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I wonder when removal of everything is going to hit home for Hazno? I bet he's enjoyed himself in the last year seemingly having it all but the allure of a Hollywood lifestyle is going to wear off eventually when he realizes that he is nothing without being a Prince.

He's the one who is going to feel the loss of all his military titles, privileges and patronages. It won't affect Smeggy in the same way as she only cares about money and fame. It will be easy come easy go for her. She must be the most selfish wife in the whole world to do that to her husband.
the patronages will not give a rat's ass about her departure as she has done NOTHING for them. Not a zoom call, nothing. SmartWorks? That would have been a great opportunity to show support for women who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-related financial and job losses. But no. They are probably more humiliated at her resounding silence as it suggests that they're not worthy -- only entitled mushroom latte entrepreneurs are worthy.
His departure from RFL and England Rugby? everyone - and I mean everyone - will cheer. Bye dickhead. Departure from the military? I suspect that there will be a sigh of relief that the charade is over. Invictus>? I feel bad for them as there WAS momentum and the idea wasn't a bad one - and they've been left with literally nothing. Sentebale? I think the folks there had long ago seen that Hazno was of zero value. Ziltch. Nada. and just using them to look like a caring humanitarian but his last stunt where he used the Sentebale evening at the Ivy in Chelsea just afterannouncing Megxit showed they were just being used. The ENTIRE story was about the contents and direction of his speech which didn't say a single word about the cause. It was all about "poor harry". Marathon? Peh - no one even remembeered that Harry was even remotely linked to that. No one cares. Frankly Prince George would be a better patron for the London Marathon. At least he LIVES in fucking London. and wears shoes.
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I don't normally comment on this thread, but for someone who wants privacy, going on Oprah seems absolutely the best way 🙄
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The reason she is lying down on her back is so that the moonbump doesnt sway like last time. She's read the comments and learned lessons.

I really hope Eugenie issues photos of her baby to eclipse the H&M news.

With them not including Archie in their photo, not even the back of his head, makes me think there is something wrong with him
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The whole baby thing the first time round was blown out of proportion. All the public expect is to know when it's born (and definitely not be lied to about going into labour etc) and to see a photo. They didnt need to do the meet the press etc, sure some expected the doorstep thing but most wouldn't care. An announcement of birth and a photo would have been fine. It went wrong when they lied to us and made it an overly big secret. Its a baby, and they all look the same. One photo wouldn't affect his privacy, naming a foundation however does.

They don't want to be royals, fine. We have accepted that and moved on, its them that don't seem to get that they have what they asked for. We don't care or want to hear from them every 5 seconds
TBH - they gave MORE dramatic airtime tothe whole Farchie birth than all of the Cambridge babies put together. No one asked about K's birth plan. It literally never came up. With Megsy? it was on and on about home birth, water birth, yoga birth, tangric birth.... wtf cares? no one. Well Gwanyth might for a nano second if her Goop products could be merched but not really. Nope. no one cared. After the babies were born, K&W both stepped out of the hospital, showed the sprog with pride for 2 min, answered a few inane questions, jumped into the car and that was it. No - with Farchie we had lies about if/when she went into hospital, where she went, then Hazno CHOOSING one and ONLY one journo (ooooh the exclusive! the drama!) to share inane comments alone outside some weirdo stables and THEN a dramatic The Crown-esque red carpet scene in the Great Hall of Windsor (no sidewalk outside on the street for megsy. oh no) again to one double-dog secret agent camera dude and journo (more drama/secrecy/soho house membership exclusivity). AND THEN, if that wasn't enough, a photo sesh with Phil the Greek and Brenda. Glue that all together and you have an episode of Coronation Street/Call the MidWife/Antiques Roadshow/One Born Everyminute/Made in chelsea/GoggleBox special. the only thing missing was a Jeremy Clarkson Grand Tour of her fucking vajayjay

ETA to add more swear words
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Well done I knew you'd come up with the answer! Never seen our Minge with braids, far too POC. It's not her.
Those look like flat twists to me. See pic below. I’ve had my hair done like this many times. As a POC, I feel Smeggy is only a POC when it’s convenient or for sympathy points. I can’t switch back and forth like that, but don’t want to b/c I don’t live life as a victim.


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Chilli pepper 19

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If I was Philip I'd offer to "die" the day before the interview. He gets to bugger off and not sit through any more royal engagements and totally screws their interview as no one in the UK will be talking about them and Harry will look like the little cunt he is slagging off his recently deceased grandfather. Of the two its him I really hate now. She's never disguised the nasty cheap grifter she's always been but he had everything and still wanted more because he's not going to be king
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I've been reading this thread for a while now but had nothing to contribute that hadn't already been said (and better!) but this latest stunt (Oprah) has pushed me over the edge so I'm delurking!

An "Intimate Conversation" is not a TV interview broadcast in every f**king country! That's inviting the public and the media into your lives. CBS are saying they'll talk about "how she is handling life under intense public pressure". If you don't want public pressure, don't post about your private life, don't monetise your family and connections. Get a job in a Lidl somewhere and disappear.

