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Tea but. . . sober Phil hates Helen too. As always, I can’t say too much, but Helen is letting herself be massively mugged off.
Edited to add (fuck it): Phil isn’t attracted to Helen and when Helen asks for reassurance he shoots her down immediately. If she asks if he minds her weight gain, he says he does and doesn’t like the size she is.
Helen (we all see you), try and trust who you talk to, bin off your fucking leech of a boyfriend and get some self respect and self love. - friend of a friend x
Why does he stay with her then? He can leave at anytime, he has already done it once #ClutchandGotoyourparents

He is no oil painting himself ;) But, I refuse to believe it coz he changed his driving licence details to her, sorry their address!
I love how they made it sound like him changing his address on his drivers license meant this is them together forever 🤣.
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Pathetic shots fired at Luna and others on this forum. Grow up, Helen!
OMG, I said she’d be butthurt about her thread slowing down but I didn’t expect her to be so obvious about it 😆. She’s weirdly obsessed with Tattle, it’s a shame for her really.

I think Helen is about to find out that most people have far less time on their hands than they've had in the last year and ‘da views’ are going to keep steadily decreasing.
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What an absolutely fucking ridiculous post
Why go if you don't like them? Your job is literally content creating and you're hating on a brand that caters to people who want a beautiful photos/food for their feed.
Elan has a great story, brand and helen hating on them is just rude.
They probably didn't pay her or collab or give her freebies or whatever and she's lashing out
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well my household calls it smaccy dee dees so I hope that's not traumatised you all too much

Her latest insta post.. 'I 'ave the teeniest tiniest 'ands cos I need somefink I like about myself to cling on to even though i'm a size 14 you sllaaagggs'
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I think what it's come to is, ye olde helga is soooo very boring and predictable that most of us can't be assed to watch anything she puts out anymore, let's be honest, she will redecorate her living room next, buy a new dog, get a new man, buy loads of tat eat loads of shit, remain a size 14 lol ..ect and Its just depressing after a while to see someone never change and constantly lie to themselves and everyone else around them.. Helga's too weak minded to change. Its cringe. And I feel pity for her...
I think I remember luna saying she did secretarial work for a charity or something? could be wrong, maybe she's just back at work and cba with it all.. Either way been some proper thought provoking stuff on here some funny and witty debates it's not always been 'hate' as helga would put it. Infact I think it's been a eye opener for people in general, Covid changed people and the way they view 'influencer culture' they have been held accountable and rightfully so for pulling some shitty stunts whilst the rest of us sat at home and followed the rules. Her career is taking a nose dive. She's too past it. So are many of her contempories. Times change. Along with trends.
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I wonder if he’s moved out or told her he wants to move out like when he did a runner when lockdown 1 was lifted and that’s what’s caused the argument (breakup? 👀)
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How dense to think that there would be ANY availability. It’s less than two months away, to an already popular destination, during the busiest summer month REGARDLESS of the circumstances and the fact that everyone’s doing a staycation this year?!
What an flaming idiot.
This has got to be a beg for a free trip right? Or is she that stupid that she honestly thought she’d be able to get something booked.

Sorry for the double post but lol, no Helga, you have great big ham slabs for hands.


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The country is on the cusp of having ‘freedom day’ (🙄) pushed back and she’s still posting outfits for all the GIGS FESTIVALS AND NIGHTS OUT that are gooooo.
Read the room? Drop it for just a sec please.
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She should've stuck to her old band. They were touring with Wavves (back when she wanted to be the next Bethany Cosentino) which was really impressive for that time period, the wavves hype has definitely simmered but she was on the right path. She's a complete idiot for giving it up. This new band is a total tank.
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I'm sorry, this is a bit of a ramble because the video is a mess. Helen's argument is that a mental health day is different to a day off. Dani also mentions taking a mental health day as a sick day (unless she means unpaid leave/ very last minute annual leave?).

I agree that making time for yourself is important, but most of us just fit this into our weekends or a couple of hours on an evening as and when we can. A mental health day IS a day off. These people seem to think that a 'day off' equals doing loads of things and making loads of plans, but it's different for everyone. It feels like it's a revelation to Helen and Dani that they can have a day off and not see other people!?

There's also a difference between making time for yourself and being unable to work and ringing in sick. Gallivanting around the local garden centres, mumbling round the garden with your arse out is not the same as feeling stressed/ anxious and not mentally well enough to work. One is a day off, one is a sick day. It feels odd to label them both as 'mental health days' for the purpose of this video because they aren't the same thing.

(Also, L&Y dungarees aren't meant to look like that, what size are they!? The bib part is almost at her chin, on mine it's probably mid-boob.)
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Her treats have become habit. Makes me wonder if she actually enjoys these ‘treats’ she has or has she just conditioned herself to think they’re making her happy.

you know what’ll make you happy? Open your curtains properly, pick all the shit up off your floor and try sticking to a routine longer than 5 minutes.
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She should chuck him honestly. I’m two days out of the end of my engagement after being with someone for a long long time and though I’m heartbroken it is for the best after everyone has told me how he has worn me down and basically abused me all these years. Don’t settle with someone like that Helen
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