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VIP Member
Not holly admitting on live that she has 'dealer friends' and is admitting freely that she will ring up the 'friends' and have her supply cut off. She has just admitted that she does in fact have links to dealing, wasn't she in court for that the other week... hmm

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But daves owner ain't on here.

Phone the police for what Holly? What exactly will you be reporting her for?
Do you ever think the police see her call and go for fuck sake.
They all shout in the room, 'who are we guessing has pissed off Holly this time.'
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I’m so confused. I’m certain she said earlier that this women was stupid for sitting in her living room telling her her whole life and dealers etc and then she just said that she doesn’t know her personally but knows who her dealers are?!
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Chatty Member
Yeah OK then Creepy!! I just Googled it, there's no way!!
She’s literally lying. It’s so weird to lie about that amid being caught lying about something else.

It’s like she has some sort of disease, lies just fall out her mouth 🙈
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Well-known member
1) why the fuck is she decorating a house she’s apparently moving out of?
2) for knowing so much about everything, she is doing all that to the walls without any mask on at all? When only a few weeks ago she was in hospital because she ‘couldn’t breathe’ she’s actually thick as fuck.
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Well-known member
Holly was about to say why jess is no longer a carer but jess jumped in and said it was because of pf trying to release her car reg and she was working with vulnerable people. So she still works in care but they're lying to throw people off the scent of where she works??

Holly said she's going to go to his house to try talk to him because she's at the end of her tether. That will go well Holly dear! He'll defo listen and be reasonable and not make himself the victim or call the police and have you arrested for harassment!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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My name is red

VIP Member
“We agreed to keep it off the internet” no I’m sure you begged them to keep quiet that’s all

now she’s spitting her dummy out because she’s not in charge of the narrative!
Holly's lied that's why the truth has come out..if she'd have told the truth the original owners wouldn't have had to call the scruff out. Oh holly you just can't help yourself can you darrrrllling lie after lie after lie 🖕
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VIP Member
Someone’s just called her out and called her a beg for getting a bed and flooring for free off Facebook. She’s just called them a cunt and said she isn’t a beg she’s saving the environment and upcycling. Apparently her bed will last and we are jealous she found the bed and flooring before us lol
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Chatty Member
I have very few icks but H playing air drums is now my Top 1 ick. And her not knowing the words is a close second.
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Chatty Member
Why is she saying she’s walked 8 miles 🥴

she now walks double the average human speed apparently 🙄

Holly these are weird things to lie about. You have issues
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VIP Member
Why are they decorating the house and making it "nice" when Holly will continue to smoke in there and in time everything will turn yellow/nicotine stained. Smoking inside is absolutely grim, sorry to any smokers on here. But there's just no need, go outside!
fagnolia in no time darlinggggg!

Also scruff did mention a while back that only Jess is on the tenancy which is really strange..I think that's to claim for 25% discount on council tax which you get when you supposedly live on your own.
There we go then! in which case it can invalidate your tenancy. As for claiming single person's discount, that is fraudulent again then!
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Chatty Member
Didn't Holly just say 'ill be back in a minute guys I'm just going to the shops' now she's taking everyone with her?? Did she panic at the thought of going out alone not on live for more than 5 minutes for once??

Don't have a problem with people on UC either. Some of my best mates are on UC and if I could have it to top up our wages I would too. I have a problem personally with people who sit on UC and smoke weed all day and bum about when they are perfectly capable of doing some sort of work.

People bitch about us and hate us? Okay. Well I can't speak for anyone else but I don't ever recall having anyone call the police on me out of spite before, or the RSPCA, I've never had my home vandalised, never had nasty videos made about me online. Never had a thread made about me.

You have no life Hun. You sit indoors 25/8 smoking weed, yelling at the dogs and talking to weirdos online.

And as for the 'gift Holly everytime they post' now you're about to have no life by checking when we are posting and spending you're money on a beg. We are LOVING IT. I bet your followers give up on this idea before we run out of posts. 😂😂😂
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Im not far from St Helens, if we would get a heads up of whereabouts & when she’s going, I’ll drive past & provide commentary for you all !
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VIP Member
She’s hilarious when she’s funny😂

also, she hasn’t been in the hot tub darlings, that’s why she still has paint on her neck😂

acting hard now ain’t she? I’m a drug dealer but was nearly crying when she was going to prison hahaha
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God taters screen shot has been showed about 4 times. The womans probably out with her kids herself.🤣

I'm convinced Holly doesn't have kids.

This jazz music is giving me drum and bass vibes
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