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8k views on her new video in 15 hours… someone is going to have to go work a 9-5 job soon 😂👋🏼
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Someone has just commented on imos tiktok saying “omg you should present a childrens tv show”
Erm no thanks baby gal, my child would have night terrors if he had to watch her
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Everything is so dramatic with this lot.
Hysteria over writing a birthday card fgs, usual drama around various illnesses/ unwellness they all seem to continually suffer from.
It’s exhausting to watch!
Surely wannabe gangsta Hugo would want to be on holiday with mates (if he’s got any) than his whinging sister.
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I reckon Grimmo is going to force Spenny to join her in her Miss Immy venture as her side kick. Before we know it he'll be in a dog outfit, jumping around, wagging his tail and panting. Good boy, Clever boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Captain Spenny can get his pilot costume out again 😍😍 a la my profile pic 🤭
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Looking back on old photos, she used to be quite pretty. What happened? All I see now is a ghostly sausage face 😂
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From the looks of her sat in the pram today she doesn't look like she's hating it?! Same with the car seat we never actually see her hating life in the car seat!

Shes going to make so many problems for herself as she projects problems on the kid! She makes one noise and Imo says "oh you hate it don't you" which eventually Ren will hear and understand and thus decide she hates it because mummy told me I hate it!
100%!!! One moment that has stuck in my head was in the Tesla vlog and she was driving , Ren made a sound and she went “oh she’s not happy” and Spenny said “no she’s fine actually”, it honestly plays over and over in my mind bc I think it’s a little clip of what the reality is, Ren will babble like a baby and Imo will see it as complaining ✨not explaining✨ and decide she can’t deal with the situation. It is hard being a mum and you do constantly worry thatyour baby is unhappy or uncomfortable bc obvs they can’t tell you with words,but she will definitely grow up with confused feelings and emotions as Imo forces things onto her! They’ve made a rod for their own back by only sitting in the back with her in the car also, I never did that, not even on way from hospital as my partner hasn’t passed his driving test so I had to sit with him in the front 😂 yes sometimes my bab cries but she soon calmsdown and if she doesn’t I stop, same with the pram, if you just take her away from the situation she’ll never get better and get used to it!
also their sleep therapist needs suing bc that baby’s sleep is a mess, she deffo just wants her to sleep all day so she can do her own thing, my 4 month old sleeps for about 2 hours across the whole day and then sleeps 12 hours at night, no wonder Ren can’t sleep when they make her take 2 hour naps and then put her to bed at 5, maybe just follow your baby’s cues instead of listening to somestranger who doesn’t know your baby at all????
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It's a very common influencer tactic. They do 'clothing hauls', try them on for the video and provide affiliate links for everything. Then they return the clothes and get their money back + commission off people using the links. You will notice that a majority of the clothes these people advertise, are never seen again. It's all nonsense.
It’s about time the influencer bubble burst. Many are duplicitous charlatans who will promote any old crap, whether good, bad or indifferent to their gullible punters.
I’d love to see them try to live in the real world and get actual jobs, where saps aren’t hanging off their every word.
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I am not saying she can’t show off her body but when she looks that poorly, she isn’t setting a good example to young girls. She is not body goals.
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Imogen use to look so healthy, she always wore beautiful makeup and always made an effort with herself and her hair. When she met Spencer, she started to stop looking after herself and lost lots of weight. I wonder why?
You could say the same about him. If you look at pictures of him before they met.

It's sad and strange
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It's clear that people are starting to notice how much she contradicts herself/ talks absolute bollocks most of the time! First of all there's these comments because in a TikTok she said that Ren had never napped for 2 hours. Also, in the TikTok where she's saying where all her clothes are from - she says her top is from H&M when it's actually from Primark and she said Spencer's top is from H&M when it's actually from Uniqlo 😂

It just goes to show that her manic brain must be thinking so much shit at a million miles per hour that she just doesn't know what's coming out of her mouth half the time - her brain is so scrambled that she can't even get such simple things correct. Whoever said that we're witnessing someone have a breakdown, I completely agree!

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Hugo trying to use the lat machine has me dead 😂 with his fuckin sunglasses on aswell 💀 it's so funny that he has no comprehension of how embarrassing he is 😆 also absolutely loved the bit where Hugo cba to read Imo's card too - she leaned in and everything ready for him to read it out and start crying, then looked so put out when he was like 'yeahhhh I'll just read that later that's very long' 🤣
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The way she chews honestly infuriates me. Smacking her big fucking lips. It’s so disgusting. Also she took the smallest bite, “chewed” for ages and then starts talking with her mouth open and it’s still in her mouth 🤢
“It’ll be lovely with a bit of DAIRY FREE butter” okay we get it. I’m vegan and I never say “vegan burger” or vegan before anything I eat because everyone knows it wouldn’t be actual meat or dairy 🙄

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