HomewithShan #6 Still ignores her kids & asks ‘why does George scream at me?’, would take a poke in eye for free

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That's a good point, she did take her to the docs about her tongue tie and even a specialist about her presumed "hypermobility" but nothing for G?

Tell me you love one child more without telling me...
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Thank you! I've just seen the reel and could hear George making noises too. I think it's disgusting she's recording him doing that and sharing it rather than perhaps cuddle him as he's clearly upset.i hope one day George records and shares a clip of her in an unpleasant situation while he's laughing at her......

I don't believe that it's been going on as long and as consistently as she's saying as I think she would have definitely mentioned it before. She's likely learned the term "growing pains" recently, probably from another mummy vlogger she follows and realised she's never used that so jumping on for more "woe is me as a mum of 2" narcissistic content so everyone tells her she's still doing a great job.
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That's exactly how I feel. Imagine how embarrasing it will be for poor George when he is in his teens or so and he discovers all the stuff his mum has been saying about him. How can she just bring up her phone and type while he is upset instead of give him a cuddle? How can any mum leave her child just crying there? If she was overwhelmed for a few minutes, I may understand - but you can't feel overwhelmed and go on social media and type a super long message while you record a video!

Bravo on the "growing pains" comment Deffo one she's just learned.
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I’m sure I have seen her mention him saying he’s had sore legs before in the middle of the night a good few months ago and again blamed it on a growth spurt
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Is it just me who thinks that if my son has told me he has "sore legs" middle of the night a few times my first reaction would be to take him to the doctors and just blame it on a growth spurt?
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If mine told me she had sore legs in the night I’d assume she had RLS and figure out to fix it. If that didn’t work, I’d definitely be taking her to the GP
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I think initially you’d think oh maybe they’ve run around too much today or maybe it’s a one off thing and give them calpol. You would not just hear him cry or moan for months on end and do absolutely nothing about it. I would fear the worst before assuming it’s continuous growing pains. Surely he isn’t growing that much!!
Most parents wouldn’t be able to cope with their child in pain crying every night. I would break my heart if it was my son.
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Her latest moan about being "overstimulated" at the park, she wrote all George's "muddy crap", why couldn't she say muddy clothes or muddy wellies? Why does it have to be "muddy crap"?! She's so hateful all the time there's absolutely no need.

I have a 2 and a half year old and my god, it is bloody tough, I come home from work and am exhausted, all I want to do is lie on the couch and decompress but I have a wee boy who's probably waited all day to tell me stories or climb on me or sit too close and touch my face a bit too much and in that moment it's his feelings that matter most cause he's too wee to understand that mummy is "overstimulated" and needs 5 minutes but Shan doesn't think like that, her feelings are first and foremost and unfortunately George is going to start realising this and by the time she realises the damage will be done and she will have raised an emotionally insecure child who doesn't know who he can rely on when his emotions become too much!
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I read that as G had a wonderful time and then she ruined it by moaning at him because she was unprepared. Of course G was probably whinging because the fun is over and he's tired and wet and muddy. Bet she shouted at him.
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I thought she was in the season of enjoying being a mum of 2? Or whatever BS she calls it.
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I know she loves to overuse words that she has just learned and that 'overstimulated' is probably one of them but the constant usage of it makes me think she has some sort of autism disorder. It's not like it can be diagnosed online, I know. But one of my close friends is on the spectrum and although he is 462 times a better parent with his kids, I can see some similarities.

Also, I got a random homewithshan advert on IG - she's paying for ads now?!


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Well, as you know, us mums need to start putting ourselves first!

She absolutely shouldn’t be giving him calpol night after night either. It will never have any effect on him if he’s so used to the dosage. It literally says speak to your doctor if you need to use more than 7 days in a row.

She’s clearly so resentful about her life. Resentful that she doesn’t get mum time. She doesn’t want time with other mums either, she just wants time alone to do her own thing. Her channel isn’t growing so she’s resorting to any desperate measures to try and get her name out there with either paying for ads or tagging instagrams with larger followings. She blamed G for her not having the special newborn time with H. She hasn’t been able to replicate baby weaning videos or ditl with my 8/9/10 month old, so I suspect A has told her she can’t give up her job unless she’s super influencer (which she isn’t). She’s deeply unfulfilled and as I can see it, she has healthy children, a well paid job, a roof over her head and food on the table. She’s won the life lottery and it’s not enough for her.
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I think it would be really interesting to know what's really going on in her life. She barely ever mentions ash, they stayed in the house the majority of Easter weekend. She doesn't really have anything to talk about so just repeats herself over and over and the occasions where she does go out and do something, she has the camera on. I get overstimulated quite frequently however I don't have autism but struggle with anxiety/OCD. I could imagine that ranting on socials every time I got overstimulated would just be a really negative way to live. She contradicts herself constantly, last week she was acting a lot more positive with her posts etc now all she seems to do is whine again!
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I mean hasn't if been proven that scrolling social apps have a negative impact on mood? She must be constantly stressing about the next video and comparing herself to others. She needs to delete her apps for a month to take some of the pressure off herself. Not that she will, because she’s obsessed with her earnings on social media.
I’m just watching the new vlog and she really must pay a fortune on her electricity bill because the tv is never off!

I’ve also noticed that she constantly tries to remind herself and viewers that it’s okay if the washing isn’t done, house isn’t tidy, crumbs from weaning . She must really struggle with how she feels about those kinds of things because she mentions them all the time. I wonder if that’s why her tv is always on because she can avoid toys being littered about.
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Didn't she have some marvellous councelling sessions? Surely those must have cured her and improved her mood right...?

It would not surprise me if she puts the TV on to avoid messing up the house. And I agree, she must thing its a huge deal if the house isnt tidy 24/7. But how can you be with kids?
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At the risk of taking us back the 50s I would say it does matter. Your dog could be eating toxic food off the floor, your kids need clean clothes. It does matter if those things aren't done.
And as she is home all day, only leaves once or twice a week and has a husband there isn't any reason why these things aren't done. You don't have to be Mrs Hinch but come on get the shit up off the floor.
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My question is, what housework does Ash do if she seems to be doing everything and childcare?!
I actually wondered if her suddenly going on about the house not needing to be tidied was in retaliation to ash moaning about it or something. I could well be wrong though!
Oh I do agree there. I think in all homes there’s an element of a lived in feeling if you’re home all day, I just wonder if it frustrates her when it’s not looking picture perfect.

She’s just posted another reel about G’s night pains. Apparently he’s waking up in the night asking to watch tv. I’m sorry but that isn’t normal. That is a very clear addiction to screens. She needs to go screen free! She’s wondering why he’s struggling to go to sleep but the poor boy isn’t burning enough energy in the day so sleeps poorly as a result.
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