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Chatty Member
I'm not half as good a detective as the women here but I do not believe she was pregnant in July.
A late period perhaps, and that she decided to use to her advantage?
The piece she wrote about it gave her away, imo. Way too flowery....but then, that would be her amazing writing skills!!!
But one thing she wrote stuck out where she said that while she was lying in the hospital bed she was thinking "how am I going to heal from this...".
From experience and that of friends who have miscarried, at that stage you are still desperately hoping that the pregnancy will survive ....that they'll find a heartbeat, usually against all evidence that you are losing the keep hoping until you have to accept it's gone.
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They’d do better if they just focused on one thing rather than this PR scattergun of wokeness. I can’t keep track of what it is they do stand for? Is it Africa, bananas to sex workers, dressing people for interviews, injured veterans, environmental damage, volunteering at food banks, movie directors or podcast creators? 🤔 🤔
Remember the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’.... and in the end no one listened to him at all? 😬
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I do think that Harry is finally beginning to see her as the world sees her, though.

Why do you think that, @TheSherryEmoji? I'm really interested to hear your thoughts because I'd like to believe it's true, but I'm uncertain if it is.

Oh and welcome:)
Well - as they reach the end of their first year outside the RF, Harry will no doubt be recalling all the family time he used to have at Sandringham as Christmas approaches. He may believe that Meghan had good reason to cut her dad out of her life - all he knows is what she's told him, after all - but now that he has spent many, many months with her (and Archie) in a new country, in a new house, cut off from all his friends and family, I can't see that Harry WOULDN'T be thinking that maybe Meghan was the problem - not everyone else, as she constantly claims. I believe that it must have crossed his mind, anyway.

I think his thought processes are slow. She's far more intelligent than he is. Having gone to live in the USA with Meghan, and having been exposed to her (and almost nobody else) for months and months and months, I believe that he's starting to question what's been happening. He never says anything on social media - she does all of that, for the pair of them.

At this time of year, before most of the world was locked down, people value their families enormously and want to spend time with them.

Harry must have worked out by now that Meghan doesn't like his family. She, on the other hand, has deliberately chosen not to associate herself with her family. I believe that Harry has to be looking at his wife and wondering why.

WRT the miscarriage - I am sure there wasn't one. No miscarriage ever starts with a pain so sharp that you drop to the floor (singing anything) so that is just nonsense. Miscarriages start with bleeding. The pain sometimes doesn't start for days. If she was really in enough pain to have dropped to the floor, she would have dropped Archie as well, and been entirely incapable of singing.

Harry MUST KNOW that the miscarriage story is a fake. Even if she did have a miscarriage, it couldn't have happened as she described it. He will have read what she wrote about it and shaken his head, realising that his wife was lying.
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A few more potential book titles, there is a theme.

Smeg’s Adventures in Cuntland

The Great Grifter

The Grifter in the Royals

Cuntering Heights

The Cunts of Grift

Grifter’s Travels

Gone With the Ginge

The Cunterbury Tales
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The Duke of Windsor also famously transformed his accent after he married Wallis Simpson; he definitely adopted a more transatlantic tone of voice. Alex Jennings, who played him in The Crown, demonstrates this brilliantly.
Madonna did the same thing for the 45 min she was living here in the UK and married to Guy Ritchie. As a ResidentMerkin, that drives me utterly bananas when Merkins move here, having NEVER set foot outside of the United States (and sometimes even having never set foot out of their native Ohio/Los Angeles) and within a week they've developed this cringey faux British Accent.... you literally want to slap the taste out of their mouths when you listen to them. I usually hear that, note the name and walk away having categorised that person as unwell.
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Administrative Errors hmmmmm

An article on 25 October 2020 reported that Prince Harry had been accused by a top general of turning his back on the Royal Marines since withdrawing from his military roles in March and that, in an apparent snub to the Armed Forces, he had failed to reply to a letter from Lord Dannatt, a former Chief of the General Staff.

We now understand that Harry has been in contact in a private capacity with individuals in the military including in the Royal Marines to offer informal support since March and that whilst he did not initially receive the letter from Lord Dannatt referred to in the article due to administrative issues he has since replied on becoming aware of it. We apologise to Prince Harry and have made a donation to the Invictus Games Foundation.

Clarifications and corrections | Daily Mail Online

Next Thread title right there.
But why would he be in contact in a private capacity. That's rather letting the side down isn't it. He has a formal role so that comes first, not just getting in touch with his mates. So regardless if administrative errors he wasn't playing the game correctly as the titular head if this service
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Isn't it funny that the Harkles complained that they were 'unsupported by the Institution' and its officials in grey suits who were allegedly out to get them, and then we get a press release only a few months later telling us they have rehired two of those unsupportive grey suit-wearing palace officials to work for them....

Still waiting for the podcast, which we were told is coming 'before the end of the year'. Notice 'Prince' Harry is on the Spotify marketing tweets, He will want to stop that happening again, as people might think he was exploiting his royal status for 💰💰 **shocked face**

Oh wait....

OK to save you having to listen, this has been put together by Gimlet, Spotify's own production arm. So Gimlet have got in touch with a bunch of celebrities and arranged for them to talk about their challenges of 2020 as a short 'audio diary'. So the interesting content has come from e.g. Sir Elton John, Tyler Perry and so on.

