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Her PR people are hard at work. Interesting how she’s twisted the whole are you ok marlarky to something positive. Their royal cuntnesses and plastic scobie can act all they want but thankfully we can see through their shit 🤬🤬🤬
Off the back of that, here’s a VERY early thread title suggestion...

Meghan & Harry #52 We’ll ask the question Meg won’t say - Thomas Markle, are you ok?
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Well fuck it. If cuntchops is releasing a Christmas card of her family then so shall I !

It was meant to be drawn by Banksy but the cunt got arrested for drawing on walls ... again :rolleyes: So I got her next door to sketch us. She failed A level art but then so did Hazza if his teacher hadn't helped him cheat, so yeah I think she did a good job.
The likeness is uncanny, I hope none of the sugars recognise me in Tesco :eek:.

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Is roast chicken the position then? Or is it the position and pegging? @Facehugger?

About the post on the last thread - the article saying Haz wants to build bridges with his family to try to increase their popularity but megs still can’t forgive them for their meaness....

How fucking dare they still moan? They’ve done nothing kind or good or worthy this year. They have continued to take the piss and trade on their royalty and name. They have repeatedly criticised our country and ignored their patronages and let down people they previously supported. They’ve pulled out of commitments and talked such vast amounts of shit about stuff they really shouldn’t. Things they don’t understand, issues that they suddenly adopt. Their hypocrisy has been astonishing.
And still they fucking complain about their lives. They have courted publicity despite saying they longed for privacy and a quiet life. They have turned their back on Great Britain and their families. They’ve lied and deceived. They’ve misled people and it is always for their own benefit. They have walked away from their duties yet still demand the perks.
And they dare still complain when so many this year have lost their jobs, their businesses, their health and their life. Still they fucking think they are treated badly and hard done by.

You massive, massive cunts. You have no idea how hard life is when you don’t have the cushion of money and status. Don’t preach to us and complain about the way the press, the people and the rest of the royal family treat you.
Do us all a favour and fuck off in 2021.
We don’t care about your opinions. You reek of insincerity and deception.
Go away and shut the fuck up.
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They need to learn to live within their means.

They have employed staff costing an estimated £1m, with dozens of PR staff - cut some and stop hiring.

Get a home you can afford, stop wasting money on recycling puff PR that makes you a laughing stock.

You are no longer working Royals, you don't need all of those staff until you have grown your business, get off your lazy arses and get your own hands dirty.

Grow your business from a small start, you think that's beneath you, but it's the only way your business will have longevity and respect.

Stop thinking everything and everyone is beneath you, listen and learn - you never know someone may know more than you.

Stop publicising every rainbow coloured, unicorn smelling fart you do, the world really doesn't care as we've bigger problems to worry about.

Stop suing the world, not everyone will agree with you or like you (and that doesn't make them racist, sexist or any other ist). You can't control other people's views or actions. That's life, get over it and learn to live with it.

Stop lecturing and being hypocritical, lead by example, actions speak louder than words.

Stop over rehearsing and trying to control everything. It makes you look unnatural, unbelievable and really bad at your job.

Pay attention to the small detail, the big stuff will take care of itself, people notice the finer stuff, and if you don't project perfect professionalism why on earth would they risk their money and reputation with you.

Turn the bloody light off yourselves, you name drop all these charities you do stuff for - but what do they actually do, what are their issues, successes, problems? Charities are not just for a 10 minute copyrighted photoshoot at your convenience.

Stop living beyond your means and running to your family to bail you out. The money you've burnt through in less than 12 months with nothing to show for it would fund a large family probably for more than a decade. Most of us have learnt that the bank of Mum and Dad stops when you have your own place.

You would have more respect if you were standing on your own 2 feet financially, and living a lifestyle following your beliefs and growing your business from the ground up.
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Have a lovely Christmas everyone.
Been a tough old year and we're still here, still bitchin' and laughin' .
Hopefully next year we'll kick covid's arse. That's all I asked from Santa. I might even be a good girl (fingers crossed behind back).

Be kind whenever possible, be happy, stuff yer faces .🌈🌹🌺🌻⭐🌈⛄💗💕💞💜💛💚🧡❤~~~~Freda
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Is it still quiet from the gruesome twosome??! I felt convinced they'd try and upstage granny today.

