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This is getting in the realms of safeguarding.. they let her put make up on her face when it already looks like she has a medical condition not a good idea but then allow her to have one of the tablets mum had left over....

Was that a prescription tablet. Far from inspirational more like total liability and dangerous.

Edit ok they clarified piriton later but still
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Chatty Member
It says on the website that the products are printed after they're on ordered, then shipped
Does that mean that they couldn’t actually get a company to deal with them to give them an actual merch store? that they’ve had to use one that prints as they go? Because surely the merch should be created (as it was beforehand) then just shipped out when it’s ordered.. probably learnt from the fact they had so much left over from the ‘old’ merch.
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Issy must`nt have had much homework if she got it done in the morning,someone mentioned Esme being a brat , I havent seen the latest vlogs somaybe she is on them but the one I saw I just saw a tired and sad little girl and not her usual bouncing self, now whether shes got the i go to private school attitude now or just fighting for attention with her other siblings as can happen often (I see this more in Isla to be fair) I dont know,but I personally have always thought Esme apart from the screeching was more likeable and being more of alittle girl than theother two ,on the note of homework, Esme didn`t seem to be getting any help from chris when she did hers so maybe she is coping better in this school, I hope sonothing worse than struggling and not saying
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Today’s cheery Good Morning photo:-
Entitled “Creepy Gets Pied”
(Asking the price of a fresh tart ends badly at the local Greggs)View attachment 961
Thank god that pie has tiny pieces of chocolate in it, otherwise that picture would double in its level of disgusting! Haha, look at those poor strands of hair hanging onto his forehead for dear life.
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It's me

Iconic Member
I think because that would have involved thought and evolution whereas they’re all about doing the same shite over and over.
‘Well we had unicorns before so we must have more’ ‘we had a surprise holiday reveal so we must only do that from now on’

Chris and Sarah thinking ahead? Such an alien concept!
I think Sarah needs to look back at her very first ever videos she uploaded to YouTube well before the Inghams was a family thing. Look where she lived, at the furniture she had then and realise at this rate she could loose everything and end up back there.

YouTube won't last forever.

Chris first job interview...what we you doing before...*cough* successful YouTuber *cough*... New prospective employer one Google.. no job offer.

Sarah's never going to get off her arse to work

I wouldn't be surprised if things are on interest free etc .. .

No matter what deposit they paid I doubt they will afford the house or anything else.

People will get bored soon enough unless Chris does get in trouble with the law for his hideous behaviour. One or the other is going to be their downfall.
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I agree, something is only a bargain in my eyes if its great quality and can be worn heaps of times without having to be replaced after the 2nd or 3rd wash, they are so far removed from reality its painful,I also have 3 children like Them and no way could I afford to pay that for tat,each thing they do only goes to prove to everyone how utterly deplorable they are, they will be their own downfall this pair of reprobates, surely anyone with half a brain can see what this is doing to their offspring, if we can see it in a 20minute vlog then they can,I think they are so cruel with their childrens emotions and feelings and only look at how much it will make them, im sure they rub their hands in glee whenever one of their children cry or are ill thinking this will get our views right up ,the saddos
They do! If they can somehow film a teardrop they will, it is exploitation, none of those children could have consented to this, they do look tired and sad and the pretend faces and smiles they have to pull are becoming painfully more obvious as they get older. I imagine they’re told that without them delivering on cue that’d they’d have no lol dolls and holidays and disgustingly large Christmas piles, I bet they are almost threatened with the loss of the ridiculous ‘surprises’ it should be looked at like any child who works, surely their local authority have a duty of care to those girls
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Chatty Member
“Can I go again can I go again can I go again” I know I shouldn’t say this about a child but Isla never seems to have any manners and comes across as rather bratty. Where are the please and thank you?!

