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This thread seems to be the most chaotic with Tattlers getting confused about who is talking to who.

A few threads back someone made a statement about this site not being best for someone to be on if their own mental health wasn't great.

I responded maybe but some of the threads were actually kind places and could possibly be their only source or connection or interaction. Someone then quoted me as if I was excusing abuser's for those reasons...

Threads move too fast. I'm anything but an abuser apologist 😳🙈

I've never seen a thread like it to be honest. Even Schofield's threads weren't as swift and they didn't have reply mix ups like this thread. It's been quite hard to follow at times.

The main thing to remember is to be nice and apologise where necessary I think. Unless I'm desperately offended, I'm not going to growl at people and fortunately most people on here operate like that.

I think situations like this stir up a lot of feelings. For instance, I have discovered today that the Dan W situation is too much for me to deal with so I won't be interacting with that. It's felt at times here that people haven't known when to take that step back. I was definitely over invested for at least 72 hours myself.

If some of us feel like this, after just discussing it, I can only imagine how awful it is for the people directly involved.
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I haven’t read up to date but - just as I think the young person’s alleged drug habit and sexual images shouldn’t have been made public information by someone else - I think HE’s alleged suicide attempt shouldn’t have been made public information by someone else.
Yes, absolutely. Reading between the lines I think a lot of us gathered there may have been a suicide attempt, but I’ve no idea why that woman has tweeted about it. True or untrue it’s totally inappropriate.
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My friend works as cabin crew. She regularly sees a Listers and well known UK people that wouldn't be called a Listers like Huw. She's said that Jeremy Clarkson, Gordon Ramsay, victoria Beckham and various other big names with a terrible reputation were polite and even charming. But Huw on the other hand was impatient and prickly. His twee friendly shtick seems like a persona.
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Homosexual urges don’t need to be cured. They just are. He needs to obviously sort his life out and that includes finding a healthy outlet for all his sexual urges.
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Like I wrote above, before this all went down I knew Huw as the bloke who commentated on the big Royal events. I never watched the news, honestly didn’t know that was his 9-5, so I suppose I just had him filed away in my brain as the BBC’s chief royal correspondent. Also, I know my mum likes him as he’s one of the few ‘celebs’ she follows on Instagram. I’m always interested in what interests her so I’ve looked at his profile once or twice. Although it’s since been deleted, his Instagram was mostly photos of him and his mother, him at some event in a suit or him looking very sporty with a “look at me, I’m cool, I’m hip, I’m not stuffy” attitude. All this being said: I suppose I assumed he was gay. He just pinged to me. I’m only going off what I knew about him then. Also, the haircut. C’mon now.

So after this all went down and the mystery of “who is the presenter who had bought naughty pictures of a young man” played out - it being HE, the royal correspondent with the sharp haircut and the glow up Instagram, didn’t seem all too shocking to me.

What was shocking to me was to learn that my perception of HE and the “real” HE were totally different. Father, five children, very religious. Troubled relationship with his dad. Documented depression. Just a whole different story than what I expected.

I know these are personal tragedies played out in public but my word, has it been interesting.
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The deputy editor of The Sun (James Slack) was partying with Boris in Downing St. Surely it's The Sun who are the hypocrites.
I think there’s room for more than one hypocrite. One doesn’t rule out the other, not as far as I’m concerned.
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Wonder how HE’s treatment is going? Am sure it will last exactly as long as his BBC pay-off negotiations.

Meanwhile the public awaits its apology from HE.

How is he getting his gay fixes whilst he is locked away I wonder. The homosexual urges can’t be cured.
Believe it or not , homosexual and bi/pansexual people can control their sexual urges just as much as heterosexual people . What precisely are you wanting HE to apologise to you for?
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Chatty Member
I'm convinced she knew, as did Schofield's wife
I wonder to what extent some of these relationships / people think they're part of a bohemian intellectual creative set? They were maybe teenagers or young adults in the swinging 60s, 'free love', freedom of expression and nobody owns anyone etc. Plus look at the Bloomsbury / Sussex mob full of swinging and sharing and bisexual / homosexual / lavender relationships and beards and sadly also incest and child sex abuse. Do they think they're more cultured than the rest of us for being so free and so clever and wealthy one wonders.

It'd be interesting to know what sort of people they are, or maybe they're fully non-relatable to the average pleb like me. I often wonder how such people live day to day, what sort of conversations they have and how they interact - do they even interact at all or just live in big houses and rattle around their own spaces and once in a blue moon attend an event together. Or do they share a bed, eat breakfast and dinner together, have big family meals, attend lots of events as couples and have meaningful discussions. Oh wait... I just answered my own question I think, course they don't.

Eric Gill's frankly bizarre statue still stands proud at the helm of BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, even after people tried to smash it, after he has been discovered to have sexually abused his own daughters, their friends, been in a long term incest relationship with his sister and sexually abused his dog. All of this in the post-Jimmy SaVILE era, the post-Rolf Harris era, and yet... here we all are.

