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Chatty Member
It will all be to try and get as many freebies for the new house as possible
She will HAPPILY take allllll the gifts

So essentially she's paying to promote her insta posts purely for her own short lived happiness, and maybe some random freebies, as she isn't gonna take any other ads.

I still can't believe people on here once told me this girl wasn't wealthy or didn't come from wealth. She is burning her own cash.

Today she also said she doesn't *care* whether she doesn't make ends meet. Imagine not having to worry if your outgoings were more than the incomings from your only job?!

S'ok, she can always move into the room her parents tie their shoes in if it all goes totally wrong.


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I’m dying that she put the flower light shade in her bedroom. I was joking when I posted that, as I thought surely she wouldn’t be so brazen. But I forgot, it’s Jes we’re talking about! No shame!
Next up, huge wooden ball bed feet!
Photo of Overdale House attached as it’s STUNNING and suits the decor style so much. She deserves to have so much more recognition as an interiors influencer. It’s so sneaky that Jes is replicating the exact room from a small account and not crediting them properly and deleting comments from people politely calling her out. 🐍

The bathroom looks terrible. Like a public toilet you’d think twice about using. Why the half untiled bare wall? It looks so strange like they ran out of tiles, and the wonky lines in the tiling in the shower is making my teeth itch.


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What even is soho house and what does membership involve

It’s a private members club that exists worldwide but in the UK is only located in London, with a “farmhouse” in Oxford. If you google you’ll see a lot of celeb go to the farmhouse for birthdays, staycays etc. it’s handy if you live in London as they have really nice restaurants, space to meet people, networking events etc but for Jes, she would never have been to one. You either need to be a member or visit with a friend who’s a member.

Basically she’s bought a secondhand towel because she thinks the brand/concept is super cool and even just typing that makes me wanna die.
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How weird.. I went on to screenshot where she had posted lots of questions from her question box (🙄) because in one post someone had asked were the doing it all themselves and she replied something about how the ONLY people they were getting in were tilers, builders, electricians and plumbers 🤣 so everyone then. But anyway… she’s deleted ALL of those stories.

What a weird girl
I got you 😘


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See she limited comments on the Fred reel. I didn't realise she had had him since he was so small! I have an eight.month old puppy that I got at ten weeks old and I honestly cannot imagine any scenario in the world in which I would give her up. If Fred had behaviour problems, then that's her fucking fault for not teaching him how to behave?! Oh it just makes me so upset and angry. She's not right, she really isn't.
The worst thing about the whole situation is that she had him from a puppy. You have a good idea of expected temperament and size of the adult dog when you buy a puppy so even if he did end up bigger and higher strung than she expected it’s not like that would have come out of nowhere. Her business started taking off during that period so she would have easily been able to afford a trainer if she struggled to train him herself. He was only young when she abandoned him and she didn’t try hard to rectify his behaviour problems before she jumped ship.

I probably feel worse about myself for buying her shit plastic products years ago than she feels about getting rid of Fred.
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In this reel she said she hasn’t bought clothes for 7 months, yet she did a reel 3 days ago that said she hadn’t bought clothes for 9 months. Does she not check what she is saying?!
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all the recent posts just seem flung on there with little thought. Almost like someone has no time for their actual business.
She makes out like she’s got it so hard as well. ‘Running a business, looking after Hendrix, making sure we are all fed and doing this isn’t for the faint hearted’ but all she’s done is rip out things, they won’t be doing any of the work 😂 needs a reality check honestly.
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Chatty Member
Anyone can strip a house. Fucking snooze.

She thinks she is this big DIYer but she will just have other people doing it for her. Just like she does with upcycling
Recommendation for plasterer
Recom for tiler
Rec for carpenter
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Of course she’s monetising it and asking (demanding) freebies from small local businesses for making a video.. which she was probably going to do anyway. Also she’s acting like she’s got 10K more followers this month cos people love her content. LOL. She bought 90% of these new “followers”
Yeh about this whole 10k followers in a month… she has 49k followers at the moment but she has def been in the 40s for ages. So is she really shit at maths and thinks 49.8k to 49.9k is 10,000?? Apparently the average influencer has a follower increase of 1.69% per month but our Jes has a 25% increase.

