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This is nice from a former coworker:


Another staffer who doesn’t hate him:

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There are no comments for me either.

Wonder how Huw’s MH is doing. Wonder if he still (allegedly) likes willies and hairy arses.

Hope the estranged young addict he was (allegedly) funding is doing ok, and his worried family.
The laugh reaction was literally for the “hairy arses” 😅
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I don’t particularly care that someone who reads an autocue for a living broke lockdown laws. It’s completely different to Downing Street workers, who were literally setting laws and forcing everyone to stay in their houses, having parties. He reads the news, he doesn’t make laws and I do not hold him to the same standards that I hold the Prime Minister. Do I think he should have broken the lockdown rules? Of course I dont. But it’s not comparable to Boris and co in my opinion.
This is an important point. Remember that a group of Sky News journalists/reporters/anchors were caught breaking lockdown rules. They were suspended and are now back at work.
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They probably could get away with sacking him for bringing them into disrepute. But they may well not want the cost, the hassle or the risk of (even more) adverse publicity if they don't win for whatever reason.
Oof, that would such an interesting trial. How is the BBC going to argue that they themselves weren’t party to the disrepute (ie The Sun story) by not escalating the complaints in a timely manner? Hmmm.
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I watched the sky documentary on the Russell murders and they had Huw in the introduction of that so all three episodes
You think they would use the sky news announcement or itv as I think it is a new series
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Is this a woman that Huw DMed? The original tweet has been deleted so can’t check but from the emojis, it looks like it might be? Interesting if it is.

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Thanks M21!

I do wonder who leaked HE’s arse. He had exchanges with several chaps allegedly, so it just took one of them I guess.

I hope HE’s fam are doing okay and they are coping.
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ITV’s boss has warned against media pressure to end people’s careers after the resignation of Phillip Schofield from This Morning…

…He said it is always worth taking the time to fully establish facts when dealing with accusations against individuals. “I know these things can be frustrating. The most important thing is you get the facts and truth,” he said. “There’s enormous pressure from the press and social media saying, ‘You’ve got to decide’ and ‘Why didn’t you fire him?’ We don’t know what the truth is yet. You can ruin people’s lives by acting too quickly.

Very interesting. That’s the fallout from the Jimmy Savile scandal and Operation Yewtree, the fact that people now tend to be condemned very quickly, before they’ve even been investigated. I think people are very afraid of sitting back and unwittingly allowing another Savile-type incident. It’s all great if the person is actually guilty but overall, it’s obviously very dangerous and questionable.
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What happens? I’m not sure I can be bothered watching it
Jump back in time to like 5 years ago: turns out the producer played by Ben Miles is some sort of Harvey Weinstein who “interviewed” Douglas’ cohost Madeline for her job in his hotel room (“come sit next to me. Please run me a bath. Can you bring me a glass of wine? Pour one for yourself”. Etc etc). This happened while there was an industry event happening in the hotel downstairs that Douglas was attending so he thought he’d go up and meet his new colleague. He knocks on the door, Madeline opens and he sees her embarrassed and in distress. He also sees the “do not disturb” tag on the door so he excuses himself but tells her that “the job is worth it, whatever shit you have to wade through”.

Then it turns out the ‘the joke’ he made at the wedding (which he of course did remember but was embarrassed about and knew would be damaging to him if it came out) was answering the question “When did you know Madeline was going to be a big star?” with “When I found her in my boss’ hotel room”.

Madeline found this out through Twitter and the remaining episodes are how she cleverly destroys Douglas’ reputation. This is a whole thing that requires watching the show. At the very end you also get to see how she was able to turn the power dynamic on its head in the hotel room with Ben Miles.
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Guido Fawkes stirring the pot:

The title says "MET won't say who is under investigation" but when you read the article, it actually reads as though the MET won't say if someone's (someone = Huw) under investigation.
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the trouble is, this isn’t just a closeted gay man in the public eye who has been outted. It goes a lot deeper than that;

1. the accusation that the young person whose parents went to the sun was underage AND vulnerable . This is maybe wrong, maybe the police haven’t been able to establish any evidence of this. And the youth in question is unwilling to cooperate. But it’s definitely an uneasy set of circumstances that border on being very, very unsavoury.

