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Things that have mysteriously gone missing - a list (not comprehensive)
- The snack control baskets
- The copious amount of personalised water bottles they get sent
- Those lunchboxes and babyish backpacks gifted to them before the roadtrip
- Basically anything gifted
- Their self respect
- Chris' hair
- The Pink Mini
- Creepy's desire for another child
- Their enthusiasm for vlogging
- The orange twirls (probably because Lazy ate them all though)
- The prams gifted by 'Laura'
- Their hygiene
- All their friends
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Omg these little girls are never satisfied with what they've got. It's always more more more... HOW MANY FIDGETS DOES ONE CHILD NEED?? my God these parents are absolutely failing these children. Isabelle does not need all those new clothes, she has a triple wardrobe full! The sheer wastefulness 🤦🏻‍♀️ sorry for that rant but I've had enough of watching them waste money on absolute crap.
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Isabelle the “book worm” started reading a series from the second book and didn’t even realise and doesn’t remember the book at all 🙄
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Another inconsistency I noticed was when Chris was talking about wanting something to watch. Sarah claims they are so busy they don't get a minute to spare till 1am. Chris claims he is bored because he's watched "everything" because there is nothing else to do during lockdown.
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I can't believe she's moaning about being bored and them being bored with walking the streets or the canal. I'm several miles down the same canal and there's always something to see that's new, always some wildlife to spot etc. If she were in central Bradford or Birmingham or somewhere built up I could understand the moans, but there are loads of places locally within even a five minute drive it just takes a bit of planning which is beyond the capabilities of both of them. They don't have to go to the same damn reservoir there ARE other places (and that reservoir is always packed anyway!)
Yes there are plenty of walks they could do close to where they are. But it's also all a out Sarah. She finds it boring to walk around locally. But anyone that's had a toddler, looked after a toddler or even seen a toddler in passing will know that they are entertained by walking and looking at cars, buses, in the sky for planes, birds, waving at passing people. I can't tell you how long I've spent waving at bin men, not because I love them, but mine as toddlers loved watching them.

They always have to go as the entire family. Why not take a different one of the girls for a long walk each day to have a chat together away from the others. Oh wait, that wouldn't be good for the vlog.

I love going for walks by myself and usually do when the children are at school, so it's something I don't get to do as much now. It's lovely to just get a break, listen to some music and be outside. She has all the time and another adult at home all the time, but would rather sit in and watch yet another film. You can listen to music, a podcast, an audiobook, but it's all just too much effort for her. She will walk to the cafe for more food but that's it.
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They were recently moaning about people parking near their estate to walk along the canal, saying that it was against the rules to drive anywhere for exercise, then they go and do exactly that today!!
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If they are going to move why are they decorating and changing the house about? What’s the point in the girls settling into new rooms etc to just move?
I've found out their moving date guys, it's the 12th of never !
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Tonight’s vlog shows what a shower of shit that family have become, he can’t even be arsed to edit the shit out, what the hell is he doing till 5am every morning (we know creepy!,, we ALL know 😉)

So we have lazy lardarse of the seacroft massive, feeling guilty over not playing with Jason as much (because she’s had them all packing her Wankets) and blames homeschool!!!
“Many parents are doing this now, and I know we homeschooled anyway, but not like this, not just in these four walls”
What!! What was that again lazy?!
So basically you’re moaning cos you’re at home and not on holiday!! You’re an absolute joke! In fact you’re not you’re just pathetic.

Esme and Islas lists, exactly the same and every item is a fidget, sensory kind of toy, why do your children need or even want so many of these toys? Have you even asked?

Then we have Izzy, book worm Izzy who loves proper books as they’re cute and aesthetic, like her shein clothes, yet doesn’t know what books she’s even read in the last month 🙈

Creepy we all know you live in the chavavan so it’s useless trying to make a joke of it, we know, now run along, get your hair sorted, and please try to realise that the emo just for men barcode fringe really isn’t a thing any more, I don’t think it ever was 👍.
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Just caught up on yesterdays vlog, what a waste of time, 20 mins about some bloody scrunchies! Talk about struggling for content 😂
Completely agree with everyone about the whole woe is me speech from Lazy, how can you say you are tired and fed up of the same 4 walls when you went travelling for months last year? Not to mention that they don't understand how privileged they are that the pandemic hasn't really affected their jobs (using that term loosely), they still get paid. They don't seem to realise just how much people are suffering and how lucky they are to have a roof over their head and food on the table. I've had to take up another part time job to support my family whilst i'm a student at uni and already working a part time job. Some of us just can't roll out a 20 min video of scrunchies to pay the bills :rolleyes: They seem so out of touch with the world its actually a joke.
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The Inghams are onto wash load number two already. Jace is screeching in the background as usual. Esme is having a bad day because she got up and has used one of Isabelle's Asda moisturisers that she has used before, and she's had a reaction. Lazy say Creepy has sensitive skin and he probably takes after him. Jace chases Isla around the living room.

