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Agreed, it’s not cut and dried. Of course she has reason to celebrate, but the judge has only ruled in her favour in the case of privacy. In the case of copyright, he wants to see more evidence.
I bet minge wasn't too bothered about the copyright angle but was fearing the witnesses being called. Everything would have come out then and she'd be toast.
pardon me, my eyes are bad and in need of new glasses. does your username say honeybee or sugabee 🤓
It's our Kweene Minge! Hiya Hon!
Not honeybee or sugabee surely, more like an Asian hornet? Kills hapless Ginger Bees with their razor mandibles. Gloating hag.
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Markle News is out

After one of her comments to an earlier post confirms Doria's orientation.... not that I care really. Interesting how one woke bandwagon they HAVEN'T jumped on is the LGBTQ community.

It's obvious that Smeggy is a narc to anyone apart from her sugar stans. Hazno is obviously mentally ill as well apart from being thick as 2 short planks.

I actually think that Smeggy is a psychopath:
'Psychopathy describes a set of personality traits and behaviors frequently associated with lack of emotional sensitivity and empathy, impulsiveness, superficial charm and insensitivity to punishing consequences. '
100percent agree
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I doubt very much that the Queen or any of the royal family had anything to do with this, although they would have advised Smegatron not to go to trial and air her dirty underwear in public.

The judgement was given according to the copyright laws which the MOS infringed by printing 585 words from a 1,250-word letter she had sent her father. This is more than 'fair use' which limits the amount of someone else's work you can quote or publish.
Air her dirty underwear what underwear
Doubt she bothers sure she didn’t when she was flashing her minge at the tennis match

We had Latin lessons in the third year at secondary school. So borrrring! Canis est in Atrium - The dog is in the hall.

Yay! Another one! Not happy you are also fuming but happy to see you on the thread 🙂
Well that will see you through a conversation
That has dried up
I never did Latin
Struggled with French
But majored in gobbledegook
Unlike her mingeness who majored in well err herm you know what 😉
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Gutted it’s on the mail. I used to be a staunch royal fan and supporter but in a matter of days I have very quickly gone off all of them! Well done smeggy you are succeeding in destroying the monarchy!
I’m sad too... the court ruling gave them the perfect reason to ignore the announcement
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What the hell!!!! Off to look. Why have they done that?!?!? Could it be because it is still a ‘live’ case, ie not fully concluded as yet?
More like a newly empowered Schillings attempting to silence the negative comments with legal threats:rolleyes:
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@rainyfaces Great summary, and don't forget the whipping up of race and colour by dipping in and out of being white/black whenever it suits.
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ooops. sorry . Hopefully this works: MarkleNews saying she is taking a break from all things H&M as she cannot deal with the Warby decision and all the BS anymore. in a post a couple posts earlier there is a caomment where someone has just read a part of Sam's book where she talks about finding photos of dorito of a sexual nature with other women.

crikeys - I really messed that one up, didn't I! I did copy the actual web address and pasted it and still we get that "no link". Sorry about that! Ugh. Anyhoo I gave the basic gist of it: MarkleNews is out and a earlier post revealed in the comments section that Sam found photos of Dorito in same-sex positions....
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I’m not doubting the person’s story, but just trying to think of all avenues. Did the uncle get the day wrong? It’s just a big lie to tell for the ABoC and the RF, and you’d think he’d avoid attending another event if he was in cahoots with them to cover up some lie. I also don’t see the Queen agreeing to something like that. Not saying that she’s a perfect human, but just from what we know of her and her history, I don’t think she’d agree to such a thing.
If there was nothing to hide, why didn't the ABoC just confirm his whereabouts?
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Wondering if the lack of Archie is just Harry projecting his second-born issues onto him, and that this doll will be the one they parade around as a weird “revenge on William” thing. It’s far fetched and I don’t really believe it, but nothing would shock me with those two.
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In the NY Times article copied above by @Baguette (thank you for sharing the news from a variety of sources - much appreciated), I spotted this:

“Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex, has a separate lawsuit pending against the tabloids for allegedly hacking his cellphone.”

This is the first I have heard of this, but then I only stated following these two more closely last year so I must have missed it. Does anyone know anything more about this cellphone business and which tabloid(s) he is suing?

I am getting really fed up of this litigious pair. They are boiling my blood.

The phone-hacking incident(s) goes back to the around the early 2000s and Hazza has joined in others in suing the defunct News of the World / the Mirror. Most of these cases get settled so you don't hear much about them. It is said that the story about Harry asking a Palace aide for help for his Sandhurst essays came from listening in to voicemail messages. Harry won't mind that story because he has a 'duty to the truth', as he keeps telling us. :rolleyes:

Hacking the phones of royal staff led the News of the World to run a story that Prince Harry had broken the rules at Sandhurst by asking an aide for help with an essay, the jury in the phone-hacking trial was been told.

Clive Goodman, the former News of the World royal editor, told the paper's then editor, Andy Coulson, that Harry had asked his private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, a former soldier, for help on an essay about the Iranian embassy siege while studying at the military training academy, said Andrew Edis, QC for the prosecution.

Lowther-Pinkerton's voicemail messages had been hacked by Glenn Mulcaire, the phone hacker working for the now defunct paper. One message was from Harry asking the aide if he "had any information at all" about the 1980 siege, "because I need to write an essay quite quickly on that, but I need some extra info. Please, please email it to me or text me".
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3rd? Not sure what it says now but when you started this thread I was joint top with 39 votes. Unless you’re taking into account something different aside from likes?

I think next time you start a thread it might be a good idea to list the others who were close and the number of votes they got so it is clear how the decision is made. Others sometimes do this.
Actually it was number 4, have done screenshots for you. May not be in order, but votes show.


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Scam and Fuck Rich?
The 7 habits of Highly Manipulative People?
The Subtle Art of Monetising your Fuck?
The Power of Minge?
(I will tell the press) The Secret?

Oh this could run and run....

Humph. She should try reading this one. Seems appropriate.
I’m resisting doing a Megsy version of the title. 😇
I thought you put brain not bairn and I was extremely puzzled :ROFLMAO: Yeah Sophie had a bad time but that hospital was as excellent as any could be with the complications.
I read it as brain too😂
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From Brenda.👑👑👑
Henry you twat, you have dissed One.
I bet you are starting to miss One.
Well I don't give a shite.
You were never quite right.
You'll be sorry you ever did piss One.

From Phil the Greek.🇬🇷
Henry, you stupid cockwomble!
Showgirls are there for the fumble.
You don't need to wed them,
just bloody well bed them.
Say "Bye bye and thanks for the tumble"

From William.👑
Hi Harry , it's future King Wills.
You should have kept taking your pills.
But you're one of the spares
so nobody cares.
Now stop sending Papa your bills.

From Aunty Anne.🐎
OY TWATFACE ! Why the big wedding?
She was always just there for the bedding.
But you're stuck with the cow,
so she's your problem now.
Divorce Courts, that's where this is heading.

and cousin Zara.🏉
Yo Harry, stop nebbing in rugby.
It's actually starting to bug me.
Mike says you're a cunt
and were always the runt.
Try Baseball you big ginger ugly.


From soppy Chas.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Happy Valentine's day baby boy.
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