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I’ve been bored and had time to kill lately and had nostalgia based PMT so have been re-reading the old threads (I was a long time lurker and the lols got me through lockdown) and found this courtesy of user @Albert_Chris nowts changed 😂


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I just thought about the part in the vlog where she's having a chat with her boyfriend about how he's doing great with helping her film stuff, and he's really good at directing her, etc. Then she goes on to say that she had ex-boyfriends in the past who were bad at it 😅 that conversation just made me feel a bit weird - it’s almost as if she’s expecting her boyfriend to be a cameraman at all times
There's so many things wrong with what Helen is doing here, I've always found comparing exes weird, comparing their enthusiasm for being a lapdog is on another level though. To all the partners, female, male or whatever you want to call yourself, who don't want to be directors, stay strong!
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I watched the Download vlog, the first video ive watched of hers in ages. This is by far the worst ever dowload video she has done. No mention of bands, just a video of what she ate and wore. It is clear she was just going because she got it for free and for the clickable views.
She has just gotten so self obsessed and fake I'm surprised she is still getting the views.
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In regards to her sofa, she hates it because it’s gray and makes her unhappy ( the whole den does). She “loves” color. She’s also knocking down a wall between her dining room and kitchen and changing flooring. My question is, where is she getting the money to do all of this work?? She just gutted her bathroom and fixed a leak which I assume is not cheap. I feel like she’s in debt up to her eyeballs 👀
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What is this outfit monstrosity- I’m constantly taken aback by how badly dressed she is

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The drumming has made it to her feed already… *yawn*
It's not a drumming channel guys.

ETA: Does anyone get the vibe that Helen wants to be part of her bf's band? I feel like she wants a Nicks/Buckingham thing(but she's that dense she can't see the toxicity,she watched Daisy Jones and the Six you know!)
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Redecorate, buy expensive clothes, boot camp/gym, partake in boyfriend hobbies, do a brand ad, make a video with a click bait title about relationships, eat junk food, declutter house, breakup, repeat
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That is so sad, how could too many memories ever be a bad thing? Each to their own but that is mental
For some people who are grieving they associate the homes with the bad memories towards the end of the family members lives. This happens more than you think as it's like the soul has been sucked out of the house, and the vibrancy that the family members lives created is no longer there.

I worked in end of life care for a while and heard this a lot. I also experienced it when my grandad died. The soul had gone from the house even though my nan still lives there. It's just cold and empty now - just like my nan.
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That's for the summaries guys, saves us watching it. And I just can't anymore. She irritates me too much but you all make me laugh.

Lol diet is like 80% of weight loss so yeah sure you 'going for it' at the gym was the real difference here, not the appetite suppressing meds. GIRL. You can train until you're blue in the face but unless you're a pro athlete (lol) cals in and cals out are all it is.
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every time i see her boyfriend i'm like ????? girl please i know you have your faults but surely you could do better? is she that desperate for love and attention?
I actually think they really suit - he seems to be pretty similar to her in terms of lifestyle, not-a-job ‘job’, all over social media, thinks he’s cooler than he is. And he’s in no rush to move in either which is a massive improvement in Helga boyfriend terms. Helen herself is no great catch 🤷‍♀️
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Helen is looking back at when she first moved into her house with ex-husband, working from the studio (shed in the garden), and now it's her new boyfriend's music studio. She's saying she has changed 😂 No, the only things that change are your partners and house decor. You are still the same old Helen
Of all the 'content creators' I've followed for any amount of time, Helen is the one who has effected the least change in her life over the years. I don't think anything has really changed apart from the amount of effort she puts into her videos, and the quality of those has declined noticeably.

Wow, been together 5 minutes and yet already she’s given up that garden shed for him to do his ‘music’ in. Where does she find these fellas who are so ready to jump in and take advantage of what she has? I’m no fan of Helen’s, but why is she always so ready to give up her space to accommodate these blokes? Is the studio a way of her keeping him sweet? Where does he usually do his music stuff?
I think @Rymuffin has it and I also think that she's always super keen to fast forward to the comfy, long term couple stage of a relationship which is why she always rushes into moving them in etc. I have never, either in real life or online, come across anyone who loves to say 'we' and 'my boyfriend' as much as Helen. She is your classic serial monogomist.
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I‘d be SO interested in how y‘all partners look. They must be Brad Pitt in his Achilles-era-like, depending on how high your beauty standards are. Both her (ex)bfs are completely normal to cute looking guys imo.

Marc I don’t mind, Maff with his ridiculous gymbro-body you can’t be serious about.
Each to their own but I wouldn’t call Fiwl normal looking or cute on any planet 😅
Maff and Mark were better than the more recent ones that’s for sure, it’s been like a downward spiral
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Chatty Member
Hi hello, occasional lurker, a helen watcher from ages ago

my two cents is: the only good bf she had was Mark. He was such a catch! and I thought the hiking content was really cool, I stopped watching when they split up. Phil was a loser and had no personality so I stopped watching. From what I gather there's a new guy on the scene

I have a bit of Helen bingo
1. has she shaped her personality/interests around him yet?
2. has she moved him in yet?
3. has she redecorated her house?
4. has she redone the garage or shed again?
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