Perhaps the BBC could clarify their stance on predatory men by smashing Eric Gill's noncey statue off their frontage.
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I haven’t read up to date but - just as I think the young person’s alleged drug habit and sexual images shouldn’t have been made public information by someone else - I think HE’s alleged suicide attempt shouldn’t have been made public information by someone else.
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Miss Havisham

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Particularly in the Catholic Church. Human celibacy is just fucking unnatural.
To be fair, catholics practicing celibacy is almost unheard of. There are small pockets of ardent catholics in the UK - but you will be hard pushed to find the type who shun sex outside of marriage etc. The majority are like my family - go to church a few times a year, get divorced and have children outside of wedlock etc.
My mum was a mass every Sunday type (think Sheila Grant from Brookside, if you are old enough). My older brother was born in 1959 (two years older than Huw). It was quite clear by the mid 70s that he was gay - he officially came out in 1980 and nobody in my north England catholic family batted an eyelid. The jokes were crude and wouldn’t be accepted now (mostly from his straight friends), but they stayed friends and he wasn’t shunned by the family etc.
I know that this is not a typical scenario for everyone (coming out etc), but Hugh was born in 1961 - not 1931.
There are other religions, a lot less tolerant to to those who are not heterosexual.

I am not catholic btw. My mum would have liked me to be (or at least try to be her version of it) but it didn’t happen.
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I’ve been on Venlafaxine until very recently, when I was weaned off *very* slowly to swap to something different.
Ven withdrawal is brutal. It really messes with your entire body and brain. Honestly I can’t begin to explain how hard it was.

It's also not a first line drug to prescribe.
Venlafaxine withdrawals are horrendous! I am a complete idiot and went cold turkey (because doctors wouldn’t listen to me that I wanted to gradually go off it so I just did my own thing) and it was a hideous few weeks. I feel for you. I am on Fluoxetine now, which isn’t as effective but I don’t get brain jolts if I by mistake miss a dose.
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Boring Monday

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Exactly what Lady C said in her video. He could have been making it known about his MH to cover any transgressions that would come out.
Considering he’s known to have had issues for at least 20 years, that does show a staggering amount of forward planning and really should be applauded.

(Does anyone really take any notice of what she says anyway?)
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BIB - yes, this is the crux of it - and two police forces have confirmed no evidence of illegal activity (at this point)
the age of the person involved does matter but it’s not the only thing that matters.

the huge imbalance between them; in terms of social standing, money, influence, age, addiction/health, is all very relevant because they all contribute to an imbalance of power, which is the core of exploitation.

it’s not just a matter of looking and doing a tick box exercise if something is legal or not - because looking at other factors is also relevant. And just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful, wrong or unfair.
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Phil Schofield is a conniving cunt who played the mental health suicide card.

In Ireland the state broadcaster's executives are in trouble for missuse of public funds. Of course a couple of them are claiming negative mental health.

You can't claim mental health when faced with the consequences of your seedy or fraudulent actions

Disingenuous and disgusting
HE on the other hand has been very open about the fact he has had mental health issues for years.

It doesn’t seem at all far fetched that someone who has been speaking publicly about their struggles to have gone through something like this (even if they caused it through their actions) to have then had a huge spiral to the point of suicide.
Also, the times have two articles about Huw/the BBC today. I imagine Murdock’s other papers have stories too, because the narrative they wanted to create was “don’t trust the BBC”.

It isn’t headline news anymore because no one else has really come forward, there is no evidence he did anything illegal, and it was very much becoming a witch-hunt which is not something that the Sun wants to be associated with as that harms advertising, and not something the BBC wants to be associated with because that harms their credibility as a “good employee” and as ethical journalists.

If there was major stories known to journalists about anything illegal, they would be running the stories.
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Admittedly, I have only skimmed this thread, but in similar threads there is generally the assumption that, in a situation where an older man has something questionable going on with a younger one, the latter is a “victim”. When a man has a high profile he has to be very careful that he never ends up where he could be the victim of his predelictions. A famous guy with money and everything to lose is ripe pickings and could easily be manipulated or blackmailed into parting with large sums of money. Not every youth walking the streets is innocent. Young offenders institutes can verify that.
Then a high profile presenter shouldn't put himself in that position of "potential blackmail".
As the awful Emily Maitlis said, and I agree, 'if you don't want to be the story, don't become the story'
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Chatty Member
I feel sad that he'd feel that he'd prefer to kill himself rather than come out as gay or bi.
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As a former psychiatric nurse I would like to argue with the assumption that people can't become more disinhibited in their fifties or older. It can be an early sign of dementia or other brain disorder. I am thinking of Mo Mowlan who was known for not closing the toilet door. In her case it was probably due to the brain tumour which caused her death. I am not trying to give an armchair diagnosis just saying that Hugh may not have been buying nudes for decades.
I mean it’s possible, but it’s unlikely isn’t it? The rates of abusive men far outnumber the amount of people who lose their inhibitions because of dementia aged 61, beginning in their late 50s.

also, do dementia patients retain their ability to use their phones, social media and hold down a job whilst simultaneously losing their inhibitions with no other inhibitions being lost? Huw hasn’t, for example, started blurting inappropriate things on air. This is very specific to him contacting young men for sex/nudes/whatever
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The question I have is why the need for a crisis management team if you're innocent. Just get well then come out and say the allegations are false
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I never liked Michael Jackson music , same with Sam Smith and the artist 'Prince' they all have that strange high pitch childish feminine sounding singing voice that goes right through me - its not pleasant to listen to .
I do struggle though to understand what Huw Edwards was regarded and respected for ? ??? he was just another face on telly reding an autocue - i think most tv people are generally like robots and over-paid. Schofield and Naga Munchetty are no different .
I can’t talk for the Welsh because I am not Welsh, but I believe a lot of Welsh people regarded him well before all this due to that fact that Wales is quite an impoverished part of the UK and having someone from Wales, with a Welsh accent (instead of your average RP) speaking for the UK in such a high up position was just a nice thing to have. He did at least one documentary on Wales, he spoke Welsh fluently and clearly felt very strongly about his country and he was well liked for that.
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