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No wonder milky moo moos is always ill with that thing breathing all over her and putting her on her smelly cheesy tits.
Watched the cheesecake vlog (on diff link) her fucking nails are disgusting her thumb nail is a mad looking colour like brown/yellow :sick: wouldn't eat anything that cunt made.
Spencers beard turns me and his under eye poor man is fucked!!
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I HATE when someone posts a comment like that and then once she’s replied they post back like oh my god I didn’t mean offend you I love you so much. Have a back bone send hate 😂😂
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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 We see through her. I agree that she would have been loving all the drama of Ren in hospital, her being the centre of attention again. She’s sick. I think Spencer did kick off but out of guilt like previously said. Spencer seems caring but a bit dim. Immo is too calculated and shrewd, she’s the queen of sly sly digs (Spencer’s family, the health visitor, any mum that doesn’t force their child on the boob, any other mum in general).
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I just want to say how much I love Ren's nickname because my daughter didn't have hair until she was 3 and we always called her Phil 🤣🤣🤣
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Can I just say, when Rennie smacked her in the mouth with that tub of makeup or whatever it was, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. She fucking deserved that and if that makes me a horrible person, so be it, it was fucking hilarious
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she’s literally acting like it was a massive chunk of her life! like people normally refer to things as before/after a big event or turning point and here she is acting like ren being in hospital for a few days was the biggest thing ever!?

it’ll always be hard when people you love go into hospital, but the difference is in the grand scheme of things ren’s reason for being there ended up being entirely manageable! not some life-changing event like imo likes to make out
Exactly this!!
My teenage daughter was admitted to hospital in October, diagnosed with a life-long health condition (manageable, but life-long and serious).
Obviously I’m absolutely heartbroken for HER (not me, because unlike Imo I don’t make everything to be about myself) but we’ve just had to get on with our lives, make adaptations and keep positive.
I’ve also just had a baby, so we’ve just got to get on with things!.
I don’t now measure our lives in a timeline of ✨before and after my daughter went to hospital ✨, and I don’t fake cry over it or sing about it either!!

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Just been catching up on her last couple of videos. The present video… wow! Ren must have enough toys to see her through a lifetime! Didn’t she say on her birthday video that she won’t be buying anymore coz she’s got enough to rotate them for a couple of years or whatever? I know I shouldn’t, but that video makes me feel bad as a Mum coz no way would I be able to afford that much for my baby - which is the case for a lot of people! On the other hand, Imogen needs to realise you can’t buy your baby’s love with loads of toys! How about actually spending time with her and playing with her without screeching?! The whole video is just a joke and I can guarantee she’ll buy loads more when it’s not needed!

Also, the video with her Mum finding her Dad. I can totally understand wanting to know where you come from etc. But if the man doesn’t want to know then he doesn’t want to know! He gave you away for a reason (whatever that is) and she needs to respect his decision to not want to peruse a relationship. Going on about ‘you can go to court to get a DNA’ … That’s just insane really. He’s 82, leave the poor man in peace. Yes it might be hurtful for her, but like I said, he obviously had his reasons for giving her up and she doesn’t know what those are so she should respect his decision and be happy with the family she’s got - some people don’t even have that. The whole family is just weird.

And wtf is that fox story? Yea sure her shouting won’t wake Ren up but the fox definitely will 🙄 Saying how the dogs were all set off by this fox, no hun, probably you shouting like a lunatic out of the window - probably woke all of the neighbours up too! Freak!
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And she said she found about something before the meet and greet and still went ahead with it..
The meet and greet was 19th Nov, if she filmed in the garden centre on the 14th it means she left Ren when she was still poorly and on steroids despite claiming she never left her side. She’s a liar!
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Yeah I picked up on the babysitting Hugo thing and thought ‘hmmm that’s illegal!’.
The large mirror in the new video alarms me. It’s massive and doesn’t appear to be attached to the wall. Probably to heavy to be pulled over now, but you never know. 🤷🏼‍♀️
The whole speech about being a working mum is getting repetitive. Spencer sounds rehearsed and isn’t very convincing that he believes what he is saying!
Spencer does sound very rehearsed, you're right! When he said not only do you work full time but you look after Renaelia at home too, he's basically saying she has it tougher than other full time working mums because they can have time to themselves at work. Is he fucking delusional?! Of course he thinks that imogen works harder, and has it tougher, than anyone else on the planet, because she's the best mum to ever exist... Twat.

