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I honestly think that if the opportunity ever became available for women to have babies all alone, she would take it. Because she’s clearly so bitter whenever spencer has ren. She always disregards spencer ‘as much as he is a good dad…’ and then continues with some nonsense about how ren only wants mummy. But actually it’s quite clear just from pictures and videos that ren actually has a better time with spencer, because she’s actually smiling. With imo she looks so sad.
Honestly! With Spencer she looks so chilled and happy.. then Imo comes along and makes a big loud noise around her which is obviously going to distract her so she looks at Imo and then she’s like “OH LOOK SEE SHE JUST WANTS MUMMY” no she doesn’t?! A fucking dog could make a loud noise and she’ll look 🙄.
shes fucking delusional man.

that post where she’s doing a video of Ren saying that Grandma loves her and she’s like “BUT SHE IUST GETS SAD..” ????? No she doesn’t? She makes a baby babble, she’s probably annoyed cus she’s trying to focus on the little book she’s got and you once again are in her fucking face with a camera 🙄.

Ren does any type of normal baby noise and Imo adds her own narrative to it.

Ren: *playing happily* babbaaaa..


she’s a fucking delusion freak man. absolutely not normal.
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Funny when my partner walks in when I’m watching Imo’s recent tree putting up video and says ‘Is that the crazy woman and her wet wipe of a husband?’ He recognises her voice! 😂
The singing at 20 minutes has almost killed me off. Her poor neighbours putting up with her screeching and sounding like a sheep baaing

26 minutes into the vlog: Spencer’s saying imo is really stressed out so is having a full body massage by him 🤢 because she’s a mum, she ‘works’ and she feeds Ren. That’s all that it takes for her to be stressed lol
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Do you reckon Spencer watches porn now? cos surely he cant get it up for her anymore 😂
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It reallllyyy irks me that Fabletics still work with her when 1. she’s never stepped foot in a gym in her life and 2. she’s unhealthily thin. How do they think this is a good advertisement of their products ? 🤯
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God that cheesecake video was painful. She is so FAKE. The tension between the two of them was unbearable as well, I remember in the early days they were so loved up (back when Spencer actually used to crack a smile now and then) but it's clear they now despise each other.
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I think she constantly mentions how she’s so good at putting on a brave face because she can use it as an excuse when she’s posting ads or dancing videos. She can go “I know I looked fine but I wasnt- HONEST”. She’s trying to cover her back.
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god she’s really not selling this hair wand, her hair is SO dirty?!? im sorry but if my job was to just flog random stuff on tiktok and one of them was a hair tool i would at least make sure i had clean enough hair to promote it well?? she’s so lazy 🙄
Someone asked her if her hair was wet she said no I have this spray in it ?? No it’s just greasy asf angel
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Chatty Member
That video of her asking for tips on a back carrier for ren? The way she talks about that girl is like she’s a rebellious teen ‘she won’t go in a pram’ ‘ she won’t let spencer have her’. She’s ONE. Still young enough for habits to be broken. Yes at first she may kick up a fuss but consistency is key with children. I bet she’s not even that bad. She might make a couple of little sounds but I can’t imagine her screaming the place down with Spencer.
Exactly! It's like you don't need another carrying solution... The solution is for you to do some actual parenting and instill some rules and consistency. She won't want to give up carrying her because god forbid she spends more than 5 mins unattached to her
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im sorry but anyone looking at that & thinking she looks healthy and not ill are either impressionable teens who know no better or are struggling with an ED themselves.
She looks emanciated…
God I wish people would fuck off with this ✨be kind✨ Shit as a way to just do what they want with no consequences it does my head in.
Yes - everyone knows you should be kind 🙄, however that doesn’t mean you never call people out on their bullshit. Be kind doesnt = pandering and being passive.
again, I love how Imo is allowed to not be kind when she’s just ✨explaining not complaining✨ Or ✨just giving my opinion huns✨ But no one else is.
fucking hell she need to be cancelled😂.
The 'be kind' bullshit usually comes from people are complete pricks in my opinion. :cautious:
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I noticed the looks he was giving her as well. Especially when she put the lemon pips in the mix by accident, he looked so annoyed and done with her. No love in that mans eyes anymore.
she looks ridiculous in that headband too, it’s not even holding any hair back it’s just sitting on her forehead 🤣
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Did anyone else notice in the new video when spencer is showing what he bought renalia he says “cause she’s not really allowed out at the minute she needs loungewear” then shows the dress and says something like “when she starts to get better”. Maybe we was right about this secret thing being an illness to do with ren?!?

I know grimo always says ren is ill just cause she sneezed once but surely so say she can’t go out much and needs clothes to chill in is a bit extreme for a cold or something and more related to a bigger/longer term thing??
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She claims Ren is ‘attached’ to her but I see no attachment in that latest video - no smiles, no giggles no cuddles. You look at how Ren is around Bensalad and Spencer and she’s a different child! The laughter, the smiles, the fun.

Grimmo is loving that her child is on steroids, I mean who goes on about roid rage constantly when it’s your own child who has apparently had a serious infection?! And her tone when she was talking about Red stopping her from ‘working’ she was so bitter! She’s a horrid horrid woman.
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