2. the accusations that emerged of inappropriate behaviour at work. Not a small thing, given that Huw held a very high up and public position within the BBC.

3. The allegations that he broke lockdown. Again, no small thing given Huw’s role in reporting and encouraging compliance with lockdown rules. No small thing given the lack of integrity here.

all of those emerged before any internal BBC investigation which makes me concerned about what further digging would actually reveal. My guess is there are a lot more skeletons there.

none of the above are small, trivial things. As a society we should absolutely hold our press and our public figures up to a fair standard of integrity. It isn’t something we should gloss over because we are fond of a persona. A robust and free press is essential to a functioning democracy and when we have news anchors undermining public policies, they open themselves up to coercion and political bias. That’s the reality of it.

my feeling is that the moment Huw leaves his medical treatment facility, the floodgates open on a lot of other bad behaviour. If he knew there was nothing else, surely he’d have been able to issue some form of statement claiming his innocence? The silence is deafening IMO.

i don’t wish Huw badly, I think this could be a case of a decent person doing bad things. But as a consequence of doing bad things, he shouldn’t have a return to public life. He should accept the consequences of his actions and retire from public life.

the weasel that is Matt Hancock has some reality TV gigs, but he’s become a mockery. He is constantly derided on social media. People see through his rehearsed PR lines “I fell in love” and his pathetic attempts at redemption. No one sympathises with him. He’s become a mockery in his attempt at changing public perception of him and trying to stay in the public eye.

Huw was more respected that Matt Hancock and had a longer, more illustrious career. Surely he would owe it to his career to bow out as gracefully as he can at this point, instead of reducing himself to some tacky stint on strictly?
Oh absolutely and he’s no angel - far from it -by all accounts. At the VERY least, he’s been very irresponsible…but people can also be incredibly fickle when it comes to people in the public eye. If you think of someone like Michael Barrymore, who was completely “cancelled” at one point, and who was (still is?) suspected of being involved in the actual death of a person, and who is now receiving a weird amount of support on social media, and seems to be relaunching himself through different avenues. A lot of people have very short memories and I think if Huw gets a hint of encouragement down the line, being the type that he is, he won’t be able to resist being back in the spotlight, one way or another IMO.
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Maybe the haircut was stage one of his coming out. 😂

If all this hadn’t blown up, I wonder if he’d ever have decided to come out (presuming he’s actually gay - I guess we don’t know that for sure yet)?
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The announcement doesn't appear to be anything major, it's an election studio reveal despite the holder saying it was a talent announcement.
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I’ve been listening to a lot of the Andy Coulson podcast “Crisis, What Crisis?” which I totally recommend. So many good episodes, the Ben Goldsmith one is heartbreaking. Not kidding when I say that I think Andy really does have a lot to offer to Huw in terms of lived experience and wisdom, even aside from his business/industry acumen. Some of these podcast guests are tough as nails or have come through the most challenging situations. Resilience, putting aside your ego, letting go of bitterness. Damn, that’s hard even when life is going relatively well. I know a lot of people here are anti-Andy but I honestly can’t think of a better crisis consultant for Huw right now.
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It wouldn’t surprise me if he does a “tell-all” interview before the end of the year and manages to get some sympathy back on his side. He could use that as a leap frog back into broadcasting on a channel like Sky News where he could be a back up newsreader while he rebuilds his profile.

Another form that comes to mind is Huw did the election broadcast at the last election. Although most news channels will have their broadcasters lined up, Huw could make an appearance as a commentator either on a UK news channel or abroad.
I also wondered if he could have a come back as a columnist - a newspaper or political site may still be interested in him, you never know!
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More or less every employment contract ever has a clause about not bringing the employer into disrepute. Mine does, and I work for an engineering consultancy.
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