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Well-known member
Rooney gets no blame at all here why is it all on Helens shoulders ? He was the married man she wasn’t ? He chose to find escorts for a wild night of fun but him and Colleen get pats on the backs ? Don’t understand why people are making the whole Rooney situation Helens fault she was a escort making money end of! I comments on sams Instagram about more proof etc and he deleted it so I commented again told him 1 message isn’t proof this girl could be a old mate who hates Helen and would be made up to see what’s going on he needs more proof he blocked me
Exactly! And let’s not forget he was also having sex with OAP’s! I think it’s worse the fact he actually paid for it as well. Although it’s horrible for Coleen she chose to have him back time and time again and at the point when he first cheated they didn’t even have kids together so the kids are def not an excuse she could of left then after he humiliated her the first time.
Like I said in my last post Helen was literally doing her job she wasn’t a wag wannabe sleeping with footballers like Lauryn Goodman she was just doing her job!
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Chatty Member
So in her book or on a podcast, she said she went to see someone of waynes management when Jenny went to the papers. She said she didn't want her name out as a prostitute so she'd deny it in court or where ever she needed to. If Wayne would pay to keep her name out, his management told her to sign the paper, probably a non disclosure agreement. She went outside on the phone to speak to her lawyer first who said she won't be able to make money from this if she signs it. She didn't sign anything 🤷🏻‍♀️ but yeah am far more on her side then Wayne's. She lost her job I think from redundancy that's why she started escorting I do have sympathy for her since she had her kid young and her family were awful. Im also surprised she's looking after her mum considering her upbringing.
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And he's put a post up about the law being rubbish. Probably a word from the boys in blue for malicious communication.
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Holy Jaysus sam is having a melt down in his video telling her to stay away from him and not mention his name again🤣🤣🤣 She probably didn't even no who he was before he started about her.

He is saying he was told by 15 people what she was at. But thats madness all hear say. No acatul proof. Like I've said really dont like her but defo feel for her in this situation. Maybe she won't be so quick to throw the word around herself now. Id actually put money on it she won't use it again.
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Well-known member
Yeah nobody forced Coleen to stay and at the end of the day Helen and Jenny were providing a service. It’s not as if they chased Wayne. Hate it when they go on and on about Coleen’s Catholic beliefs in articles, Wayne being the only man she’s ever slept with and family being important to her so she forgave him, she’s still a doormat in my opinion. That guilt trip doesn’t belong in modern Western society. Wayne is vile. Remember before Helen there was a young escort from Liverpool and her picture got leaked locally so had to come clean to her family? The way Wayne and his mates treated her was despicable.
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Hahahaha that Sam looked like steam was going to come out his ears, he’s proper mad the shithouse

Cracked up at him saying Manipulative
Scouse Gareth Gates 😂
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VIP Member
Rooney gets no blame at all here why is it all on Helens shoulders ? He was the married man she wasn’t ? He chose to find escorts for a wild night of fun but him and Colleen get pats on the backs ? Don’t understand why people are making the whole Rooney situation Helens fault she was a escort making money end of! I comments on sams Instagram about more proof etc and he deleted it so I commented again told him 1 message isn’t proof this girl could be a old mate who hates Helen and would be made up to see what’s going on he needs more proof he blocked me
I agree it is a weird thing to say but Helen has always said things she shouldn’t and most people wouldn’t and the humour is very boarder line a lot of the time I am no fan at all but I just think to label someone as this publicly is massive and could go very wrong if there isn’t clear solid proof
If it’s not true then Helen needs to consult a solicitor and get the person who said it and the person who posted it to issue public apologies and perhaps even sue. That’s what I’d be doing if someone was tarnishing my name like that.
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Helen is a potty mouth and the selling of her story was crass but she was young at the time. I do have to rate her for a few things though. The fact she actually has a proper job, looks after her mum who is unwell (that must really take its toll having a mum who sometimes doesn’t even know who you are) and she always kept her son private.