The Harkles don't talk directly to any of these people. They just read a scripted comment to introduce some of the pieces. Zero added value. Lazy, lazy lazy. And we get to hear Harry saying stuff like 'grab a cozy beverage and settle down' 🤮
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Thing is, if they lose their titles H and M will also stop being royal and lose the certain level of respect and deference that the Royals have from many people. This means people are likely to be less discreet when talking about dealings with them. Not sure Harry is prepared for that
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View attachment 358234
Is this dreadful effort really their card?
So fucking fake. That could be any hired child actor!
The child looks to be the same age as Louis and doesn't bear any resemblance to the Duck Rabbit nappy-full one-year-old. Doria is channelling Catherine with her photography skills. The picture is reminiscent of a Ladybird illustration for families from the '60s. Maybe it is as Bookworm 2 says and they are not able to show the real A because of surrogate restrictions- hence the generic ginger-haired boy child. Fake...Fail....

Archie sure has grown in height and hair since May 🤷🏻‍♀️

View attachment 358255
And she sure looks crazy about the eyes......
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'The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays.'

So when and where did Archie select the tree? He didn't go with them when they went out to that place where Hazno was mistaken for a salesman. Did he select it from their garden? That statement is odd.

All of it is really odd and pretentious, I think. They can't even do something as simple as release a card without virtual signalling.

Meghan writes in it: 'This year we, as a family, have made donations to several charities with you in mind. From a local California organisation that helps families transition out of homelessness, to two of our UK patronages: one that supports animal and community welfare, and the other, a memorial fund for a cherished friend that helps to educate children and fight poverty in Uganda, we have honoured their work on behalf of all of us.' The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays.'

It's just all so horribly contrived. "Look, us as a family are thinking of YOUUUUUU! Yes, you in the UK, where we still have more than ONE patronage left! Look, one's for animals and the other's for a friend (stop laughing, we do so have friends). See how perfect and modest we are, we do handmade ornaments and we're SOOO green we're going to replant it as a tree shouldn't have to give up its life for little old us. Our son is a genius with an eye for interior decorating".

Every word is carefully selected and weighed, that's what I dislike the most. There is just nothing genuine, it's all an exhibition of how wonderful they think they are.
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Welcome to the thread. Have a mushy.:m
To be honest I think you are assuming hazza has moderate intelligence. Big mistake. He is thick as shit and I strongly suspect has some sort of ism on top of that (sorry guys:cautious:). An attitude like his doesn't just come from a spoiled upbringing. As we say in these parts "There's a wee want in him". Always was and Di knew it and favoured him to try to allow for it. He had to repeat a year at his prep school and we all know of the Eton cheatin' fiasco to get him into Sandhurst. Apparently he has not got his full helicopter licence either and was only ever the co pilot when in service. This has been said a lot on military forums. Wills has his full licence and has flown the search and rescue ambulance helicopter in the UK ... again something hazza will no doubt have taken as yet another personal insult. He has an utterly shit personality, even allowing for an ism, and smeggy has nourished that paranoia and deep rooted resentment and jealousy of William to keep him away from his birth family.
Basically what I'm getting at is that what most people would catch on to (regarding bad behaviour in a spouse) he will take much longer to cotton on to. Plus when the penny starts to drop he'll be in denial and try to cover for her because God forbid he admits making another bad decision. He'll bluff it out for a few years yet.
Entitled Cuntism is what he's got Freda 🤣😘
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Scotch Mist

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Her PR people are hard at work. Interesting how she’s twisted the whole are you ok marlarky to something positive. Their royal cuntnesses and plastic scobie can act all they want but thankfully we can see through their shit 🤬🤬🤬
What about your sick old father Smeggy? And your half sister who has been attacked by your stans?
Fucking hypocritical cunt 😡
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He cheated at Sandhurst as well. His phone was hacked and there was a recording of him begging one of his RPOs to help him write an essay on the Iranian Embassy event, which his RPO was hesitant and Hazno pleaded. He is entitled, lazy and thick as 2 planks
WOW:eek: I never heard that before ! That article is quite revealing when you read further between the lines.
The part about a girl involved with Hazza is intriguing.

On another occasion, in April 2006, Coulson emailed Goodman about a story concerning Harry and a woman, asking: "How do we know Harry true?"
Goodman replied that it was from "the same source we had on a retainer". The email read: "We absolutely know it to be true, but I have to blag a confession out of Paddy [Harverson, Clarence House PR] tomorrow. That might not be too difficult because I know from the info that his worst nightmare is that this woman is so upset she'll start making a fuss."
This (underlined) lines up with talk on military forums that hazza had a rep for being rougher with women than was acceptable and that local girls knew this and avoided him.
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I thought the same.
Last year she had her father and also Charles and William.
We all knew she was showing the line of succession but no, Harry threw his toys out of the pram because poor, private Harry’s photo wasn’t there! :rolleyes:
This is where the fixit fairies and advisors come into their own. And why hazza and Mrs Cuntchops keep messing up. He never had to think such things through and smeggy is not as smart as she thinks.
Do we really think Brenda chooses or even looks at the pictures on the broadcast desk? That sort of stuff is done for her and done in keeping with whatever the mood of the nation. To display those in the line of succession was a perfect choice last year, but no one could foresee the Cuntchops throwing a wobbler so they played safe this year with just Phil. The irony is that the Cuntchops are hiding archiedoll, yet complain at their own fizzogs not being displayed.Boo-fucken--hoo.
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Scotch Mist

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Oh Marconi, you can get away with it because you are an Aussie. I would say the same of the Welsh as well.

I haven't paid much attention to narcissism angle on Meghan. I always saw her as the stereotypically arrogant American who knows best, steps on anyone in her way and everyone else is backward and need fixing. She reminds me of Madonna in a way, look at meeeee! :sick:
Madonna is an arrogant narcissist as well without doubt.
Although I would credit Madonna for her work ethic over the years, she's never come across well in interviews and posing semi-naked really isn't a good idea when you're 60+ (even if you do have a good figure). It's not empowering it just makes you look desperate.
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