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Why does she need so many new baby clothes? She must have loads from Ocean and I’m sure her sleep suits were always white/neutral so it’s not as if they can’t be reused for a boy.
This is why i cant get hold of ANY haha people like her!
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Same! Got called an emo and a mosher for wearing Dr Martens to sixth form, came back from the Christmas holidays and every ones wearing them 😤
Yup exact same happened for me and coloured hair !! And the black hair was omg so “goff” til Katie price went black then it was ok 😂😂😂 these chavs kill me lol
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The watcher

Well-known member
They didn’t live in that house when ocean was born, also their current house is on the market so I’m assuming they aren’t going to waste time doing a nursery when a baby sleeps in your room for the first 6 months
She showed Ocean room in old house or I could be wrong and it was when they moved into this house also I’m pretty sure Ocean was out of their bedroom before she was 6 months
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The watcher

Well-known member
Just thought is the new baby going to have his own room just because Helen never shows the room he will sleep in like she did before Ocean arrived
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
I think so, and if it’s less than that time you have to mention it when it goes up for sale? But I think that might be something like a year, or less even
No it’s fine if he put down more than 10% which I’m guessing he did because I don’t think they would have let him mortgage £250k. Generally speaking you can break the terms of a fixed mortgage if you’re staying with the same mortgage company when you move house. People buy and renovate in months and then sell again.
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I just had a look on rightmove, the house with 10 bathrooms (lol) is still on the market
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Dublin is mucccch nicer than north of England..and it’s the capital of Ireland.. madness but still
Some parts of Dublin, alot of Dublin is a kip 😂 especially over the past few years. I lived in Leeds for years and parts of Leeds are way nicer than parts of Dublin. And it's not just Dublin it's literally anywhere within a two hour commute and all other cities too.
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The way he’s recording himself talking to the dog and keeps looking at the screen makes me sick 😷 he’s 30 years old
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Chatty Member
I think they are past it tbh. They aren’t relevant at all and they are both just going downhill fast... Helen just looks a mess and kets ridiculous clothing style and even more ridiculous wig is just laughable.

I’ll still follow though because I love a bit of car crash insta and I’m also still waiting for the hand through the hair showing scalp!!! 🤣
I want Helen to do a “new hair pic” we’ve not had one yet! Other than when she was in the hairdressers 🤔
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Active member
Can't Beleive she's just done the whole you ready for bed, yeah good. Like she's had the kid all day 🙄
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Me and my partner neverrrrr take the baby for food because its just not worth the aggro. We go out every couple of months for a date night. When we was on holiday and all went out for food we took her toys and got her a little plate. We would take it in turns entertaining her whilst the other one ate (we do this at home if shes being a pain). If I was trying to eat and my partner was twatting about on his phone, id stab him in the hand with my fork.
That's exactly how we are. I have 2 now a 7 yo with asd and a 1 year old. At home the kids eat and we eat seperate. Not worth the argo like you say! There will be a time where you can sit and eat again nicely but not yet. I get going out and wanting the child to come to. But putting something on the phone isn't going to cut it. Toys, books, I even stick my smallest in a pushchair sometimes so he's not running around!
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I think they got a lot of shit for that very brief mini break to the Lake District so they’re keeping things on the DL.
Yh the did the same thing during the first lockdown, hiding people being in the house and them going places etc. The only reason they started being more open is because the rules got relaxed and to thickos like them they assumed that meant COVID was over and could carry on as normal. Even the baby shower they tried to be all secretive about by pretending it was in London. They think theY are so smart with it tho that’s what’s funny 😂 I assume you are still allowed to travel for business in tier 3 tho so if they are filming surely they didn’t even have to hide it. I don’t know tho with these pair of clowns
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I don’t give any love I just am a bit melty for that super cheeky baby 😂 I have one very similar and she was hilarious as a baby. Ocean is going to be a handful and a half when the boy comes along. They will really be feeling it!!

Deep clean ie move house? 😂😂
She's going to give it such a deep clean it'll look/be a whole new house. She'll hope we don't realise 😂
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Going back to lights here guys sorry but seen they took them down thank god

The diffence with her swearing and Chet least ocean isn’t there to hear it
exactly I don’t think there’s anything wrong with swearing when a child isn’t around to hear it ... she doesn’t seem to swear at all tbh so hopefully the fact that he annoyed her to the point where she has made him realise that he’s been a bit of a t w a t 😐
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