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Phil Schofield is a conniving cunt who played the mental health suicide card.

In Ireland the state broadcaster's executives are in trouble for missuse of public funds. Of course a couple of them are claiming negative mental health.

You can't claim mental health when faced with the consequences of your seedy or fraudulent actions

Disingenuous and disgusting
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continuation of the Huw Edwards threads 😊

I found this article from Men’s Health where he discusses his MH and refers to 2019 which is around the time he was asking for naked pics from a 17 year old coke addict.

I’ve been on Venlafaxine until very recently, when I was weaned off *very* slowly to swap to something different.
Ven withdrawal is brutal. It really messes with your entire body and brain. Honestly I can’t begin to explain how hard it was.

It's also not a first line drug to prescribe.
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Wonder how HE’s treatment is going? Am sure it will last exactly as long as his BBC pay-off negotiations.

Meanwhile the public awaits its apology from HE.

How is he getting his gay fixes whilst he is locked away I wonder. The homosexual urges can’t be cured.
I don’t think HE owes the public any sort of apology tbf.
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Just seen on Twitter 🤔

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🤣 churchgoers are amongst some of the biggest sinners! IMHO, church is a great place for reputation-curators to hide and gain brownie points).
A friend who was a criminal justice social worker told me that the number of churchy people involved in sex crimes was far higher than you would statistically expect as they often use it as camouflage, as with other community elder type things.
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One point that I think some are missing is that so far, Huw has not tried to blame any of his behaviour on his mental health. He is having a serious mental health episode, yes. Nowhere in the statement was it said that “As a result of my husband’s poor mental health he has made some questionable decisions and as a result has started to want to touch willies.”
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My own take on this - is that MH issues or not, his behaviour has been wildly inappropriate (both in his marriage and in his position at work).
Whilst periods of depression (or possibly elation, depending on his diagnosis), can have an impact on his behaviour to an extent - he has capacity for his own actions. If he was very unwell, and lost capacity at any point - there is no way he would have been able to hold down his job, and keep this under wraps for so long.

I was shocked when I heard of this, and quite sad - as I did not have him down as a predatory or bullying individual. I didn’t want to believe it - but I now see, that these are not the actions of a decent person.

I am sure that being found out, has had a massive impact on his mental health - but he has capacity to deal with the consequences. He is still in a privelaged position though. He can afford to lie low and be able to live a quiet life somewhere.
He will need to try and repair relationships with his family, as best he can - but that’s another consequence to his behaviour.

I don’t think he should return to presenting on the BBC. I assume he wouldn’t want to return to presenting at all - and he can afford to retire.
He's very fortunate to be in a very privileged position. I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest. He certainly does have capacity to face up to his grubby behaviours and their consequences and has learned that he is not "untouchable" even if he is used to being protected as The Talent.. No wonder he was angry when he was found out...Not part of his agenda.
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This has probably been said before but MH isn't an excuse for his behaviour. I've had severe depression and I wouldn't dream of doing that, never mind going to work daily and acting like I'm fine. I can't feel sorry for him, its the victims I feel sorry for and his family.
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continuation of the Huw Edwards threads 😊

I found this article from Men’s Health where he discusses his MH and refers to 2019 which is around the time he was asking for naked pics from a 17 year old coke addict.

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I know HE is in hospital with mh, but I find it astounding that this story has been dropped so dramatically. Nothing in the papers, nothing obviously on the news, but even Piers and Dan, the uncensored ones, have stopped talking about one of the biggest uk news stories. It's almost as if last week never happened
I don’t doubt that HE is genuinely mentally unwell. It makes perfect sense that a shitbomb like this being dropped into your life would impact someone mentally. Hell, I’d be mortified and anxiety ridden and terrified, even if I hadn’t done anything wrong.

but you have to admit… checking into hospital has given him the benefit of;
1. Not having to make a public statement,
being able to get his wife to make one on his behalf which in turn
2. He doesn’t have to confirm or deny anything. His wife has said he’ll respond when he’s better
3. It got the sun off his back (temporarily at least) as they stated they wouldn’t run anymore stories on it in respect of his mental health
4. It gives him time to rally … establish what exactly is out there in terms of damaging material, and time for him (or his camp) to build a public defence
5. It *does* garner and illicit sympathy to hear someone is mentally unwell, whatever the reasons behind it

It got to a boiling point where he basically had to comment. It was becoming obvious it was him, through the denials of others if nothing else.

so he had an option - admit to some things or flat out deny - but it doesn’t seem like the details of what“evidence” is held against him (in terms of the suns allegations or the BBC investigation) has fully emerged.

if he commented, admitted to some transgressions and more came out later? Looks bad

if he denied it all and more came out later? Also looks bad.

