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It really fucked me off when she said she'd have a baby by the end of the year.. Oh, you order them like a sodding Uber do you?!! There are millions of people desperately wanting to start a family that have been trying for years. So her smug, ignorant statement just massively got to me. Knowing her, she will be one of those arseholes that don't even try and it happens and then wonders why other people say it's difficult.
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This is so pathetic!
What grown adult needs to label theirs and their partners things separately?! Instead of you know, just eating what you want or know is yours?
She displays seriously concerning levels of control with anyone that lives in the house with her, no wonder they all leave
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Was watching an old vlog from when she first moved in to her current house and look at that garden:love: I understand she needed it to be tamed a bit to be able to control it herself but wow it’s beautiful, makes me so sad she got rid of it all tbh.

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This. THIS. Oh my god, I haven’t seen whatever post or video she said this on but I literally cannot believe the arrogance. My husband and I tried so hard to have a baby, because of a rare genetic condition I have that makes it basically impossible. Finally we’re pregnant with what my consultant called a “miracle”, and Helen’s just throwing out this idea casually like she can just pop one out. I bet she bloody would as well, first time, and then plaster it all over the place with no regard for the feelings of any of her followers who are having their hearts shredded on the monthly.
No no no Helen, don’t have a kid. Change first. Change your whole damn life, then think about it.
A huge congrats to you and your husband :)
I almost started to cry when she spoke about having a baby, like it was as easy as ordering a pizza online.
In 2020 I had two miscarriages and it really broke me mentally. All me and my husband want is a baby and every month when my period comes I feel this deep grief inside. Then this insensitive cow thinks she can just wave a magic wand and she will be pregnant and have her perfect baby. Why does she keep talking about things she doesn't understand? Is her ego really that big or is she just completely removed from reality and other womens struggles?!
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Why does a (seemingly) private skating group need a public insta? Who cares about bunch of women from Norwich skating? Her need to insert herself into other people's projects is scary
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Does anyone else feel like Helga is talking to an imaginary friend every time she interacts with Phil...?

Everything she says is directed AT him, and he just doesn't really reply... Like "This is so yummy, isn't it Phil?" or "I've got my favourite chocolate bar, Phil!" -- all met with silence or maybe a half-hearted disengaged response.

I don't get it. I can't imagine having a partner who seems so totally out of it all the time and unwilling to converse normally-- especially when she's putting so much forced effort into making it seem like they have a perfect relationship.
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I was thinking about the kid thing too, it’s just not as simple as “yeah I’ve decided I want to have a kid” and that’s that.
There’s preparing for it physically and mentally, getting your diet sorted etc (which I imagine will be huge for her).
I just say this as I sit here nearly 7 weeks pregnant after a pregnancy loss in October and think of the anxiety and worry that comes with it all and the importance of having some stability in your life and around you.
I get what I’m trying to say haha :’) I don’t know if it’s just because I’m in a tentative position at the moment, but it winds me up when people ( Helen) get so blasé about having babies. It changes your life from the moment you see that line.
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With a heavy heart I finally unsubscribed on Instagram and on YouTube today.

I started following Helen in 2015 and loved her style, humour and videos/ vlogs - I was very ill for 18 months and her videos genuinely got me through my hospital stays and being home so much. I felt bad coming here and reading the posts about her but I just had to see if other people were as confused by her downfall of poor content, unoriginal ideas and self entitled attitude she has now.

Watching the posts when she did that games thing in Wales last year was so sad, and my heart broke for her watching her be left out of so much stuff, and people ignoring her... it was just so... tragic.

Everyone grows and changes over time, but I don’t feel Helen will ever be that relatable person again that she once was, and I can no longer watch. Everything she does now is just too sad and cringe to watch 😢🥺
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How to get over feeling low & Unmotivated (In real time)

[Description: Here's my guide on how I like to get out of a slump from a day where I felt NOT OKAY.]

Gotta have that clickbait thumbnail!!!


