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Took her boys to see Father Christmas today. Didn’t the youngest have a bad tummy yesterday?! Great way to spread it round!!
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Chatty Member
Oh my goodness. I have watched her stories for years and only just discovered Tattle and, as a result, the truth about her and 'Col's relationship. Her life does not represent the reality of family life so I knew she was portraying a carefully constructed narrative... But wow! Oh, wow! The life she portrays isnt carefully constructed it is deceitful.

To have started a relationship whilst he was married and had a toddler is vile. I feel sickened now by her portrayal of her wholesome family life.
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If the Instagram bubble popped tomorrow how would all these people adapt to normal life?!
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Yep per item! And From what I’ve read elsewhere once you’ve used the swipe up they get a profit of anything you buy. So if you swiped up on something from next and a few hours later went back to buy something else They would still get a profit so it’s best not to use swipe ups and if you do use one to then clear the history so it doesn’t log that swipe up if that makes sense.
It’s constant swipe ups so it must be a good earner !
That’s why I use my phone to swipe up if I’m feeling nosy but always purchase on my laptop. Through Easyfunding App.
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Absolutely! It’s the simpering smugness that really grates on me. Could not be more pleased with herself if she tried! I’d be pretty happy if I had loads of free shit too...
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Poor Kerry 😔 imagine stealing someone’s husband then saying Mum of 3 essentially stealing her child too.
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I was more surprised to learn Col was only 40! 😳 He looks waaaaay older than that! 😳
To be honest I thought he was older too. I think it might be down to the way he dresses.
Her stories about follow Friday were rather cringe worthy I thought. The accounts were saying how candid and honest her account was. I eye rolled rather hard, her account couldn't be less so!
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She must read here, I pointed out about how they would only have memories of ads on Instagram and then this pops up 😬
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Oh my god!! Her words in today's advert gave me the creeps...

"Honestly, I have so much fun dressing these mini-men of mine..."

She treats them little dolls she gets to dress and play with, all for show, instead of a toddler and a young child. It is interesting because narcissists see their children more like objects that can be manipulated for their purposes...
I’ve just seen the Monsoon post. So cringe. Her little boys are so cute, but they do actually look like mini gentlemen and not little boys. I feel a bit sorry for them. Wearing shirts and proper shoes. It’s too formal looking attire for such young boys. Even little Prince George wears a few normal clothes. I’ve not actually seen any normal toys that kids their age play with. It’s sets of wooden everything and sometimes look a bit too young for them to be playing with. Wait till they get older and ask for a Nintendo DS or Nerf toys haha!! Bet the smile on H&Hs face would drop! Everything is so staged in H&Hs life. Nothing feels real. Even the boys writing Christmas cards feels like it has been planned for a photo opp. That smile of hers, even when she’s talking about a serious issue (the shoebox appeal), it looks like she’s trying not to laugh. Her hair is in place all the time, red lipstick seems glued to her lips, and she dresses much older than she is.

The post before the cringey monsoon ad of Col and the boys looks so staged. Did she really go outside to take a photo of her boys together inside?? Every day is a photo opp for this one isn’t it?
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I agree totally! She could have even said they have donated their gifts to a children’s charity or something. Even one or two of them! Considering she was looking for alternative charities since she wasn’t doing the shoe box appeal. Greed.
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Oh wow. Another day and another giveaway she has directly benefitted herself from... This photo of her in the boots was completely unnecessary for the giveaway. I am so sickened and disappointed in her.
Yes, those boots, that she has apparently discovered since moving to the countryside! I thought you liked ‘hunters’ actually or the free Joules wellies you have paraded in the past. No Lauren, you are not an authentic country person, you discovered those boots by asking your followers what THEIR dream money no object presents were and that is why we have never seen you part with your own money to buy a pair. Also Rosie Londoner is advertising them too today! She has lost the plot let alone the true meaning of Christmas. She must be permanently photographing everything. Even her anniversary weekend, she said she was switching off her phone to soak it all in and then on the Monday posted a series of photos is stories documenting the entire thing - where they stayed, what they ate, even her in the bath or hot tub whatever it was. Their whole weekend must have been spent taking photos, setting up scenes and taking videos, yeah real quality time with each other. Her blatant begging for stuff is embarrassing, she keeps trying with Neptune - telling us her vase and fake flowers were from their (although two didn’t look quite right so she returned them) bit late to the party there Lauren- I think everyone on Instagram has that vase - anyway they obviously haven’t bitten yet (unless thats coming up in a giveaway - new kitchen probably 😂), and they didn’t give her the cushions she liked for free or the flowers, so she went and BOUGHT, yes I know shocker that she bought something, cushions and faux eucalyptus from...........IKEA, because they were cheap!

