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Charles the Furred

Active member
My point was that, in terms of the factual content alone, there's very little in his statement that anyone who's read this thread for long enough couldn't have guessed at. But the fact Gregorian wrote it is hugely significant because it means a lot of the popular claims, opinions and theories on here are true.


VIP Member
You were talking about my posts.
No, I was talking about the emails you've been sending. Report any malicious use of phone numbers by Iain if/when it happens, sure, but the "warnings" you've been sending will just be dismissed. Until then your emails will just be put in the same file as all the other nonsense stations receive from their listeners. It's pointless.

He was taking calls my Skype yesterday when the phone line wasn't working, so he'll have all those phone numbers too.

I understand people 'having a laugh' in the office about these threads, but I would be horrified if an employer with the public profile of Jack FM would not, at the very least, keep on file public concerns around safeguarding the data (phone numbers) of their listeners.
I wasn't talking about these threads, I was talking about the emails and letters received from listeners. Things will only be "kept on file" if there's a reason for them to be. E.g. if some insane listener sent a letter accusing a presenter of putting a curse on him, as I've seen in the past, there would be no need to keep it on file as a concern - these are photocopied and stuck on the wall for a laugh. Listeners write in with crazy stuff all the time. Unless it's about something specific that has happened it'll be ignored, accusations and warnings are irrelevant.
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General Kim

Chatty Member
She was married with kids and in a steady job before throwing in her lot with her best fwiend.
If a man was spending not only his worktime but social life with a female colleague his missus would be deeply suspicious.
She's an attractive woman and Iain is a creepy simp.
He was probably phoning up saying
"Kath. Come quick. I'm having one of my episodes."
Kath "Eee.Steeplejacks and steamengines!
What's got into you!"
Iain" I'm gonna do it this time Kath. Just see if I don't!"
Kath "Cottonmills and coalmines! I'll be there as soon as I can!"
Iain "You best had otherwise it'll be on your head!"
Kath "Now hold your horses. I'm leaving now"

Now Kath was probably preparing a family meal as her husband was laying the table with the kids messing around and being gently chastised by their dad.
Kath "I've got to go. Iain's in a bad way"

Husband" You're fu€king kidding. AGAIN!"
Kath "You know what he's like. The big apeth"
Husband "Yeah. Well we've 2 kids here to look after without that middle aged tw@t phoning up all the while"
Kath "Don't be like that. He can't help it. What with him coming off his drugs and everything"
Husband "You better go then. Oh...and Kath.
Kath "Yes"
Husband "I'm filing for divorce"

Que the Crossroads theme
Superb! LOLs.

Superb because it's spot on and true.

Kaffbo: there's trouble t'mill, Eyan needs me. Eyan needs to tell me in person about his wank fantasies about me. Eyan's having a Menkell Helf Crisis!!!!! I'm going to scoot over to Eyan's on me scooter! Must dash! Kids will be OK with beans on toast again.

Hubbo: Best you move in with Eyan, luv. To be honest luv, Eyan needs a live in carer. Don't worry about me and the kids. We'll be fine. Eyan is a true hero. Oh, and btw, don't bother coming back. Luv.

The toad known as WOPHD not happy. Maybe he needs to "chat to Kaffbo" to feel better? Kaffbot needs to set up an emergency Chat Bot service for TLNAers in need. Now that she has divorced and can devote her full time to TLNA. Kids these days pretty much look after themselves anyway.

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Pat Mustard

Active member
"The Gays." You certainly have an inimitable style, Pat. In this decade, anyway.
Gee thanks.
If there's something I know a lot about it's Gays.
A lot of nightschool education back in the early 80's with some field trips to infamous haunts.

Anyway sweetmeats just thought I'd clarify what a "confirmed batchelor" really meant.
Laters Sugar Dumplings.


Active member
Gee thanks.
If there's something I know a lot about it's Gays.
A lot of nightschool education back in the early 80's with some field trips to infamous haunts.

Anyway sweetmeats just thought I'd clarify what a "confirmed batchelor" really meant.
Laters Sugar Dumplings.
The phrase is “light in the loafers”, not loose in the loafers.

Pat Mustard

Active member
About Katherine Boyle: This is awful. Honestly.Proper nasty. Who isn’t feeling this?

I mean , I get that she enabled everything, but yes, this is awful 🙊. Excruciating. What an sbsoulute s*it he is…

Honestly, for f*ck sake.., come on… ? Seriously,

Here what’s done it. Not even going post the link it’s that haaaaaahmmmm … innit. Go look for ‘mid morning matters’ Thursday…

FFS. Nothing changes… dispite all the evidence, EVER.


Edit: if he was her friend. If he actually gave a ffs… !
He wouldn’t have even posted it… let alone let it stay up. What an absolute dickhead!
I've skipped through the show until I got bored.
This is the first time I've actually watched it as well.
His annoying laugh , is it a Berkshire thing to have a grating laugh like Gervais also has, and big noisy gob like a Yank.
The ads were a break but not for the use they were intended.
Couldn't hear him mention Kath.
When she was going through marital problems, unknown to his viewers, he was dying to blurt it out.
He's what is known back in my day as a "user".
People are a commodity to get to where he wants to go.

What happened? I don't want to sit through an hour and a half's stream 😅

First-time chatter, long-time lurker. I can't believe nobody's mentioned Iain's "Hey, we're all in the same financial boat" YouTube videos yet! Try selling the massive house, mate. Although like most things Iain does, he appears to have given up on it after two.
3 hour stream.