She welcomes us all cheery and wants to talk to us about MOAT-TEA-VAY-SHUN


She feels that this is SUCH a common thing at the moment

"a lot of people are feeling like they can't be arse eh-eh-eh, ESPECIALLY in this current climate"


Her eyes go from squinty to wide-eyed as she says that we've all just had enough of the current climate


She says she always gets asked how to stay motivated and how to keep going when you're self-employed. She says she's not going to sit here and say "oh! I'm moe-teh-vay-ted all the time! There's no fucking stoppin' me!!"


She says she has times and days and weeks where she feels so shit and she doesn't want to do anything, can't be arsed to do anything.

"Hate my life haha! Everything sucks!"

But she still manages at some point what she sets out to do.

Says that it's harder for self-employed people to be motivated as opposed to employed people because you don't have anyone telling you off for not doing your work.

We're now going to pass to past Helga who had a shit day, this is what happened:

She says this vlog wasn't planned but she wanted to pick up the camera to document the fact that she was in a massive "funk" today.

"I just feel like shit, like I can't be bothered, feeling unmotivated, I just want to sit down and cry and just do nothing"


She says that on her last video "a day in the life of an INFLUENCER" she did a QnA and got a lot of Q's about motivation

"To which my answer was... oh you just gotta get up and do it and set routines and stuff.... which is ABSOLUTELY 100% TRUE! And that IS the answer and I know that I got shit to do today and I've got to get certain stuff done... but I'm not really feeling it at all. So today I thought I'd film myself getting out of a funk, so you can see what I do"

(lol at the sad music playing in the background of this segment for extra poor Helen vibes)


She says she woke up at 7am and Fiwl brought her a cup of tea (fuck me she really has got him on a leash!)

she was supposed to get up at 8am to do exercise or a dog walk, she said she laid in bed till 9am

she got up at 9am, had a shower, did her skin routine


And she managed to make the bed.

She came downstairs

(Her eyes suddenly widen)


Then she sat on her iPad for a bit, sat on WhatsApp for a bit, and now it's 11:30am.

She's beating herself up for sitting on her phone, scrolling away ALL MORNING.

She's hidden her phone now.

She says the house is a "bloody tip" and that's playing on her mind and is annoying her so she's going to get stuff done to clear her mind a bit.

She can't explain what she's feeling, something in her gut that's making her feel a bit sad and low, but she can feel the force in her trying to pull her up.


She's going to get her headphones on and play some music and tidy up. Cue cleaning montage. Yep, it wouldn't be a Quirkerz video if she isn't cleaning up her sty... yet again...


We see her dancing around her living room.


She says that she's now released some stress and tension

She says that she feels trapped and smothered by the mess

"I can't explain it, but tidying and cleaning make me feel betta, coz the activity of actually doing it is good like.... ahhh!"

She's making herself a green tea.

"I don't want to sound like...uh... cliche.... or cringe.... but I'm just sitting here thinking about all the things that I'm looking forward to... and I'm finking about Fiwl and how happy he makes me..."


"...and I'm finkin' about the summer and I'm finkin' about me plants n I'm just finkin' bout all the gud fings in me life"


She says she knows how hard it is when people say just think about all the good things, but she says that if you do things in your day to loosen that tension and that "flatness" it becomes easier to think about the positive things!

Today she has to edit something for the band and she wanted to put up a reel, she feels like on days like this where she really can't be fucking bothered she finds that if she looks at other people's content makes her want to copy... I mean create.

She might watch some tutorials on how to use procreate or watch some skating videos or watch some really KEWL fashion reels


"I won't just MINDLESSLY scroll, I'll actively go and seek out people that I know are inspiring"


"It also helps when you don't have any ideas... It's good to take people's preexisting ideas and make them your own"

She mentions that she hasn't washed her cardigan in days, not because of her mood, she says she likes that it's dirty and looks like a "lived-in" cardigan


She now voice-notes with her friends


And she goes out for a walk with the dogs, she's looking at a house that is for sale which she REALLY likes the look of, but don't worry, she's not buying it because it's way out of her price range apparently.

She's already feeling better and motivated because tomorrow is a new day so when she gets home she's going to write down a list for tomorrow.