Yes, those boots, that she has apparently discovered since moving to the countryside! I thought you liked ‘hunters’ actually or the free Joules wellies you have paraded in the past. No Lauren, you are not an authentic country person, you discovered those boots by asking your followers what THEIR dream money no object presents were and that is why we have never seen you part with your own money to buy a pair. Also Rosie Londoner is advertising them too today! She has lost the plot let alone the true meaning of Christmas. She must be permanently photographing everything. Even her anniversary weekend, she said she was switching off her phone to soak it all in and then on the Monday posted a series of photos is stories documenting the entire thing - where they stayed, what they ate, even her in the bath or hot tub whatever it was. Their whole weekend must have been spent taking photos, setting up scenes and taking videos, yeah real quality time with each other. Her blatant begging for stuff is embarrassing, she keeps trying with Neptune - telling us her vase and fake flowers were from their (although two didn’t look quite right so she returned them) bit late to the party there Lauren- I think everyone on Instagram has that vase - anyway they obviously haven’t bitten yet (unless thats coming up in a giveaway - new kitchen probably 😂), and they didn’t give her the cushions she liked for free or the flowers, so she went and BOUGHT, yes I know shocker that she bought something, cushions and faux eucalyptus from...........IKEA, because they were cheap!
There not ‘their’ sorry 😐

I think the worst thing of all was her collaboration with Emily Rollings. I have bought from her before - small business and all that - but never again now. Lauren collaborated with her because she said that when she shared her gifted planner last year it sold out straight away! So Lauren thought I want a share if those profits and stuck her name on it with a faux leather cover! Talk about jumping on someones small business. And as for her amazing collaboration with Bobbi Brown, those make up bags she ‘designed’ were cheap, faux, rip off copies of the leather White Company ones which she has previously shared because she couldn’t live without them! The woman simply hasn’t got an idea of her own, completely unoriginal!
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As a Mummy to a little girl who's got a Step-Mummy, such things like this don't offend me. Someone accepting and loving my child is enough. Others having an opinion on it when they don't know the whole story/set up offends me more as it is so so personal to each and every situation.

Whatever our issues with Lauren, it's plainly obvious to see how much time and effort she spends making sure Archie is included.

My kids see their dad/sperm donor sporadically but I hope that one day, when his new wife has divorced him (as I hope she does because she's way too good for him), they keep in touch with her as she's awesome.

Every situation is very different.
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Those boys will never know the true value of anything because everything they’ve ever had has been a freebie from their greedy mother. I think there will be trouble ahead.
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That relationship wasn’t right otherwise he wouldn’t have cheated. So why keep having a go at her for that? Ultimately he was the married one and unhappy with his marriage.
Well then he should have ended his marriage before he starting seeing Lauren!
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Yes! The timing is carefully manipulated.
These instagrammers definitely carefully manipulate the timings of certain posts. Justalittlebuild does this - she recently posted an Asda charity (AD) - received negative feedback regarding whether it was ethical to advertise a charity and be paid a fee. Didn’t like some of the comments and received not many likes. She then posts a picture of a cute pony and has not talked about the charity since. These instagrammers know exactly what they are doing. Huntersandheels post absolutely disgusts me for the fact she has been giving away very expensive gifts and then launches into charity mode. Surely charities could benefit from these gifts. Im sure a children’s hospital would love the jeep/ car as they have children’s play areas. I’m pretty sure if they were donating to charity they would tell their followers about their good deeds - I mean they harp on about every other aspect of their lives!
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Mine are the same! We love taking them skiing! Lauren only does it because she thinks it makes her seem posh! Oh how she would love to be able to afford private school!
Mine have been coming skiing since they were babies - we would stick them in the creche for a few hours and then take it in turns the other days. My youngest is younger than Rory and confident on blue runs with his reins on! Bizarrely though - Lauren can't even ski?! 🤷‍♀️
ne are
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