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Judging by these questions, is imo saying ra-nay-nay has reflux? Watch it angels...

My baby had the worst reflux EVER. The Health visitor said she’d never seen a case like it and she cried.

(don’t want to offend anyone’s babas that have reflux, it’s just the way Imo is)
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I don’t understand how her baby that was apparently born so tiny is in 3-6 months baby grows at 9 weeks? I get every baby is different but that seems crazy
My baby was born 8lbs 6 two weeks early. (He was a chunky boy haha) basically born the same week as imos. And we sadly couldn’t breastfeed because he hated it. Literally screamed every time haha. So we went to formula and found out he has a severe cows milk allergy so for these first two months of his life he’s literally been sick after every feed non stop. We are currently still trying to find the best milk for him and if not he has to have a tube down his throat to see what is making him this way… but he barely fits into 0-3 months. Because he’s sick all the time. So if her baby was sick like she says she is there is no way she would be in 3-6 months. She literally makes me feel like I failed as a mum all the time. Because her apparently ‘sick all the time’ baby is growing so well. Idk. I already wished he breastfed because he wouldnt be in such pain with the formula. So all the ‘perfect’ breastfeeding pictures she posts annoy me so much.
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Poo problems again now. I’d laugh if I wasn’t genuinely concerned for this poor little baby. Imagine growing up with a mother who’s going to force you to believing you have every condition under the sun. Terrifying, actually feel sorry for her future teachers.
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mardy bum

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Asif her identity is now renaelias mum and not Imogen anymore 🥲
I hate this woman more than anything now, I watched her vlogs of the house Reno for a few weeks then thought wow this house looks absolutely wank. Should have paid a decent architect to redesign it, never seen something so claustrophobic. And then she spoke a lot about the baby and as I was also preggers thought wow this might be interesting, nope, not one bit. She’s an absolute lunatic, if she lived in my small town everyone would think she’s crazy. She’s already given us a 2 month glimpse of her as a mother, and I don’t think her daughter will survive another 18 years in her care tbh
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How is the baby in 3-6 months already. My boy was born three days before her and most 0-3 clothes are big for him, length and waist wise. Am I doing something wrong here?!
Aw darling please don't feel this way. My daughter was 2 years old and was still in 9-12 month clothes, especially bottoms. My first son was in tiny baby til 3 months old and my other son was in 6-9 months at 8 weeks old. They are literally all different, you are doing amazing. Imo is a dick xx
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Maybe I'm being unfair and harsh but for these kind of issues would you not just ask your GP/medical professional for advice? I don't have kids so I've not been in her position. However she's always been such a drama queen, I can never take what she says with any sincerity and always feel like the main reason she asks these questions/says these things is for attention. Feel free to tell me if I'm just being horrid 😬

Maybe we're both harsh, but I completely agree with you! I think she's doing it for engagement because the mums that follow her will say what they did for their baby, and her young huns will probably kiss her *ss and say she's doing amazing and she's such a good mum. If it was that bad and that the was that worried, she definitely would have called her GP or midwife for advice and they would have answered all of her questions... And even if it is that bad, she's the boy who cried wolf and I'm not buying any of it!

ETA: She's obsessed with people crying even when there's no tear in sight, I wonder if she's the same with Renaynay
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Does she expect us to believe that Spencer wrote that? Remember when he did that insta ad and he just copied and pasted what the ad people told him to say and he left the quotation marks on… yeah he didn’t write that long essay

I always run to my doctor hubby when she mentions anything medical and vitiligo doesn’t give you bags or wrinkles. He’s just knackered looking from pandering to her for the last few years
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Im not a mother but mothers out there… is it normal for your baby to always be covered in poo????!!
I really don’t understand how she’s always covered in poo?? Like when i had my daughter a year ago, the only accident we had was her pooing on her dad when he changed her lol and that was bc he didn’t put her nappy on quick enough. The fact they constantly have SHIT all over them is just madness 🤣🥴
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I stumbled across some of Imogen's videos recently and wtf have I let myself in for??? Came straight over here for some answers... Does she always cry at everything and call it magical and amazing and brilliant? [Side note: she reminds me so much of Parker from Friends (Everything isn't "Aglow with the light of a thousand fairies"? They were just brake lights!)] What is her obsession with something being wrong with her baby? What the hell is going on with her lips? What's the whole thing about filming and her baby all of a sudden needing to be fed? If your baby is hungry then feed it before you film, surely? "I'm jealous of how much she poos" sorry, what? Um bit weird that she, Spencer and her mum all shared a bed... Imogen and Spencer, yes... Imogen and her mum, yes... all three, very strange.

I think she seems like she will be a good parent but although she talks about not being perfect, she is making everything seem perfect and amazing and magical, which can and will make other parents feel inadequate. Even when she's trying to be "real" and talking about her issues with breastfeeding, she still says she feels lucky and what a positive experience it is. For other mums who are struggling they may not feel lucky and it's creating an unrealistic expectation and ideal for how it should be.

My guess is she will 1000% be a helicopter parent.
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So I’ve had to have an imo break recently as she just drains the life out of me. Just finished watching her latest video. What is it with her and making breastfeeding her literal personality trait? She continues to say ‘I don’t judge anyone who feeds differently’ yet it’s constantly mentioned how she chooses to feed. ie ‘One happy breastfed little cherub’. I honestly don’t believe for a second her breastfeeding midwife said ‘only for a month or two’ either. The tone deaf comments she makes really aggravate the shit out of me. ‘I don’t have the energy to do washing I’m up all night feeding the baby’ …4 days after giving birth. Yes having a newborn is hard but c’mon, not everyone has to support she has and to say she ‘can’t’ do usual household tasks because she is so tired is an insult to the women who have no choice but to do everything alone. Another thing that has been mentioned which is very worrying to me is the constant need to diagnose her newborn baby. Why can’t she understand some babies just cry, some fuss, some don’t settle etc. it does not mean they have some underlying issue. It seriously gives me munchausen syndrome by proxy vibes. ‘Worried how much to share because of unwanted opinions’ also that is motherhood we all receive unwanted opinions/advice.
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