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Chatty Member
Oh wow! Maybe I'm just too naive or sth but I really thought her and Charlie were together and she was just not talking about it online. Lowkey shocked at this development lmao. I wonder why they broke up (or decided not to get together more like). Man. At least she got a kiss and lots of future youtube content out of it, I suppose.

Also her going 'full digital nomad' next year means she's moving out at long last, so hooray for that! I guess she feels ready to move out but not ready to make a home for herself somewhere else that's not her parents' house, so maybe this contantly travelling/digital nomad thing is her compromise. I feel like it might also be her way of avoiding telling her parents she's moving out, cause she can always be like 'oh no I'm just travelling for work for a while and then I'll come back, don't worry mum!'. It's all a bit weird to me still, but then again I don't have the option to become a digital nomad so maybe it's actually better than having a permanent place to live, what do I know.

Also sidenote, I now find it weirdly funny that she turned down a teaching job offer after graduating from Cambridge because she said she realized she didn't want to become a teacher and was passionate about pursuing science/a PhD instead... and now she's working as an online teacher basically.
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I'm done, she's triggering and suddenly obsessed with food and sex and encouraging young fans to sign up for what sounds like porn sites. It's giving me the ick, in all honesty.
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View attachment 2069582
What is the point of this post? It seems like she’s just trying to brag that she’s got lots of money and she’s ✨no longer afraid to spend it✨
Especially that last comment - “don’t live your life afraid to spend anything” just comes across very privileged. Of course, in todays climate, people are going to be afraid of spending money, some people don’t have a choice to spend money how they want.
idk this post just rubbed me the wrong way🙄
Also, I haven’t watched her videos, but… doesn’t she live at home?? Not knocking her hard work, but it’s really easy to be frugal and save when you live with your parents?
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Chatty Member
My recap of the video! Brackets are my own thoughts, thought she made some good points, some of which are included below, sorry it’s quite long!

- Apologies for how much she’s going to say ‘sex’ in the video
- Feels comfortable/no shame about it as it’s normal, said that last year she didn’t think this would be her in a years time
- Loves sex because she loves biology?
- Never talked about it with Emily
- Didn’t lose her virginity, but instead gained an experience
- Didnt know what to do the first time, she didn’t like this as she doesn’t like the unknown
- First sexual experience was with someone who was experienced, first kiss was last year (Charlie?)
- There is never the ‘right person’ (interesting statement)
- Confidence is sexy, helped with her nerves on being naked - said they won’t care about hair in your legs (she uses an epilator so she clearly cares)
- It was all a blur, described it as ‘meh’ but not painful, anticlimactic
- Hurt more the next few times, thinks she masked the pain the first time, having a menstrual cup helped in the lead up
- Very mild bleeding but said she the most annoying thing was feeling like she needed the bathroom during sex
- Major battle in her head - should I just do it or wait for a relationship? Basically admitting it was with Charlie
- Said she doesn’t want to fit in with the crowd, which is why she hadn’t had sex yet. Calling people sheep if they follow this crowd
- Don’t be afraid to laugh during sex, goes on to talk about queefing
- Felt guilty for a while about having sex
- Making a whole video about contraception but using condoms and non-copper coil
- Says she doesn’t own any sexy lingerie, says sexiness comes from within
Huh so as long as she was still involved with Charlie she respected his wishes to not talk about their sexual relations on her channel - but now that she has a (different) boyfriend all bets are off apparently. Man if I was Charlie I'd be lowkey uncomfortable with this. Imagine having a holiday fling and then six months later the youtube-watching public gets informed what sex with you is like.^^ I mean it would be different if his identity was not known but it's pretty obvious that it was Charlie. I mean, maybe he doesn't mind but if I were him I would hate that whole situation so much lol
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Chatty Member
Her and Angelo have been dating since December (January maybe?) and have already been on 3 holidays and are about to go to Asia for 4 months. I know she claims she isn’t rushing into this but I really think she is - also, we know Holly has money but Angelo must as well to keep up with her travelling
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I get the feeling it’s both of their first relationship. If I had a new partner and they were sharing this much on the internet so soon, I’d be terrified haha. So I get the feeling it’s all new to him too
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VIP Member
I think it’d be a massive red flag in a relationship for me if my partner cancelled their big move abroad a month after we met! It gives me the ick just thinking about it. By all means, adapt your plans, think on it and end the trip early. But don’t just not go!
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Chatty Member
Deleting it just shows that she was in the wrong and she is taking all responsibility away from herself and Angelo. I don't know about anyone else, but if I had a boyfriend who had a rabbit in poor conditions such as that and I was supposedly caring about animal welfare, I'd be doing more than deleting a clip from a youtube video.
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That's a great idea to delete the footage so no one can call her up on that anymore. I'm sure the rabbit appreciates this solution🤦‍♀️

