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Chatty Member
Exactly what Lady C said in her video. He could have been making it known about his MH to cover any transgressions that would come out.

Not specific to HE but in general,

The completed suicide rate for people who Narcissistic Personality Disorder is commonly stated to be exceptionally high, around 10% even, often with the person showing no prior sign and not having asked for support or help or made threats or warnings (unlike people with BPD who have an equally high or even higher risk around or above 10% but are usually known and frequently ask for help or make multiple prior attempts).

It is also a fact that people with any antisocial, narcissistic, or criminal types of personality tend to be high risk of premature death that could be considered a form of indirect suicide for multitudes of reasons that could be over-arching described as reckless or high risk or careless activities, such as participating in extreme sports, driving dangerously, hanging out with dangerous people, or using drugs etc.

When one really starts to get into it, it's very clear to see that anyone controlling and abusive or criminal is also maybe at least one of the 10% high suicide and probably in the 'indirect suicide' risk also.

The problem is that how does society or the criminal justice system or employers or even the victims of the abuse themself 'manage' that because people can't just buy into the notion of 'you can't hold me culpable, I'm suicidal, I could die' ?
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In the interview or podcast he did with AC posted upthread, he says some days he couldn't get out of bed.
But his wife motivated him to get up, have coffee etc. Yet he stated that he had never missed a day of work due to mh. So I think he knew what he was doing was wrong. It was about risk taking, power and control and sheer arrogance that he would never be held accountable
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Chatty Member
As someone said on tv today, if HE was able to tell Sopel he was angry and able to get his wife to give his statement, why couldn't he have simply denied the allegations via that statement.
Or at least written a few of his own words.
So it’s officially a “young man”:

Looks like they've picked a side 'Team Young Man' (a bit Village Peopley unfortunately for the situation)... one would *imagine* the BBCs highest obligation is to the long term and highly paid member of staff who is on a legally binding employment contract backed up by UK legislation, human rights guidelines, enhanced by the relevant union, and whom is currently 'unwell'. But no.

There's more to this. They've dropped him like a hot potato - rehab / treatment facility / mental hospital or no. If he were even remotely 'innocent' they'd be far more neutral than the signs they've already clearly given. They must be abs crapping selves.
God I hope he didn’t. I mean I know he’s done wrong but I wouldn’t want him to harm himself either.
Plenty of abusers take their own lives when they're backed into a corner. It's funny how people care about some and not others. It'd be interesting to know what the line in the sand is for the average person and how we're supposed to know.
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Chatty Member
But he wasn't trapped. He could have left. His wife wasn't the aggressor in this situation, she didn't MAKE him marry her or pretend to be attracted to her. He lied to her. He could have left her, just like millions of people leave partners they aren't happy with. That marriage was a choice he made, and continued to make every day for decades.
Trapped in a marriage has got to be the most hilarious interpretation of this madness yet. The lengths that some people will go to to fabricate excuses for HE is really quite something.
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I was on antidepressants for many years and then mine were taken off the market, which was a complete nightmare. I started taking magnesium for another reason and after a while noticed the black cloud that followed me everywhere started to lift. I’ve been taking it for quite a few years now and haven’t needed antidepressants since, which is something I never thought would happen. At the time I didn’t even realise there was a connection until I started to do a little research, only to find there was. I appreciate it won’t be right for everyone but thought it worth a share in case it may help.
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well we know hes got £35,000 LESS than he did 3 years ago

the price of the lawyer and the private hospital

and its reported his earnings are £435,000 per year ...... i dont think his wife will be using the foodbank .
She’s a top tv producer - I don’t think she relies on him to be the breadwinner overly
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Agree totally I am not defending him and he should have been very aware that as a well known and respected figure someone would trip him up and get a vile rag like The Sun involved, no way was his sordid little secret going to be kept safe for ever.
I don’t think that should even have been his mindset you know.

it shouldn’t be a case of Huw thinking, “man, my career spanning decades could go tits up. I should just not do this because it’s not worth my career”.

it should be the case that Huw thought to himself “hmm, I’m in contact with a young person/teen who has a lot less power and agency than me. I might be actively harming them by using them to fulfil my sexual desires and whims. Maybe I should extend some empathy and humane decency and get my sexual kicks from someone on a more level plying field as me”

His career means fuck all to me, frankly. There are lots of high achieving journalists and professionals in the U.K. someone will come in and fill Huws shoes and do just a good a job of it. We have a ton of high achievers who generate huge wealth and influence for themselves. That’s no great contribution to humanity.

We need people from all walks of life to be more empathetic and less apathetic.
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Daisy Uncle

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Some articles in today's Sunday Times. Camilla Long giving Sopel and Maitlis a deserved kicking.
Once again, mention off staff knowing for YEARS Huw's habit of messaging young staff. And that he was above mere managers, just amazing stuff, no wonder he acted the way he did he was allowed free reign, and fellow idiot journos think we have no right to know. Different article.


