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Just been catching up on her last couple of videos. The present video… wow! Ren must have enough toys to see her through a lifetime! Didn’t she say on her birthday video that she won’t be buying anymore coz she’s got enough to rotate them for a couple of years or whatever? I know I shouldn’t, but that video makes me feel bad as a Mum coz no way would I be able to afford that much for my baby - which is the case for a lot of people! On the other hand, Imogen needs to realise you can’t buy your baby’s love with loads of toys! How about actually spending time with her and playing with her without screeching?! The whole video is just a joke and I can guarantee she’ll buy loads more when it’s not needed!

Also, the video with her Mum finding her Dad. I can totally understand wanting to know where you come from etc. But if the man doesn’t want to know then he doesn’t want to know! He gave you away for a reason (whatever that is) and she needs to respect his decision to not want to peruse a relationship. Going on about ‘you can go to court to get a DNA’ … That’s just insane really. He’s 82, leave the poor man in peace. Yes it might be hurtful for her, but like I said, he obviously had his reasons for giving her up and she doesn’t know what those are so she should respect his decision and be happy with the family she’s got - some people don’t even have that. The whole family is just weird.

And wtf is that fox story? Yea sure her shouting won’t wake Ren up but the fox definitely will 🙄 Saying how the dogs were all set off by this fox, no hun, probably you shouting like a lunatic out of the window - probably woke all of the neighbours up too! Freak!
I've literally got my baby a few "that's not my" books, a £5 activity ball from vinted and a wooden walker from the free children's page on Facebook local to me! He'll be happy with the fairy lights, wrapping paper and roast dinner. These influencers encouraging people to spend so much, it's so dangerous.
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Everything Imogen ever says is an indirect snip at Spencer. Wish he would wise up and put the rude and dismissive idiot in her place.

“She doesn’t go on daddy” right 🤬...

Well number one, that’s because you have conditioned the poor child to think she should only be strapped to you, number two you have a seriously warped high opinion of yourself and are a selfish and self-indulgent individual who thinks their child should be completely stripped of having their own identity, and instead worship the ground you walk on!! That child is going to be ever so spoilt just like the rest of her weird family soon. Calling it now, she’s going to condition that child to be completely subservient to her. Servant the II incoming...

Genuinely a horrid woman with such bad intentions in life. Wish she would have stayed gone, nobody missed you Imogen. You are irrelevant and your views on TT come from those laughing at your bizarre actions and judging your awful personality.
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So Ray was out of her life after her parents divorce because Ray was closer to her mum? But he was Bens bestfriend since they were 15? Definitely more to the story than she’s letting on…
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I’m sorry but Ren was supposedly learning to re walk again when Imogen was posting TikTok’s saying does anyone else’s kid know how to walk but refuses to. Like wtf?!
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Sick fuck. Just like the Radford family exploiting Tillie when she was sick and had her operation ls. There needs to be more laws stopping this

Baby verbalises
*Excuse me moody Margaret someone has woken up from a roid rage*
Is this woman for real
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Chatty Member
She's the biggest CUNT to ever grace this planet. Who the fuck films a dying man and uploads it to YouTube?! Who the fuck ignores severe signs of illness in their child so that they end up hospitalised, makes 2 videos about it (so far) and uploads it to YouTube?! Who the fuck angrily shouts "someone's got roid rage" repeatedly in their daughters face, as a result of their own neglect, and uploads it to YouTube?! And all for financial gain, it actually knocks me sick.

If only the Christmas suprise she mentions in her tiktok was for her to disappear off this earth, we'd all be better off. I was watching one of Imogen Cribb's videos earlier today where she says she loves Imogen to pieces... Won't be watching any of her videos again.

In that pampers advert... Firstly how they get these brand deals I don't know, worst advert I've seen for a very long time, would of taken her all of 5 seconds to create for a big fee no doubt. I would hope they put all the money they make from Ren aside for her when she's older but I highly doubt that'll happen. Love the ending where Ren can't wait to get away from Grimmo's face. Doesn't look like she only wants mummy to me.

I hope you read this Grimmo, you're a poor excuse of a human being and I hope your conscience eats you alive day in, day out. I used to feel sorry for Spencer, I thought he was just blindly in love, but actually he's just as bad for entertaining and supporting all of the disgusting things she does.