Getting really sick of the media giving them attention. They should get ignored, like they deserve to. I was really positive about her at first, I was even vaguely sympathetic to her struggling, seeing as how she quit her job, got married, had a baby and joined a public family all in a short space of time and anyone might find it hard to adapt. But now they both just look like sponging attention seekers who feel victimised at every opportunity and in the current times of hardship its getting harder and harder to take. . .

Whoo - feel better letting that out.

Long time lurker first time poster (hi everyone)

I have followed this and previous threads for a long time and finally I have hit a limit.
Haha - I think we posted at exactly the same time - clearly we're not alone!!
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Now even white Harry gets race-based immunity by association, it's fucking insane.

Obviously racism is terrible and there is no place for it, ever. But when you get to a stage where you can't find fault with someone of a different race without being labelled a racist, that's also quite a problem surely?
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Well-known member
Exactly!! Kate now gets very good press but she was violently maligned by the press for about a decade, she shut up and put up and gained admiration for her quiet fortitude, her grace under fire, and authenticity and clear respect for duty. Meghan was someone I was so excited to see marry Harry. Many didn't know of her or even know she was half black. There was a lot of excitement in the media too (agree some racist minority but not the majority), but then she began doing strange things like stories about the diva wedding, that interview about her relationship with Harry, the fact she couldn't bear the slightest negative press - I agreed with her that yes press are horrible sometimes, wouldn't it be nice if everyone could play nice, but the victim mentality - which I'm sorry includes people saying the only possible reason they couldn't interpret her fairly, is because her mother is black, is erm, alienating in and of itself. You don't have to be racist to dislike someone's words and actions and it's really tiring hearing that trope brought out again and again when it detracts from the real issues, it prevents resolution.
I liked her initially too. The wedding was beautiful but even then you were hearing stories about her being difficult. ("What Meghan wants, Meghan gets" - erm, no she doesn't!). The thing that really really grated on me was when they were doing their Africa tour and she turned it into an absolute pity party for herself, despite being around some of the most disadvantaged people. She seems incapable of any kind of empathy. Their behaviour about Archie is really weird, and their two-facedness regarding privacy is just nauseating.
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But thats the point of my post.
What could possibly be the reason for the British press writing what they did.

It was never because of her ethnicity.
It was never because she wasn't royal by birth.

So what could possibly have been the reason?

I think it was because she didn't give royal life a chance. She and Harry announced (via Instagram, no less) that they were stepping down as senior royals, and looked forward to "collaborating" with the Queen. Meghan was either on maternity leave or on holiday for most of her time as a member of the RF. I can't understand why she was so pissed off - she had hardly done anything.

But - nobody COLLABORATES with the Queen.

That was the nail in the coffin for me. I had given her a free pass up until then.
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This is my favourite thread on the site. I am in a few others but I like the ‘friendliness’ and banter of this one. However I’ve seen some reactions to our thread and people are horrified. Saying we are unstable, vicious, comparing us to middle aged white men obsessed with Diane Abbott, saying it’s evil and vitriolic.
It has troubled me a bit because I suppose I am wondering if I’m vitriolic and evil. I don’t think we are but if anyone wants to jump in with reassurance that’d be great. I think we examine and dissect the behaviours but H&M behave so unimaginably sneakily and selfishly that a lot if our theories do seem cuckoo. But that’s because their behaviour is quite incredible and constantly going to new levels of awful.
peopke are convinced that all the hatred is due to racism but it’s not. I really don’t think so. I suppose much if my upset is seeing a British institution, the RF obv, being damaged and maligned by one if the royals and someone who was here for 5 minutes. The constant slights thrown at the other members. It’s horrible. But it isn’t anything to do with Meghan’s race. It’s her behaviour. People can’t see further than the allegation if racism though and I don’t understand if it is me who is blind or them. You know the horrible, extreme, racist remarks that were in comments and unmoderated forums? They quote those as an example of what people who don’t support M&H are like.

Why do people buy into her victim narrative? Meeting women who have been raped in Africa and then she’s crying and whinging on camera that she was just trying to cope with being a new wife and no one supported her? Wtf? How can people not see the self obsession and victim hood? Newly married life is typically fairly happy and blissful. Hence the phrase Honeymoon Phase. Especially if you have no money/housing/career worries. The best medical care and a whole team of people around you to meet your needs.
If trolling is bad surely you don’t have to look at it? You can be shielded from it?