Lazy is now sat with Isabelle, looking through a student cookbook. She will be getting some ingredients today from the supermarket. They lack inspiration for lunchtime but usually skip breakfast. The girls have their lunch at 11am and Jace isn't keen on breakfast. The girls snack a lot during the day and Lazy thinks it's because they're bored. So Lazy is off to the supermarket to get ingredients so she can make juicy lunches. Jace plays with his dinosaur.

Jace has his hat and boots on, and is off out with Creepy on his bike. Jace starts to get upset because he wants his police bike so they go back and get it. He needs some help to get on the bike so Creepy pulls him on by his arm as usual. A couple of minutes later, Creepy has been joined by Esme and Isla because Jace got bored. Clip of Creepy falling off the skate rail and doing his one trick.

7 minute long Isabelle and Esme sketch.

Lazy asks Jace what he is doing. He's on the sofa taking all the cushions, which he lays on. Lazy tests Jace's counting. She doesn't feel like she's vlogged much because she's been playing with her new machine, walking around the house looking for things to customise. She has also bought an engraver tool online and acrylic keyrings. They're taking the day off vlogging tomorrow because Lazy did a launch on Baby and Me so has hundreds of packages to post. She wants the girls to focus on schoolwork, Creepy will be looking after Jace and he might even need to go and help Lazy at the office. They couldn't make it any more obvious that vlogging is a chore to them now. Thanks you to everyone for their orders. Lazy has another big order coming within the next week or two.

End of vlog

Why he can't just put the camera down or 2 seconds instead of dragging him on the bike by his arm I'll never know.
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Young Hollywood probably thought this guy was admiring his skillz, but really he was just thinking 'oh it' the twat in the hat again'
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My cousin's kid started doing the "crazy eye roll" last year (aged 3) and it turns out she was having absence seizures.
That's been mentioned here and elsewhere.
It's funny how a bunch of haterzzzz can notice it and be concerned about it, yet the dumb as sh*t parents can only laugh and joke about it. I find that absolutely disgraceful.

Sarah & Chris if you are reading this please get your son checked out. Its definitely not normal.
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Fluff n stuff

Chatty Member
I really don't understand it. Usually teen girls obsess over their appearance, hair, clothing etc. making sure everything is just so (a generalization I know!).
Its not even as if them slipping in their hygiene habits is a new thing due to being lazy in lockdown either.
Then again with Lazy as their main role model the poor girls don't stand a chance 🙁
I think if I was Isabelle living with a creepy vile step dad I’d also want to look greasy and dowdy to be fair.
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The amount of crap in that house is unbelievable - the garage must be packed to the rafters again and I think it's highly likely the 'office' is too.

Poor Sarah didn't expect to homeschool in the same 4 walls, she expected to homeschool in an awning with removable 'walls' depending on the weather or else in a tin can with 4 sides.

Anyone else noticing how Jason is 'obsessed'? No Sarah my love it's YOU that is obsessed with Jason being obsessed. Todays obsession was rainbows.

Sarah now saying the girls 'earn' money for doing chores - when they were extensively travelling Europe (those 3 countries that make up Europe including the island of Portugal) she said the girls get an allowance at the start of each month. Poor Izzy got the raw deal again, she got £31 and Esme got £30 (no mention of how much Isla got). Wonder what Izzy done for that extra £1?

They still haven't managed to bring the Stanley knife back from the 'office' to finish that dreadful gold tape in Isla's room.

I'm totally shocked at how out of breath Sarah was at climbing Mount Everest the stairs to Izzy's room - 9th January she posted about living for her daily walks, I'm surprised she hasn't started to get a bit fitter with all those walks over the past 18 days.

Was that a new top Chris the fashion icon was wearing? Not the usual grey/black or red he usually sports.

Sarah you said you love creating things - how about decent meals for your family and a happy home they can live in. Start by putting those poor girls back into the education system, you showed the world tonight you can't even educate a toddler with flash cards.
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I feel like lazy is trying to hide the fact the Ezme went to b&m with her- in the vlog it certainly comes across as though it’s lazy on her own
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Congratulations @Katielle13

Sarah love, I’m sick of your husband thinking he’s gods gift and a teenage heartthrob who deserves everything he gets

(the lady is actually called Karen)

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Ooh someone has hit a nerve. Pipe down Lazy. At this point they just need to drop the 'daily' from daily vloggers and accept they need to just upload 3-4 times a week, and use the other days to concentrate on the business.
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Fluff n stuff

Chatty Member
I saw the hat slippage in slow motion yesterday and spent a good 10mins playing pausing and howling! 😂😂...........I can’t stop looking at it, WTF is it?............. Its like he saved the bits he chopped off Lazy’s rat tails, dyed them and glued them on, badly. I’ve never seen anything like it.
And the Chins the chins!!!! Wow what a collection
I need one of our talented Tattlers to edit the hat slip in slow mo, it can be a go to for anyone feeling a bit low, cheered me up no end.
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