(Edited for spelling error)
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I may be being optimistic but I just cannot see how iFam parents will fork out for such crap and unoriginal merch. There is SO much Unicorn stuff available at all price points and at infinitely better quality than the on demand iFam tat that Creepy and Lazy are peddling. And if they want something with "ifam", "chai fam" or "Ifamarinos" (pause to :sick:), what parent in their right mind would not just get a basic white tee or hoodie and take it to a Vistaprint or somewhere like that or else get busy with a pack of Sharpies and save themselves the money and the embarrassment.
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Chatty Member
I may be being optimistic but I just cannot see how iFam parents will fork out for such crap and unoriginal merch. There is SO much Unicorn stuff available at all price points and at infinitely better quality than the on demand iFam tat that Creepy and Lazy are peddling. And if they want something with "ifam", "chai fam" or "Ifamarinos" (pause to :sick:), what parent in their right mind would not just get a basic white tee or hoodie and take it to a Vistaprint or somewhere like that or else get busy with a pack of Sharpies and save themselves the money and the embarrassment.
If you look at the amount of people who’ve commented on Isabelle’s Instagram (she’s the only one who’s uploaded an actual Instagram not story) then it would suggest that many will be buying or asking for it. Although again this is with Sassybelles merch shown, not all of it. Which is all the unicorn stuff etc.. which as I have said previous, I do feel for Izzy because she had got so many ideas of what she would’ve loved to have created with designs and on what, but she never really got round to it being completed as soon after, all this shit came out.
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VIP Member
See this is what I don't they can be removed from reality?! They've only come into ££ in what, the last couple of years? And they base their shopping hauls on cheap brands/shops anyway, so I can't see how they've lost touch with what the 'average' person can afford! I mean, it's not like they're brand Beckham, where they've had years of high earning so they have no clue of the real cost of things anymore.
It's down to greed, nothing more. They're like the people you see at the buffet......cramming every single item they can onto their plates, just because they can. You never know when those grasping hands can't cling onto things any longer!

I can't even get started on filming the kids when their upset or ill either! So many levels of wrong.
I think that they think its reality buying duvet covers and all that poundland crap and the fact they shop in B&M, that fact alone should make them think how high their prices are , no self respecting parent should be asked to fork out that kind of money for substandard quality, reality to me is washing clothes and bedding and only buying when necessary, not each holiday they have or just for breathing getting treats, reality is working or staying at home and parenting properly they seem to have forgotten where they came from and sadly have taken a few people with them wholets face it are only there because of who they are, but in the present climate I wouldn`t want to be within a mile of the pair of them or have my name associated with them
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Chatty Member
Just watched the vlog. Isabelle looked so rough towards the end!

Also correct me if I'm wrong but should Sarah have been laid on her stomach to get the clue under the pink chair? I've never been pregnant but I feel its not healthy for the baby to do that.
I wasn’t sure about this so googled it

I think what’s more interesting in this though is the fact it says ‘your bump will not start showing until the second trimester’
Hmm pretty sure she’s been claiming her stomach is a pregnancy bump right from conception!
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VIP Member
I wasn’t sure about this so googled it
View attachment 987
I think what’s more interesting in this though is the fact it says ‘your bump will not start showing until the second trimester’
Hmm pretty sure she’s been claiming her stomach is a pregnancy bump right from conception!
Thank you for clarifying that :)

Going back to Chris being a male cheerleader, Is that even a thing in England? I mean there is cheerleading clubs now but would there have been 20 years ago? I know I definitely hadn't heard of any.
If there was then their must be photos, someone needs to find out his school and do some digging ?
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Well-known member
Thank you for clarifying that :)

Going back to Chris being a male cheerleader, Is that even a thing in England? I mean there is cheerleading clubs now but would there have been 20 years ago? I know I definitely hadn't heard of any.
If there was then their must be photos, someone needs to find out his school and do some digging ?
I only became aware of male cheerleaders a few years ago when I saw a news article on a boy who wanted to be on the cheerleading squad and the school banned him as it was girls only, but this being the decade of everyone should have what they want as everyone should be included and people’s hurt feelings over ride common sense, he eventually made the team

I believe this was in the UK, but I do think if it is correct it would have been a very fringe (geddit? ?) activity 20 years ago if at all. Especially for someone that presumably would have been going through the start of their astonishingly long emo phase. Then again, he would have been access to girls? So maybe an ulterior motive