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Chatty Member
HE may argue he didn’t know. They had interactions over 3 years though so they must’ve had some knowledge of each others lives beyond sex stuff. HE paid 30 grand that’s about a grand a month, almost sugar daddy-ish.
This is what I think. And the whole Philip Schofield and Huw Edwards successful wealthy married men with children suddenly being with very young men reminds me of the old saying 'a woman for duty, a boy for pleasure'.

That saying is not explained in terms of homosexuality but in terms of powerful hierarchical patriarchal cultures where women are not perceived of as being of any interest or worth and therefore a very young female is not as desirable or status symbol as a very young male.

It also probably resides deep inside the 'fagging' system of the British public school system and an example of how harmed people harm people
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Don’t crucify me but I still don’t understand why it’s relevant if the young person was a crack addict or not. It’s about Huw paying someone for dirty pictures. The age of the person and consent are what matters imo, not what the recipient of the funds did with that money.

I also still hold that it is quite likely that Huw never knew the kid was a drug addict. How likely is it that the kid would’ve told Huw? “Hey man, I need to score, do you want some pix tonight?”

Maybe I’m too naive!!
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Wonder how HE’s treatment is going? Am sure it will last exactly as long as his BBC pay-off negotiations.

Meanwhile the public awaits its apology from HE.
How is he getting his gay fixes whilst he is locked away I wonder. The homosexual urges can’t be cured.
What a homophobic comment. Gross.
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I believe the mother, at the moment until I hear otherwise.

If she lied about the boy being a crack addict (which I don't think she did lie), then surely with his new hot shot lawyers in tow, they would sue her for defamation
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Believe me they don’t exist anymore. 😉
This thread has become more about poor Huw the older privileged powerful man because of his mental health 🤢. It’s not gone unnoticed that the majority of those that believed the parents have left this thread. I think many of us are tired of others playing victim when we dare to disagree and then they claim they’re being shot down/attacked, rather than being an adult and seeing it as a discussion, that it mostly was. Then just recently there’s the primary school bullying mentality 🤪 from one in particular, who talks absolute bollox. I’ve heard more interesting noises coming out of someone’s 🍑hole 😂. So I think the victimhood game from a few has worked, as it‘s now predominantly defending Huw.🤢 Because the 1st victim is an adult now, so nothing to see here and the parents should respect their drugged up child’s wishes and do nothing, because it’s ‘none of their business’ and as far as some are concerned the parents are liars any way.🤥 But you can bet if that addict was the child of 🤔 let’s say a GP, I don’t doubt they’d have believed the mother but she’s from a more humble background.
Off to buy some more shoes 😊 I can thoroughly recommend TKMaxx atm. Maybe I‘ll come back when Huw dares to show his face 🤢now I’ve cleansed my Tattle account. 😉
Catch up with you and the other lovely Tattles on other threads 💕xx
I’ll be quite honest with you, I don’t really understand. You asked some specific questions and people gave you their answers. I apologise if I’ve ever been short with you but I really enjoy different opinions and I like reading your posts. Although you are of a different mindset to me I don’t want to be in an echo chamber filled only with people I agree with. That doesn’t mean I won’t debate you, that’s what a forum like this is for. You’ve even pointed out times when I have been unfair and I’ve taken back certain things because I read your posts and thought “Yeah, fair enough she’s right on that!”

I know threads like these can be challenging and it can feel very personal but I don’t think anyone wants you gone just for having a different opinion! I also think it’s unfair that you say people are defending Huw when very few posts have. If you’re taking a break from this thread because you need to then absolutely you’re doing the right thing, but if you’re doing it because you feel you’re being pushed out then please don’t - there are plenty here, me included, who like reading your opinion.

Equally to anyone else I’ve disagreed with, it’s never something personal and I think most of the time we’ve been able to resolve it and in some cases even have a bit of a laugh about it (like the poster that thought I was some man going on about men’s rights 😂) things get fractious at times but let’s all remember why we’re here:

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VIP Member
In the interview or podcast he did with AC posted upthread, he says some days he couldn't get out of bed.
But his wife motivated him to get up, have coffee etc. Yet he stated that he had never missed a day of work due to mh. So I think he knew what he was doing was wrong. It was about risk taking, power and control and sheer arrogance that he would never be held accountable
Because he never missed a day of work means he knew what he was doing was wrong? Have you ever suffered from severe depression or mental health issues? Sometimes you go into autopilot, I have to show up, don't want to, but do because the judgement from others if I don't, take sick leave and have to admit to my issues is horrendous. I am not condoning what he has done, but I can absolutely understand the mental health angle, although, some will say he is milking it. It is a severe illness is all I will say after that little rant.
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P.S & H.E both think they are above it all.
HE has worked in the media for years, don’t tell me he didn’t know that he would be dragged when people found out. These people think they can buy their way out of it, they are above their stations. He does have MH issues but only because he has been caught.
I get people from Love island etc having mental health issues, they are thrown into the limelight in such a short space of time, unknowing what to expect etc
NO sympathy for either Ps or HE and they have both managed to get themselves out of the media playing the MH card
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I just hope Edwards isn’t leading up to ‘doing a Schofield’ and trying to get sympathy by crying and saying he was gay and couldn’t come out because society and repression, if he does I will throw up.