Neither of you deserve that beautiful daughter of yours.
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The thing is we haven't had these amazingly long paragraphs of declaration of love for Phil. We didn't see anything like this on her birthday. She seems to save this for her brother and dad 😵💫
Phil would knock her out after downing a pint in Albert Square that’s why 🤣🍺
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I fully admit I don’t understand this stuff but when Spencer was sorting out Imogens clothes and she randomly filmed him to make her usual speech about him doing all the work while she films tiktoks… why was Ren crawling around with no nappy on? Was she about to change her but decided picking up a camera was more important or is this just something you’re meant to do with babies?
When she peed on the rug and Spencer went “pee on the rug - or poo if you want, I’ll clear it up” 🤢 right after he talks about being Imogens “runner” like jesus man, listen to yourself!
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“she only ever wants me”
“she cries when i’m not holding her”
*literally leans over because she wants to be with spencer* 🙄

also, this advert is one of the worst things i’ve ever seen, why pampers are bothering to spend money on her to make this video is beyond me 🥴 poor ren probably just wants to play and she’s being forced to sit in the video so they can make money off her… so wrong


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All I got from that video is that something has went down with that nurse/subscriber and they are crapping themselves it comes out.
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Nothing she ever buys is in her house for more than the 28 day refund window 😂
That lamp will end up in a giveaway if they miss the refund cut off!

The way she keeps going on about paying for postage for her giveaways makes her sound like a brat. Like nobody is asking you to send off your old unwanted tat to strangers hun.
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Omg the new baking video. Grilling Spencer about what she used to eat after a night out and him not being able to remember. He looks so uncomfortable. 'You do remember, you do, I'm questioning our marriage'. Christ! Spenny had defo had enough
He doesn't remember because she makes it up as she goes along 😅
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Chatty Member
I haven’t watched the vlog but did Ray give consent for that footage to be posted for the world to see??? If he didn’t then thats next level fucked up. I honestly feel for his family, I’d be absolutely livid if that was my dad in hospital and his friends daughter was using his illness for views/attention. Disgusting human.
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Kinda feel for her at the moment. Renalien’s development is starting to come across as slightly concerning. I don’t think there’s any actual issue there, but it’s such an important age for development and it looks like there’s a LOT of stunting going on and in some ways, even though it is Imo’s fault, the woman is mentally unstable and unwell. So, I’m starting to blame her less and actually feel for her. Don’t come for me! But like, imagine reading tattle and seeing the true, harsh reality of what your behaviour is doing to the thing you love most in the world. It’s a slap in the face, so I get that she must be a complete mess about it behind closed doors. And although she isn’t changing any of these behaviours after we’ve called them out, I’m starting to place blame on Spencer and her family more-so. She’s too far gone in whatever post-natal illnesses she’s clearly struggling with. They should be alert and aware enough to step in and help her - for the sake of the child. Yes, she is a terrible person in a million and one ways, but she’s also sick and is the primary carer for a one year old. People need to step in and stop allowing this woman to impart all her mess and shit on the poor kid. Calling you out, Spencer, parents etc. please try and help her so you can help Renalien.
She doesn’t have anything post-natal. She’s a narcissist who will do anything to be the centre of the universe. Ren’s development delay could be solved by her not having Imogen as a mother or a professional picking up on the dynamic of the family. I’m not putting the responsibility on to those professionals, although sounds like the health visitor who ‘upset’ Imogen was very honest about what they saw!
The only person responsible for Imogen’s behaviour is her. Putting the responsibility particularly on Spencer’s parents who live miles away and barely get a look in is ridiculous and unfair. My sister in law is a narcissist and we didn’t realise the efforts that she would go to to stop us seeing my nephews until my brother and her separated earlier this year. She is still continuing to financially abuse him and neglect my nephews in various ways none of which are obvious because on the surface she is lovely and now playing the part of the single mum. Spencer would have to realise what situation he was in in order to take any action. Yeah he’s a bit of a pushover and I think he settled for her thinking that he would never find another woman, but the baking video showed that he will actually stand up for himself when she is being more obviously passive aggressive. She has also managed engineer the marriage to mean that Spencer is totally dependent on her financially because he gave up his job.
I understand your point of view, but don’t see any reason to feel sorry for her. It’s not as black and white as her family intervening and fixing everything. The fact that you feel sorry for her means that she has partly managed to manipulate you too.
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Maybe I’m heartless, but they have overdone the robin thing. They can’t do or say anything without it being sentimental. Have a day off!
The way that she talks to her own daughter like she is at a nursery gives me the ick.
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