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Chatty Member
Ahhhh guys I love you! Never a dull bloody moment with our hols is there 😂
Unfortunately I lost my lovely Nana a few days ago so I’ve been a bit pre occupied/quiet 😢

I’m not shocked at what’s happened to poor Dave 😢 I’ll never ever forget what holly did to those poor puppies.What you did to those puppies are the reason I hate you creepy Steve.

Ahhhh guys I love you! Never a dull bloody moment with our hols is there 😂
Unfortunately I lost my lovely Nana a few days ago so I’ve been a bit pre occupied/quiet 😢

I’m not shocked at what’s happened to poor Dave 😢 I’ll never ever forget what holly did to those poor puppies.What you did to those puppies is the reason I hate you creepy Steve.
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Oh my days, I've been out with my children and my dogs, fuck me im an even worse parent now, I forced my kids to WALK on the beach and got them an ice cream, CHILDLINE.. call them now please, save my kids from such an awful human being.

Holly your a fucking wet lettuce, ya boring. Trina you clearly have half a brain cell in your thick head, but thanks for reading here sweetheart. 😘😘 As you were, keep begging Holls darling, one day you might be able to afford your own furniture.

The lives just seem so desperate now, she has nothing to talk about. How sad that everyone else around her has things to do, jobs to go to etc, something to actually fill their day and interact with other humans beings in the flesh and then there's holly, "living the dream" all alone at home all day talking to strangers online. No real human interaction, barely going outside. What a sad existence, that's not living at all.
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Id be fumin at Holly if I was jess.. not the previous owners, not the dogs, not flu, Holly. If she weren't such a massive bellend on social media. None of this would've happened.

Alexa drop in on Holly stanely
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Winds me up people keep saying PF is behind all these accounts. PF can’t spell for shit as is evident in all their messages and video captions. Everyone in this thread writes exemplary literature here 😇
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Well-known member
Shes coming off when jess gets home. And not coming back in again tonight. She will be back on by 8pm. Who cares that you're decorating your front room holly? That's not 'doing something with your life'. That's just normal upkeep of a house. Most people do that stuff along with having full time jobs, hippies outside the house, children etc
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Holly's lied that's why the truth has come out..if she'd have told the truth the original owners wouldn't have had to call the scruff out. Oh holly you just can't help yourself can you darrrrllling lie after lie after lie 🖕
Exactly. Why would anyone have mentioned the original owner if she just said the dogs had a fight, we can't handle dave, he's gone back to the old owner or someone else.
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Earlier on with the holly vs tattle live, they did a call out for tattlers to come and explain themselves and this person said ‘I’m on Tattle can I ask a question’ and Holly was like yeah go on then like it was going to be a genuine Q and then they said this and Holly fumed and was like right that’s all they wanted to say, block them 😂🤣😂🤣🤣

Is it just me or does anyone else think trinas trying to get on the list of suspicious mods, before she’s even a mod?
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Shes talking about the choice to be a single income family. Which is it holly. A single income family or you Have a job???

Oh no the dancing is making my asshole clench with the cringe I can't......
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Chatty Member
For her to have to tell people that shes taking washing upstairs, which takes what, 5/10 minutes maximum? So you can just imagine Holly hounding cos you were off mod duty for 5 mins because heaven forbid you dont sit on your arse all day 🤯🤯
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Why is Holly absolutely incapable of accepting she is EVER wrong, or that she didn't do things the best way? It isn't an insult, most of us get things wrong, learn from it and move on. Not go on a rant and insist they have never ever done anything wrong in her life.

She misses him yet spent all her time calling him and the others a 'c@nt..?

Also a dog is very capable of being rehabilitated after the age of 3.. Unlike jess, I actually do know someone who regularly appears in court for both defence and prosecution, who is also in the media - she is a dog expert witness. She specialises in cases where the dog has bitted a child/human in really serious cases where the dog has either really caused serious injury or worse sometimes and the court orders either destruction or an interim order, including dogs on their last chance after multiple offences. She runs a rehab and rescue and has so many success stories of what holly is claiming cant be done. I was only speaking to her the other day.

