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Scotch Mist

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Congrats @Norbs on a brilliant title and thanks @Scotch Mist for posting the thread ❤

So another poster on another thread asked yesterday what all the roast chicken jokes were about, I said I'd explain, so here is a precis just for @Pixie1 (please correct me anybody if I get any of this wrong) 🤭

Vile, vicious and completely scandalous untrue rumours exist that a certain prince favours a position called the Roast Chicken. With folk of any gender. So, much hilarity was had by Tattlers around this malicious untrue fact and roast chickens of all shapes, sizes, breeds, colours, what have you were flung in his direction. As we wouldn't like to be seen as biased in this modern day and age of politically correct wokedom.

It made many suspect there was more to the fairytale of 'he proposed to me while we were roasting a chicken' engagement speech, but nothing has ever been proven.

Although no roast chickens have been harmed in the process of causing hilarity and merriment on Tattle, many were so traumatised at what they learned they will never look a roast chicken up the bum in the eye in the same way ever again. And has led to reports of women in supermarkets giggling in a manic fashion in the fridge aisles.

In honour of the first ever Hazno bollocks and Merkin thread, 15th November is now Roast Chicken Anniversary Day.

Merry Christmas 🎄⛄❤
here's the dancing roast chicken 😁 he's a mate of the dancing mushie :m
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Scotch Mist

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Well they better cut him off completely then!! No titles, no mummies trust fund, no nothing!!
Agreed. Who else would leave a job and expect to keep all the perks of the job? You would have to have an unbelievable sense of entitlement.

I guess Hazno thinks everything will continue because he was born into it but he really needs to be cut lose so that he realizes the full implications of quitting. The Queen should have done that when they left and it annoys me that they've had a full year sponging, doing no work and setting up greedy deals trading on their royal titles.

Hazno will only realise what he has lost when he no longer receives any help from anyone. He's a spoilt baby man child who has also lost the love and support of the British people because he called us racist. He needs to learn that there are consequences.
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Any more book titles we could suggest? If we have them all in one place, it will be easier for her to plagiarise!

How about “Milking Mummy’s Memory”?
Oh God, I read that as Milking Mummy'd Mammaries.
Been a rough day :m

Harry would be better received without her.
I doubt it. With or without her he's a treacherous sly hateful cunt. I hope he gets tomatoed to oblivion.
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I was hoping to learn how to post my own picture for Christmas today- Alien Queen with a Santa hat on - but I've not had time 👽👽🤣🤣

Anyway, Merry Christmas you lovely lot, thanks for all the giggles and a wet phone constantly, here's to much more merriment at the cunts expense in the future. Hope you all have the best Christmas you can just at the minute 🎄⛄😘
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Chatty Member
That is not a 19 month old's voice.
More like 3 or 4 years...and Harry's stupid giggle at the end.
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She won't, she'll send a few vague ideas to a ghostwriter and then have her name put on the front. Very, very common with celeb books. Some are more honest about it than others. Anton du Beke is fairly open about the fact that he records himself talking through the storyline of his books and then a professional writer turns it into an actual novel.
This. I was in a book store recently, looking at the children's section, and pretty much every other title was by a 'celebrity'. Alesha Dixon, Dermot o'Leary, Geri Halliwell, Fearne Cotton, and that's just the few I can remember. Ffs, why would anyone want to read a book written by any of them? I do hope the real authors get a decent cut of the profits.
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Mr and Mrs Hoppalong. Fuck sake if you must photo shop then remember Humans generally have two legs and two arms.
Get Pombear to help you. (OK, maybe not🤣)

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Not sure if this has been considered but I don’t think it’s about protecting Archies privacy at all. Markle knows how much the British public want to see what he looks like and she is loving having the control of hiding him away.
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Well, at the rate he us developing he will reading fluently by age two and taking his GCSEs (US equivalent) aged 4
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Scotch Mist

