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Well-known member
I had 2 under 2 and was a single parent, and while it is hard, it's definitely not as hard as everyone thinks it is. Once you've got into a rhythm of it it it's fine and like someone else said just accept you have no life for a few years 😅 hopefully she will cope well with it
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“Soooo guysssss don’t wurreh I will be lowering orshuuuuns cot today, I cannot believe how many mum police they are” she is going to be a mother of two and can’t even string a sentence together in proper English, poor kids. Aye sure Helen because I’m sure you would have lowered the cot today even if people didn’t message you about it 👍🏼
I HATE this thing of calling "mum police" if someone points out something dangerous. Mum police is judging someone for formula feeding, or dressing their baby in onesies rather than clothes.

I've seen it called when people have car seats in dangerous positions, have baby sat in highchairs that are way too big to be safe etc.

My baby won't sleep in his cot but for the time we've tried him in it it's been on its lowest setting because he's been able to stand himself up! And according to super mum blue, Ocean has been standing up since 3 weeks old! (Exaggerated for effect lol)
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VIP Member
I actually really like Helen and I get vibes that he walks all over her. I’d be gutted if all my ‘friends’ had announced my babies gender before I could, she probably wanted something a bit more low key and when the cannons went off chets mum jumped in instead of letting them two share the moment
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Nice to see marnie and Casey are sensible parents and left early 😂 wonder who’s looking after poor ocean while her parents party
Super sensible, taking their kid to a packed party during a pandemic, making a fuss about leaving a party to look after your kid then not bathing him or putting him in bed while you have dinner.
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Does she not realise having a baby doesn't make a man stay!!
Can just imagine it now. "soo guyys chet has left me a single mom of 2 babies to go party with jem Lucy and her mates and gone to sesh in beefa." it really wouldn't surprise me if he left her for jem jucy or one of her mates.
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I’m not a mum but surely when people message you it’s that they are trying to give advice.. trying to be nice.. taking time out of their day to help you!!! Also Helen is more than happy to ask her “angels” for advice when she needs it...

Also she’s just said to Chet you’re a dada of two.. it’s like you’re not.. the child hasn’t been born yet... it’s a big rush for the baby to come out and yet when she has the baby she’ll be missing being pregnant!!
I don’t think she should be saying that either.. god forbid anything were to happen down the pregnancy
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
Here here. I'm in the same boat. My lovely little boys 16 months and has turned into a terrible 2 already! I have a 6 year old who's going on 16!!
My first pregnancy was amazing only knew I was pregnant from the bump and no periods. My second pregnancy... If you looked up every pregnancy symptom even the uncommon ones. That was my second pregnancy!
Not every one is the same. But good luck the second is harder beecaue you have a child to look after.
Why would anyone Plan a second pregnancy and get pregnant before baby is one! So sad enjoy the one you have.
It shouldn’t be as bad for her if chets home all the time, I was the same with my second pregnancy with the symptoms but it wouldn’t have been half as bad if my partner was home all the time.
it’s personally choice, they can have a second baby whenever is right for them. That’s really none of my business.
what I REALLY don’t agree with is pushing shake diets onto new mums, making it out that you’re doing these diets yourself when you haven’t been cause you’re pregnant! I hope she doesn’t bounce back after a second baby just so she can have a taste of what it’s like to live in the real world.
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Not a fan of either of these but my first was a girl too and if I have a boy next I’ll probably appear more excited because I’d have one of each? Isn’t it normal to act that way lol. Hoping poor little Ocean doesn’t get pushed out though ☹ I honestly don’t think he’s purposely not hugged her either he’s excited 😂 and from marnies angle someone hugs her straight away basically anyway
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Just waiting for all the pregnancy advise (probably dangerous) and the scamming of pregnant girls/women to start with ads she doesn’t declare and gifts she doesn’t acknowledge 🙄 She will currently be off begging.. searching for little companies to offer colabs with for free items.. companies that are probably struggling after a pandemic she couldn’t give two tosses about.
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Well-known member
Imagine.. IMAGINE being that much of a dickhead you allow that childish balloon craze at your gender reveal! I just can not fathom what these two think they are..

Im with Helen on this.. I’d also be too embarrassed to post! I’d be ashamed that im throwing a party.. I’d be ashamed at the behaviour at the party and id be ashamed im such a knob
I don't want to sound like I'm sticking up for Helen here because 99% of the things she does pisses me off.. But I don't think she would of had much say in the matter. Doesn't seem like alot of her friends are there mainly chets. And I'm 99% sure chets paying for it all.
I could be completly wrong and its all her idea. But I don't think so. I've seen a few videos of other people's instas and I haven't seen her much on them tbh. You'd have thought she'd be getting in loads of pictures and what not. Unless I've completly missed them all 😂
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Chatty Member
He’s got no need to leave her really because he can sleep around with who he wants, she stays home looking after the house and babies and they portray a perfect insta life so they are both happy with the situation 🤷‍♀️
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I notice how Marnie didn't let Casey stay at the party😂 they probably only went to show face & left pretty sharpish. I wonder who had Ocean tho
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The watcher

Well-known member
Listen I’m not Helen biggest fan but if I thought my partner was in a hotel with a girl I’m taking the door off, As I’ve said before Chet is a bit of a drip but he is a nice person I’ve only ever seen Helen out with Chet but I do personally find her annoying
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Has anyone noticed even on chets grid post, the video is quite long and not once do you see Chet and Helen together after finding out. 🙄
It’s very odd, it’s like they aren’t a proper couple. They don’t act like they are even together 🤷‍♀️
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
For someone who owns his own clothing brand he’s never wearing faded clothes, just shitty Nike Tour de France outfits SHOCK
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