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I know Helen has her past which I feel she fully owns, but this is such a serious accusation and I just don't believe it. How can he take this girls word as gospel...oh because she said it happened its 100% is true...come on!! She's getting so much abuse now and I feel sorry for her.
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Exactly this she stayed for money!! Was he not caught recently again in some sort of situation with another woman??
A few years ago now he was caught with some woman in her car after a night out the only reason he didn’t go back and shag her is coz she got pulled over for drink driving on their way to hers I think 🙄
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That Sam has been saying he has the evidence ans will show it then does that video and tells us the evidence is at the end and just shows that screen shot and he has said he isn’t going to speak about it again so that must be it - I don’t think you can make these claims so public with just this one persons word at the moment I feel sorry for Helen (she is no angel at all) but there just doesn’t seem enough to put it out there and the way he has gone about revealing this screams it’s for attention - he has held the name for days ramping up a big reveal video - you don’t do shit like that if it’s true
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I really dont believe it. If he actually had any proof what's he hanging round for? She's 100% been an escort and my god we know she doesn't hide from that. But young boys? Nah? Something dont sit right. I think hes dragging it out for as long a possible keeping the limelight on him abit. I've started following him today and fair enough he does charitable things but I even think that's debatable.

Also I dont wannabe be rude but I'm pretty sure if someone was gonna be paying 50k for a young boys virginity it would be with someone memorable? She's getting on a bit.

Maybe I'm wrong but I dont think I am, ha. Sam walker looks as hes desperate for the attention.... just saying
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I think it does go on in dubai but I don’t think Helen has, she says this happened after she said something in a podcast he didn’t like, then all of a sudden he has proof - a message anyone could of made up, that’s not enough proof in my opinion to put that kind of accusation out in public - it’s the worse thing anyone can say. It’s not karma for Rooney either, she was a working girl and that’s her choice and she hasn’t denied that, he was the one married, so he was the one who made life difficult for his kids and he has cheated multi times since, it’s no comparison to having to sit your child down and say what she has been accused of. And this so called proof why did this woman sit on this knowledge since 2019 and now just come out after Sam got upset with something Helen said in a podcast - it’s all off and not right! It’s sickening that someone can just throw this stuff out there without real evidence.
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New member
Any good detectives figure out who this girl is that sent Sam the message? annoying that people are saying "oh the poor Rooneys" like give over WR cheated on his wife and she should have left his ass there and then when it all came out. Helen was paid by him to do a job...and she is the one who always got the abuse.
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I’d say the fact Helen is actively telling people to report her to the police to speed up the process would say unless she’s a very good bluffer, that she has nothing to hide
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Chatty Member
I had a glance through her insta last night and I think the last time she went to Dubai (2019) she was with her son. So I can’t imagine her sleeping with lads younger than him when he was there. But this kind of thing does go on and I am glad someone is calling out these insta famous people who are rich by being prozzies rather than because they are an influencer or “model”. Hopefully the younger generation will then see that their lives aren’t actually that great.
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Yeah I’m totally shocked by this. I honestly don’t believe it for a second. This Sam is clearly after his 5 mins. This kind of rumour can ruin people. You need hard evidence before even going public. I like Helen and her straight talking but I can imagine this will take her to a dark place and that’s not right.
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Pregnant at 15 with a boyfriend who she clung onto because she had nobody else. He would turn up at her flat drunk and beat the shit out of her regularly in front of the baby, and her mum and dad still wouldn’t help. Really sad read, makes a lot of sense how she turned to sex work to take back some form of control/power. She also talks about being single and I think it’s because she is unable to separate sex / abuse / control from a loving relationship

I’ll post the book to anyone who wants a read? It was an impulse lockdown buy what I couldn’t put down.
I’ve always thought she was a bit of a argumentative gobshite with stuff she tweets etc but the way she has kept her son anonymous (rightly so)- in Bolton he obviously won’t be anonymous, she’s often mentioned that he’s well aware and the conversations she has had to have with him from a young age so he heard it off her first hand, before he found out anywhere else, makes it more believable about the other bird leaking the Rooney story. Don’t get me wrong if she didn’t have a son to consider she may of leaked it all herself who knows?
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Sipsip tea frog

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Hate Helen i think she is vile with an awful mouth on her but i dont believe it. At the same time no sympathy for her either. She banging on about having to tell her son etc but she hasnt left the Rooneys alone. What about what Colleen has to tell her sons. What about Colleen having to look at Helens vile mush on tv, the book and all these nobody's having her on podcasts still fucking talking about Rooney 10 plus years later. Maybe if she was keeping her mouth shut and not banging on still people wouldnt have it in for her. Only person i feel for here is her son, no doubt the child will get an awful time over this.
Didn’t wayne cheat on colleen ? maybe he should sit down with his sons and explain what he done ..

Makes me laugh that he called her a home wrecker, no mate, Wayne should of thought about his pregnant wife before he paid 2 women to have sex with him. He is in the wrong not her. Escorts/prostitutes are paid to sleep with men for money, that is their job so I don’t think she is to blame at all. I agree stop taking about it now but I suppose it’s what made her ‘famous’ plus she got paid for talking about it so 🤷🏼‍♀️
As for these accusations he’s making I don’t believe a word of it it’s actually disgusting that he’s allowed to get away with basically ruining her life like this just because he got a message from some girl where is the actual proof? That bloke needs to get his bottom teeth sorted and stop spitting everywhere when he talks as well, it’s making me feel ill 🤢
always the other woman who gets the blame 🙄🙄🙄 ..
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I don't like Helen, at all, but I don't believe this for a second. Like Helen said on one of her stories, if it were true, and you had proof of such a horrible crime, you'd go the police, show the evidence you apparently had, you wouldn't do what Sam has done and say "oh i have evidence, but I'm not showing it until Monday".
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Suing someone is a waste of time. You have to pay all the legal fees and even whe. You win you get no compensation. Its a civil matter not legal so no jail time. A forced apology is the most she would get and it would cost thousands in legal fees.
She already said she went the police about it and tbh I have been watching her comments and none have been deleted sso I don't know where that's come from. Now on another note, she is anti mask anti vaccine and yet uses science to prove her innocence. Irony.
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Helen for years is on twitter calling people ponces and on bb she told some guy he looked like a rapist too.. Like i said i dont believe whats been said but I think she getting her karma so haven't much sympathy.

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Chatty Member
Helens put a story up saying it’s been a very good day so I wonder what’s happened. I think it will most certainly be related to this
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