totally missing the point. People pay Candice.It's what normal people do!
What an absolute beg. Get in the bleeping sea.
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