I remember her once saying that the only time she had further mentioned Rooney is when she’s been asked or has had to defend herself but I’ve never followed her that closely to know if that’s the whole truth.
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Well-known member
Look she's a nasty, racist, ableist, vile woman. All her virtue signalling and bawling makes me think something doesn't add up. It's VERY common in Dubai for British women to go over to take the virginity of Arabs, piss on them, let them poo on them. I don't doubt for a second that lots of gifts fly over and take payment for all kinds of shady shit. Helen has form for selling herself to whoever pays. She's also 100% in this thread (Hi Helen). She's a covid conspiracy nut, and has hurt almost every single person who has ever entered her life. Look at how she speaks of the most vulnerable people in society , the disabled. She is vile and I honestly think she would 100% do shady stuff for payment in Dubai. Whether it's all true, who knows.
Thank you!! Think I love you a little bit for conveying what I think too! I’d have just said guilty skank and spoilt the importance of this! We live in a world where wankers like this walk among us

Yeah the way she says you came to ne has me thinking they aren't best friends. Very silly for blabbing to her then.
It’s like being asked to choose between vomiting and diarrhoea with the pair of them I’m afraid. If she’d really engaged a lawyer, none of this would be going on. They’d advise her to STFU while they did their job. Lie detectors, troll accounts, Instagram posts just wouldn’t be happening. I can’t lie, it’s bloody entertaining though. It’s a prime example of stupid people trying to be clever and making themselves look even worse in the process
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Didnt someone say before on here that theres no age of consent in dubai? I think thats how they're justifying it 🤢 it was either here or the bayleighisla thread. If its not Helen at it, theres definitely other insta girls at it. Can only imagine that video hes on about is one of those videos where the girls record themselves agreeing to each of the "terms" requested of them for x amount of money
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Chatty Member
I used to follow Helen on IG and quite liked her
But deleted her the other week as she was going on about Covid and stuff
Love her dog though :)

She was in Ibiza that year with a friend Louise
I did notice that she was always with this friend and then all of the sudden, she was gone yet helen appeared to be very close to her children and I did think it was strange and thought they had fell out
But the other week she did a memory thing and this Louise was tagged in it so they didn’t fall out as such it just never really saw each other again
I just thought it was very odd

But still that’s nothing to do with Sam Walker has said
Or has it?
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Well-known member
Yeah and why single Helen out when he follows loads of dubious (or should that be DUBAIous women). Yes Helen does come across as a vile bully at times but she’s also got a wicked sense of humour and I’d be lying if I said I never laughed at her Twitter posts back in the day (I followed her after Rooney and before Big Bro when she didn’t have many followers) and she is entertaining.

By the way have any of you Tattlers read Helen or Jenny Thompson’s books?
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I used to like Helen but had to recently unfollow due to her stance on covid and vaccines
However, I don’t believe a word of this, and how can you take that other woman’s word? Its a strange one!
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Sipsip tea frog

Well-known member
Hahahaha that Sam looked like steam was going to come out his ears, he’s proper mad the shithouse

Cracked up at him saying Manipulative
Scouse Gareth Gates 😂
he seems certain what he’s saying is true .. why would he embarrass himself otherwise. ??
i’d say he’s pissed off more because he knows she’s lying ?? why isn’t she suing him? Or even threatened him with a solicitor ?
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Why didn’t she just leave it for her lawyers to deal with she’s not helped herself usually they’d tell her to not discuss it etc
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I personally don’t believe A WORD that Sam Walker says. All for popularity and attention him. She’s a few things but there’s no way she’s a pedalo ffs

Didn’t wayne cheat on colleen ? maybe he should sit down with his sons and explain what he done ..

always the other woman who gets the blame 🙄🙄🙄 ..
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Chatty Member
I had never even heard of Sam until I saw him mentioned on tattle. Saw he did a few stories on Insta “models” and was here for that! But actually I have watched a couple more of his stories and he is a bit of a dick. Love the stuff he has done with the water in African slums. But where did he get the money to do that?
Helen is absolutely vile 90% of the time. I certainly don’t blame her for sleeping with Wayne as that was her job and it’s his fault he paid. But she sold that story and has tried to ride off the back of it for years! I don’t think this Dubai story is true though. The timelines don’t add up and there is no evidence of it apart from a message from some girl.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I’m conflicted on this.

Stuff like this obviously goes on in Dubai and why would Sam lie?

Is he just chasing internet clout/fame? Or has he got beef with Helen?
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