It's not that she has shown it, it's that she didn't realize what shitty conditions the rabbit lives in and shared it in the video because she didn't think it's wrong to treat an animal like this 🙈
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the fact that her 'food baby' still makes her look slimmer than me when I'm at my best lol. She just wants to trigger people again
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She needs some boundaries and Angelo needs to respect her channel. You can literally hear him grunting and groaning whilst shitting in her newest video and they both seem to think it's hilarious.
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Chatty Member
It's always good practice to have some local cash when going abroad. Even if you plan to mostly use your card.

In most countries, you can still find places that don't take cards. Or there could be an issue with your card not working...

Taking euros instead of francs to Switzerland is a funny mistake. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal... she could exchange her euros at any point and it wouldn't be a problem. Being stuck in a foreign country with no cash and no working cards, however...
not trying to be horrible at all but imo it would be a “funny mistake” if she was a teenager on her first trip abroad but as a grown adult it just looks so……uneducated and silly, especially considering the calibre of unis she has attended😂 and i do wonder how it’s never come up in conversation for any of her family to correct her tbh
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Call me a quitter but if I felt so sick I had trouble keeping water down I wouldn't finish the marathon or plan to do exercise the day after?? I wonder if Angelo tried to get her to quit/take a rest because if he didn't he really is just enabling her unhealthy behaviour
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Did anything new happen in her productivity routine video?
It was so boring I could not get through it. Angelo stayed at hers one time, but other than that nothing new.
I don't understand, a year ago, even before her trip to Thailand, I could easily go for a video of hers just for some easy content, but now I cannot get through it. It's all so repetitive and uninteresting, seems like she's trying to milk everything she can out of her daily life into youtube videos, but news flash! quantity does not mean quality.
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I really detest that she called herself “crippled” not once but twice. She’s just had the privilege of hopping out of bed and running a very long way. I hate to hear that word misused so casually. Where is her common sense?
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Thoughts on the video:
- still getting used to her bed, still seems so weird not seeing her old child one :ROFLMAO:
- nice to hear her say that she does not follow the same structured routine every day. it’s healthy to have spontaneity in your life
- not really sure why we have to have a video though of her doing the exact same things she has been doing for years though. Like we know you get up and drink water from your mason jar, eat breakfast and sit at your desk. Her and Ruby granger really recycle these morning routines that literally haven’t changed in years
- again, more boring same old stuff - we have seen you fill out your bullet journal so many times Holly :ROFLMAO:
- yep we know how you do your hair but thanks for reminding us

that video was completely pointless. I feel like she was trying to prove to us that not all her content is about angelo, so just put together a morning routine video she’s done about a thousand times. I don’t get it, her routine literally hasn’t changed in years. This is not interesting content lol.
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I don’t really agree with you, but that’s you’re opinion!
I think he seems to go along with what Holly wants to do because she can’t sit still and not exercise. He naturally probably has more stamina and he eats a lot more than Holly. She will only eat rye bread and sweet potatoes (carb wise) whereas he seems to eat whatever he feels like eating.
Angelo may well be aware of Holly’s past, but it doesn’t mean that he has to become her carer and stop running himself or change his diet to try to prevent her ED behaviours that have never gone away.
Holly was determined to start running again, but as it has coincided with Angelo coming onto the scene he is being labelled as both responsible for her excessive exercise and supposedly his own. I don’t know enough about him or see enough of his daily routine to label him as an exercise addict with an eating disorder.
Angelo is not suddenly an extension of Holly because they are in a relationship and should be free to exercise if he wants to without being accused of trying to trigger her. Holly is an adult and is responsible for herself. If Angelo wasn’t around and Holly was running daily which I can guarantee that she would do - who would you blame other than Holly herself? 🙄
Genuinely are you related to Angelo? You get so defensive every time someone mentions that his attitude to exercise also isn't healthy.
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