I was a teenager in the 1980s and there were lots of public conversations in Britain about gay people and being gay, there was growing awareness, political activism, some of it triggered by the AIDS crisis and section 28, and the shift towards more understanding was gradually happening, including in working-class families.

Gay men whose families didn’t accept them at that point – and it’s by no means a given that ‘religious’ or ‘small town’ families are like that, loving families did often support their children – often sought community in a different city or job, the media, arts and music scenes were very accepting.

Like Schofield, Edwards may not have got on as well as a TV presenter i.e. would probably have had a less well-paid, less stellar role at that time, may well have experienced prejudice, couldn’t get married to a male partner, but there were no religious police to drag him off to a dungeon for simply being gay – like Schofield there was no need to, as a PP graphically put it, use up a woman’s life to maintain a charade of ‘respectability’, there were plenty of brave gay men and lesbians refusing to conform or hide.

He had a choice not to embark on and maintain this double life as he became more well-known, and even if he initially did this when immature, he could have had an adult conversation with his wife and moved out years ago, accepting the consequences of his deception. Anyone who thinks this kind of double life deception doesn’t devastate a family is deluded. Some posters have convinced themselves that these men have ‘lavender marriages’ where the wife is in on it. Sure. And the kids.

And when he did decide to ‘explore his sexuality’, it wasn't to go and meet some gay guy nearer his own age, who he might have a relationship with but to pester and attempt to both exploit and intimidate some very young men and get involved with risky pay-per-view sex with them to the point where someone's parents tried to get him to stop and his undignified bum-shot is now available to all his kids’ mates.

He was ambitious and greedy, happy to perform so many false roles, and the idea that any of the choices he made is down to being gay and repressed is just wibble. The BBC – any employer – has the right to expect its employees to not to bring the organisation into disrepute, which he has done, he hasn’t simply been having a ‘private life’. It's not worse than if these young people had been female (and yes, there would have been just as much fuss if there were multiple 20-year-old lasses he was soliciting images from or photographing his bits for to the point where people complained) but it's very clarty behaviour.
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I can’t imagine him going back to his job at the 10 o’clock news. There’s the reputational damage and yes, there’s also maybe just the toll this has taken on him and his overall health. And the shame! It’s all too sad.
But he got caught out.. He would in all likelihood be carrying on with his online activities if the parents hadn't involved a tabloid.
Is a potential suicide attempt in these circumstances unexpected? Is it a tragic act or a way to escape shame and dishonour?
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Chatty Member
We don’t know what was going on in their marriage. It could well be that his wife in fact did know and they’d decided mutually to stay together due to their jobs and neither wanting to harm that. Equally could be because they wanted to stay as a family unit for their children. It may well be that she said she didn’t want him dating anyone they knew and that’s why he turned online in the first place.

Equally she may not have known a thing. We have literally no idea.
I never said that she didn't know what was going on, I have maintained all through this that it's *possible* that she was ok with him messaging young men or buying pictures. I was responding to the word "trapped". He was not trapped, he was not a helpless victim in his marriage, he could have left. Let's not imply that he was a helpless victim of his wife. Whenever there is a case like this, discourse seems to eventually end up at "Maybe he was bad, but the woman stood next to him was worse!"

I could have phrased the "He lied to her" bit better: I've not been able to keep up with these threads, so now I'm seeing a lot of "he's gay" posts, so I thought that might have been confirmed (instead of that he's into his wife, but also into young men). I should say that *if it was the case that he was depressed because of being in a marriage with a woman* he should have been honest and got out of there, rather than continuing the lie of being happy in the marriage.
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I don’t get why some people are so adamant Huw Edwards is using his mental health issues or lied about having them to start covering his tracks . Is it not possible that he was telling the truth about his 20+ years of having depression while also being a closeted, creepy man with a taste for barely legal boys?
I don’t doubt he suffers with his mental health for many reasons. And I can well imagine he’s hit rocket bottom, it can’t be nice to be shown up and so publicly for being the dirty old man he is, when he was probably seen as anything but before.
He will have to face the music sometime, so I say allow him time to get better so he has no excuses when he is later questioned.
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