Was literally coming to say this!! And I watched one of her older videos the other day (think it was the hen do) where she joked to her friends about having a baby and said ‘everyone start thinking of baby boy names for me!!’ And I just thought it’s so clear she never wanted a little girl I feel so bad for Reno 😭

also I agree that Ren seems so much happier and calmer with Spencer, but he does just look uncomfortable all the time and neither of them ever look like natural parents. Didn’t she say in a vlog the other day that in 13 months that was the first time he’s ever came home with something for Ren? I know gifts are not everything by any means but when you get a baby don’t you see little things they’d like when you’re out and pick it up for them even something small?
he’s probs not been allowed to leave the house which is why
I saw you mentioned the hen do vlog. I've not seen it before so I put it on while doing some housework and she is so fucking embarrassing, her friends look like they want the ground to swallow them up. You're not extra extrovert luv, you're fucking unhinged... I've never seen anything like it in my life!!

Sorry one more thing to add... The end of her hen do was ruined because a back massage she had at the beginning of the day at the spa made the poo in her colon move and she had to take a big shit... How fucking ridiculous. Her mum tried to avoid mentioning it and Imogen is like you forgot all about my 45 mins of pain, annoyed that she tried to gloss over it, god she's unbearable.
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She screamed?!?! Give me a fucking break man. Be strong for your child she’ll be in distress if you are, Twat

I think it’s really sad what they’ve been through but watching this as a mum that has been through 100 days of instensive care with a baby who has 2 bleeds on the brain and now has cerebral palsy it feels like they talk like they are the only ones who have been through it. Like I know it’s horrible seeing your child go through anything but they are very dramatic. I maybe a really awful person for saying this but I do think because they have a platform they can put these kind of videoes up and get loads of sympathy. Also the nurses wouldn’t of pulled the cannula out my daughter pulled cannulas and feeding tubes out numerous times in hospital and I just think how they explain it is just like it’s all down the the nhs. I dunno just annoys me. Also there are children loosing their lives to strep A right now. It’s insensitive putting a video out like this at this time.
Not similar but I also have a medical needs baby. When he had his NG he constantly pulled it out, the way she was talking wound me up like she’s the only one to go through something traumatic. I totally understand how scary it is however it was completely tone deaf to put out something like that, you can 100% tell she was difficult to deal with. Screaming when they put ren under, my wee boy has had 2 surgeries this year and never once did I scream or cry infront of them. She genuinely just has to fucking clue
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Shes is such a lieing, deciptful, unaware, horrible peice of shit isn't she??? Need an extra pair of hands to walk around a fucking garden centre... A garden centre that ISN'T OUTSIDE what so ever. That poor little baby was meant to be isolating for 4 WEEKS!!! Shes had her mum, her dad, her sister, her brother, his mum all round at the fucking house. If that baby becomes more poorly (which we all know Little miss Munchausen would buzz off) it will be all her doing and that drip of a husband (who is quite obviously knobbing dirty D) is just an enabler at this point. Get this absolutely scumbag off social media
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This video was what made me realise everyone posting about Rens stunted growth and development are correct. All that child is interested in is boob. Also my toddler is slightly younger than Ren but I’ve already seen a huge progression in her knowing what is dangerous to put in her mouth. She now hands us stuff she finds that she knows shouldn’t be put in her mouth. Ren doesn’t seem to be there yet. Saying that she prob doesn’t eat enough food to distinguish between food and non food items.
I think stuff like this confirms she doesn’t naturally play with Ren unless the camera is on them. Renee is picked up and immediately thinks “milk” because that’s what she’s used to. She’s not used to her Mummy actually playing with her- that’s daddy’s job while Mummy does her makeup
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Jesus Christ she’s trying too hard now to prove she eats. She’s soooo calculated 😂 someone’s realising she’s being caught out in all of her lies and deceit 😂
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This girl is actually now on her stories trying to convince us all she scoffs a huge brownie? She’s really deep into this Illness it’s honestly sad in all seriousness I hope she realises soon and gets help
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Why is she absolutely licking holly boon’s arse? Rinsing her makeup and saying it’s the best thing ever and calling holly her baby princess angel etc. I thought they weren’t friends? Bizarre beg behaviour from Grimmo if they aren’t still
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In her latest tiktok she’s saying ‘move over skims’ and going on about a long sleeved thermal top that is hanging off her. Skims are figure hugging shapewear. She never knows what she’s talking about
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I’d respect her a lot more if she just openly said “we’re in a position to buy Ren a lot of toys so that’s what we’re going to do” but it’s the whole drip feeding BS that really angers me. In one of the many Ren birthday videos she said they have toys that go up to 3 years. So what was the need for the most recent video? Just say you’ve bought this stuff to show what’s currently on the market or the company sent them to you and you’ll be returning them afterwards…
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