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Everyone will have their own opinion on this.. but if I was Helen and Chets going “omg finally painting your nails thank god” in that tone they’d be coming straight off. He’s got cheek for a guy who evidently does fuck all to help Helen look after the house. I absolutely need to go sit in the sun cause I’m on one this morning
I thought the exact same... she must feel so shit having to try and keep up her appearance for him.... if I was to do it for anyone it really wouldn’t be him. He Speaks like he’s been kept behind for 3 years and looks even worse. (My personal opinion)
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Gobble goose

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Also she’s obsessed with tv remotes and Xbox controllers because that’s all she’s bloody been in front of for the past 7 months. She’s desperate to play with those toys how have they watched her trying to play for an hour and neither of them have had the bright idea to take them out the box for her.
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Judging by Callum’s story this morning it sounds like they got a live version of the only fans content 🤢
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Probably on a massive come down but then will go back on insta in a few days like - just been so busy as a family angels 🤍
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Scoffing sausages 🤣🤣 veeeeeeegan sausages!?!? I think shes probably just taken time out to try and figure out what the fuck shes gunna do with her instagram now that shes been caught out being a lying twatbag. (Obviously they visoted chets family too) but shes been quiet for a while. Well done for actually being honest about how hard work your baby is though Helen. One thing at a time eh, maybe try being honest about your '4 stone' weight loss next!
She probably saw how many comments Lucy Meck got about being honest with how hard it can be and wanted in on that 🤣 It was literally only a few weeks ago she was being all smug about “she’s in her own room, doesn’t wake once for her dummy” when clearly she was struggling then. Yeah lets hope she acknowledges that her weight loss story is false next 👏🏻
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The watcher

Well-known member
So she sell her fame shit herbal life but we never see her drink it cos she to busy stuffing her face with vegan take aways and McDonald’s yeah Helen you really lost 4 stone didn’t you fucking drip, she must hate it when Marnie and Casey are showing story’s of there healthy vegan food that they actually cook what does Helen do all the day make a bed and stick ocean in front of a laptop of tv
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This!! I’ve been thinking this every post I’ve read from her 😂😂
Cracks me up. I don’t normally shut people down when they come on with different opinions or back up things they say but honestly, bore me later. How do people like that not realise that it’s obvious you either know them/ like them and we will just laugh at you. Especially if you try and defend them for ditching their kid to go to some childish house party with drugs 🙄🤢
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I cannot believe she has bought a GREY AND WHITE ball pit and softplay !! Is she for fking real??? That poor child is going to grow up thinking shes colour blind!!! Poor poor ocean😭😭
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This has to be a joke, he cannot seriously be wondering why she is playing with them in the box, does he think she can open them herself? Why have the pair of them sat there for an hour and not opened any of them for her 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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Bit off topic but not so much. Anyone heard of Katie hayes makeup ? She has threads on here (interesting read) and she did a igtv about this site and ‘trolls’ and she mentions this thread in it. She goes on to say how she thinks Helen is a fantastic mum and she’s so honest with motherhood etc. I laughed out loud gang. Honestly out loud. Wasn’t so honest about sneaking off during lockdown to go to a shitty little house party was she 🤫🤭
I’ve watched this, apparently Helens job is to be an influencer and a “celebrity” and all we do is pick her apart when she’s such a busy, HONEST and fantastic mum. We all hate on her and we are just jealous 🤣🤣🤣 Ok then 🙃
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Imagine being a dad of a little baby.. taking your pregnant girlfriend to a party during lockdown (imagine being pregnant and going to a drug fuelled party in a lockdown too!).. and doing drugs.. (IF she is pregnant!.. pretty sure we have an announcement pending..)
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Someone commented on her pic of Chet and Ocean that they thought she was pregnant and that they bet she announces it on Father’s Day. The messages was quickly deleted 😂 bet she blocked whoever said it.
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Eee nah I actually hate how rough he is with her 😂🙈 I haaaaate things like that I used to hate going over the cobbles with my little one in the pram I just do not like babies heads being shook 🙈 I know he’s just doing her chin but I just cannot get away with it at all
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Sam Wood

Chatty Member
I think people are forgetting that she is a first time mum here! I am a first time mum to a now 10 month old boy and I can guarantee you I've probably made countless mistakes in my time, I'm just lucky enough that my life isn't scrutinised online! I've given my son copious amounts of jars and pouches.... dont get me wrong....I prepare plenty of fresh food but he also gets pre-made food every now and again when I'm rushing or haven't prepared anything. I also give Ella's kitchen snacks inbetween meals as he loves them and at the moment it seems to be the only finger foods he will eat aside from avo on toast lol! I agree that I wouldn't give my son any juice, regardless of whether they are marketed for 6 months plus etc. You have to realise that everyone is different and their approaches to weaning can be different! I can guarantee many mothers would have a lot to say about my method, but I do what works for me! Christ, I gave my son peanut butter on toast the other day for the first time and only just realised after he ate 3 toast fingers that I should have thinned the peanut butter with water prior to giving it.... shoot me now lol!! If you are that worried about her daughter and how they are weaning her then maybe you should send her a nicely worded dm on Instagram and offer helpful advice and not just bash her on here! I was eating an ice lolly the other day and my son seemed desperate for a lick....ofcourse I let him lick it and ofcourse I found it funny and sweet, but does that mean I will allow him to lick it more everytime I have one.... NO! And I've given my son a chip before now..... it was rather funny and me and my husband had a good laugh when it was hanging out of his mouth as he didnt have a clue what to do! And just to add.... I'm definitely for children having mcdonalds.... not too early on in their life, the healthiest option they can have and no salt.... nothing wrong with that! McDonalds have made huge efforts in making their happy meals healthier so it shouldn't be so frowned upon now.
I do agree that she’s a first time mum and I honestly think she’s been naive going into it and has probably had a reality check recently with how hard it actually is.
I personally don’t think it’s end of the world they’ve let her try ice cream etc. Can’t agree with them flaunting lockdown rules though, selling shite and manipulating how she talks about her “pregnancy weight” to sound like weight loss though.
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Helens story is very cute this morning! I do agree though I feel sorry for her I think she’s definitely had PND but not wanted to reach out for help because she’s trying to maintain this perfect image. I can’t agree with the scamming and the way they’ve been towards Ocean at times but I do actually feel like she’s trying a bit more now! It’s weird because I used to love her and found her so relatable but I got a bit sick of feeling like I should have an immaculate house and be a size 8 with a newborn and an older child running round!
Exactly I used to love her but im
Not a size eight and I had my second baby a year ago, after a while of watching her gloat about herself and how if we basically aren’t all that she is and has we’re failing and if we don’t have four bathrooms we’re shit. Don’t forget if we don’t have vests for our babies and wash our bottles properly 🤦🏻‍♀️ It became unbearable watching her flaunt her perfect life which in fact we all know isn’t true. If she had just kept it real maybe she wouldn’t of made it on here and we’d all be stuck on ket head Chet and how “your mum” is his only come back, like seriously has anyone thought about getting his mental age tested it’s slightly worrying he drives and everything 😂😂
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If Helen is in fact reading this thread. Follow on milk is unnecessary. Maybe follow the advice a trained professional has given you because they actually know what they are talking about! 🙄
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