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I was REALLY hoping that the monarchy would cut the pair loose and leave them to fend for themselves, but I just think Meghan has proven to be such a loose cannon and could easily blow the lid off a lot of things, that they will accept them back into the fold for self-preservation purposes. She isn't the sort of person who would behave in the way Cressida or Chelsy did following their break-up with Harry. She's a totally different breed. She would gladly spill the beans and it would take a shedload of money to shut her up. The monarchy is a closed unit and they would rather have her where they can see her and keep her in line, within the family circle, no matter how she has behaved in the past.

The best I can hope for, if they do step back into the royal domain, is that the public fully show their 'appreciation' at any engagement they might attend.
There is no chance she'll ever be accepted back into the fold. None. They will pay lip service with "Happy birthday" greetings etc but bear in mind that the next two in succession to the throne have wise wives who are on to cuntchops from day one, women are quicker to suss out a penis climber and are less forgiving. No way in hell will Camilla or Kate ever be inviting or welcoming cuntchops into their midst. There will be no major rehabilitation of cuntchops. Baby hazza might get snuck back in to a minor degree when the divorce comes along, but he'll be kept on the low down, like Randy.

Naomi Osaka... isn't she the tennis player that meg's BFF serena totally upstaged with her temper tantrum at the US open finals last year?
Oh fab, the Porky twins, Elton and Corden.:ROFLMAO:
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Or they simply got his inheritance advanced and she burnt through it in three short years.
I think Di's sisters have a say in that and can move the goal posts, so yes maybe they said "Oh for fuck sake, take the money and bugger off with yer yacht girl, we are just so over you both!"
Or they could just as easily say "Know what ya ginger cunt, you aren't getting Di's dosh to blow on that bitch until you turn 50.Suck it up buttercup."

Good points. Does whoever it is have enough money to fund her presidential campaign? Maybe that's part of the agenda.
Who knows. Look where Kamala Haris has ended up and her path to the White House is allegedly as murky as smeggy's path to Buckingham Palace. As in carpet burns to the knees.
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About Archie

The theories that the surrogate kept him trouble me for one reason. Do you really think that would be ‘allowed’ to happen? Particularly if the baby was genetically Meghan and Harry? Surely a huge amount of pressure both obvious and covert would have been used. And they would have pinned the whole transaction down legally before it took place.
Also surely, given how delicate this situation is, wouldn’t their choice if surrogate have been very careful? Either using a proven surrogate or someone who had complete loyalty?
I just can’t see a surrogate getting away with deciding to keep the baby, especially if it isn’t biologically hers.
I know what the law is, but the law is disregarded so often when it comes to the rich and powerful.

I suppose the whole thing could have been planned in advance of the birth and documents lodged to be revealed should anything happen to the surrogate.

I don’t know. I just can’t believe that this would have been tolerated.

Something I think more likely, is that there was something wrong with the baby. Something not obvious during scans or maybe developed during the early weeks. A mitochondrial disorder or neurological damage during the birth? Something like that. Which would account for them having the baby for a short time and then Archie disappearing. Maybe Meg, being a narcissist, wasn’t interested in looking after a very poorly baby. Looking after a baby with a life limiting prognosis must be soul destroying and would absolutely stop her bid for celebrity and status in Hollywood. So they hand Archie back to the surrogate. It would explain Harry’s fading and dead behind the eyes look.

Those photos that were taken of Meg and the doll in the babycarrier are odd too. It’s so obviously incorrectly fitted and looks uncomfortable. You’d be worried if your baby was being held so carelessly. Not grinning like a fool. I think it is a doll in that photo. But why aren’t they taking more care over appearances like that?
I don’t know. Nothing adds up.
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Scotch Mist

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Making a photo look like a drawing is easy if you have the software. Here's one I made of Hazno spanking Meghan in just a few minutes on my phone and I haven't got anything sophisticated.

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This is all typical Harkles bullshit. Based on their behaviour over the last few months, they've already been thrown out and so they're now desperately trying to sell the pity party that they've been abandoned by his family while she's struggling with a new pregnancy and dealing with the trauma of a previous miscarriage. Will buy them a few headlines and sympathy from the sugars but as a power couple they're finished. The fact their pr keeps pumping out what they're going to do rather than what they've done shows no one wants them.

That book crap is a typical threat to Brenda that she'll spill some secrets. Somehow I don't think Brenda actually even cares now
I hope that HMQ reviews the extension request with her head as the monarch and with respect for the will of the people, not with her heart as a grandmother.
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They hired those 2 to try to force the hand of the BRF to keep their patronages
I agree. It's like "Look gangan, this proves to the public that we really truly want to maintain our connections in the UK and if you deny us that then you'll look like a vindictive old bitch".
Erm, no hazza. She'll look like she knows the game you are playing and never forget "the queen always wins".
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Scotch Mist

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Unfortunately I think many of the public are gullible when it comes to Harry even if they don't approve of Meghan. A lot will just think he has been mislead by his wife. Of course we on this thread know differently but I do think many would forgive him if he came back because they still remember the 'good old Harry one of the lads' PR.
If he came back without her looking like he's having a breakdown he'll probably be really popular again 🙄

I still very much doubt that Meghan will ever come back to the UK because she knows she's unpopular despite hiring nearly every available PR person in the world. She won't let Archie come back either because he's her hostage.

