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I don’t think she does 🤷‍♀️ They are in red clothes and clearly the slights are shining off them you can see Christian’s face look completely red at one point and then rest of the video it’s normal. I think we should leave Diana alone she’s struggling a bit as she’s admitted in her new tiktok but alwys still puts the kids first and Iv seen molly since they were back and she is not burnt at all, if she was “so burnt it’s unreal” two days ago you’d still see it and there’s no sign of red on her at all. I get this is a site to talk about people and have opinions but coming on Saying damaging stuff when she’s the one who’s been wronged but tried her best to make the kids life as good as she can and give them the best opportunities she can. I just don’t think it’s needed, stuff like this could tip someone already struggling mentally over the edge, especially the comments higher from someone else as well saying she looks like a scruff and they get her house stinks, did we learn nothing from Caroline flack and others 🤷‍♀️ This woman has already been in the darkest of places do we really want to contribute to her struggles
The whole point of tattle is to tattle and to have peoples opinions om people .this isn't a rave thread so yeah people will have stuff to say
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I get the vibe from the kilduffs that they’re scruffy. Does anybody else feel the same?
I can just imagine their house smelling. Diana constant wearing those sliders with every outfit just makes me cringe so much. I just don’t think they present themselves well, because they all are pretty girls but to me they just appear scruffy.

I think jade loves attention far too much
Lucy and those facial expressions
And candice acting like a constant road man🤣
I don’t know about smelly. They do scrub up well when they are going to special occasions and the like.
Ive noticed they have started copying Hannah Lowther’s outfit of the day song and videos. I’m not sure if she made the song up but I’ve only saw her doing it.

They all love attention. They constantly make tik toks over the smallest thing. And I think it went to their heads a wee bit. Look what happened with Neil. Can you imagine being around the pool with them filming tik toks all the time?
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Lazy Sunday

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Clearly im not a fan, but why does he even have an account going live? He was only ever remotely interesting when he was with the family.
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Chatty Member
The house the bloke lives in with his new baby and fiancée , seems much cleaner than the pit Diana lives in .
He said in a live when he was with Diana that’s it’s her and she’s to lazy to clean. As he used to stay up late till silly o’clock in lives when he was with her
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I honestly thought Candice wasn't an adult yet. Was shocked to see her engaged. So long as she's happy that's the main thing!
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So he's live now and everyone is guessing what the sex of his baby will be 🥴 has he no respect for Diana or any of the girls?

He's a "girl making machine" apparently
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I really like jade,she's amazing with Christian they have a fantastic bond.she does love to be in the spotlight but that's not a bad thing
I don’t know, I think the whole family enjoying the spotlight has been a bad thing in many ways. Look at Neil, yes he might have cheated regardless but he clearly thought he was a big shot famous celebrity. And I wouldn’t consider any of them famous. I don’t think a need for attention on tik tok is particularly healthy and They all seem to live their lives on it.
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I've seen that Jade has got engaged! I'm happy for her but hope she's not rushing just for views! I've been with my boyfriend for a couple of months longer than her, we've talked about marriage and I'm sure we will stay together but it is way too soon!
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Princess Chloe gets al his money now
Only if she uproot her son from his home and school and moves to live near him so he doesn't have to get a bus to work. Selfish and arrogant. All about himself doesn't care about what a big step it is to move a special needs child to a new school and environment.
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I assumed Jade just wanted to see the baby. It is her sister after all and it’s not the fault of the baby how her father behaved.
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Pink blancmange

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She can’t of read here herself, as we all say.. a lot of this thread and the previous thread we are all on her side. Apart from the sun burn comments but the rest is all good about diana.. that person has twisted it knowing Diana wouldn’t want to look here? I dunno but she defo can’t of read here herself?
Why can't Diana read off here herself?
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Has anyone thought how similar the boys are to look at i know one has autism i think and he's adorable.
I cannot mention names i dont think because they don't have big accounts.
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i don’t know a awful lot about these. I’ve seen that some of the children are adopted. What ones are biological to Neil and Diana? Why doesn’t Neil have anything to do with his children? Did Chloe fall pregnant while Neil was with Diana?


Chatty Member
Does anyone have any evidence of this? Lucy is a minor right?
Considering Neil has mentioned before that Chloe's son has special needs it's odd she is making ableist comments towards others.

The fact shes turned comments off and has obviously taken comments about her age to heart, I doubt things are "all good" over there 😂
It’s on the old throes I believe someone took a screenshot. It was on alive