General Kim

Chatty Member
It does explain why WOPHD can't afford a £25 video capture card if his benefits are being sanctioned for refusing to work.

Also explains why he can't afford to sub to TLNA.

I would have thought after climbing his way up to the highest echelons of TLNA and being granted almighty power over chat comments, free TLNA membership was one of the perks? So he wouldn't need to pay for it?

Where can one purchase a TLNA pen bag? I need one. LOLs.


VIP Member
WOPHD spending the day dusting off his children's toys... :love: Stop reading this message board Pete and get a job.


Active member
Maybe… if people weren’t so full on against WOTT, he might have offered us more of an insiders view? He’s not the first victim to fall for Iain’s bollocks, fair play to him for leaving the TNLA crew.
Iain’s a bastard, unless you sing to his tune…


VIP Member
I think the comments about the way Iain speaks to the news woman are a bit unfair, it sounds like nothing more than harmless "banter" to me. She doesn't sound uncomfortable and he doesn't seem to overstep the mark, it's just banal radio chit chat and doesn't need to be read into more than that.

The show seems to be going well so far. Sometimes it feels like he's quite out of touch with his old tastes and references that the producer and news woman don't get, but having to work for a local radio station on a relatively quite low wage seems to have humbled him somewhat and I think it's actually working in his favour.

General Kim

Chatty Member
Freud's "Benefits Supervisor Sleeping"😬
Kaffbo does look like a customer facing Benefits Agency supervisor.

"When did you last have any gainful employment Mr WOPHD?"

But, given Iain's household habits, he felt comfortable revealing his existence.
To think Kaffbo, with all her Manc Coronation Street gossip sass and high standards she spouts on the Clinton Baptiste podcast, hasn't complained about the state of Eyan's lavatory.

WOPHD is a foul grubby little beady eyed toad and I wouldn't be surprised if he's on some kind of register.

Shame WOPHD is no longer a devotee as Eyan & Kaffbo could have done a show from WOPHD's hovel as part of their UK TLNA Roadshow.

Pat Mustard

Active member
Says it all that your first response is to accuse the people disagreeing with you of being paedophiles. If that photo is of you, a very brave statement to make.

Anyway, I shall follow the Tattle Life rules and simply click Ignore on your uninformed bigotry so I don't have to read it. I suggest you do the same to my posts.
I will for the sake of sanity ignore your posts.
BTW I didn't accuse you of being a whatever.
Moving on.


VIP Member
So, I have flagged up Iain Lee’s character flaws to a few individuals ( you’re welcome) ….

His new Jack FM show, has been troublesome for me.., because I know what he is like.

I’m not sure why he’s been afforded the opportunity, when there is so much authentic talent out there.

You backed the wrong horse.

Be careful what you wish for… I suspect , Iain would say “this too shall pass”
Hi Steve,

I did not expect to email you again, but I am unhappy…

Please ensure you adhere to the pledge that you made re:

“On a personal note, if it offers you peace of mind we have a producer who deals with the callers, it's not Iain.”

That is not happening, Steve.

He has made it clear(via his twitch streams) that he had access to caller numbers. I honestly think it is really important that you address this because you said that would not happen., and it is…

I’m not on a vendetta here, Steve, but I am going to flag, every time…

It’s important.. honestly, it is…
Get out now.

This sent to the PD, beacuse I want to be in a situation where I can say, I did my best gut feeling…😕

Hi Steve,

I did not expect to email you again, but I am unhappy…

Please ensure you adhere to the pledge that you made re:

“On a personal note, if it offers you peace of mind we have a producer who deals with the callers, it's not Iain.”

That is not happening, Steve.

He has made it clear(via his twitch streams) that he had access to caller numbers. I honestly think it is really important that you address this because you said that would not happen., and it is…

I’m not on a vendetta here, Steve, but I am going to flag, every time…

It’s important.. honestly, it is…

(I included my name on the email….though not here). I stand by everything I have said.
As much of a critic of Iain that I am, you're coming across as insane with this stuff.


Active member
They’ll take them as malicious, because they are probably reading these posts, so will have seen yours.
Sorry, but that’s likely the case!

General Kim

Chatty Member
Is this like the big reveal a couple of weeks ago…you built up and teased us with for days and it turned out it was…. you heard Iain be rude to kath! 🤣

No need to run them by me first, but I suggest that you shorten them a bit as otherwise people just scroll passed them. 😘
Big LOLs for you! Charles!

Was a bit more than Eyan being rude to Kaffbo. It's wasn't even about rudeness. Was about Eyan viciously publicly humiliating Kaffbo due to his narcissistic rage and deep control issues with women.

But you know that and have chosen to misrepresent. Why would you deliberately misrepresent and expect to get away with it? Very odd thing to do.

It's exactly Eyan Lee's modus operandi, deliberately misrepresenting what actually happened. He's doing exactly that with The Big G.

You sure I don't need to run my posts by you first? I'm happy for your advice and input as you've already started telling me how much to write.

Please give this post the once over for me and give me your thoughts over content and length. Then I can re-post it once I've had your editorial input.

Btw, it seems you haven't scrolled past. Did you?

I'm glad you're sharing what's obviously been bothering you for some considerable time. Think of it as free therapy! You can let it all out on me. Don't hold back!

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