I’m not sure about that 😂😂😂
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Love the idea of re-upholstering a sofa but the fact she's saying the fabric hasn't been in production for 20-odd years is a proper lie - they still sell it on Liberty of London now:™-cotton-000523172.html?dwvar_000523172_color=C&dwvar_000523172_size=ONE&quantity=1 - fair enough it may not be the EXACT same but the design is still one of Liberty's most popular.

Also, she doesn't even know what the fabric is called because she's uploaded offcuts to Vinted and called it the LANTHE fabric when it is indeed the Ianthe fabric, come on Jes - I thought a culture vulture like you would know that!!!
This is the exact same. If you screenshot side by side it’s the EXACT same.

So she didn’t “source” a rare fabric. It’s literally for sale for anyone to buy
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“I got this top I’ll wear as a dress (because I’m so teeny tiny didn’t you know)”

Her sister looks like she’s still a horrible trollop.
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This list is cringing. Go to charity shop?! order some stuff?! Be in the house for a delivery!? Surprised she didn't add having a shit View attachment 3001435
“Choose feet for bed” added to the list because she got found out about copying and now needs to find something else 😂
Jes got some free light switches to add to the endless "kindly gifted" items for this reno (e.g. radiators, carpets, vintage furniture, upholstery fabric, paint, shutters, the list goes on...)

Speaking of gifted fabric, she must have contacted that company and specifically asked them for the freebie of that fabric now we know she had that one in mind all along after seeing overdale house. That makes me cringe.

Also, she fucked up the free shutters and measured them wrong!!! Why am I not surprised. What a great job she's doing advertising their product. Although it's never been about advertising these companies, only about getting as much free stuff from them as possible
On her ‘Bedroom’ story highlight, she did a poll on 4 different fabrics and the one she went for wasn’t the most popular. I know influencers only put these things on for engagement anyway but it is funny how all along she knew which fabric she was going for regardless of her followers opinions
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Chatty Member
I've scrolled past most of her stories because I can't bare to sit through the "unboxing" videos but the sheer amount of stuff she is getting for free is WILD (a few bits are "only" discounted but most is free).

How is she not embarrassed? Also, can you imagine how much stuff proper full time influencers with huge followings get?!

The items I can remember from this recent burst of #gifts (definitely not ads, guys):
A log burner, radiators, multiple items from a vintage/antique furniture place, wool carpets, fabric for her bench, fabric for a headboard, loads of pricey bedding/duvets, Pooky lamps, designer shoes, a package from the White Company. I'm sure there is more that I have missed
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Also a plasterer, radiator fitter. It’s giving Monty Python ‘What did the Romans ever do for us?’
Does she understand what the word “collaboration” means? Lmao getting FREE radiators from a company isn’t collaboration. It’s a freebie. Put it as AD. Declare it’s a freebie. Stop calling it a collaboration which would imply she’s made something in collaboration with said company. Ffs.
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She's clearly not been parented well as the second she's called out or any bit of negativity she goes in sulk and takes a day off work. Imagine the rest of us 9-5ers taking a day off because our boss told us off.
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Chatty Member
Her talking about her depression in one post is such a fucking little violin moment when the next post she show that big house and how much things she is going to be gifted. Spoiled prick
She just wants people to feel sorry for her
It's not even a big project. This girl has no clue what an exciting project is for brands. Basically she is redecorating...🙄
She will be finished in like a month and stuck for content again
And this shameless begging. Absolute cringe.


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oh great so not only did Emma gift her a mattress so has Tempur! It’s going to irritate the hell out of me her getting everything gifted for this house. The shory after this is on about free radiators from radiators direct too. She’s such a beg I can’t get over her directly asking for stuff and brands falling for it.
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I’m blocked so can’t witness the tragedy that is her life but does anyone else think she ramps up the mental health posts when she’s on the beg?
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