Fiwl and his teeny weeny man bun is with her on this walk. Helga asks him what makes him feel motivated on a down day, he likes to keep busy and talk to his mates or "do something to take your mind off what's making you feel down"


Home now, and dinner is being cooked. She's had a looooong chat with her manager and says he's picked up her mood.

"I'm not feeling low about work, I'm just in a bad mood today"

She's having a bath now and might do a face mask

"I don't want to be that BASIC BITCH who says if you're having a down day, just chuck in a barf bomb and have a bath because it cures all! Because it certainly does NOT... I think it's a nice thing to do to relax and unwind"


"I fink it's important, like wot Fiwl sed... I fink it's important to understand that there are gunna, there are sum days where you just feel a bit 'meh' and you can either try and fight it and do sumfing about it, and force yourself to be ok... or you accept it and you do small fings to uplift yer mood a little bit and just accept that I'm not gonna get much dun today n I'm not gonna feel bad about it"


She says she gets frustrated when she doesn't do the things that she thought she was going to do today

She then reenacts the battle that goes on in her head


"come on get on wiv it!"



"But I feel saaaaad and I feel flaaaaat"


"Pull yerself together and get do it!"


she's still going on...

She always tells herself that "there's always tomorrow... or there's always the day after...."

Now it's bath time "I AM GUNNA BE THAT BASIC BITCH AHAHAHA!" she says as she pulls out a bath bomb.



Now she's on the phone with her mum in the bath

Dinner has been cooked by Fiwl. She doesn't know what it is.

She's written herself a todo list for tomorrow:


Motivational video
heatless curls
at least 1 reel.
Wake up
long dog walk
film and edit work from home reel
film and edit motivation video
film body reel
start heatless curls video

"It's a proper get up and go day tomorrow"

Bed time and she hopes that tomorrow is a bit better.

The next day it's 8am and she's had a shower


She was going to go for a nice long dog walk but it's pissing it down outside

"I'll just do that lata"

She's going to get a few jobs done now and then is going to do some chores

"Nowhere's open at the moment, it's a bit too early" typical Helga, always has to go out somewhere.

Says that if you have no motivation or can't be bothered to do anything just write a todo list instead.

"Just write a todo list and JUST DO IT at the best time of the day for you!"


She's feeling pumped to just get ready and film something, so she's going to do that now

Cut to her now all ready, she's put her face on and done her hair

"I put on some perfume that makes me feel POWERFUL!!!" she chortles


This perfume reminds her of going to London, being really busy and owning her shit at a time when a lot of good things were happening in her career.


She was going to tell us the time... but changes her mind and just says that it took her 45 mins to get ready and doing shit.

She's off to have breakfast and get cracking.

She lets the dogs out from their dungeon room.

She checks the growth of her plant

Then pulls a face as she strokes Dee


"I'm just having a MOMENT Diane, by the door, just gettin' sum fresh air"

Now she's filming a reel.

Job done and now she's going to finish a few things and we're now going to have a chat.

"Now here I am, feeling A MILLION TIMES BETTER!"

"I think first of all when you're feeling unmotivated, it can just be a general thing... a general MOOOOOD, um, or something can trigger it or sometimes I'm just I wake up and I just my body can't be bothered to do anything I feel tired, I feel exhausted these are all sort of like reasonable EXCUSES or reasonable reasons to feel unmotivated and it's completely normal everybody I know has these days like these writing off a day is absolutely fine"

"I've started feeling less and less guilty about needing to take it slow in a day needing to take a morning off or just really not getting much done at all in the day like taking the whole day real, really slowly"

She'll often text her mates saying that she's not feeling very good or that she's sulking.