I felt very sad for HM....... reduced to having only one photo there to appease spoilt little Harry and his hurt feelings.
I thought that she only had Prince Philip's photo, not to appease Ginge and Minge, but to show that although she calls the shots, he's the only one that has been totally supportive of her since 1947, 73 years and counting. I saw it as a clear and personal message to Prince Philip. And I love her for that. ❤
ETA, I've read that she does actually choose the photos.
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The thing that arouses my suspicions about Archie is, as others have said, the fact that MM has not made a career out of being ‘super mum’. You see all these celebs, like Mylene Class and Fearne Cotton, writing books and articles about motherhood etc. They act like they are the first females to have ever been with child. WHY has MM never stepped into that role? It would provide her with YEARS of material...a healthy pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, weaning, potty training, learning to read, learning to speak, starting nursery, school, friendships, parties. She could pontificate to her heart’s content. Hell, she could even continue into the teenage years and beyond.

Considering she waxed lyrical and published an essay about miscarriage, why did she not do the same about giving birth for the first time and all the emotions around that? It just doesn’t make sense, given we all know what a show off she is. Giving birth is one of the most frightening, exciting, rewarding things in a lot of women’s lives. Why didn’t she write a frilly essay about her experience? This for me is the giveaway. She has boasted and bigged-up every other achievement in her life so far, even writing a letter aged 11, why has she ignored probably the most significant event so far? That sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

Do others think we will ever find out the real truth? Even if the Royal Family are revealed to be complicit? I can’t but help think that the RF’s discovery of the moonbump etc is the real reason why they fled the country. To protect the RF’s reputation.
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Hilarious! Even the Mirror's Ian Hyland (who is a very accurat, nuanced reviewer and has a genuine feel for what is current in the UK) is complaining he is being forced asked to listen to the SnoreCast to review it. Worth looking at the thread for a snapshot of how unpopular this is.

ETA Wandered over to the Fail's article and straight to comments

'I would sooner listen to toilets flushing for an hour' :ROFLMAO:
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No way is that a 19 month old talking :ROFLMAO:
No way. No way at all.

At 19 months, it's dada mama baba bye-bye doggie.. The miracle toddler 'Archie' can say 'Happy' (that's quite difficult - two different syllables) and then somehow understands that 'after me' is an instruction to repeat a phrase (reminder - the child is 19 months old!) and can repeat New and Year on cue without coaxing or further prompting.

Harry: After me! Ready? Happy!
Archie: Happy
Meghan/Harry New
Archie: New.. Year... prolonged chuckling

Fake as the family Christmas card.
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Still breaking the rules though isn't it? Not exactly a great example to set from the future king. One rule for us...
No, it is not. As long as people are outside and socially distanced, there can be any amount of people there, how do you think all the folks queuing at supermarkets in the car parks in long lines at the minute are getting away with it if your argument is valid?
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Merry Christmas Y’all. I thought I’d treat you all to a card starring moi, you’re welcome. Donation to charity is in the post. I’ll recycle the hat after the holidays (I chose it myself).
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Congrats @Norbs on a brilliant title and thanks @Scotch Mist for posting the thread ❤

So another poster on another thread asked yesterday what all the roast chicken jokes were about, I said I'd explain, so here is a precis just for @Pixie1 (please correct me anybody if I get any of this wrong) 🤭

Vile, vicious and completely scandalous untrue rumours exist that a certain prince favours a position called the Roast Chicken. With folk of any gender. So, much hilarity was had by Tattlers around this malicious untrue fact and roast chickens of all shapes, sizes, breeds, colours, what have you were flung in his direction. As we wouldn't like to be seen as biased in this modern day and age of politically correct wokedom.

It made many suspect there was more to the fairytale of 'he proposed to me while we were roasting a chicken' engagement speech, but nothing has ever been proven.

Although no roast chickens have been harmed in the process of causing hilarity and merriment on Tattle, many were so traumatised at what they learned they will never look a roast chicken up the bum in the eye in the same way ever again. And has led to reports of women in supermarkets giggling in a manic fashion in the fridge aisles.

In honour of the first ever Hazno bollocks and Merkin thread, 15th November is now Roast Chicken Anniversary Day.

Merry Christmas 🎄⛄❤
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