a ton of people are coming out of the woodwork, so it gives Huw’s camp time to build a “defence” against whatever he’s accused of, by whomever

it also means the story dies out. The hype is gone. Will there be the same public interest in future? If the BBC investigation fizzles out or is inconclusive what then? I can’t help but feel a break has helped calm any hysteria over the story, which will ultimately help Huw reduce the impact of it.
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Having your name associated with being a nonce plastered over the news for a week will be enough to push anyone over the edge whether you actually did it or not. His career is over and probably his marriage too. I don't feel sorry for him at all, but it's not hard to imagine why he'd want to end it all.
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I'm hoping it means his mental health has stabilised. Everything else feels like a fever dream now.
weird first thing to do…

“ah my career has been steamrolled, my secret private gay life has been exposed to all and sundry. My dirty laundry aired all over the place. A much respected colleague has died in the interim.… but let’s fire up my Instagram account as a priority!!”
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I know it wasn't aimed at me per se but just to explain what I meant-it wasn't anything about how he appeared on the outside it was that he was asked if he ever felt suicidal and he said "no". He's lucky his mind never went there with severe depression in that case. Unless you think he was putting on a front for the interview, just pretending he didn't ever feel that bad? Possible I suppose. Some people don't wanna admit they've ever gotten to that place.

It's for sure possible he is NOW suffering from suicidal depression after what he's gone through.
I agree with your post here. All of it is possible.

I’ve said ‘no’ when asked because I’d convinced myself it was true.

I’ve said ‘no’ when asked because I was scared to say yes (because I didn’t know what might happen if I admitted to it).

I’ve said ‘no’ when asked because I didn’t realise the thoughts I was having actually were that. (I wish everything would just disappear / I wish I could just fall asleep and it would be quiet etc)

I’ve said ‘no’ when asked because I was so dissociated that I couldn’t say yes.
Then, afterwards, I text the person (medical professional) who had asked the question, because I could do it that way.

But if I was asked and my children would find out? I’d say no. Absolutely could not have them read in an article that I would have left them. Because I know - rationally - that it’s not about leaving them. They’re the reason I fight so hard every day. But I couldn’t have those words in print for them to see.

Sorry for making this personal but I hope it might help others to understand how wide and varied the truth behind those answers can be in the moment.
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Yes that Met have but not all other police forces are the same, funnily enough.
it’s not just the met. A police watchdog report last Nov which conducted a survey across all police officers found that sexism was widespread and rampant

“Among its findings were male officers stopping cars driven by women they regarded as pretty in a practice they called "booty patrol", senior officers pestering junior ranked women for sex and officers watching pornography at work.”

only this morning I saw the body cam footage of officers who were called out to the docmestic abuse case of Kellie Sutton. They give her abuser the benefit of the doubt, call him “reasonable” and say they don’t want to have to fill in paperwork. Despite Kellie saying she was scared of him, that he had a temper and despite being hospitalised twice in a short space of time with serious injuries - they considered her low risk. An inquest into her death has ruled that her partner Steven, unlawfully killed her because he drove her to sucicide. Those police officers were casually and subtlety sexist and were Hertfordshire police I believe.

sexism in policing is a nationwide problem.
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I think announcing a 'suicide attempt' actually does more damage to Huw's reputation - while it might buy him some time and sympathy - you also ask yourself - WHY would an innocent man attempt suicide ? Hes also made no denial of the allogations ....and is now hiding in hospital ... put together none of this seems like the actions of an innocent man .
So everyone who attempts suicide has done something wrong? Broken the law in some way? Done something really bad? Really?
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I 100% believe the mother too. The BBC are just closing ranks and scaring off anyone who doesn’t shut up and comply. You don’t need to employ someone to repair your reputation if it’s just hearsay and not true. Plus they would be suing all unsundry.
I believe that the mother thinks she’s 100% telling the truth , even if it turns out not to be. It’s possible the parents think their son is a vulnerable child, who has been driven to a crack addiction through exploitation by a much older , richer and well known man . It’s also possible that an 18 yr old , who feels his drug use is purely recreational, made the decision to sell sexual images of himself, and was involved in a fully consensual financial transaction with HE . The higher amounts could be because he was offering custom content/ interactive content , or it could be a payment to ensure discretion ( either consensually or through blackmail). It probably isn’t black and white , whatever the outcome ends up being
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It’s awful for anyone to attempt or complete suicide but the way people are blaming it all on the sun is ridiculous. The young person he was in contact with could have just as easily released this information via another media outlet or even on social media. The result would have still been the same. And on a different but related note it’s not just people with fragile mental health that take their lives, narcissists who don’t want to face the repercussions of their actions also do
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WHY would an innocent man attempt suicide ?
I’m not going to get too much into this because this kind of talk makes me sick, but look up “Suicide of Sunil Tripathi” - he was misidentified (by Reddit originally I believe) as the perpetrator of the Boston Marathon Bombings and as a result died by suicide. Just an example of why an innocent man may attempt suicide.
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