Are we really delusional hags? I don’t think we are. But people read this and are horrified. I’m not phased by bad language. I like to swear. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I don’t know.
What do you think?
I think they're nuttier than squirrel shit. Nothing wrong with venting. If some see it as vitriol then they lead a very sheltered life and I pity them. The world of woke is infecting everything. "Be Kind" ... oh fuck off. I'm kind when I drop off my food bank donations once a month and when I booked chickens and tools and solar lights for African villages through Trocaire at Christmas and when I drop a quid in the homeless guys cup near my job, even though I know it goes on booze ... live and let live. No fucking way am I tidying up my opinions for any Wokey McWokey arses. Have they no pride or loyalty to their country? Tell them to fuck off and "Be Kind" to the people smeggy has shat on. Us.
Life is not rainbows and unicorns. They can go start a smeggy thread of appreciation in the section for such shite and I sweat on my life I will not venture into it to piss on their cornflakes, cos live and let live. Cunts.
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I mean this is vomit inducing..... is she trying to wangle her way into their shit podcast??!
She’s the queen of the woke “I’m a victim” parade who also spouts vile abuse at those who disagree.... so yeah she’s very on brand for Smeggy 😆
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I’m not going to lie, I thought that when Meghan came into the RF she would bring a different dynamic and add a new dimension to being a working royal and woman of colour. I did really champion her and Harry on ( I know, stupid right!)
I agree with a multitude of posters here that my dislike for her has never been about the colour of her skin but simply because her behaviour has been disappointing and disrespectful.
Those people, including Meghan herself, who cry racism because others question her behaviour make me angry.
Sorry it really makes me mad that the current and reigning woke champions of Montecito allow the narrative to claim racism and accuse most of Britain of being backwards in our ways but preach kindness and tolerance?!?
Hypocrites the bloody pair of them!
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Chatty Member
I think this will back fire on them, if they tell Oprah they had to move for privacy for poor little Archie they cant farm the new kids out for cash without someone referring back to it. And you know she wants to merch the shit of this one.
The RF will sit back and let her say whatever she wants and then watch as it all comes back to haunt her.
No one will ever employ her as she is too high risk, she comes with too much baggage so no one is going to want that.
Her only method of making cash and headlines right now is being married to ginger.
She will get so full of her own importance that she will dump him thinking she can do better but wont as there is a niche market for 40 something thrice divorced women wanted by mega rich men.
The biggest issue right now is ginger, he needs someone who actually cares about him to sit him down and just tell him to stop just stop.
He has destroyed the ties he had with his family, his father is nothing more than a banker, his brother is a demon who had the cheek to be born first. His grandparents who spolied him are now being treated like shit.
He cant come back to any of the events this year.
1 he will be savaged for leaving poor ickle meggy and the kids.
2 his family wont want him in any way shape or form.
Can you imagine him on the balcony with the family, they would all be squashed on one side and him on the other just so they dont have to look at him.
If no one punched him it would be a miracle.
One thing ginger should remember when he is dragging his mothers dead body about with him is, Diana would be horrified about his behaviour and how he has treated his brother.
Im not saying she was a saint but she did try to instill some decency into them and like all parents she would have wanted her boys to be friends forever.
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This is my favourite thread on the site. I am in a few others but I like the ‘friendliness’ and banter of this one. However I’ve seen some reactions to our thread and people are horrified. Saying we are unstable, vicious, comparing us to middle aged white men obsessed with Diane Abbott, saying it’s evil and vitriolic.
It has troubled me a bit because I suppose I am wondering if I’m vitriolic and evil. I don’t think we are but if anyone wants to jump in with reassurance that’d be great. I think we examine and dissect the behaviours but H&M behave so unimaginably sneakily and selfishly that a lot if our theories do seem cuckoo. But that’s because their behaviour is quite incredible and constantly going to new levels of awful.
peopke are convinced that all the hatred is due to racism but it’s not. I really don’t think so. I suppose much if my upset is seeing a British institution, the RF obv, being damaged and maligned by one if the royals and someone who was here for 5 minutes. The constant slights thrown at the other members. It’s horrible. But it isn’t anything to do with Meghan’s race. It’s her behaviour. People can’t see further than the allegation if racism though and I don’t understand if it is me who is blind or them. You know the horrible, extreme, racist remarks that were in comments and unmoderated forums? They quote those as an example of what people who don’t support M&H are like.

Why do people buy into her victim narrative? Meeting women who have been raped in Africa and then she’s crying and whinging on camera that she was just trying to cope with being a new wife and no one supported her? Wtf? How can people not see the self obsession and victim hood? Newly married life is typically fairly happy and blissful. Hence the phrase Honeymoon Phase. Especially if you have no money/housing/career worries. The best medical care and a whole team of people around you to meet your needs.
If trolling is bad surely you don’t have to look at it? You can be shielded from it?

Are we really delusional hags? I don’t think we are. But people read this and are horrified. I’m not phased by bad language. I like to swear. Maybe that has something to do with it.
I don’t know.
What do you think?
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Wasn't Prince Andrew the last royal to do a tell-all TV interview? That went really well for him, didn't it? :ROFLMAO:

I hope their Oprah talk does the same for them!
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Of course the ever annoying clout chaser Jamila had to put this... also I noticed that Eugenie is also trending on Twitter! People are noticing these 2 love to steal her thunder
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