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There is not a doubt in my mind that they are being funded by people other than the Royals. There is no way on God's green earth they can afford all the high end staff and PR companies they have recruited on top of the horrendous cost of maintaining a 16 bathroomed home in a star studded neighbourhood. Throwing money around like drunken sailors as my mammy would say.
I knew Oprah, Serena, Kamala etc would be backing and plugging her to some extent based on her false claims of racism from the UK, so she'd have moderate support on that front , BLM blah blah blah ... if only for a limited time till they got bored and found a new pet, but this unconscionable unexplainable ridiculous throwing money around is on another level. Something very fishy is going on behind the scenes. People with more money than sense and with nefarious intent are using this pair of cunts, I just feel it in me bones. I think smeggy knows what's going on to some degree, but she's a pawn and too unimportant to be fully informed. Hazza hasn't a fucking clue, not a baldy notion, and he lacks the brain cells or even basic maths skills to do the sums we've all done to figure it out that they are spending far more than they have coming in.
I'm not a great one for conspiracy theories, but something stinks around this whole scenario.
Is it karma that covid has stepped in and has prevented us being (even more) deluged with feel good puff pieces designed to win hearts and minds? Is someone up there messing with the chess board by buggering up travel and public appearances so that the gruesome twosome are practically confined to barracks?
Definitely, something stinks higher than a fish market.🐟🐠🐟🥴
The money Charles is supposedly sending them is peanuts compared to their outgoings and he can't possibly be funding everything.
There's some very creative accounting going on here or money laundering 🤔 they are in credit to someone with dodgy motives for sure.
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Administrative Errors hmmmmm

An article on 25 October 2020 reported that Prince Harry had been accused by a top general of turning his back on the Royal Marines since withdrawing from his military roles in March and that, in an apparent snub to the Armed Forces, he had failed to reply to a letter from Lord Dannatt, a former Chief of the General Staff.

We now understand that Harry has been in contact in a private capacity with individuals in the military including in the Royal Marines to offer informal support since March and that whilst he did not initially receive the letter from Lord Dannatt referred to in the article due to administrative issues he has since replied on becoming aware of it. We apologise to Prince Harry and have made a donation to the Invictus Games Foundation.

Clarifications and corrections | Daily Mail Online

Next Thread title right there.
Why is DM apologising for having reported on what was the truth at that point in time? Argh
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No way. No way at all.

At 19 months, it's dada mama baba bye-bye doggie.. The miracle toddler 'Archie' can say 'Happy' (that's quite difficult - two different syllables) and then somehow understands that 'after me' is an instruction to repeat a phrase (reminder - the child is 19 months old!) and can repeat New and Year on cue without coaxing or further prompting.

Harry: After me! Ready? Happy!
Archie: Happy
Meghan/Harry New
Archie: New.. Year... prolonged chuckling

Fake as the family Christmas card.
Without being sexist, I would have been more inclined to believe it if Archie was a girl, just because I knew one particular child, a friend's daughter, who could speak rather well before she could walk, and at 19 months she would definitely say Happy New Year...BUT, having had my own children of both sexes and many others to observe, there's NO way a 19-month-old boy is going to pull that off...stinks of a fake publicity stunt, yet again 🤦‍♀️
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Her PR people are hard at work. Interesting how she’s twisted the whole are you ok marlarky to something positive. Their royal cuntnesses and plastic scobie can act all they want but thankfully we can see through their shit 🤬🤬🤬
Its so going to be her trademarked catchphrase. No doubt merchandise incoming
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Pom Bear

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I've made a Xmas card for Harry and Meghan with all our signatures inside to say Up yours at Xmas 😄
Ps no inside pic sadly lol but here is the front 😄 xx
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The thought of her releasing what ever she's releasing eg. Christmas Card, podcast tonight or tomorrow is filling me with absolute rage. She's trying to overshadow HM The Queen and her Christmas day speech. I wish the media would embargo them till next year. The thirst coming from her is fucking disgusting and if I wasnt in tier 4 I'd go smack her lights out!

As for hairy, he should be ashamed of himself letting her do stuff on Christmas Eve
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