I will make a metal note to inform her that she is in fact useless and obsolete as Holly Stanley has decreed that dogs cannot do any of what she has spent her 30yr career doing. Will also tell the barrister that specialises in such cases.
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The comments when she said about her kicking the door in that time. No you idiots, normal, decent people can control themselves and go all their lives without boiling over and kicking a door in 🙄🙄. Fucking muppets excusing that kind of behaviour.
This, 100%

I can honestly say I have never kicked a door in, be it one in my own house or anyone else's. I actually worry for society that people think this sort of behaviour is anywhere near normal or should be laughed off as 'we have all done it'.. Erm, no. we haven't. I assume these same people will be dragging up their kids to also think this sort of thing is 'normal'. I guess this is how you end up with the likes of Holly in society 🥴
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She’s on one it’s hilarious, offering mama kaz out on Sunday smoke😂😂😂

I’m not a beg!! 2 minutes later ‘come on guys we need some corgis’😂😂
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Oh tattlers I hope everyone is ok. I'm about to catch up with a cig! The world was falling out of all holes yesterday but we've made a recovery.

Well, its been a dramatic few days in creepy Steve's camp. Rogue mods, holly losing her shit, sanding ceilings and poor sartorial choices have been the order of the weekend, 'school lost property box chic' seems to be Hollys signature style.

I have to say, Flu has been on fire bringing the receipts lately and I am totally here for it. Holly has clearly been rattled this week and for someone that doesn't read tattle, she sure is on the ball with posts. Hi Holly babes 😉

I see that there is now a £600+ drum kit on the Wishlist, the audacity really does know no bounds. What is the betting some lunatic will be mad enough to purchase it, or perhaps it will be another all group effort of all chipping in a quid again. Although saying that, the rate creepy Steve and the mods are blocking people for daring to enter Flu's live, there wont be enough donations to keep the swamp afloat. All it seems to have done is direct a load of traffic and disillusioned watchers to here and to Flu's live.

Did anyone else pick up on the fact thatH loudly protested the other day that she does not have a probation officer.. this is obvs bs as we all know, yet today she has apparently got herself a formal warning for yelling at the officer for 'misgendering' her and calling her a c@nt.

Im still not convinced dolly isn't either pregnant or recently had puppies although I hope I am wrong for that poor dogs sake, also Dave is apparent now neutered even though the other day H was still waiting for previous owners to pay for it..

What a week its been and its only Monday 😂

PS. hope @SforShortbread and @Imhereapparently28 are both on the mend now and feeling better ❤
Fanks gal, I'm a bit iffy now but loads better than yesterday. Just that yucky feeling after being sick. Achy and a sore stomach, but won't stop me eating today to make up for yesterday.🐷

Holly was about to say why jess is no longer a carer but jess jumped in and said it was because of pf trying to release her car reg and she was working with vulnerable people. So she still works in care but they're lying to throw people off the scent of where she works??

Holly said she's going to go to his house to try talk to him because she's at the end of her tether. That will go well Holly dear! He'll defo listen and be reasonable and not make himself the victim or call the police and have you arrested for harassment!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hope to god flu records it if it happens.🤣

I just read princess flu petrol bombed hollys old house, but won't do it to this one as they're 7 hours away. I mean I know its a load of shite, but Holly stayed in Merseyside.. so surely its still 7 hours to flus house? Full of shit
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Active member
oh god now she's being extra cuddly with the dogs to prove how good of an owner she is, give it up love we all see what you're about
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I really wish I could disclose more, but I think the woman just wanted to tell tattle what really happened to dave.
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Well-known member
Holly said just now that fluu had nothing to do with what happened last night. Wasn't she saying an hour ago that fluu is getting arrested for whatever happened last night? I'm confused!!
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Holly said dave was with the old owner. Then she said he had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic and was still with the vet. Now she's saying he's fine and nothing went wrong and he's with the old owner because she wanted a sleepover with him and because holly is decorating. One of those has to be a lie holly because he can't be fine and not fine at the same time.
Why would the old owners have a 'sleepover' with Dave? I thought they weren't fit to have him and thats why holly and jess 'rescued' (I use the term loosely) him in the first place..

There is something weird going on here, it wouldn't surprise me if they have got rid of Dave tbh.

First opened the app this morning to holly on my FYP and her saying 'I need 20 palm trees, palm trees, I need 20 of them' and its not even 8am yet 🥴
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