She can guarantee that the reply that she will get is 'sounds like you just need to take it easy today'

"Now if i do sometimes wake up feeling tired unmotivated a bit sluggish i would just say, I'm going to take this morning off and then I'm gonna get x y and z done this afternoon. And i'll have that time off to do anything that makes me feel relaxed and chill to kind of recharge and then I'll see to what I need to do later on in the day and I'll do that guilt-free. Sometimes I'll be like you know what I don't really have many priorities at the moment there's nothing actually that pressing or urgent that needs to be done today I'll do it tomorrow I'll squeeze it in I'll have a wiggle around on my schedule and see if i can fit x y and z in or I'll just prioritize things"


"I ALWAYS message my best friend saying I'm having a bad day or I'm having a sulk and i don't know why and i can't be able to do anything and you know what it's really nice to hear other people go oh yeah that was me yesterday that was me last week or I feel you on this one because you don't feel so bad"

"It's good for your friends, especially friends that KNOW you, to tell YOU on an individual basis what to do to make yourself feel better"

She says that she was very much saying yes to EVERYTHING and then at the last minute would be letting people down because she actually didn't want to do it or didn't have the time or didn't have the energy to do it, instead of just saying no in the first place


"You don't owe anyone and excuse!!!!"

That's all for now! Moral of the video: JUST DO IT!
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"It's a good day when you have a fresh pair of Maxiflex to put on"

Alright Fiwl, calm down. You're starting to sound like a 1950s radio advertisement.

Also thanks for the top tip, I would have never have thought to actually wash a piece of material if it got dirty. Jesus fucking Christ 🙄

He's so fucking lame.

He even hashtagged his watch 🤣🤣🤣
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Loooool at her content it's all just:

"I've dipped my toe in and now that justifies me making videos of me acting like I know what I'm talking about but I'm just going to read shit other people have written and give you a rambled opinion from me which doesn't make sense because I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm an expert until I make a mistake and then I'll rant about YOU holding ME up to an impossible standard and it's not MY fault I'm not meant to know everything, I'm just an influencer but I'M NOT AN INFLUENCER, but us influencers have had it so hard this pandemic, stop your witch hunt. I am/am not an influencer, I'm just keeping it real and relatable. Also to those who warned me about doing things wrong, that made me feel really fucking angry and made me want to say fuck you, there is a way to tell me what I'm doing wrong without telling me I'm doing it wrong, YOU need to tell ME in the RIGHT way. Fuck. Get it right people. You hold ME to an impossible standard. It's not a ME problem it's a YOU problem"

3 weeks on medication and therapy cured her and made her a mental health expert

2 weeks of actually practicing skating made her "master" stopping and made her an expert on skates

4 weeks made her a skincare expert until it burned her face off

1 week later, after not giving her skin much of a break, she says retinol gave her a chemical peel and it's amazing and her skin is better than ever and she's back to being a skincare expert
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I just realised she changed the thumbnail to be more clickbait 🙄

She's looking down and stressful in the thumbnail... But in the video, she's answering a few emails, chatting to her manager and singing to B*Witched songs and chatting to her band mate... The only tiny but of stress she had was trying to connect to zoom to talk to her mate. Girl, quit the bait 🙄

What being an influencer is REALLY like:

1. Have tea in bed
2. Walk the dogs for 5k
3. Have breakfast
4. Start work at 10am or 11am
5. Answer emails
6. Look at an online pin board with manager
7. Sing along to songs
8. Edit a video
9. Have lunch.
10. Band meeting
11. Answer q n a because there's nothing to film
12. Drink
13. Have dinner

It's the same shit as we've seen in her videos before, there was nothing new or informative, just boring clickbait bullshit.
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This is the ponytail of someone with 'naturally really thick hair'........................................................................................
My leg hair is more luscious than that poor attempt at a pony tail.
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I'm still amazed that she has to go to the tip EVERY week. No one has that much fucking shit to throw away.
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Chatty Member
Her whole attitude to racism is just...odd? She won't mention it, and will fall back on the excuse that Norwich isn't very diverse. She barely mentioned anything last year for BLM, made comments about cancel culture in regards to some youtubers past racism and how the past should just be forgotten, told a POC follower 'she isn't racist but...'. AND now is refusing to acknowledge a whole brands racism and makes it sound like the quality of their products aren't great. She knows about it, people have told her but she'll do what she did with Lush (wait long enough and hope people forget and continue to support them)
Not going to say Helen is racist, but she certainly doesn't care to acknowledge or educate herself about racism in favour of just ignoring it
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