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VIP Member
Nah I know, just having a laugh.
Wage slips ? Lol
I still wouldn’t donate though even if she did
View attachment 2990588

Freezing her “tots” off and heating the whole house as a result. In June. Literally mid-summer.

Much poverty.
has she still not bothered taking vitamin d?
View attachment 2990588

Freezing her “tots” off and heating the whole house as a result. In June. Literally mid-summer.

Much poverty.
She probably should stop buying shit and get a dehumidifier for the benefit of wheezy kids chest if nothing else. We haven’t had the heating on , just the dehumidifier and it’s very warm downstairs
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Here's another one Sarah, it was New 'Labour' when you started selling handbags being a socialist on twitter.
You didn't talk to a 'diverse bunch', you and your bloke de jour were sat gaming when your twins were babies, he was doing racisms and you never once called him out. Stop fibbing.
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View attachment 2983831
Grim reading, both her and the kids dads account. Both thick as shit and pig ignorant. Pair of Jeremy Kyle rejects.
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
Can everyone be quiet please? Sarah’s having a well deserved rest 🥲

And yes, lucky kid getting a chance of freedom. Hopefully she'll do something special with the other lad while he's away

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Fuckin hell, her latest tweets. Is there nothing she won't throw out to the floor. How can you not know where it came from? Cos the haywire pattern common with peri-meno is very different from the other thing she mentions that should always be checked out.
Absolutely fucking baffling (tbh). How can you NOT KNOW. You most likely have piles, Sazzle.
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See, even bib gives the impression you're sitting with Wilde and co. in Le Monmartre.
I had a couple of 'holiday fags' last night and I was only in Manchester for few hours.
Feet firmly on the ground though, balconies are scary.
I would say it is probably more similar to the Nesbits in Benalmadena (no shade, love a wee Spanish holiday fag in the Costa) although Le Montmartre is RELEVANT 🍉

Manchester though ♥

I see Sazzle is doubling down on her earlier reweets and has found a new wee pal to interact with. Step away from the gremlin, new wee pal.
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Can't believe she doesn't use the ' study' or whatever that floor plan called my room with ensuite pissoir.
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Active member
Jordans are NOT cheap. If you choose to buy expensive Nike shoes for growing lads, don’t go crying when the cost tallies up you utter mug. That’s a you problem, not a Universal Credit problem.

But obviously her wickle babies must have the best of the best, “all singing all dancing” so they don’t get bullied by kids they never leave the house to cross paths with.

Little does she seem to realise, kids at school will be well aware her kids are getting special treatment and freebies as Pupil Premium kids, that they never have the right uniform, and go into school smelling of rotten food and damp tumble dryer. If they’re going to get bullied for anything, it’s not what broadband package she has or what shoes they’ve outgrown each term.

ETA: Does she not realise how fraudulent her “poverty” stance looks when she is brand name dropping like that all the time? Not to mention how much it reinforces the idea benefits are “too much”.
Buying Jordan’s, and as you’ve said, they aren’t cheap, he hasn’t even worn them!


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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
This is the bit that gets me. How can you get to the point where you are such a nasty, lazy, messy, unorganised, thick, useless twat who NO ONE speaks to or replies to (not even your own family) except one person on Twitter who’s account was solely created to take the piss out of YOU and not self-reflect?

And more to the point how can you have kids that scream you are feeding them shit and keeping them away from sunlight in every picture, trying to medicalise their behaviour stemming from you keeping an unorganised shack as their home and not want to better THEIR lives?

It confuses me so much she wants to live this horribly. As someone who works with people that have them I don’t mean this as an insult but I’m positive she has a learning disability.

Even more so as I sit open mouthed watching her reply to an account set up to take the piss.
Unless she set it up herself, maybe that's the 'plot twist' 🧐
Even better, one of her kids.
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
She meant “separate” I think.
It may have been due to: typo, autocorrect, spellcheck, cracked phone screen, migraine, it’s only Twitter so who cares, don’t you know that language is always evolving, and of course she has a 2:1 in English Lit English so
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I wonder if she's signed up for another uni course. Anything other than get a job
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