Personally I call bullshit, unless one of the Inghan/Dixon fight club can get some pics on here. Until then, utter rubbish. (When they read this, go on! Prove it! , post some of Chris in his pink spandex! It will cause ? and ? in equal measure)
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I only became aware of male cheerleaders a few years ago when I saw a news article on a boy who wanted to be on the cheerleading squad and the school banned him as it was girls only, but this being the decade of everyone should have what they want as everyone should be included and people’s hurt feelings over ride common sense, he eventually made the team

I believe this was in the UK, but I do think if it is correct it would have been a very fringe (geddit? ?) activity 20 years ago if at all. Especially for someone that presumably would have been going through the start of their astonishingly long emo phase. Then again, he would have been access to girls? So maybe an ulterior motive

Personally I call bullshit, unless one of the Inghan/Dixon fight club can get some pics on here. Until then, utter rubbish. (When they read this, go on! Prove it! , post some of Chris in his pink spandex! It will cause ? and ? in equal measure)
I wondered if he might have been a baton twirler in the Majorettes? Not quite the same as a cheerleader but we know how he likes to extend the truth....
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Sorry if I somehow helped this to become a debate ✌? It wasn’t intended, I only happened to notice the comment on the screenshot yesterday from the page to someone disbelieving it that they’d seen the birth certificate, then the other person quoted the law that he’d need to have been there then what caught my eye was the comment about it being before the law changed. I can see how it appears to have input from more than one person and it seems here that the people posting about it being in the victims control are perfectly reasonable what would be the motivation to do that here??? I see the point about the page and the Mum tweeting to each other (as they are the same person) but I don’t think that proves they’re not. Anyway like it was said they obviously have the best intentions at heart and are all diligently fighting the same cause... I’m just here waiting to see if the slow cooker is still alive ??
I think it died of asphyxiation from burnt in dogs dinners that were never cleaned off. :cry: #RIPInghamsSlowCooker
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Obviously as she’s stated herself things they do in the vlog they claim as tax deductible (hence reducing their overall tax bill) so eating out, trips and possibly to some extent ‘hauls’ and the items she shows us are also used against their tax bill, she’s obviously figured the more she’s seen to spend on her tv series the bigger tax break she gets so why break your back chopping veg when a carvery would on balance not cost much more and why struggle with processing 4 people’s pjs on a weekly basis when again buying new ones helps the tax bill. No care to the impact on the environment one bit. She has become way less relatable at the beginning they still annoyed me somewhat but it did feel altogether more genuine now it’s just as described ‘a business’ so they attempt to get the highest number of views even if the kids need a weekend off or some time to not be on camera, that’s irrelevant, they probably think by paying for their education it negates the need to be responsible for a lot of parenting duties and with that big kid soooper surprise fun mentality makes for a very odd upbringing then of course who could forget the Dads very public dubious messaging of youngsters!!! I really really feel for those children, I hope they see sense and find a balance I really do
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VIP Member
why on earth would anyone apart from brainwashed ifam wear and support creepy and lazy. You may aswell wear jumpers saying i support sleaze bags and lazy old liars
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I've never known a family not to go out and do a food shop either. Chris is permanently going to the shop for ingredients for their meals. I don't know about you lot but my cupboards and fridge freezer are always stocked and we can always find something to rustle up as a meal. Who shops on a day to day basis?
If she finds the supermarkets don’t stock the stuff she needs to raise her bits and batsometer why the hell does she not do a weekly online “big shop”.
It’s not like she’s ever off her phone or iPad, unless she just keeps putting things in the basket then automatically deleting them.
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Member 177

Pretty terrible to be parading her around, blabbing on about periods and showing her emotional breakdowns, when she’s clearly having such a rough time. Pretty sure her dad isn’t the only thing she’ll be talking about in therapy!

Even needing therapy at such a young age, so sad. I had therapy in my twenties and that was so draining, goodness knows what it’s like for a child.
I'm sure she will talk about other things but in Sarah's warped mind she's the perfect Poundland princess mother who can do no wrong and made sure the viewers knew it was "the other family" causing upset.
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