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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
I, like millions, pay for my NHS medications. Cry me a river if yours are free but you're going private cos YOU DON’T MEET THE CRITERIA.

She's wheeling out very ordinary mum pics as proof of her dazzling Marilyn Monroe past dimensions again 😬 12 stone isn't a size 10 and that's fine. Managing to get into the odd size 10 dress cos it's a loose floaty fit doesn't make you a size 10. Stop tap dancing for crumbs of attention.
I agree, she looks fine, who cares? I'm guessing the dress is US size 10 (for her 3 am audience)
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That sounds like a good app, can you download recipes off the internet onto it?
Yes, you can paste a link into a box and it pulls the recipe in. Depending on the website it very very occasionally doesn't work, but you can just copy and paste the ingredients and method. You can add tags ("one pot", "air fryer"), classify by cuisine ("Mexican", "vegan"), main ingredient ("fish", "chicken"), then use the app to filter your recipes ("I want a one pot fish dinner").
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VIP Member
Side tangent, does it taste like real coke? I tend to dislike the off brand versions but need my fix for cheaper!
I'd say it's more likely 6 cans of tango for 2.50. Nearer 2 a bottle for a 2l. Much thrift. Sarah, squash is much cheaper than radnor splash whatever that is, and branded fizzy. If you've not been banned, lidl maxx cola is the best supermarket cola I've tried and about 50p for 2L
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Imagine how much better she would have been by now if she’d booked the bloods when she first said about it and had subsequently been taking supplements and eating vegetables and going for little daily walks around the block for the past half a year?

She’d probably be 3 stone lighter and full of zest. But it’s more convenient to just carry on whinging and eating beige though isn’t it?

Doesn’t the body need Vitamin D to absorb iron? Think she needs to get some vit D supplements for a fiver from Sealions and get some sunlight on her skin as well, the fucking beggy vampire.
I wouldn’t get the sealion vitamin d, it hasn’t got any k2, and it has maltodextrin too.
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I think the youngest (child of the K lady for whom she is sharing her personal business) came after the twins, so I suppose it's possible that if the lady wasn't on Social Care's radar then the baby wouldn't come to attention (until they did, quite clearly). She's even shared the name of the little one ☹

ETA have twigged now. Is late 😂 no idea but it's very strange. Not impossible mind.

(Am sure an 'explanation' will appear on Twitter in....3 minutes perhaps?)
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VIP Member
I don't read twitter. Is there any reason she is doing this ? What rattled her cage for her to start posting all this awful stuff
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VIP Member
Ouch! Sometimes I'm so tense, when I fall asleep all my muscles relax suddenly and it wakes me up!
Have a read about magnesium oil. I've recently started massaging it into my legs with some moisturiser and my muscle jumps in or before sleep have ceased
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VIP Member
This one's on my list and is going to the top now
It's incredible. Brace yourself for a very dark episode 4 though.
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VIP Member
Non molestation orders are very easy to apply for and get these days. My friend issues them all the time. Most judges believe you. If you need one don't be put off. There is no cost.
Just my 2p
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VIP Member
Those are literally over-the-counter food supplements that she is trying to make out are these super-duper sick people life-saving meds, like she thinks we don’t all know 😂

She could have ordered them online and had them delivered to her door weeks ago. Online pharmacies have 210mg of ferrous fumarate retailing, in 84 tablet packets, for under £3. Folic acid for less than £2. Inc. delivery she could have had it all for less than £9, which is than the cost of her taxi to the pharmacy. Instead, she’s just gone a fortnight without something she allegedly needed “urgently” and then cost herself in cab fare, and the NHS in the time, expertise and resources of a GP, pharmacist, etc.

What a waste! Yes, undoubtedly Brexit and Conservative mis-spending has contributed to the sorry state of our NHS, but so has misuse of the service, without shadow of a doubt. People going to A&E for something they could have seen their GP about tomorrow, people seeing their GP for something that could have been home remedied or treated by a pharmacist, the Sarahs of the world who are desperate to be ill they keep phoning up with every fart and sneeze hoping it’s a sign of something terminal, and take no accountability for their own nutritional intake to the point they feel unwell, etc.

There’s a reason there was a “don’t swallow the NHS” or whatever campaign. It costs the NHS hundreds of millions to prescribe over-the-counter stuff that would cost someone peanuts to provide for themself, like supplements, anti-allergy tablets, creams, and painkillers. Paracetamol is 39p in the supermarket (if not less) but a fiver to the NHS for someone who gets “free prescriptions” once you factor in all of the time, admin and expertise it takes to prescribe something from GP to pharmacist to cashier. There are some things that just shouldn’t be given on “free prescription” and a fiver’s worth of food supplements for a thick and saggy old tart who refuses to look after her own health is one of them.

People who have never worked a day in their lives just have no concept of the value of anything, do they?

ETA: Correction, I just realised she’s been prescribed 5mg of Folic Acid and that is quite a lot more expensive than the generic 0.4mg dose. However, still cheaper than fast food and taxis everywhere, she still could have had it all delivered to her door for less than £20 if she was that passionate about saving the NHS and not mugging it off for all it’s worth. We’ve seen the tat she keeps wasting money on, she absolutely has £20 to invest in her health.
I get life extension folate with b12, it’s very helpful
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It's thon one that men pretty much just use as wank material but looks identical. Vague as I'm not sure I'm allowed to name it 🧐

(ETA it's also foul and a great way of putting you off men for life)
Yes it is. I searched her thread around the time that's quoted and assumed it was quickly zapped cos of course there's moderation despite what Sarah keeps declaring.
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