Most likely is that Hazno will come back for the occasions coming up next year to promote himself and pretend that he's still welcome.
William must be so pissed off with him and will have to pretend in public that they are mates again. I really feel sorry for William and Kate because whatever they do the Harkles will paint themselves as victims.
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Is it made of chocolate and candies and houses a nasty old witch?
Oh good find.
So it came with the property. Someone telling porkies ! Say it aint so!:eek:

Well Brenda is ready for a show down with hazza.

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Proof (were it ever needed) that Finding Freebies was a practise run for her literary career.
We wait with bated breath for "birdies with tails dipped in paint pots" "Elephants at sunset" and " World reknowned superstar actress shits in the bushes while her prince (arsewiper) watched over her with his trusty Purdey"
Here Freda, after finding freedom, can we have 'Continuing Cuntdom'? ❤
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Slight change from Archie but I'm still bemused by their royal cringefest wedding.
Looking back did she have one single friend as a guest? Apart from her friend with the kids hanging off the veil?
It struck me as bizarre that Oprah, the Clooneys, the Beckham's were all invited but I didn't know they were good friends... probably never met Harry or Meghan.
How fake but also bizarre.
I remember hearing that she invited Reese witherspoon and Reese was like 'I don't even know her!! Why did she invite me?!' and sensibly Reese declined the invite unlike all the other phoneys who went
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Scotch Mist

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' Actress, campaigner, philanthropist, podcaster, television producer, Royal trailblazer' bit of an exaggeration their given she is not well skilled in any of those areas LOL
There is no beginning to Meghan's talents 😆

It's like a miracle that she has come to save us and be our cult leader 😅
And she's got time to write a novel 😃😃🤪 phew😓

Really????? After their behaviour this year I can't believe this is even being considered.
Neither can I but the Harkles are meglomaniacs with no end of arrogance and truly believe their own hype. Both of them are crazy 🤪 not in a good way.
It's unbelievable after the appalling way they behaved towards Harry's family, particularly slagging them off in 'Finding Freebies' 😬
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Chatty Member
Here is a really good recap on megsy for the new comers, and to remind us all what she is like.

Oh the difference between the two
At 24 seconds in bottom video it looks like we have a quick crotch scratch

Those bloody hanging hair bits, and her CONSTANT tucking it behind her lug'ole only for it to fall down again. And repeat as nauseam. Gets right on my pip. All it'd take is her chewing some gum, gob hanging open, and she'd fit perfectly into a bunch of teen chavettes hanging around a downmarket kebab shop. What a mess.
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Chatty Member
I don't think Harry is bright enough to work out that she is lying constantly. If he ever did question her she will just lie some more and blame his family. He will then remember how cruel they are, because they wont pay all his bills anymore and they only gave him a tiny house to live in and not the castle like he wanted.
For someone who claims to have PTSD with camera flashes he seems fine about them when he gets money for it.
He is in this up to his neck just as much as she is.
It must be terrifying to anywhere near them, that level of hatred and spite towards anyone who doesnt fall in line with her.
He has no clue what is headed his way when she is done with him.
He will beg the family to take him back, fix him and pay her off.
And they will and he will just keep fucking up forever.
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The only thing the news is reporting on is the snippet of “Archie’s” voice at the end. No one gives a figgy shit about his parents or their guest.
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'What are they feeding this child? He’s 19 months old and looks about four here!.... and he’s grown a full head of hair in 7 months! This pair really are treating us all like absolute fools!'

There's also some discussion about the fact that it's unlikely Archie would inherit red hair as both parents must be carriers of the mutated MC1R gene. It's far more likely that Archie would have dark hair.
They stand him in a grow bag in that little shed overnight Scotchy. He'll be 6 foot 3 by the time he's 5! 🤣😘
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I'm not 100% sure that Scobie is who it claims to be. There's a complete blank on any info online about Scobie. It's interesting that Scobie didn't exist in pre Meghan days. I wonder what Scobie is hiding. Huge apologies if this has been covered in previous threads, when I found this site you were on #44 ish
ETA I've missed so much!
He's an ex shag partner of that creepy marcus anderson guy that smeggy dribbles over. The guy who is involved with Soho House and allegedly the machiavellian puppet master who first served smeggy up on a plate to hazza.
I told you, it's a cult.
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